Fire! Impressions from Black Squad. Squad - System requirements Tickets? What is this

Fire! Impressions from Black Squad. Squad - System requirements Tickets? What is this


New shooter Black Squad. Is it worth playing?

Nothing surprising awaits us in the gameplay - a hybrid of Call of Duty and Counter Strike, dynamics from the first, map structure from the second, but we’ll return to the maps later. Ballistics have been simplified beyond belief. You can shoot accurately from the hip without any problems, without fear of any spread, or you can walk in sight, almost running, and shoot, in general, like a Voroshilov shooter
The almost complete lack of customization is surprising. The choice involves only the main trunk. And in fact, this is just an illusion. You are given a choice between a submachine gun, an assault rifle, a sniper rifle, a shotgun, and a machine gun. There is no place to use snipers, but more on that later.

Shotguns are too situational, machine guns lack mobility. PP guns lack damage, an excessive rate of fire is not needed when everyone is almost running, without losing accuracy, only machine guns remain. At first we are given the Tar-21, all other machines presented for game currency have slightly higher damage and lower other characteristics, in numbers it all looks within the margin of error, with the exception of Scar-H and Type95. The behavior of the weapons is also very similar. Barrels for medals (there is confusion with currencies) have significantly higher damage, and less other characteristics. Pistols and knives are only for medals. Cases are bought for real money; nowadays you can’t live without roulette. Well, my favorite thing is buying grenades for 1 day, why not sell ammunition? In this regard, one can only optimistically add: “okay, no repairs.” What is truly amazing is that all elite soldiers are supplied with rifle attachments for free - a parallel universe, but after death, put on the silencer again and turn on the face.

Cards are the scourge of the game. The structure itself has 2 types: axial symmetry and central. I understand perfectly well that this is the most balanced option, but what we have here is not an arena Quake, but a primitive arcade shoot-em-up. Although the maps are rich in some passages, battles, in general, take place at arm's length, and that is why the use of long-range weapons is not effective. As for the level design, here Black Squad is inferior even to the bearded Counter Strike 1.6. And the saddest thing is that Warface’s older brother also sins with this, how many years have passed, and there’s nothing to look at there either.

There are no complaints about the graphical part, everything looks good, it’s not demanding on hardware, as they say, just what the doctor ordered. The musical side lacks variety, okay, you can put up with it, they won’t make everything better. But I would like to see more painstaking work on the sounds in the game, because now Black Squad is 10 years behind in this direction. I didn’t find any crashes or any bugs.

Now about the most important thing. The game has good online play – 8-9k. And even the selection of players is carried out by level. But there is one thing: the nearest game servers are located in Europe, if you are lucky the ping will be 60, if not 90. And this is with good internet. As you yourself understand, the comfort and pleasure of playing with such a delay will be questionable.

Many authoritative publications in reviews of f2p games put the mark “relevant for version N”, even though the game is 70% complete, conclusions can be safely drawn now, because Black Squad is a hostage of its own genre, NS STUDIO will not crawl out of their skin and create something . They will add PVE, it’s a matter of time, maybe if all the stars align, it will be interesting and good, but with daily playthrough it will become boring. In addition to general development and improvement, the issue of cheating is very acute, it is still an issue, now, of course, the situation is positive. How long will this last in a free-to-play game?

Is Black Squad worth trying? Only if you don't mind your time. I recommend buying, paying once, something from AAA shooters. Yes, money; yes, cheating is a problem; there are few people in old games; new ones are demanding. But you will be a full-fledged member of society and get advanced gameplay.

The guide “Quick start for SQUAD beginners” was written on behalf of the author in steam Beginner, it will help you quickly understand aspects of the SQUAD game: Game classes, Game modes, Construction, etc.

Possible problems

A few words...

Squad is a development of the idea of ​​Project Reality (a mod for Battlefield 2). I have played thousands of hours in this mod and I can say with confidence that the developers are going in the right direction. Perhaps now there are no visible differences (except for graphics and sound, of course), there is no content (in the PR there are more than 50 maps and a dozen factions, each of which has a lot of different military equipment), but Squad is already interesting to play.

First of all, I would like to immediately highlight a couple of technical problems that can prevent you from playing normally. I'll leave a link to the official forum and the bug report form.

