Remove the password from the disk. Removing ATA password from HDD. List of known Master passwords

Remove the password from the disk. Removing ATA password from HDD. List of known Master passwords

Quite often, users set a password on the HDD. However, this would not be a problem if people did not forget these very established codes. If this is your first time encountering this situation and you don’t know how to remove the password from the hard drive on your laptop, then this article is intended just for you.

If you installed the code on internal media and forgot, then you will not even be able to boot the OS installed on your PC. That is, there will simply be no possibility of using a laptop or computer for its intended purpose. In such a situation, the user can only delete the set password because there is no other way to gain access to the computer.

Online service

There are several ways to remove the password from the hdd, and one of them is the well-known online service “BIOS Password Removal for Laptops”.

To get rid of forgotten code by using it you need to:

  • Enter it incorrectly 3 times (any combination of numbers or letters).
  • After this, a special code should appear in the window.
  • We copy the received numbers.
  • We enter the same combination on the website using the link provided above.

A few seconds after entering a combination of numbers in a specially designated line, you will receive a code that will help you reset the password from your drive.

It should be clarified that this program is suitable for all models and manufacturers of hard drives (seagate, hitachi, toshiba, wd, etc.). Moreover, it does not matter what operating system is installed on your computer or laptop, because... This service is considered universal.


You can remove the password from a hard drive in the BIOS only if the encryption was initially installed through BIOS.

All you need to do is use the standard reset settings to default option:

Thus, we reset the password from the HDD.

Second way

The next option is the free MHDD utility, specially created for a variety of operations with hard drives.

First, you need to familiarize yourself with how the drive’s password protection works:

  • The hard drive can have high or maximum level protection.
  • Using the MHDD application, you can set a custom protection level.
  • The master password set by the manufacturer can only be changed.
  • Using a master password makes it possible to unlock the disk only with a high level of protection.
  • In the case of the maximum level of protection, the hard drive can only be unlocked if a user code is installed.
  • If the maximum level of protection is set and there is no user password, then the drive can only be unlocked by destroying all data using the Security Erase Unit ATA command.

Considering the above information, in order to remove the password from the hard drive, you should:

This way, you can very quickly remove a previously entered and forgotten code.

Third way

The program HDD_PW.EXE (18KB) will also help you remove the password from your hard drive. In order to remove the code using it, you need to do the following:

  • Find out the error code (when loading, press F2 and enter the wrong combination of numbers three times, after which a special code will appear on the screen)
  • Launch the MS-DOS application.
  • Select the utility name in the window that opens.
  • Enter the error code you learned earlier, separated by a space, and add 0, separated by a space.
  • By pressing “Enter”, several passwords will appear in front of you, one of which will definitely work.

After entering the code, be sure to change it to a new one and write it down.

When performing these steps on a 64-bit system, you may encounter some difficulties. The system may generate an error due to a utility mismatch. In this situation it is necessary:

  • Download DOSBox, install and run.
  • Mount drive “C” with the command “mount c c:/”.
  • Then, at startup, press “F2”, again type the wrong code 3 times and do the same steps.

To eliminate the possibility of such situations occurring, it is recommended to completely get rid of the encryption by disabling it in the PC settings. If you urgently need it, then you should write it down in a notepad or any other place so that you don’t have to reset it again.

If you have a Lenovo laptop and upon startup the message “enter hdd password” is displayed on the screen, the method discussed in this video will help you:

Resetting password from HDD or BIOS

Good afternoon, dear blog readers! Today we’ll talk about something less common, but important. I have never encountered such a problem as setting a password on the hard drive or BIOS. Probably many people don’t quite understand, and perhaps they don’t understand at all what I mean. Now I will explain in more detail.

BIOS password

BIOS is software located in a read-only memory device (ROM) that performs self-testing of devices and searches for the bootloader. Naturally, the functionality of the BIOS is much broader than described above, but we won’t dig deep, but will look directly at the topic of our article. The BIOS password is set to avoid manipulation by third parties.

