24 what is holography hologram. Hologram of how it works. The future is at your doorstep

24 what is holography hologram. Hologram of how it works. The future is at your doorstep

What is a hologram?

Despite the fact that in our time the concept of a hologram has acquired the connotation of some mysterious spell designed to explain everything and everyone, the phenomenon of holography itself is very simple.

First, you should get acquainted with the so-called standing waves. They occur whenever traveling waves of the same frequency interact (interfere). This phenomenon is easily observed on the surface of water excited by a vibrator at several points. There, ripples appear with a very stable pattern formed by areas of intense vertical movements (antinodes), separated from each other by lines of calm water (nodes). The coincidence of the frequencies of the traveling waves is necessary precisely so that the antinodes remain in the same place. That's why they are called standing waves. The slightest frequency mismatch causes the pattern to lose stability.

Since light has a wave nature, it also exhibits interference. With the invention of lasers, reliable sources of monochromatic coherent radiation appeared, that is, when light is described by a wave with a clearly defined frequency, and it remains unchanged for quite a long time.

Fig.G.1 Hologram-1. To obtain holograms, many different schemes are used, the common feature of which is a single laser beam, divided in two. The first half, called the reference beam (labeled T in Figure G.1), illuminates the photographic plate unobstructed. The second half, called the object ray (S), illuminates the object and only after scattering on it hits the same photographic plate.

Due to the interference of these two coherent beams, a system of standing electromagnetic waves appears in the space between the object and the plate. Their antinodes illuminate the photographic material, while their nodes leave it untouched. After development, such a plate becomes a hologram.

Thus, the coherence condition is necessary only to ensure that the pattern of standing waves does not blur during the exposure. If exposure could be made instantly, then no lasers would be needed. Then any exposed photographic plate would turn out to be a hologram, since we live in the middle of an ocean of interfering electromagnetic radiation. Only the pattern of this interference is extremely variable, so it is not possible to obtain a clear imprint of it on the photographic emulsion.

Figures G.1 and G.2 shown here show two cases.

The first, when the reference and object beams remain identical (there is no holographic object). Then the fronts of light waves in both rays remain undisturbed and they can be conventionally depicted as parallel straight lines. When they interfere, they will produce a system of parallel black and white stripes. As is known from Young’s classical experiments, such a system of stripes is generated by two point light sources.

In the second case, the object beam (S) was scattered by the object. Therefore, the fronts of light waves in it are distorted. An irregular pattern appears on the hologram that has nothing to do with the image of the object. True, with statistical processing, even in this chaos, it is possible to identify a number of patterns.

The fun begins when the resulting hologram is again irradiated with a reference beam (the “recovery” procedure). In this case, laser radiation is needed only for irradiating two-dimensional holograms. Three-dimensional ones, in which the thickness of the emulsion exceeds several wavelengths of radiation, can be irradiated with ordinary white light.

At the same moment, a three-dimensional image of the object appears in front of the observer. For two-dimensional holograms it is black and white, for three-dimensional ones it is color! By moving left and right, the observer can to some extent see the back side of the object. This alone would be enough to delight. But holograms have many other wonderful properties.

Ever since the Star Wars film, we remember amazing special effects with the sudden appearance of spaceships and various fairy-tale creatures. Over time, film directors increasingly resorted to new special effects and pampered us, their viewers, with them, and today we can no longer imagine a single film without them.

But we can confidently say that the future described in the events of the films has already arrived. And not in any distant worlds conquered by Jedi knights, but in our reality. Soon the first invented hologram will celebrate its 70th anniversary. We will talk about what this technology is below.

Basic Concepts

Holography, a word that comes from Greek and means complete representation, is a special photography method whose principle is laser scanning of an object in order to restore it as clearly as possible in 3D form.

When recording a holographic projection, in a certain place in space, two waves seem to be adjusted, which are formed from the division of the same laser beam. The wave, called the reference wave, comes from the source, and the wave, called the object wave, is reflected from the model being scanned. A photosensitive plane is installed in the same place, which will imprint on itself the structure of the stripes that characterizes the interference of waves.