My game won't start, error MSVCR120.dll

My picture is always blurry, blur effect

This is not a bug - rather a misunderstanding of the RESOLUTION SCALE parameter in the graphics settings (SETTING > GRAPHICS). By reducing it to less than 100% you blur the picture, but at the same time you also increase FPS. To make the picture clear, set the value to 100% or more.

How to appear?

As soon as the map loads, you need to call up the spawn menu (Spawn Menu, on Enter by default).

You can use the TEAM button to change the team. By clicking on SQUAD you can choose which squad you can join, and you can also create your own and become its commander. In ROLES we select the required class. Well, actually on the map itself we select where you want to appear.

Where to appear?

Players can spawn in the following places:

At the main operating base (Base Control Point, BCP, base) - marked with a yellow circle
At forward deployment bases (Forward Operating Base, FOB, FB, Fire Base) - marked with a blue triangle (if the triangle is red, then appearance is impossible due to enemy suppression)
At the squad rally point (Rally Point, RP, rally, ralik) - marked with a green rectangle with the squad number (you can only appear at the point of your squad)

If you are unsure of your choice, check with your commander where it is best for you to appear, although often it is enough to simply appear as close to your squad as possible.

How to kill correctly?

The real problem for newbies is teamkills. It will take some time to begin to identify the enemy by figure and equipment, but for now, use the 100% working method to avoid friendly fire:

Open the map (in general, assign it to a more convenient key, since you often have to open and close the map more often than open fire)
Make sure there are no allies in front of you
Open fire

How to die correctly?

For minor wounds and bleeding, use a personal dressing bag (available to each soldier).

If you are seriously wounded, you fall to the ground, lose the ability to move and look around, but do not rush to press GIVE UP and reappear - you can still be saved by a medic! Open the map and see how far away the orderly is. You can call out to those closest to you via a local channel (default V), and you can call a medic from your squad using the radio (default B).

Appreciate your team's tickets!

Tickets? What is this?

The same as in the games of the Battlefield series - the team that loses all tickets loses. If the round ends on time, the team with more tickets wins.

You can see the number of tickets for your team in the upper right corner. You cannot see the number of your opponent's tickets.

Injuring a fighter does not result in the loss of tickets, however, as soon as you click GIVE UP your team loses one ticket.

Losing a captured flag (Control Point, CP) takes away 10 tickets at once. Just like the loss of a built Forward Operating Base (FOB).


Starting with Alpha V7, the game introduced vehicles and a system for assigning them (claiming).

At the moment, almost all the equipment provided in the game is mainly used for transporting infantry and supplies. From light pickups and military trucks, to BTR-80s and Humvees with heavy machine guns. As a rule, the “cooler” the equipment, the more tickets are taken away in case of its loss (from 4 to 30 tickets) and the longer its respawn will be (from 3 to 6 minutes).

Therefore, to prevent equipment from falling into the hands of inexperienced beginners, Rambo players, and simply idiots, a system of vehicle claiming was invented (a system for assigning friendly equipment to one’s squad).

Appropriation of equipment

From now on, in order to be able to control equipment, you must be in a squad with at least 3 fighters. It becomes possible for a squad to take two units of equipment if it has at least 6 fighters and three units if it has 8.

Moreover, in order to appropriate a vehicle, there must be at least 2 fighters from your squad next to you.

The most important thing is that only the squad leader (SL) can assign or approve the assignment of equipment to a squad, and only with the appropriate officer kit. If the squad leader has two of his fighters nearby, then he can easily occupy a free vehicle simply by getting into it (the message “Vehicle Claimed” will appear). But if you try to occupy a vehicle without your commander, you will receive the message “Only Squad Leaders may enter unclaimed vehicles.”. In this case, the commander of your squad will receive a corresponding request, which can be approved (or rejected) by opening the map - then you can assign the equipment even if your commander is far away, but in any case, do not forget that at least 2 soldiers from your squad are required nearby (message “ Must have at least 2 squad members nearby to claim a vehicle.”).

Very often you can see this message: “Unable to enter due to another Squad’s claim on this vehicle.” – this means that this equipment already belongs to another squad. And this could really become a problem - careless commanders could appropriate equipment, get to the desired position and abandon it there as unnecessary (a common problem in classical PR). But, fortunately, the developers came up with assignment statuses.

Assignment statuses

A vehicle has an active claiming status if it contains at least one fighter from the squad to which it belongs. You can sit in such a vehicle, but not in the driver’s seat. And at the same time, you can still be “moved” or even forced out if there is not enough space for the fighters in the squad because of you. Owners have priority.

