Why working at home is better than in the office. Five reasons why you should work remotely! Pros and cons of remote work for employers

Why working at home is better than in the office. Five reasons why you should work remotely! Pros and cons of remote work for employers

We talked about how to competently structure your answer to the question: “Why should we hire you?” However, employers also like to ask: “Why do you want to work with us?” R Head of career services HeadHunter Marina Khadina will tell you how to prepare for this question .

The response strategy is to first assess what distinguishes this proposal from the rest (the content of the tasks, the period of development of the company, corporate policy, the complexity of the tasks, etc., including location).

Here are some examples of answers to this question:

1. I have a serious mathematical education, I like to implement such research. I had a similar experience at NN. I will happily return to this kind of work, but at a new level.

2. This job is an ideal continuation of my professional career. There is a successful combination of different areas of activity (specify which ones), in which I have experience at different periods of my career (list). This is a unique opportunity to make the most of what you have and benefit the company.

3. This is not the only opportunity I am considering, but your company is the only place where my qualifications will be fully in demand. In particular, as an HR manager, I have special knowledge in the field of mass recruitment, and it is in your company that this will be in great demand. In addition, the task implies the need to organize remote hiring management. This will be a growth area for me. This is the kind of work I will look forward to every morning.

4. I am interested in this particular vacancy because... it most closely matches my experience, combining both sales and marketing. As I already mentioned, at my last job I achieved an increase in sales in a new channel for the company by more than 25%. In addition, the team of professionals with whom I will work made a huge impression on me.

5. I have a clear understanding that your company is a company where I can do a lot of useful things right now. We discussed plans to launch new business lines in the coming year. I want to be part of the team during a period of such growth.

6. I won’t hide my interest in this position with you. (for example, accountant), because firstly, this work is 99% familiar to me, which will allow me to quickly understand and start working, and secondly, I will be as motivated as possible, because The company's office is located near me. It is a great success to get a combination of interesting work and work close to home.

It is important to know that modern recruiters, along with the professional qualities of their employees, greatly value such a thing as loyalty. All other things being equal, your genuine interest in the company can work in your favor and set you apart from the other candidates. There is a service on HeadHunter specifically for such purposes: with its help you can always let the company of your dreams know about you.

Good luck with your interviews!

Working from home via the Internet has been popular for several years. A large number of people earn money remotely, and most of these people became professionals during the process of work itself.

Remote work has become attractive thanks to working literally without leaving home. And that's why people lead search for remote work for the simple reason that someone lost their job in real life, someone was tired of the office bustle and intrigue, someone decided to combine work and travel, and someone just needed a part-time job for money.

Many people also love this kind of work in a cozy corner of their home because it remote work without investment. It is loved by programmers, journalists, copywriters, business trainers, photographers, designers, artists, screenwriters, writers and a bunch of other specialists. You can't count them all.

Statistically, many of those who work in an office dream of working from home, but none of those who work from home want to return to the office at all.

Businessmen are happy to use the services of remote employees because it is profitable: they do not need to rent premises, purchase furniture, office equipment, or hire service personnel.

What are the advantages of remote work

Men and women, pensioners and students, mothers with children in their arms and professionals who are tired of daily long-hour trips to work make money through the Internet.

Secondly, this is a quick entry into the profession, even if it is completely new to you. There is no point in doubting that you do not have the necessary education. You need to learn a new profession, but it is not difficult. Nowadays there are a lot of different courses and trainings, some of them free. So there would be a desire.

Hundreds of websites and forums will help you quickly master the basics of any business. You will receive the most necessary basic knowledge in an accessible and understandable form without any investment.But when I start earning money, you will see for yourself the gaps in your knowledge and lack of information that you need to improve your level, and therefore your earnings, then you can go for paid training. You will be able to afford professional courses and seminars.

Today, many companies conduct training webinars over the Internet. You watch a video lesson, do and send homework via email, and at the end of the training you can even defend your diploma and receive a certificate or document confirming completion of the course.