About the same thing happens when using the simplest photographic film. But in its case, the resulting image appears on paper, but with a hologram you have to do things differently. In order to obtain an exact volumetric copy of the scanned object, you simply need to influence the photographic plate with a reference-type wave. After which the viewer will see a light silhouette of the scanned object in space.


The first holographic projection was reproduced in 1947. Dennis Gabor did this in his series of studies on increasing the resolution of the electron microscope. He also coined the word hologram, so he wanted to describe the complete light correspondence of the simulated object to the original. The hologram obtained during the experiment was of very poor quality. The equipment that used lamps with a very narrow light spectrum had an effect. But, in general, the experiment was undoubtedly a success, and it was for this that the scientist received the Nobel Prize in 1971.

When two types of lasers were invented in 1960, holography began to develop rapidly. Soon, a scientist from Russia, Yuri Denisyuk, created an algorithm for recording reflected 2D holograms on plates, through which it was possible to record in the highest quality.

Industry development

Scientist Lloyd Cross in 1977 became the author of the famous multiplex program, or 3D pictures known in our time. Its main difference from other holograms is that the object consists of many specific angles that can only be seen from the right angle. This approach deprives the object of vertical parallax (that is, we cannot see the hologram from below or from above), but now the size of the projected figure itself is not limited by the laser wavelength. Previously, this limited the projection to a maximum of a few meters.

Thanks to such achievements, you can now safely leave everyday reality and plunge into the world of a fairy tale by creating holograms of new characters and objects. In order to obtain any object, you simply need to create it on your computer and save it as the desired file. Multiplex holography is ahead of all other technologies in its capabilities, but is still slightly inferior in terms of picture realism.

Information carriers

In order to store information about the scanned hologram, silver bromide plates are used. This material makes it possible to obtain a very high-quality picture, with a resolution of 500 lines per 1 cm. Bases made of bichromed gelatin are also often used, which allows you to display even higher-quality models that almost completely replicate the original.

There is also an option in which recording is carried out using alkali halide crystals. Recently, recording holograms using photopolymer materials has become increasingly popular. A mixture of photopolymer powders is sprayed onto a glass plate. Recording devices built on this basis are cheaper, but the image quality suffers.

Holography in our home

Thanks to the rapid development of technology, today any of us is able to record a pretty good hologram right at home, no expensive equipment is needed. All you need to do is install a tripod on which the laser, photographic plate and what we will scan will stand.

In order to create a record of an object, even a simple laser pointer is suitable. When we adjust the focus of the laser pointer, it begins to behave like a simple flashlight, which illuminates the plate and the part that is behind it. The laser pointer button must be fixed in the on position, for which you can use a clothespin or other clamp.

But such dances are no longer necessary; now there is a smartphone with the ability to display holograms “Takee 1” and it appeared in 2014. The brainchild of the Estar Technology trademark can monitor the position of the user's eyes through a system of sensors and a front camera, and reproduce holographic objects that do not require any glasses to view.

November 23rd, 2012

NICE Interactive Company

I continue to fulfill the requests of my friends from the month. The month is already drawing to a close, and I am still far from finishing the queue of your questions. Today we analyze, discuss and supplement the task trudnopisaka :

Technologies for creating three-dimensional holograms. Are they opaque? How can the energy costs of their creation be compared? What are the development prospects?

Holography is based on two physical phenomena - diffraction and interference of light waves.

The physical idea is that when two light beams are superimposed, under certain conditions, an interference pattern appears, that is, maxima and minima of light intensity appear in space (this is similar to how two systems of waves on water, when intersecting, form alternating maxima and minima of amplitude waves). In order for this interference pattern to be stable for the time required for observation and to be recorded, the two light waves must be coordinated in space and time. Such consistent waves are called coherent.