If a vehicle is listed as belonging to a certain squad, but there is no one from this squad in it, then this is already a passive status of claiming. You can also sit in it without any problems in any seat except the driver, but at the same time, you can appropriate such equipment for yourself if you have a sufficient number of fighters from your squad nearby and the permission of the commander (or the commander himself nearby).

And the last, but not unimportant point is cooldown. If you have assigned a technique, then to assign the next technique (no matter whether you lost the previous one or simply abandoned it) you will have to wait 8 minutes! If you don’t want this, so to speak, penalty, then simply return the equipment to the main base (BCP), leave it on the front lines (FOB), or simply let another squad pick it up - in this case, the cooldown timer is reset.

Game modes

Advance and Secure (AAS)

The classic mode of capturing control points (Control Points, CP, point, flag) is essentially the Conquest mode from the Battlefield games, but with one distinctive feature - you can only capture points in a strictly specified order. This allows both teams to concentrate their forces in certain locations, thus forming a battle front.

When more than half of the control points are captured, the enemy begins to receive tickets. The more points captured, the faster they will drip.

Also, depending on the server settings, capturing a control point may generate additional tickets.

In this mode, each party is (usually) given the same number of tickets.

Insurgency (INS)

The mode of struggle between coalition forces (at the moment only the USA) and insurgents (rebels, rebels).

The task of the coalition forces is to find and destroy 5 caches of weapons (Weapon Cache, cache, cache, weapons cache) before time or tickets run out. At the moment, the cache can only be destroyed using an incendiary (thermite) grenade (available from the squad leader).

The insurgents' task is to prevent the caches from being destroyed until the end of the round or until the enemy runs out of tickets.

Territory Control

This mode is quite similar to Insurgency, only now the insurgents have to defend not weapon caches, but points that belong to them from the beginning of the round (you can appear on some of them). Lost control points cannot be recaptured. Losing all control points leads to defeat.

The task of the coalition forces is to capture all insurgent points before time or tickets run out.

In this mode, insurgents do not lose tickets.

Game Classes

Class: Squad Leader

Squad Leader (SL, leader, SL, leader, squad) - the actual commander of the squad. The first, main and integral part of it. His tasks include both managing his own squad and coordinating actions with the commanders of other squads.

The detachment commander is recommended to choose an officer's set (role, kit), which includes a rifle (with or without optics), a pistol, a fragmentation grenade, smoke grenades (including signal grenades), binoculars and a dressing bag. In Insurgency mode, the officer's whale is also equipped with two incendiary grenades (only with their help can weapons caches be destroyed).

A distinctive feature of the commander is the ability to set squad rally points (RP, Rally Point, rally, rally) and build forward deployment bases (FOB, FB, Fire Base, FB, FOB, fire base).

To establish a collection point, the commander must have at least one soldier from his squad nearby at a distance of no more than 5 meters. If there is one, then simply open the DEPLOYABLES MENU (default T) and select RALLY POINT (to set up a rally without an officer kit, you will need 4 fighters nearby).

The rally disappears when the enemy approaches, as well as at the end of spawns (you can only appear 9 times), so choose places far from the concentration of enemy forces and do not forget to update it periodically (you can reinstall the rally every 210 seconds).

To build a forward base, you will need at least 3 soldiers nearby (not necessarily from your squad). Call your closest comrades and, using the same DEPLOYABLES MENU, select RADIO (or HIDEOUT in the case of insurgents). There is no need to dig up the radio with shovels.

More details about construction in a separate section of this manual.

Class: Medic

Medic (medic, orderly) - the second most important class in the squad, it is not for nothing that it is in the same category as the commander, because only a medic is able to replenish the health of his comrades and even return them from the other world (revive, raise).

But now there are no revivals with the help of “irons” (shock paddles, defibrillators) as in Battlefield. Everything has become more or less scientific - first we bandage the wounds, then we treat them.

Let's start with health status.

Healthy This is when a fighter’s ears don’t ring, his heartbeat can’t be heard, and everything is fine with color rendering. In this case, medical help is not required.

Wounded (wounded) This is when a fighter has a little darkness in his eyes and just needs to be treated with a medical bag (Medic Bag). Such fighters will be highlighted with a corresponding icon. Treatment and dressing of comrades is carried out with the left mouse button, and treatment and dressing of oneself with the right mouse button.