To transform from a person who walks in circles: work - store - home - work into a free person, you need very little - learn to do something that has never been done before. And note, we are not talking about years of training.

Thirdly, you take and use everything that is already ready. In this case, there is no need to invent something, create all sorts of wisdom. We take the already created, adapted resources and go ahead! The main thing is to use them wisely.

The fourth advantage is the ability to plan your own working day. It is important for the employer that the work is done efficiently and on time. No one cares what time of day you will do it, how much time you will spend on it.

There is an opportunity to spend more time with family and communicate with loved ones. There is time for hobbies, for your favorite hobbies. You can work at home with an anti-aging mask on your face!

The fifth plus is complete savings. On what?

  • on office outfits, which is very important for women, and for men too;
  • on trips home - work - home;
  • for lunch with colleagues in a cafe or restaurant;
  • at regular office meetings regarding various events in the team.

And one more “basic” plus. You can live and create where you want! The main thing is to have a computer and the Internet. Today it’s rainy - I create at home, tomorrow the weather “whispers” - I go to the park or a cafe to create. I'm tired of the autumn "nasty" - I'm going to warmer climes. A sort of work comfort.

YES, there are a lot of advantages to working on the Internet at home, it’s a tempting thing, however, as usual, there are also disadvantages, let’s talk about them. And also, if you have decided to earn money remotely, you should find out what typical mistakes beginners make. Do yourself a favor and check this one out.

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Today it is not necessary to travel to the office every day, standing for hours in traffic jams, in order to earn your bread and butter. More and more company employees and freelancers work remotely - at their home desk (often even in the kitchen), without changing their pajamas for a business suit. They contact the employer via the Internet or by phone, complete tasks, send them to the customer, take on new ones and so work day after day, independently making decisions when to rest and when to stay up at night working on the next project. Copywriters, journalists, critics, translators, web designers, programmers - this is just a small selection of professions whose owners can try their hand at working from home.

At first glance, it may seem that the work of such people is pure pleasure: you sit next to the refrigerator, don’t waste time on any “tinsel” like makeup and choosing shoes to match your clothes, and you also get money for it. Yes, in fact, home working has many advantages, but there are also disadvantages. And only a person who feels the strength to overcome all difficulties can truly find himself in this form of making money.


1. You really don't waste time traveling to the office. Residents of big cities will understand. And readers from smaller cities will also appreciate it. Not everyone wants to get up at the crack of dawn and then walk back and forth at the nearest stop for half an hour, waiting for the “cherished” bus. Or stand in traffic jams for precious hours, while getting some sleep while driving. It’s much easier to walk from the bedroom to the bathroom, and then to your workplace, when all this fits into the framework of one apartment.

You can safely go for a walk or meet with friends, even if it’s only 15:00.

2. You decide when to work and when to rest. Of course, if you are currently facing deadlines for your next project, then you don’t have to think about rest. But when you complete it, you can calmly go for a walk or meet with friends, even if it’s only 15:00.

3. You don't have to cram all your housework into the time period between 19 and 22 hours. Yes, yesterday you may have finished work after midnight, but today you have free time, which you will leisurely devote to washing windows, cleaning and other important feminine duties.

4. You can live anywhere. Of course, this is a more utopian option; it is not suitable for everyone, but some freelancers purposefully leave for a while to other countries, where life is much cheaper than in Russia. For example, to Thailand. And all because work does not tie them to a specific place of residence. Do you want to sit with your laptop surrounded by flowering trees? Please. The statement “where there is work, there is home” no longer applies to you. The only thing is that you should have a certain amount of money in your account, which will be enough for you for the first months of living in a new place.

By the way, this is also a good option for women whose husbands are forced to move for work. You go with him everywhere, but you don't have to constantly look for work. You already have it.

5. You can work without being distracted by idle chatter with colleagues. One woman, explaining why she decided to work from home, named this, among other reasons: “I couldn’t concentrate. I was just beginning to read the text of the next letter when my colleague recalled another funny story about her cat or little son. At first I treated this as easy communication, but then I realized that it really annoyed me. Thanks to her for pouring the missing drop into my almost overflowing glass.”