If the waves meet in phase, they add to each other and produce a resulting wave with an amplitude equal to the sum of their amplitudes. If they meet in antiphase, they will cancel each other out. Between these two extreme positions, different situations of wave addition are observed. The resulting addition of two coherent waves will always be a standing wave. That is, the interference pattern will be stable over time. This phenomenon underlies the production and restoration of holograms.

Conventional light sources do not have a sufficient degree of coherence for use in holography. Therefore, the invention in 1960 of an optical quantum generator or laser, an amazing source of radiation that has the necessary degree of coherence and can emit strictly one wavelength, was crucial for its development.

Dennis Gabor, while studying the problem of image recording, came up with a great idea. The essence of its implementation is as follows. If a beam of coherent light is divided into two and the recorded object is illuminated with only one part of the beam, directing the second part to a photographic plate, then the rays reflected from the object will interfere with the rays falling directly on the plate from the light source. The beam of light incident on the plate was called the reference beam, and the beam reflected or passing through the object was called the object beam. Considering that these beams are obtained from the same radiation source, you can be sure that they are coherent. In this case, the interference pattern formed on the plate will be stable over time, i.e. an image of a standing wave is formed.

The resulting interference pattern is a coded image that describes the object as it is visible from all points on the photographic plate. This image stores information about both the amplitude and phase of the waves reflected from the object and, therefore, contains information about the three-dimensional (volumetric) object.
A photographic recording of the interference pattern of an object wave and a reference wave has the property of restoring the image of an object if the reference wave is directed at such a recording again. Those. When the picture recorded on the plate is illuminated by the reference beam, the image of the object will be restored, which visually cannot be distinguished from the real one. If you look through the plate from different angles, you can see a perspective image of the object from different sides. Of course, a photographic plate obtained in such a miraculous way cannot be called a photograph. This is a hologram.

In 1962, I. Leith and J. Upatnieks obtained the first transmitting holograms of volumetric objects made using a laser. The scheme they proposed is used everywhere in visual holography:
A beam of coherent laser radiation is directed to a translucent mirror, with the help of which two beams are produced - an object beam and a reference beam. The reference beam is directed directly to the photographic plate. The object beam illuminates the object, the hologram of which is recorded. The light beam reflected from the object - the object beam - hits the photographic plate. In the plane of the plate, two beams - the object and the reference beams - form a complex interference pattern, which, due to the coherence of the two beams of light, remains unchanged in time and is an image of a standing wave. All that remains is to register it in the usual photographic way.

Japanese concert with 3D hologram Hatsune Miku

If a hologram is recorded in a certain volumetric medium, then the resulting standing wave model unambiguously reproduces not only the amplitude and phase, but also the spectral composition of the radiation recorded on it. This circumstance was the basis for the creation of three-dimensional (volume) holograms.
The operation of volumetric holograms is based on the Bragg diffraction effect. As a result of the interference of waves propagating in a thick-layer emulsion, planes are formed that are illuminated by light of higher intensity. After the hologram is developed, layers of blackening form on the exposed planes. As a result of this, so-called Bragg planes are created, which have the property of partially reflecting light. Those. a three-dimensional interference pattern is created in the emulsion.

Such a thick-layer hologram provides effective reconstruction of the object wave, provided that the angle of incidence of the reference beam remains unchanged during recording and reconstruction. It is also not allowed to change the wavelength of light during restoration. This selectivity of a volumetric transmission hologram makes it possible to record up to several tens of images on a plate, changing the angle of incidence of the reference beam during recording and reconstruction, respectively.

The recording scheme for transmitting volumetric holograms is similar to the Leith-Upatnieks scheme for two-dimensional holograms.

When reconstructing a volumetric hologram, in contrast to flat transmission holograms, only one image is formed due to reflection of the reconstruction beam from the hologram in only one direction, determined by the Bragg angle.