Bleeding appears if health (HP) is already a quarter or less. The fighter has visual effects along with his heartbeat. If the patient was unable to bandage himself (didn’t guess / didn’t have time / ran out of bandages), then your task is to first bandage him (select a dressing bag and press LMB), and then treat him (select a medical bag and press LMB).

Incapacitated (seriously injured) this is when a fighter falls to the ground with no way to move or look around, but can still be rescued by calling you for help via radio or local. In this case, first of all, assess the risk and feasibility of rescuing the fighter in this situation. Don’t be afraid to refuse to save a comrade – one lost ticket is better than one lost medic.

If you decide to revive the patient, be sure to tell him about it so that he does not decide to give up in the process. Think about whether it is worth smoking because sometimes smoke, on the contrary, will attract unnecessary attention. Before rising, tell the patient whether he should remain in place or whether he will need to run to a shelter and complete treatment there.

The treatment itself in this case is not much different from the previous case - we bandage it, treat it, the patient gets back on his feet, and complete the treatment. True, if within the next two minutes the patient is shot again, then now immediately to death.

The first whale becomes available when there are two fighters in the squad, the second whale – when there are six.

Class: Shooter

Rifleman (shooter, rifleman, rifle) is the only non-limited class in the game, representing an ordinary infantryman with a simple set of weapons: a rifle (with or without a collimator), a pair of fragmentation grenades, a pair of smoke grenades, a shovel and a dressing bag.

Available to everyone without exception, even players who are not members of a squad.

At the same time, the option with optics (ACOG or 1P78 Kashtan) is limited, has one less fragmentation grenade and becomes available only with four fighters in the squad, and the second kit – with eight.

Class: Heavy

Automatic Rifleman (AR, LMG, MG, PM, machine gunner) - essentially differs from the shooter only in the presence of a light machine gun and a pistol. The machine gun is convenient both in defense and in attack, but does not provide any additional suppression effect.

It will soon acquire a full-fledged working bipod and options with an optical sight, which will significantly improve its effectiveness at medium and long distances.

Class: Light anti-tank

Light Anti-Tank (LAT, AT, lat, ate, ateshnik, rpgshnik) - a shooter equipped with a light anti-tank M72A7 with two cumulative missiles or an RPG-7 grenade launcher with two cumulative (HEAT - effective against light armored vehicles) and one or two fragmentation -high-explosive shells (FRAG - effective against enemy personnel).

Indispensable when besieging enemy fortifications and when hunting light enemy vehicles.

The first whale becomes available when there are four fighters in the squad, the second whale – when there are eight.

Class: Grenade launcher

Grenadier (grenadier, GP, gpshnik) - is a shooter whose rifle is equipped with an under-barrel grenade launcher (M203, GP-25, GP).

Instead of one hand grenade, he carries with him as many as 6 under-barrel fragmentation grenades (HE, VOG-25, hashka, vog), which, coupled with the currently simple aiming, makes such a fighter super-effective against enemy personnel.

The grenade launcher is also equipped with under-barrel smoke grenades and can create a good smoke screen from a distance.

Becomes available when there are five fighters in the squad.


At the moment, it is possible to build any structures only within a radius of 50 meters from the forward deployment base (FOB, fire base). Therefore, the first thing that needs to be done before construction is to place a radio station (or a rebel shelter).

After placing a radio station, spawning at that point immediately becomes available for all teammates.

Construction of a Forward Deployment Base (FOB)

As mentioned earlier, only detachment commanders can build bases and only if they have an officer kit.

Before installing a fire base, think about its location, protection from fire and accessibility relative to current tasks.

For example, on maps of Afghanistan, to build a forward base, commanders often use the courtyards of local residents (compound, compound, fenced area) in which the duval (clay fence) protects well from bullets and, at the moment, is not destroyed at all even from the explosions of anti-tank shells .

Having decided on a place for a fire base, call at least three teammates, open the DEPLOYABLES MENU, select RADIO (radio station) or HIDEOUT (a shelter for the insurgents, but for now it still looks like a radio station).

If the radio station cannot be installed (lit red), then one of the conditions is not met:

  • There must be at least 3 teammates within a 5 meter radius
  • There should not be another fire base within a radius of 400 meters
  • The surface for construction should be more or less flat

Once the radio station or cover is installed, all teammates within a 50-meter radius will be able to see information about the forward base in the upper left corner:

  • The number on the left is ammunition supply points
  • The number on the right is supply points for building materials
  • Progress bar shows the status of the radio station or cover

At the moment, all points are replenished automatically over time and have a limit of 1000. In the future, the procedure will become more complicated.