6. You are unfamiliar with the concept of a “vacation schedule.” You have the right to decide when you can go to the resort. There is no need to wait for the mandatory six months, no need to coordinate vacation dates with colleagues and superiors. Just complete all your duties before date X, warn the customer that from such and such a date you will not be able to get in touch. Do not be afraid that your services will be immediately refused. Employers have long understood that for productive work a person needs rest. Perhaps you will simply be asked to complete a certain amount of tasks in advance.


1. You will have to train your willpower. Still, this proximity of a refrigerator, sofa, TV and constant access to the Internet is relaxing. Every now and then you want to get up and chew something tasty, distract yourself by chatting with a friend on a social network, etc. In this case, you need to take what you are doing very seriously. You don't just sit at home. You are working. Therefore, make a set of rules for yourself. For example, don’t get up from your desk until you’ve finished writing an article (going to the toilet doesn’t count), don’t open a page on a social network until you finish work, even if you’ve received a million messages (again, if this is how you communicate with your employer, that’s a different story). question).

Working from home usually means sitting at a computer all the time. Hence physical inactivity, blurred vision and other consequences.

2. Possible health problems. Working from home usually means sitting at a computer all the time. Hence physical inactivity, blurred vision and other consequences. In this case, you need to include short breaks and sports in your schedule (at least a swimming pool a couple of times a week). Don’t be afraid that in six months you will turn into something big, motionless and half-blind. You just need to take measures to maintain your health. After all, people don’t do aerobics in the office either.

3. Lack of communication. In a work team, we constantly communicate, whether we like it or not. Here your communication comes down to correspondence with the employer. With rare exceptions - to phone calls and Skype calls. For some, this really won’t be enough. And others (like the woman we wrote about earlier) will only be happy.

4. The likelihood of stumbling upon scammers. Today there are so many offers for home work that it is quite difficult to choose the ones that are truly worthwhile. There are often cases when careless employers deceive freelancers. In this case, you act at your own peril and risk. Having come across such scammers several times, you will learn to separate the wheat from the chaff, and then you will find regular customers.

5. Lack of usual compensation, pension contributions, social package. You will not be paid for vacations and days off, and you will have to take care of your pension yourself. But these problems can also be solved: since only you regulate the amount of work you do, the amount of your salary depends only on you. Want paid days off? Earn more than your office colleagues. As for pensions, there are two options: either you will make contributions to the Pension Fund yourself, or you will register an individual entrepreneur, which will allow you to gain experience and take care of your old age.

Working from home isn't for everyone. In addition to convenience and freedom, it also brings a number of difficulties, which can be combined in one phrase - “the ability to take responsibility.” If you are ready to be responsible for your work schedule, salary, self-discipline, health and concern for the future, then you should try yourself as a “free spearman”.

Good afternoon friends.

Just the other day I tried to record a video on this topic, I made 15-20 attempts. But in the end, each of them ended in failure. And all because during my performances so many thoughts came into my head that it ended up being a mess.

Today I decided to write a detailed article so that, firstly, it would serve as a cheat sheet for me, and, secondly, I think someone would be interested in reading it and commenting on it.

In general, let's go.

1. Flexible work schedule

I can’t speak for others, but for me it’s just an incredible plus. After all, I always have the opportunity to break free at any moment and go or go wherever I want. I’m not even talking about the opportunity to get enough sleep. Having a free work schedule, you can do your business at any time of the day, some are more active in the morning, some during the day, and some at night.

Ideally, of course, we should not forget about the benefits of sleep at night, but still the freedom of choice remains with us.

2. No evil boss

For many, and for me personally, it’s a huge plus when someone doesn’t stand over my soul and force me to do things faster and better. Of course, when working remotely, there will still be customers, but the boss and the customer are completely two different people. In my practice, customers always communicated with me extremely politely, but the bosses made a fuss literally out of nothing.