How to remove the BIOS password

The set bios password does not make it possible to get into it, and in this case there are three options for solving this situation: resetting the BIOS settings by removing the CMOS battery on the motherboard, moving the CMOS jumper on the motherboard in the opposite direction (not provided in laptops), or simply close contacts

and the last way to remove the BIOS password using the online service BIOS Password Removal for Laptops. If you know the password and it’s just inconvenient for you to constantly enter it when entering the BIOS, you can disable it by going into the settings.

HDD password

Here the purpose and function of the password is slightly different. If in the first case you simply cannot get into the BIOS, then with a password set on the HDD you will not be able to boot the operating system. And this is the inability to use a computer or laptop for its intended purpose.

How to remove password from HDD

If we looked at three options to solve problems with the BIOS, then in order to remove the password from the hdd I have only one for you, the same bourgeois online service. I didn’t describe above how to use this site. To unlock a password you don't remember, you need to enter it incorrectly three times (for example, 1234 or whatever you want). After the attempts have been made, a code will appear in the window, enter it on the website and in response you will receive a code to reset the password from the hard drive.

How to put a password on your hard drive or BIOS

These passwords are set to protect data and from various manipulations. Every BIOS has this feature. Today's computers and laptops have a Security tab where you can set passwords. More details about this in the pictures.

Setting passwords on BIOS and hard drive

Set Supervisor Password - set the Administrator password Set User Password - set the User password HDD Password - hard disk password Password on boot is used to enable or disable the password at boot.

Well that's it, my little article has come to an end. See you soon!

I would be grateful if you use the buttons:

How to remove the password from the BIOS and HDD on a laptop.

We turn on the laptop and see this... A wonderful picture, isn’t it? I believe that those who conveniently forgot the BIOS password, or someone very smart made a joke with their laptop, will not agree with me. Have you ever reset a forgotten BIOS password on your laptop? Believe me, this activity is not for the faint of heart, where the chances of success tend to zero.

The fact is that, unlike ordinary computers, in laptops, passwords are usually stored in non-volatile memory. There are no jumpers to reset the BIOS to factory settings, and removing the battery rarely resets the password. All that remains is to rely either on luck in selecting the unlock code, or on replacing the BIOS and all sorts of “shamanism” with unsoldering the EEPROM legs (there are such materials on the Internet). So think again before you password-protect your laptop through the BIOS.

If my warnings still haven’t stopped you, admire the picture below; you’ll see something similar when you disassemble your notebook to remove the password.

Are you scared now? Okay, I was joking, I had to radically disassemble the eMachines E510 for another reason. In this case, everything was solved easier...

Removing BIOS password from eMachines E510 laptop

In general, they brought a laptop with a request to see what could be done and put it into working condition. Previously, he visited a service center, where he was given a verdict that he needed to replace the password-protected hard drive. Apparently, there, too, they set a password for the BIOS (so that there would be no temptation to go somewhere else?). I don’t presume to confirm, but the owner has no idea about the password to turn on the laptop, and yet the password for the hard drive is asked only after...

Well, first, let's try to remove the password from the laptop's BIOS. After surfing the net, I realized that the last good advice ended in 2005. Now no one wants to share secrets for free. There are, however, specialized forums (where you first need to register), where they post different codes for unlocking at the request of participants, but the sources are kept in the strictest confidence and they are shrouded in an area of ​​mystery (probably in order to emphasize their chosenness over others).

At the end of the article, I will give a link to one such mysterious source that helped unlock the TOSHIBA hard drive without communicating with these “gurus”. And the English-language GOOGLE took me there.

Removing the BIOS password on the eMachines E510 was not at all difficult; you just had to bridge the battery contacts. To be honest, I didn’t particularly hope for success, but sometimes simple methods turn out to be very effective. I don’t claim that this unlocking method is suitable for all laptops, but it’s worth a try, especially since it doesn’t require any special knowledge or skills.