Reflective volumetric holograms are recorded using a different scheme. The idea of ​​​​creating these holograms belongs to Yu.N. Denisyuk. Therefore, holograms of this type are known by the name of their creator.

The reference and object light beams are formed using a splitter and directed through a mirror onto the plate from both sides. The object wave illuminates the photographic plate from the side of the emulsion layer, and the reference wave illuminates the photographic plate from the side of the glass substrate. Under such recording conditions, the Bragg planes are located almost parallel to the plane of the photographic plate. Thus, the thickness of the photolayer can be relatively small.
In the diagram shown, an object wave is generated from a transmission hologram. Those. First, ordinary transmission holograms are made using the technology described above, and then from these holograms (which are called master holograms) Denisyuk holograms are made in copying mode.

The main property of reflection holograms is the ability to reconstruct the recorded image using a white light source, such as an incandescent lamp or the sun. An equally important property is the color selectivity of the hologram. This means that when an image is restored with white light, it will be restored in the color in which it was recorded. If, for example, a ruby ​​laser was used for recording, the reconstructed image of the object will be red.

Unique 3D hologram in GUM!

In accordance with the property of color selectivity, it is possible to obtain a color hologram of an object that accurately conveys its natural color. To do this, it is necessary to mix three colors when recording a hologram: red, green and blue, or to sequentially expose the photographic plate to these colors. True, the technology for recording color holograms is still in the experimental stage and will require significant efforts and experiments. It is noteworthy that many who visited the hologram exhibitions left in full confidence that they had seen three-dimensional color images!

Communication technology using volumetric holograms, first described in Star Wars 30 years ago, appears to be becoming a reality. Back in 2010, a team of physicists from the University of Arizona was able to develop technology for transmitting and viewing moving 3D images in real time. The Arizona-based developers call their work a prototype of “holographic 3D telepresence.” In reality, the technology shown today represents the world's first practical 3D system for transmitting truly 3D images without the need for stereoscopic glasses.

"Holographic telepresence means we can record a 3D image in one location and display it in 3D via hologram in another location many thousands of kilometers away. The display can be done in real time," says research director Nasser Peighambarian.

To create the effect of a virtual installation (3D hologram) of an object, a special projection grid is stretched at the installation site. Projection is carried out onto the grid using a video projector, which is located behind this grid at a distance of 2-3 meters. Ideally, the projection mesh is stretched over a truss structure, which is completely lined with dark fabric to darken and enhance the effect. A semblance of a dark cube is created, in the foreground of which a 3D image unfolds. It is better for the action to take place in complete darkness, then the dark cube and grid will not be visible, but only a 3D hologram!

Existing 3D projection systems are capable of producing either static holograms with excellent depth and resolution, or dynamic ones, but they can only be viewed from a certain angle and mainly through stereoscopic glasses. The new technology combines the advantages of both technologies, but lacks many of their disadvantages.

At the heart of the new system is a new photographic polymer developed by Nitto Denko, a California-based electronic materials research lab.

In the new system, a 3D image is recorded by multiple cameras capturing the object from different positions and then encoded into a digital, ultra-fast laser data stream that creates holographic pixels (hogels) on the polymer. The image itself is the result of optical refraction of lasers between two layers of polymer.

The prototype of the device has a 10-inch monochrome screen, where the picture is updated every two seconds - too slowly to create the illusion of smooth movement, but there is still dynamics here. In addition, scientists say that the prototype shown today is just a concept and in the future, scientists will definitely create a full-color and quickly updated stream that creates natural three-dimensional and smoothly moving holograms.

Professor Peygambaryan predicts that in about 7-10 years, the first holographic video communication systems may appear in the homes of ordinary consumers. “The created technology is absolutely resistant to external factors, such as noise and vibration, so it is also suitable for industrial implementation,” says the developer.

Holographic 3D installation AGP

The authors of the development say that one of the most realistic and promising areas of development is telemedicine. “Surgeons from different countries around the world will be able to use the technology to monitor operations in real time in three dimensions and participate in the operation,” the researchers say. "The entire system is fully automated and computer controlled. The laser signals themselves are encoded and transmitted, and the receiver is capable of rendering the image itself."