Let's take a simple example: We do work and literally take a break from it for 10 minutes to take a break. And, as luck would have it, it is at this moment that we come into view and, at best, everything is treated with a condemning glance. Working as a freelancer, you have complete freedom of action, the main thing is to submit your order on time.

3. You can work remotely

Without a doubt, this is one of the most important advantages of remote work. If you want, you can work from home, if you want, you can go anywhere in the world and work from there, the main thing is that you have a computer and the Internet at hand.

Now you can save time and money on your commute to work. You can eat good homemade food, and again save on expensive fast food. By the way, usually in the morning, when you go to work, your nerves also suffer, especially when there is a rush in transport.

4. Training is faster and cheaper

To achieve a high income, let’s say, 50 thousand rubles a month, it is not at all necessary to study at the university for 5 years. Thank God, everything is much simpler here. Let's just say that it is quite possible to master the profession of a layout designer in a year of study and practice. If you take something more serious, for example, programming, then in a couple of years you can also reach a decent level and then only grow financially and professionally.

And that’s not all, you can learn a profession on the Internet much cheaper than in the state. institution. Moreover, if you really want to, you can learn any freelance profession for free, because the Internet is full of free information on any topic. I will say more, for every Internet profession there are hundreds of training courses and schools where knowledge is given either for free or for pennies.

5. Gradually flows into his own business

Take for example my blog and my video blog. In what areas did I need knowledge to create all this? Let's take the most basic ones:

  • Skills - ability to write articles;
  • Designer/layout designer skills - I made the design for the site and all the banners myself;
  • Marketing skills - to promote my resources;
  • Video editing and speaker skills - for recording video clips and editing them;
  • And a bunch of other little things...

If desired, over time, you will acquire additional knowledge in addition to the main field. The more knowledge you have, the more you will understand business on the Internet and be able to open something of your own. For example, maintaining the same blog and sharing your knowledge in your profession in it, is it really difficult? But in the end, the blog will become a good source of income.

Working from home is quite an interesting activity. Reviews about this type of employment of the working-age population can now be found absolutely everywhere. But which ones are real and which ones are not? To be honest, this can be very difficult to judge. After all, each person at home can perform completely different tasks. And with all this, he may not be able to do what others do. This is where disagreements arise. Plus, work from home, reviews of which we are now learning about, includes various vacancies. And different types of fraud. Let's try to understand how realistic the dreams of making money from home are.

Handle assembly

The first option that you can come across is working on assembling handles at home. Reviews about this vacancy are now literally overflowing the World Wide Web. But before we get to know them, let's figure out what you and I will have to do.

Our only task is to collect ballpoint pens at home. And then send them to the customer. Working as a pen assembler at home, reviews of which we will learn a little later, as a rule, guarantees quick and good income without stress. It is enough to work only 4 hours a day. All materials are sent to your home, and you assemble them into a finished product. Next, send it to the return address and wait for payment.

That's all. This is the job of assembling handles at home. The reviews here, to be honest, are negative. After all, we are dealing with a very subtle fraud. The first thing the employer will ask is to make an insurance contribution (from 250 rubles). He will justify his demands by the fact that unscrupulous workers have already taken orders and then disappeared. You will also be reimbursed by insurance with the first completion of the work. And so every time. But as soon as you transfer the money, the employer disappears. Thus, work from home (pens) receives extremely negative reviews. They are written exclusively by deceived users. This is how scammers make money from people’s naivety.

Of course, working as an assembler at home sometimes receives reviews that are both suspiciously strange and positive. You should not believe such words - they were either written by the employer, or the scammer paid someone to create a whole “package” of flattering words about the vacancy. As you can see, work from home (assembly) did not receive particularly good reviews. But there are still so many vacancies! Which ones exactly? Let's try to figure this out.

PC operator

For example, the second very popular vacancy is a PC operator at home. Similar advertisements can now be found everywhere. So, let's try to figure out what's what here.