The eMachines E510 laptop is practically a service technician's dream (unless serious repairs are required), because... provides easy access to the internals. For example, you can clean it by removing just one back cover, although the latches are very tight. By removing the cover, we get access to the desired battery:

Attention! Before closing the contacts, you must turn off the power and remove the battery from the laptop. Just in case, I held the screwdriver (it was the one I used to close it) for a couple of minutes, because I didn’t know exactly and don’t know how long it was necessary. The main result is that the BIOS password is gone! However, the happiness did not last long...

Removing password from HDD TOSHIBA MK1246GSX

This is where the main ambush awaited me. To understand what we are talking about, read the article Password system of modern HDDs. The article is not mine, I just posted it on my blog so that it doesn’t disappear (I’ll be happy to add a link to the original source when I find out the author).

I cited the article only to familiarize ourselves with what we are dealing with; the advice from it did not help. If you read the text carefully, you will notice that it is not recommended to enter the Master password from a laptop; it will convert it. However, it was no coincidence that I wrote at the beginning of the topic about specialized forums and “gurus”. You don’t have to be a genius to understand that the unlock codes are clearly not taken from your head, and I don’t believe in supernatural capabilities and chosenness.

I went into the wilds of the Internet and came across an interesting article BIOS Password Backdoors in Laptops on Dogbert's Blog. There was also a link to an online calculator for removing passwords.

The point is that after three incorrect attempts to enter the password to access the hard drive, a certain code is issued - Encrypt HDD Key:

It's time to share the link promised at the beginning of the topic: BIOS Password Removal for Laptops. Many thanks to the author of this resource. Upon my request (entered my Encrypt HDD Key), two unlock codes were issued, for Acer, HP and Fujitsu-Siemens. The code for Acer suited me perfectly, because eMachines is practically the same Acer. The HDD password was successfully removed :)

How to remove password from hard drive?

Removing the password on the laptop's hard drive and BIOS is a fairly common problem that users often encounter. There are several methods (utilities) that can help you remove your password. At this point in time, many utilities are popular in solving this problem. To correct this situation, you need to follow certain rules.


If you set a password and forgot it, these programs will be useful to you:

BIOS_PW.EXE (18KB) to remove the computer BIOS password.

HDD_PW.EXE (18KB) to remove the password from the hard drive.

To do this, press “F2” during boot and enter the incorrect password three times.

Enter the five-digit error code, separated by a space, that the laptop gives when the password is entered incorrectly.

Add the number 0 separated by a space.

Now press “Enter”. The program will provide you with several passwords. One of them should fit the BIOS.

After you enter passwords to the BIOS or HDD, do not forget to change them to new ones.

If you try to do the steps described above on a 64-bit platform, difficulties may arise.

The system will tell you that the utility or component cannot be launched because the program is not compatible with the 64-bit version. The solution is quite simple.

Download DOSBox from the developer’s website, install and run.

First mount drive C. You can do this with the following command: “mount c c:/”.

Password system of modern HDDs

Let me make a reservation right away that the article is not mine and is quite ancient (approximately 2005). It is an addition to the previous post How to remove the password from the BIOS and HDD on a laptop. It was not possible to establish the exact source, so if you have information about the author, I will be happy to post a link.

Any modern drive supports a password system. Before you start working with the drive password system, you need to understand two things:

  1. The drive can be password protected with either a high ("High") security level or a maximum ("Maximum") level of protection. The difference is described below. MHDD reports the protection level when identifying the drive (F2).
  2. You can password protect the drive by sending the appropriate command, selecting the mode (high or maximum), and sending the drive a new User password. In MHDD you can lock the drive using the PWD command.

Contrary to popular misconception, it is impossible to “lock” or “lock” a drive using the Master password. The master password can only be changed. The Master password can unlock the drive if the USER password is forgotten, but this is only possible if the security level was set to “High”. If the protection level is “Maximum”, then you can unlock the drive only by knowing the User password.