And the latest news from 2012 on this topic:

Technologies for creating three-dimensional images, which have been “growing like mushrooms” recently, embodied in the form of three-dimensional television screens and computer displays, do not actually create a full-fledged three-dimensional image. Instead, with the help of stereoscopic glasses or other tricks, slightly different images are sent to each person's eye, and the viewer's brain connects it all together right in the head in the form of a three-dimensional image. Such “violence” over the human senses and increased load on the brain causes eyestrain and headaches in some people. Therefore, in order to make real three-dimensional television, technologies capable of creating real three-dimensional images are required, in other words, holographic projectors. People have long been able to create high-quality static holograms, but when it comes to moving holographic images, there are big problems.

Researchers from the Belgian nanotechnology research center Imec have developed and demonstrated a working prototype of a new generation holographic projector based on microelectromechanical system (MEMS) technology. The use of technologies that lie on the border between nano- and micro- will in the near future make it possible to create a new display capable of showing moving holographic images.

At the heart of the new holographic projector is a plate on which there are tiny, half a micron in size, moving areas that reflect light. This plate is illuminated with light from several lasers aimed at it from different angles. By adjusting the position of the reflective pads along the vertical axis, it is possible to ensure that the waves of reflected light begin to interfere with each other, creating a three-dimensional holographic image. It all sounds incredible and seems very complex, but, nevertheless, in one of the pictures you can see a static color holographic image formed using these tiny reflective pads.

Imec researchers have not yet created a display that can handle moving images. But, according to Francesco Pessolano, the lead researcher of the Imec NVision project: “The main thing for us was to understand the basic principle, how to implement it and check the performance of the prototype. Everything else is just a matter of technology and can be implemented quite easily.” According to Imec's plans, the first experimental holographic projector and its control system should appear no later than mid-2012, and it is likely that it will not be a bulky thing, since the 400 billion reflective pads required to create a high-quality image can be placed on a plate the size of a button. So the wait is not long now, and later people will be able to forget about ordinary screens and displays and completely immerse themselves in the virtual three-dimensional world.

What are the prospects for this direction? I think here they are...

Hologram of Tsoi on Stage

Hologram of Tupac Shakur

I also liked this - http://kseniya.do100verno.com/blog/555/12 012 - look...

Who else knows modern methods of reproducing a holographic image?

In the age of modern computers, new technologies are moving further and further. People are used to seeing holographic images on toys, clothes, and packaging. But how many people know that there already exists a 3D projector that creates holographic images visible to the eye without special glasses?

What is a hologram?

Good product packaging is nothing more or less than the face of a brand or company. Of course, the goods are greeted by their “clothes”, but they are seen off by their quality. Then what is a hologram on the packaging? Guarantee that the buyer is purchasing a high-quality and original product.

Today, custom holographic images are not particularly uncommon because there are many reasons to use them on both packaging and product cards. What is a hologram? First of all, it is an excellent, and most importantly, effective way to protect products from counterfeits. A hologram, a photographic example of which is presented below, gives buyers a guarantee that they are purchasing a real product and not a counterfeit one, because illegal packaging or a card with a similar image on it is many times more difficult to counterfeit.

Where are holographic images used?

So, a hologram is a guarantee. In addition, it is a great way to protect goods or documents from counterfeiting. For example, a hologram in a work book. Such images on packages can protect products from being opened. Plastic bank cards are also protected using a hologram. These images effectively enhance branding opportunities. In addition, a hologram is one of the ways to improve the appearance

Making holograms

Naturally, the development and production of such an image is carried out strictly individually. Why? Because a hologram is a kind of lock. And if all the locks are copies of each other, then picking up a key (that is, making a fake) will not be difficult. Therefore, in order to increase the level of protection of a particular product, it is necessary to create each logo from scratch.