Construction of structures

For the construction of all kinds of structures, the same DEPLOYABLES MENU is used, although now the installed structure must also be dug up with shovels.

At the moment, the following types of structures are available to all factions (costs are indicated in parentheses):

  • Ammo Create (300) – ammo box
  • Road Block (100) – a concrete block capable of stopping enemy light vehicles
  • I Sandbag (100) – shelter made from sandbags
  • C Sandbag (100) – shelter made of sandbags in the shape of a crescent
  • Razorware (100) - barbed wire
  • Ladder (100) – ladder

Structures accessible only to government troops:

  • HESCO Block (100) – just one HESCO block that can close a small opening
  • HESCO Wall (300) – wall made of HESCO
  • HESCO Bunker (500) – HESCO bunker

Similar structures are available to the rebels and are even cheaper, although they are made from garbage:

  • Barrier (50) – a small wall made of boards and metal junk
  • Tire Wall (75) – a wall made of truck tires
  • Bunker (350) – bunker made from sandbags

So, for example, if you have built a fire base in the courtyard, then close all entrances to the courtyard or leave one guarded one.

If the base was built in an open area, then first of all you need to think about building a bunker to provide shelter.

The main thing is not to get too carried away with building and creating an “uber fortress” - this is a waste of time and effort.

It is often better not to build up offensive bases at all, keeping their location secret from the enemy.

In any case, now the system with fire databases is very crude and not fully thought out. In addition to the obvious advantages, there are very significant disadvantages. All this will be reviewed and redone, and with the advent of the ability to build heavy machine guns, mortars, air defense systems and anti-tank systems, the significance of such bases will generally change dramatically.

Destruction of structures

You can destroy both your own and enemy structures with the same shovel, although to do this you need to press RMB rather than LMB. Also, structures are destroyed quite well by explosions.

Destruction of a Forward Deployment Base (FOB)

If we begin to see information about our base from 50 meters, then we can detect the enemy’s from as far as 75 meters!

If you find one, don’t rush to destroy it - maybe it’s better to shoot the soldiers who appear on it a little?

Ultimately, of course, it is worth destroying. At least two are required for suppression, however, the more teammates present nearby, the faster the enemy fire base will be suppressed. You can also speed up the destruction of a radio station or shelter using the same shovel.

The loss of a forward base takes with it 10 tickets.

Sometimes you don't need much to be successful. Take Black Squad, for example, one of the most popular shooters on the Steam store. It is shareware and, of course, is in open beta test mode. From the outside it is not clear why this game is so popular. When you get to the menu, you are scared at first - it is a little ugly and at first glance inconvenient. But then you turn on the usual team deathmatch, and you are carried away. It's a hurricane.

There's nothing new here. The creators of the game simply took eSports from it. Terrorists against special forces again. Again, battles on confusing “mirror” maps. Again offices, again some kind of Middle East. A familiar spirit is in the air, and it cannot be confused with anything. The design of the locations, all these empty boxes in the form of houses, bare walls - it all resembles a time machine. In the early 2000s, shooters did just that. It’s even strange after all this to see a bright, sunny map on a cruise ship. It is a little more elaborate, and stylistically it is completely different. It's more reminiscent of the times when we were all delusional.

There are few modes. Team deathmatch for 16 people, “bomb” - for 10 and 16 people, murder of a VIP - also for 16 people. The last and largest mode is the destruction of key points for 32 people. In the “bomb” game, the rules are classic: terrorists need to plant explosives at one of two points, and counter-terrorists need to stop them. Death, of course, is permanent. The mode with the murder of a VIP is a little more original. The special forces must protect it, and the terrorists, of course, must be eliminated. But it doesn't end there. Even if the target is killed, the terrorists need to evacuate by reaching a special platform, where a helicopter will come for them. And the other team, of course, needs to intercept them.