They say that this position requires simple typing at home with editing. You will have to retype handwritten text (or photographed text printed on paper), then edit it according to the rules and send it to the customer. This type of work from home has received mixed reviews. Why? Let's try to figure it out.

The thing is that the material for work will be sent to your home. Doesn't remind you of anything? And, of course, you will have to pay the insurance premium again. How do you think this will all end? Of course, by deception. After all, working as a PC operator is just another scam.

However, not always. You can try contacting print publications and asking if they need a typesetter. If the answer is yes, then you can get a job with them. There will be no investment required, and earnings will be credited quickly to the card (or in cash). If the publishing house is in your city, you can personally pick up the printed text or order courier delivery. As a last resort, receive it by mail. And this is why reviews about PC operators are mixed. But mostly negative. They are also written by deceived people. In general, it is better to abstain from this vacancy so as not to end up “without your nose.”

Sales Manager

The truth is, remote work does exist. For example, sales manager is a very popular vacancy among all ages. You will just have to look for clients and make purchases on specialized sites (online stores). And your employer will pay a small salary for this (about 5,000 - 6,000 rubles), as well as 10% of the order amount.

This kind of remote work from home is already receiving positive reviews. True, the user’s income will depend solely on the intensity of work and searching for clients. Do you know how to sell? Then this activity is right for you. If the salary is sufficient, then you can simply place several orders a month - and all problems will be solved.

Usually, sales managers meet on social networks - there they have work pages that redirect to the online store. Honestly, it's very convenient. Only some employees complain about the increased competition. However, reviews remain generally positive. They do not require any investment from you, and, as a rule, they give a discount on the purchase of employer goods.


There is also such work from home, reviews of which are available on almost all review sites. This is nothing more than a home operator. In truth, this position is not suitable for everyone. In particular, such work is carried out by those who have the opportunity to talk using a computer during the day. And they usually hire girls for this position.

You undergo a short training and then do your work using Skype. This is either making “hot” calls or making “cold” calls for the purpose of advertising and selling any services. Quite often, you simply inform customers about new products, as well as ongoing promotions. It is the operator without sales that is the most profitable and successful offer. True, you can earn in this way, as people say, about 15,000 rubles.

But in cases of working as an operator for the purpose of selling services, in addition to the salary, you will receive 10% of the order amount. So some manage to earn 50,000 rubles a month. This is work from home without investment, the reviews of which are only encouraging. However, it is not suitable for shy people, as well as for those who do not want to “push” a product onto a potential client. Plus, if you don’t have the ability to communicate using a computer, you can forget about the vacancy.

Selling "handmade"

There is also a job that involves selling your own goods. In other words, handicrafts. This is called "handmade". All you need to do is create a product you sell yourself, and then find buyers. Typically, sales work well using social media.

This type of work from home has received good reviews. If you have “golden hands”, then you can easily make furniture, dishes, jewelry, toys, clothes, works of art and interior design, and then sell them online. Plus, if things go well, you can always make something specific, to order.

True, you shouldn’t expect mountains of gold here right away - it takes time to make good money. Although the average starting income, as a rule, for people in this business is about 10,000 rubles. Not much, but stable. And with great success, some are able to receive both 50,000 and 60,000. It all depends on you. And there is no deception here.

How long do you work? People say that it also depends on each person, individually. Maybe the work will take you 4 hours, or maybe it will take you a week. Depending on the nature of the handicraft and its cost. Nevertheless, many generally engage in this activity without interrupting their daily routine.

Selling cosmetics

Cosmetics are what every woman needs. And so our next fairly successful vacancy is a cosmetics salesperson. This is a very popular work from home job. Reviews about it are spread all over the Internet. Moreover, they are positive.

You will need to place orders for cosmetics from a specific company. Usually, social networks are used to simplify the search for clients. After you place an order, you get about 10% from it in your pocket. Plus salary. It ranges from 6,000 to 12,000 rubles. And, of course, your total monthly earnings depend only on you.