If the protection level is “Maximum”, the User password is unknown, but the Master password is known, then it is possible to unlock the drive and destroy all data using the Security Erase Unit ATA command. This is implemented in MHDD (FASTERASE command), however this procedure in MHDD only works with User passwords.

Thus, a drive locked with the “High” security level can be unlocked using either the Master or User password. If the protection level is “Maximum”, then the drive can only be unlocked using a User password, or using a Master password, but with the destruction of all data.

Manufacturers set factory Master passwords, and if they are not changed in advance, they can be used to unlock a password-protected drive whose security level is “High”.

You can set the User password by issuing the PWD command to the MHDD. In this case, the protection level is set to “High”. The option to set a different level in MHDD is not available for security reasons. Also, the entered password is displayed in the mhdd.log file. After setting the password, the drive must be turned off.

Unlocking a drive that is password-protected with the “High” protection level is possible using a User or Master password. If the password is unknown, then, in general, it is impossible to unlock the drive, although there are two ways:

  1. If the password is not encrypted by the drive itself, you can try to read it from the surface using technological commands;
  2. Unlocking is possible using specially developed methods.

If the password is known, then the procedure for unlocking the drive in MHDD is as follows:

  1. issue the UNLOCK command, select User password, and enter the password. This temporarily unlocks the drive (until you turn off the power).
  2. issue the DISPWD command, select User password, and enter the password again. This completely removes the blockage.

According to the ATA/ATAPI standard, you cannot suppress the DISPWD command without first unlocking the drive with the UNLOCK command.

If the password is unknown and the protection level is “Maximum”, then you cannot do without special tools. If the password is unknown, and the protection level is “High”, and the Master password has not been changed, then it is possible to unlock the drive if you know the factory Master password.

List of known Master passwords

Fujitsu hard drives: thirty-two spaces. In MHDD, you must enter 32 spaces when prompted for a password.

Seagate hard drives: the word "Seagate" without quotes, capitalized, padded with 25 spaces to 32 characters. In MHDD, when prompted for a password, you must enter the word Seagate followed by 25 spaces.

Maxtor hard drives: the phrase "Maxtor INIT SECURITY TEST STEP" - case is important! There is one space at the end of the phrase. The password length is 31 characters.

Samsung hard drives: 32 "t" characters. In MHDD, when prompted for a password, you must enter 32 characters t.

Western Digital hard drives: the phrase "WDCWDCWDCWDCWDCWDCWDCWDCWDCWDCWD", without quotes.

IBM hard drives:

DTTA series: "CED79IJUFNATIT", padded with spaces up to 32 characters. In MHDD, when prompted for a password, enter the given phrase, followed by 18 spaces.

DJNA series: "VON89IJUFSUNAJ", padded with spaces up to 32 characters. In MHDD, when prompted for a password, enter the given phrase, followed by 18 spaces.

DPTA series: "VON89IJUFSUNAJ", padded with spaces up to 32 characters. In MHDD, when prompted for a password, enter the given phrase, followed by 18 spaces.

DTLA series: "RAM00IJUFOTSELET", padded with spaces up to 32 characters. In MHDD, when prompted for a password, enter the given phrase, followed by 16 spaces.

Hitachi hard drives, DK23AA, DK23BA, DK23CA series: thirty-two spaces. In MHDD, you must enter 32 spaces when prompted for a password.

Toshiba hard drives, all series: thirty-two spaces. In MHDD, you must enter 32 spaces when prompted for a password.

Important note: if you are trying to unlock a drive that has been locked by a laptop, please note that laptops change Master passwords automatically. Also, the password entered from the laptop keyboard differs from the password that the laptop sends to the drive. The password entered from the keyboard is pre-encrypted and only then sent to the drive.

If you find the article useful, do not be lazy to like and share with your friends.