The last mode is a mini-Battlefield, a huge mess on a map that, for example, looks like a labyrinth of barracks. Each team has several containers on the map that need to be protected, while simultaneously destroying enemy containers. However, something happens that doesn’t happen in other modes - you choose not only a weapon preset, as usual in this game, but also a class. From attack aircraft to scout. Gradually, special techniques are unlocked, which can again be purchased directly in battle. You can buy a grenade launcher or a bazooka and royally bomb these containers until you are suddenly killed in the back of the head. You might even call for an airstrike. But it's always important to be on your guard here, because even the biggest Black Squad map is actually small. By the time you count to ten, you will already be at the enemy base.

In Black Squad everything is secondary, but it’s terribly addictive. Nobody takes the game seriously - everyone is just having fun. There is, of course, its own clan system, and you can unite in groups of four people, but you don’t feel any urgent need for this. Online is big and few people try to chat, give out any instructions or simply call others noobs. People often come and go, and it's rare that someone tries to play it safe. Most act intuitively and impulsively. All tactical maneuvers occur either spontaneously or out of habit, because you know the map well and the typical behavior of the players on it. For other games this would be a minus, but in Black Squad it seems that this is exactly what they were trying to achieve.

This is Counter-Strike with the soul of Call of Duty. It has enjoyable but simplistic shooting. Headshots are always lethal and the damage is always high. Everyone dies quickly. It doesn’t happen that you fired a full clip at a person and he still has some health left. You can jump out from around the corner and take down four people alone. This can happen in every match, and you don’t need to be a very skilled player or have a cool gun purchased for real money. All you need is a little luck, a little courage (even frivolity) and, of course, confident use of the mouse. Moreover, the standard weapon is perhaps the most balanced and convenient. You can pick up other people's guns, but no one seems to do this. Only if the cartridges have run out, but something tells me that people rarely live to see an empty magazine.

Even if you want to buy something, the choice in the store will be very small. The most serious purchase that can be made (and only for real money) is female character skins. Very cute, by the way. And very popular, because in any fight you meet these girls. In any case.

You can, of course, buy weapons, but this is a debatable waste of money. Firstly, they kill quickly here, and secondly, the standard weapons are also good. Although, who knows these online shooters? In six months, everything could change dramatically, break the balance, fill loot boxes with junk, and so on. But so far everything is cool. The game's creators even make cool things like pink smoke in honor of Valentine's Day. Just fire.

The specifics of PC gaming are such that before you begin, you must first familiarize yourself with its system requirements and relate it to the existing configuration.

To do this simple action, you do not need to know the exact technical characteristics of each model of processors, video cards, motherboards and other components of any personal computer. A simple comparison of the main lines of components will suffice.

For example, if a game's minimum system requirements include a processor of at least Intel Core i5, then you shouldn't expect it to run on i3. However, it is more difficult to compare processors from different manufacturers, which is why developers often indicate names from two main companies - Intel and AMD (processors), Nvidia and AMD (video cards).

Above are system requirements. It is worth noting that the division into minimum and recommended configurations is done for a reason. It is believed that meeting the minimum requirements is enough to start the game and complete it from beginning to end. However, to achieve the best performance, you usually have to lower the graphics settings.

Thus, thanks to an understanding of the basic principles of classification of components, absolutely anyone can sensibly assess the possibility of launching and correct operation - and it is the system requirements that will help with this.

Before purchasing Squad on PC, be sure to check the system requirements provided by the developer with your system configuration. Remember that the minimum requirements often mean that with this configuration the game will launch and run reliably at minimum quality settings. If your PC meets the recommended requirements, you can expect stable gameplay at high graphics settings. If you want to play at quality set to “ultra”, the hardware in your PC must be even better than the developers indicate in the recommended requirements.

Below are the Squad system requirements, officially provided by the project developers. If you think there is an error in them, please let us know by clicking the exclamation mark on the right side of the screen and briefly describing the error.

Minimum configuration:

  • OS: Windows 7 SP1 (x64)
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-2500K
  • Memory: 4 GB
  • Video: Geforce GTX 570 / AMD Radeon HD 7850
  • HDD: 18 GB free space
  • DirectX 11
  • OS: Windows 7 SP1/8/10 (x64)
  • Processor: Intel Core i7 4790k
  • Memory: 6 GB
  • Video: Geforce GTX 970 / AMD Radeon R9 290
  • HDD: 20 GB free space
  • DirectX 12

In addition to checking the Squad system requirements with your PC configuration, do not forget to update your video card drivers. It is important to remember that you should only download the final versions of video cards - try not to use beta versions, as they may have a large number of unfound and unfixed errors.

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