Making holograms is a rather complex process, because they come in different types. For example, self-destructive images. There have been repeated cases where fraudsters bought large quantities of goods, removed the labels and pasted fake holograms in their place. To prevent this, a self-destructing hologram was used. This means that if the sticker is removed once, it cannot be used a second time. As a result, the likelihood of counterfeit goods is reduced.

Interestingly, a hologram photo can also be produced. That is, if you have a favorite photo, you can order a holographic image of it. The only “but” is that it will still look flat, since even holographic photography cannot fill the third, missing dimension on paper.

3D projector - what is it?

Today, a 3D projector, or a three-dimensional projection system, has already been invented, which allows you to create realistic images in space that can move. These can be photographs or drawings of any objects or even images of people. The range that such a 3D hologram can accommodate varies from the size of a basketball to the dimensions of a tank on a 1:1 scale.

In addition, such technology is not just about displaying three-dimensional images. It allows people and virtual objects to interact. For example, a person can rotate an image, visually show how a virtual system operates, etc.

Why do you need a 3D projector? How is it useful?

During a 3D screening, viewers do not have to wear special glasses. All actions take place as in reality, only in a virtual environment. The viewer sees both objects and people as three-dimensional, regardless of the distance from the person to the image and the viewing angle. And all this is available without 3D glasses!

Among other things, such a projector is a visualizer of the most daring ideas. It allows you to show the viewer anything, and at the same time as realistic as possible, because the image has Full HD resolution, regardless of its size.

Visualization of a person who for some reason could not come to the event

A 3D projector allows you to show as realistically as possible the person who was unable to attend the meeting. In this case, “realistic” means as if the person is now standing on stage and talking to the audience. That is, it is very lively and believable.

Therefore, even if the real performer does not have the opportunity to participate in the show, his hologram will cope brilliantly without him. Moreover, the copy will act in exactly the same way as the original, for example, interact with objects, walk freely around the stage, address the audience, dance, sing, etc.

Those in the audience may not even recognize such a substitution and may not realize that it is a copy in front of them until a double appears in front of them.

Show the viewer what does not fit in the auditorium without material and monetary costs

Using 3D technology, you can easily show objects that are heavy, bulky and difficult to transport. In this case, using a three-dimensional image of an object is much simpler, more convenient and more rational than the original object. Imagine that you need to demonstrate, for example, a tank from the Great Patriotic War, being in a hall measuring 10 by 10 meters, which, among other things, is packed with spectators. You can easily scroll, reduce or enlarge the virtual image.

Use simple examples to show something complex

You will be able to easily demonstrate to the viewer a fairly complex object, for example, the structure of a mechanism or an entire complex.

Naturally, it is possible to transport and install complex equipment on a rotating platform. It is possible, for example, to include experience in a lecture script, albeit with a large expenditure of effort, time and nerves. But with the help of a 3D projector, you will be able to disassemble a complex machine into its component parts, select a specific part and increase its dimensions, then demonstrate to the viewer exactly how it works, in addition, you can show its operating principle in a section. 3D technology allows you to do all this without any effort. In addition, the part will be displayed in its natural size.

Visually show the non-existent or invisible

For the vast majority of people, the main channel of information perception is vision. This makes visibility one of the most important properties of new technologies, because it can be used to show the viewer everything that is needed.

Visualization is especially valued in cases where the real object cannot be shown because it is small or invisible. For example, you can demonstrate to viewers the radio emission of a telephone and its effect on the body, or show how the healing process of a wound occurs.

Delight the viewer - put on a spectacular show

Quite often, speakers set out to surprise the viewer, to show him something that he has probably never seen before. Usually, after setting such a task, people begin to rack their brains about what to show, and most importantly, how. Indeed, in the age of the Internet, it is very, very difficult to surprise the public. A couple of artists and a 3D projector can handle this task quite well.