Just recently I had to face a terrible situation. The hard drive is locked, although it’s only 8GB, but still that’s money too (:
When you turn on the computer and detect devices, having stumbled upon the definition of the hard drive, the computer displays a message

HDD Locked. Please enter the password

After researching the problem, I found a lot of interesting information regarding locked screws. After reading everything below, I did what is even below (:

There are paid solutions (expensive and 2 options with saving information (more expensive) and without it - cheaper).

Master passwords for HDD. Master ATA password.

Contrary to popular misconception, it is impossible to “lock” or “lock” a drive using the Master password. The master password can only be changed. The Master password can unlock the drive if the USER password is forgotten, but this is only possible if the security level was set to “High”. If the protection level is “Maximum”, then you can unlock the drive only by knowing the User password. If the protection level is “Maximum”, the User password is unknown, but the Master password is known, then it is possible to unlock the drive and destroy all data using the Security Erase Unit ATA command. This is implemented in MHDD (FASTERASE command), however this procedure in MHDD only works with User passwords.

Thus, a drive locked with the “High” security level can be unlocked using either the Master or User password. If the protection level is “Maximum”, then unlock
The drive can only be stored using a User password, or using a Master password, but with the destruction of all data.

Manufacturers set factory Master passwords, and if they are not changed in advance, they can be used to unlock a password-protected drive whose security level is “High”.

You can set the User password by issuing the PWD command to the MHDD. In this case, the protection level is set to “High”. The option to set a different level in MHDD is not available for security reasons. Also, the entered password is displayed in the mhdd.log file. After setting the password, the drive must be turned off.

Unlocking a drive that is password-protected with the “High” protection level is possible using a User or Master password. If the password is unknown, then, in general, it is impossible to unlock the drive, although there are two ways:

1. If the password is not encrypted by the drive itself, you can try to read it from the surface using technological commands;
2. Unlocking is possible using specially developed methods.

If the password is known, then the procedure for unlocking the drive in MHDD is as follows:
1. issue the UNLOCK command, select User password, and enter the password. This temporarily unlocks the drive (until you turn off the power).
2. issue the DISPWD command, select User password, and enter the password again. This completely removes the blockage.

According to the ATA/ATAPI standard, you cannot suppress the DISPWD command without first unlocking the drive with the UNLOCK command.

If the password is unknown and the protection level is “Maximum”, then you cannot do without special tools. If the password is unknown, and the protection level is “High”, and the Master password has not been changed, then it is possible to unlock the drive if you know the factory Master password.

List of known Master passwords:

Fujitsu hard drives: thirty-two spaces. In MHDD, you must enter 32 spaces when prompted for a password.

Seagate hard drives: the word “Seagate” without quotes, capitalized, padded with 25 spaces to 32 characters. In MHDD, when prompted for a password, you must enter the word Seagate followed by 25 spaces. Also, advice from one of the site visitors: if the password does not work, try entering the word SeaGate and 25 dots.

Winchesters Maxtor: the phrase “Maxtor INIT SECURITY TEST STEP” - case is important! There is one space at the end of the phrase. The password length is 31 characters.

Samsung hard drives: 32 "t" characters. In MHDD, when prompted for a password, you must enter 32 characters t.

Western Digital hard drives: the phrase “WDCWDCWDCWDCWDCWDCWDCWDCWDCWDCWD”, without quotes.

IBM hard drives:
DTTA series: "CED79IJUFNATIT", padded with spaces up to 32 characters. In MHDD, when prompted for a password, enter the given phrase, followed by 18 spaces.
DJNA series: "VON89IJUFSUNAJ", padded with spaces up to 32 characters. In MHDD, when prompted for a password, enter the given phrase, followed by 18 spaces.
DPTA series: "VON89IJUFSUNAJ", padded with spaces up to 32 characters. In MHDD, when prompted for a password, enter the given phrase, followed by 18 spaces.
DTLA series: "RAM00IJUFOTSELET", padded with spaces up to 32 characters. In MHDD, when prompted for a password, enter the given phrase, followed by 16 spaces.

Hitachi hard drives, DK23AA, DK23BA, DK23CA series: thirty-two spaces. In MHDD, you must enter 32 spaces when prompted for a password.