It is also worth considering that the employee will receive a discount when purchasing goods that he sells himself. This makes many girls very happy. Sometimes the discount is very large. You should only work about 4 hours a day. The work does not require any investment. True, some sellers complain about competition and the difficult process of finding clients. I usually use this vacancy as a part-time job. In case of great success - as the main source of income.


Here's another work from home without cheating. As a rule, few people leave reviews about it. And this is done only because you don’t really want to make competition for yourself. After all, we are talking about working as a translator.

The point is that this vacancy is very successful. You can now find quite a lot of “free places” on the World Wide Web. Translations are usually required either from English or German. And the translator’s salary varies from 25,000 rubles to 60,000. Some work 4-6 hours to receive the specified amount per month. And, of course, no one wants to create competition for themselves.

Thus, this work from home rarely receives reviews. But positive. The main thing here is to know languages, as well as to have perseverance. If you are confident in your abilities, then you can try. It's not as scary as it seems.


Editor is another very popular job on the World Wide Web. And, to be honest, it doesn’t require any investment from you. This “place” also gets the best reviews. After all, all that is required of you is to edit the text and then send it to the customer.

The salary here is usually about 20,000 rubles. And this is taking into account work of approximately 4 hours a day. A very good vacancy for women on maternity leave, or those who are involved in education. And with modern tools for working with text on a computer, working as an editor becomes more than simple. Most applications automatically correct errors and also offer you possible options for the development of events. In addition, some simply highlight suspicious passages of the test, drawing special attention to them.

Payments occur once a month. The only thing you can see complaints about is that you have to really work for these 4 hours. That is, “kicking the bulldozer” will not work. After all, you will be paid for the work performed. However, for a conscientious employee this is not a problem.


Teachers and instructors are needed everywhere now. So this vacancy became available even remotely. Distance education is precisely what gave the main impetus to the creation of such vacancies.

There are two options: a private teacher or a hired one. The second option, as users say, is mainly used in universities. You receive exactly the same salary as a teacher, but you conduct all your lectures at home. It is very convenient for both you and the students. But a private teacher has great opportunities. After all, he can teach not only academic subjects, but also various clubs. There are handicrafts, carpentry, language learning, cooking - everything your heart desires.

To be honest, reviews of private teachers say that it is best to recruit entire groups of students. This way you can work less and get more. If in educational institutions a teacher receives about 15-20 thousand rubles, then a private owner can earn 2 times more.


The next vacancy is a webmaster. This employee, as a rule, must create and maintain websites. This used to be a fairly common office job. But now there is an opportunity to work remotely.

This is work from home without cheating. She receives different reviews. As many users emphasize, the main difficulty here is writing the site code. If you are a pro in this matter, then you shouldn’t even start worrying.

A webmaster's earnings are decent. Usually they charge from 10,000 rubles for 1 order. And with all this, about 60-80 thousand come out per month. Plus website support - about 5,000 rubles. A very profitable, but difficult occupation. It is not suitable for everyone. But the main thing is that this work is safe. And that is why the vacancy receives, for the most part, positive reviews.

Writing texts

The latest common online job is writing. Usually limited to copywriting and rewriting. What is this? Let's try to understand this difficult issue.

The first term means writing your own original articles on a specific topic. The second is the processing of the finished text into your own, with high uniqueness. In other words, we are talking about writing articles to order. This kind of work from home receives extremely positive reviews. After all, there is no deception, fees or any special conditions. Just find a customer, agree on payment (they usually charge 30-40 rubles for 1,000 printed characters), and then do your job.

How much is required for this activity? From 4 hours. This time is enough to earn 15,000 per month. More is possible. People advise looking for orders on special websites. They are called freelance or copywriting/rewriting exchanges.

As you can see, working from home exists. The main thing is to know what to pay attention to. Finding something suitable for yourself is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Set a goal and move towards it - success will definitely await you. The main thing is to remember that working as an assembler at home receives negative reviews and is a scam. And also do not forget about other types of virtual fraud. And then everything will work out for you.