Thus, we can conclude that hologram technology and 3D technology have made significant progress. All we have to do is wait until something like this starts to be implemented in

Recently, news related to holograms has increasingly appeared in the news feeds of world agencies. Holograms appear on stage, in demonstrations, these three-dimensional images replace monuments, and modern technologies allow each person to have their own hologram. Our review contains 8 of the most famous and unusual holograms of recent years.

1. Hologram of rapper Tupac Shakur

Iconic rapper Tupac Shakur was killed in 1996. But thanks to special lighting effects, he sang on stage with Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre at the festival in 2012. Digital Domain Media Group, which specializes in special effects for films, created a full-fledged computer illusion (it really was not a projection of an old video).

To make Tupac appear on stage, a method called "Pepper's Ghost" was used, which first appeared in the 16th century. The trick requires two rooms: the main one (in this case, the stage) and an adjacent hidden room. The main room has a mirror at a 45 degree angle that reflects the image from the hidden room so that it appears alive.

2. Hatsune Miku - Japanese hologram star

A computer artist has been created in Japan who gives full-scale concerts. Hatsune Miku is a so-called "vocaloid", an animated hologram character who "sings" using a synthesizer and performs on stage with a support group of real people. The Hologram Singer was developed by Crypton Future Media and is currently the world's most popular Vocaloid. The principle of displaying Miku on stage is exactly the same as in the previous case - the effect of "Pepper's Ghost" is used. The optical illusion was used as a warm-up at concerts by Tupac and Lady Gaga.

3. HoloLens augmented reality glasses for Minecraft

With the new HoloLens headset from Microsoft, the world-famous Minecraft game will look completely new. A video during the annual gaming conference E3 in June 2015 showed a person playing Minecraft - unlike regular virtual reality glasses, HoloLens projects 3D holograms into the real world around the user. New blocks in the game are placed literally by moving your finger.

4. Buddha Hologram Statue

The Chinese have used 3D technology to restore one of two sacred 1,500-year-old Buddha statues destroyed by the Taliban in Afghanistan in 2001. Zhang Hu and Liang Hong, millionaires from Beijing, decided to recreate an ancient relic. Using 3D light projections, the Chinese recreated the 45-meter statue in the place where it previously stood. About 150 spectators witnessed the light show after sunset on June 6 and 7, 2015.

5. Tangible hologram

The Japanese have managed to create a phenomenon that people have long dreamed of - an interactive hologram. Researchers from the Digital Nature Group were able to create a 3D image using scanners, mirrors and femtosecond lasers. For the first time in the world, the effect of a safe touch on a hologram was created by reducing the duration of laser pulses to femtoseconds. As it turns out, the hologram feels like sandpaper.

6. Protest march hologram

In April 2015, the Spaniards from No Somos Delito carried out a unique action - they created a hologram of protesting demonstrators near the lower house of the country's parliament. The protest was against the adoption of "civil security" bills. The new laws also criminalize “unauthorized” demonstrations. Therefore, it was decided to make the protest virtual.

7. Your own hologram

At one time, holograms were science fiction, and then became a very expensive reality, requiring expensive projectors, smoke and mirrors. Florida-based AIM Holographics believes consumers will soon be able to create their own customized 3D images. The company uses a projection screen called a "holo-cue" that produces life-size 3D images. In addition, the inventors believe the technology could be used for product demonstrations and other business applications.

8. Theory: all people live in a hologram

In 1997, physicist Juan Maldacena put forward a strange, but fact-based theory - people live in a giant hologram. Everything they see around them is just a projection of a two-dimensional surface. Maldacena was able to prove his theory in equations that could partially explain the principle of the universe. Essentially, the principle states that any data containing a description of a 3D object can be found in some flattened, "real" version of the universe. Maldacena came to this conclusion when he discovered that mathematical descriptions of the universe actually required a smaller size than it should have.

Modern brands are not staying away from holograms either. Thus, Nike presented, demonstrating a virtual version of the latest sneaker model right on the streets of the city.