Toshiba hard drives, all episodes: thirty-two spaces. In MHDD, you must enter 32 spaces when prompted for a password.

Below are the User passwords set in certain situations by various popular programs:
MHDD versions 3.x, occurs when an internal error occurs: 32 letters “A” or 32 letters “B” (capital Latin).
HDDL, occurs when a quick erase attempt fails: “fuck.”
HRT: 32 characters with code 0. In order to enter such a password in MHDD, just press ENTER when prompted for a password.
HDD ERASE 4.0: when cleaning the disk, sets the password “idrive” - you can also use it to remove it!

That's just a program HDD ERASE 4.0 I had a locked screw, all because I didn’t wait for the “erase” to finish and rebooted the machine...

Hi all! I accidentally found a way to reset the BIOS password on a laptop without disassembling it. It's very convenient!

How to remove the BIOS password on a laptop?

All BIOS settings information is stored in a chip on the motherboard, and the battery on the board serves to store the information of this chip when the laptop is turned off or the battery is dead. And to reset this information, you need to disassemble it and remove the battery or unsolder it where it is soldered. Isn't it really inconvenient?

BIOS password generator

Therefore, I propose another method, without disassembly. I found a special program and translated it into Russian for you to make it easier to use. and we see the field in which you need to enter your code.

You can recover the password from laptops: Acer, Compaq, Dell, Fujitsu-Siemens, HP, Compaq, Insyde H20, Phoenix, Sony Vaio, Samsung. I'm not sure it will work on Asus, but try it.


  1. We turn on the laptop and try to enter the BIOS, usually the F2 key.

A message appears, enter your password.

Enter any character set and press enter. The Invalid Password sign will appear.

We dial random numbers 2 more times and the BIOS will prompt you to enter a password to unlock or continue booting the system.

We choose to enter the unlock password (Enter Unlock Password).

A password will appear that you need to enter in.

In the service, enter this code and click get password.

Depending on your laptop brand, enter the received code in the field provided.

And press Enter. And we get into the BIOS.

Now go to the Security tab and remove the password. Press enter next to the set supervisor Password field and enter the password that we generated in the service, and in the second and third fields we do not write anything, just press enter.

And now we do the same thing in the Set HDD Password field, remove the password for loading the hard drive.

That's it, the password on the laptop has been removed from the BIOS.

However, this would not be a problem if people did not forget these very established codes. If this is your first time encountering this situation and you don’t know how to remove the password from the hard drive on your laptop, then this article is intended just for you.


If you installed the code on internal media and forgot, then you will not even be able to boot the OS installed on your PC. That is, there will simply be no possibility of using a laptop or computer for its intended purpose. In such a situation, the user can only delete the set password because there is no other way to gain access to the computer.

Online service

There are several ways to remove the password from the hdd, and one of them is the well-known online service “ BIOS Password Removal for Laptops».

To get rid of forgotten code by using it you need to:

  • Enter it incorrectly 3 times (any combination of numbers or letters).
  • After this, a special code should appear in the window.
  • We copy the received numbers.
  • We enter the same combination on the website using the link provided above.

A few seconds after entering a combination of numbers in a specially designated line, you will receive a code that will help you reset the password from your drive.

It should be clarified that this program is suitable for all models and manufacturers of hard drives (seagate, hitachi, toshiba, wd, etc.). Moreover, it does not matter what operating system is installed on your computer or laptop, because... This service is considered universal.


You can remove the password from a hard drive in the BIOS only if the encryption was initially installed through BIOS.

All you need to do is use the standard reset settings to default option:

Thus, we reset the password from the HDD.

Second way

The next option is a free one, specially created for a variety of operations with hard drives.

First, you need to familiarize yourself with how the drive’s password protection works:

  • The hard drive can have high or maximum level protection.
  • Using the MHDD application, you can set a custom protection level.
  • The master password set by the manufacturer can only be changed.
  • Using a master password makes it possible to unlock the disk only with a high level of protection.
  • In the case of the maximum level of protection, the hard drive can only be unlocked if a user code is installed.
  • If the maximum level of protection is set and there is no user password, then the drive can only be unlocked by destroying all data using the Security Erase Unit ATA command.

Considering the above information, in order to remove the password from the hard drive, you should:

This way, you can very quickly remove a previously entered and forgotten code.

Third way

The program HDD_PW.EXE (18KB) will also help you remove the password from your hard drive. In order to remove the code using it, you need to do the following:

  • Find out the error code (when loading, press F2 and enter the wrong combination of numbers three times, after which a special code will appear on the screen)
  • Launch the MS-DOS application.
  • Select the utility name in the window that opens.
  • Enter the error code you learned earlier, separated by a space, and add 0, separated by a space.
  • By pressing “Enter”, several passwords will appear in front of you, one of which will definitely work.

After entering the code, be sure to change it to a new one and write it down.

When performing these steps on a 64-bit system, you may encounter some difficulties. The system may generate an error due to a utility mismatch. In this situation it is necessary:

  • Download DOSBox, install and run.
  • Mount drive “C” with the command “mount c c:/”.
  • Then, at startup, press “F2”, again type the wrong code 3 times and do the same steps.

To eliminate the possibility of such situations occurring, it is recommended to completely get rid of the encryption by disabling it in the PC settings. If you urgently need it, then you should write it down in a notepad or any other place so that you don’t have to reset it again.

If you have a Lenovo laptop and upon startup the message “enter hdd password” is displayed on the screen, the method discussed in this video will help you:

ATA password on a hard drive is usually set in two cases:

1. The user sets the password himself and forgets it (perhaps it is set by another user, or a child completely by accident), but the fact remains that someone passwords the hard drive in the BIOS of a laptop or computer manually.

2. The hard drive (hdd) itself or the BIOS of the laptop motherboard sets a password on the storage device due to a system failure (such cases have also happened). These failures usually occur due to problems with the electrical power supply of the device.

So don’t be surprised if suddenly, out of the blue, your hard drive turns out to be corrupted: there are two options, see above.

In order to remove the ATA password from a Samsung hard drive in 5 minutes, you need to perform a few simple steps, it is not at all difficult, but in order for the password to be reset, you need a special program to remove it, which works very simply (you can get the program by requesting it receipt on our website via the link. Having received the request, I will send you the program to the specified email or send you a link to Yandex or Google cloud where the program will be located.) I cannot make the program available for free access, it is very rare and closed, thank you in advance for your understanding.

The program works for all major hard drive manufacturers:

Samsung, Hitachi, WD, Seagate - personally verified (if you were unable to generate a key the first time, then you may have entered the error code incorrectly, try again, the key should consist of 8 characters as in Fig. 4., when entering the code, the layout should be in English, if it doesn’t work the first time, try again and again, usually no more than three times you need to carry out this procedure to get the correct key to unlock the hard drive.)

In order to remove/reset the ATA password from the hard drive, Fig. 1, 2, 3. just turn on the laptop, enter the wrong password 3 times and get a code that is generated by the system.

Next, we launch the program, the one that I sent you at your request on any other computer and enter the code that you received when you entered the wrong password three times. Fig 4.

The hard drive password reset program generates a reset key. You enter this key instead of a password on your locked hard drive and that's it! The storage device is unlocked, forever 😉 or until the next random password.

So let's summarize:

1.Request a password reset program on your hard drive.

2. We receive the code (we enter the password incorrectly three times)

3. Enter the code into the program and get the unlock key.

4.Enter the received key in the password entry field - PASSWORD IS RESET.

As you can see, the procedure for resetting a password from a hard drive is very simple, you don’t even need to take out the hard drive, you don’t need to disassemble anything, you don’t need to reach for any batteries (it won’t help anyway). All you need is a special program for resetting passwords on hard drives, which you can get from me.
