How to find out who the admin of a VKontakte group is if he is hidden. Who is a group moderator, editor, administrator? What can a VKontakte group administrator do?

How to find out who the admin of a VKontakte group is if he is hidden. Who is a group moderator, editor, administrator? What can a VKontakte group administrator do?

There are many popular communities on the VKontakte social network, all of which bring money to the owners. One person can own and develop up to 10 communities. Of course, the owner is not able to monitor the development of all communities, unless, of course, he is a super genius. In this case, an assistant is required - a VK administrator, who will fill the online groups with content. Today, public administrator is a profession in demand.

How much do VKontakte administrators earn?

VK administrators receive approximately 4-6 thousand for maintaining just 1 public page per month.

Who is a VK administrator?

A VK community administrator is a person responsible for the life and development of the group.

This is serious work, which at first glance seems quite simple - you sit at home, sometimes publish posts and get paid for it. In reality everything is different.

The admin is the first person in the group after the owner. He must constantly think about what content to publish, what picture to choose for the post, how to please his audience, how to develop the group, and much more.

Most often, administrators are those who created the community. But there are situations when you have not one, but, say, 5 or 10 groups.

It's very difficult to keep track of everyone. Therefore, in such situations, individuals are hired for the position of administrator.

As you know, administrators think about many things and can do many things; they see the goal and possibilities. In most cases, hiring someone will be easier than doing everything yourself. After all, there are circumstances when you have not one, but two businesses, a lot of ideas, plans, and time.

Sometimes there is not one, but several VK admins in the public. This mainly happens when the group has a fairly large number of participants and one person cannot cope with the entire amount of work.

But both here and there require a serious approach, responsibility, understanding of your audience and how the social network works.

Administrator Responsibilities

The VKontakte public administrator is the second position in terms of status and capabilities (after the creator). His rights and responsibilities include those of editors and moderators.

Admin Responsibilities

But besides this, his responsibilities include:

  1. Design a community page (, avatars, change the name and description, etc.).
  2. Select and prepare content. If the group does not have a separate editor responsible for searching and publishing content, then this burden falls on the shoulders of the admin.
  3. Plan and publish finished posts.
  4. Group moderation (unless an individual is assigned). It is necessary to maintain order on the wall, in the comments and remove various spam, insults, etc.
  5. Work with the audience (answer questions and comments from ordinary group members).
  6. Work with partners and advertisers. This responsibility affects the income of the community. Therefore, every admin must be able to communicate with advertisers, negotiate, negotiate the placement of advertising in a group, etc.
  7. Promote the community. The quantity and quality of the audience is the result of the administrator’s work. For individual services, you can hire specialists (for example, targeting), but in general, the development strategy should be developed by the administrator.

This is not all that an administrator can do. We have listed his main responsibilities above. That is, what he should do.

What else can VKontakte group administrators do?

As for the remaining capabilities of administrators, they can do the following:

  1. appoint or remove group leaders;
  2. change the public link;
  3. edit blocks with contacts, links, discussions, photo albums, products and others;
  4. add a public to the event (as an organizer);
  5. apply to be included in the list of popular groups;
  6. add and configure applications;
  7. configure RSS import to the group;
  8. configure export to Twitter;
  9. use Callback API;
  10. work with the mentions section;
  11. cleanse the community of bots;
  12. set up filters for keywords and obscene words;
  13. start live video broadcasts on behalf of the community;
  14. receive and respond to public messages;
  15. work with group money transfers.

Sometimes it’s easier to say what he can’t do:

  • he does not know how to change the type of community (from a group to a public one, and vice versa);
  • VK admin does not know how to transfer the community to another user;
  • he cannot deprive the rights

So, as you can see, the position of administrator includes a very large list of opportunities. But, as you know, the more that is allowed, the greater the responsibility you bear.

Application "VK Admin"

VK Admin is an application for smartphones with Android and iOS operating systems, which allows you to manage the community from a mobile device.

Let's say you have several groups where you constantly need to communicate and work with the audience. Unfortunately, you cannot be at the computer all the time, but your smartphone is always with you. By downloading this program, you will always be in touch with your subscribers. Anywhere in the city, the main thing is to have access to the Internet.

VK admin functionality

VK Admin is an official application from the developers of VKontakte, so you don’t need to worry about the safety of your data.

Functionality includes:

  • Active notification system. You will always be up to date with the latest events and will be able to quickly respond to your clients.
  • Connecting several groups at once. You can work not with one, but with several groups at the same time. It is also possible to configure notifications for each of them individually.
  • Changing the appearance of the community. You can change the cover or avatar from your smartphone.
  • Appointment and removal of managers.
  • Detailed statistics. Visits, activity, coverage and much more are in this application.
  • Working with goods. You can add, delete, edit cards for individual products. Everything you can do on a PC can now be done on your mobile device.
  • Block users (list them as an emergency).

Don't forget that this is an official application from VKontakte, so it is constantly updated. New features and tools are being added to it.

In other words, VK Admin is the best way to administer public pages via mobile devices.

Possible problems

If we talk about the work of an administrator in general, it is worth noting some problems and common mistakes. Fortunately, they are all solvable. You just have to want it.

Lack of personal time is one of the most common problems associated with the administration of VK communities. Unfortunately, most managers are unwilling or afraid to shift some of the work to another person.

Don't be afraid to delegate responsibilities to others. Don't have time to create content? Hire a dedicated editor (it's not that expensive). Don't know how to promote your public? Hire a promotion specialist. As you know, a good specialist will quickly cope with the tasks assigned to him.

In the end, just assign another admin.

Another common problem is incompetence in promoting and introducing the community. Not all of us know and know how to properly promote our community or how to work with the audience.

Fortunately, there is always a way out. Find someone who knows and can. It's simple. Yes, he will have to pay a salary for this. But no one said that leading is easy.

Bottom line

Today we talked to you about VKontakte community administrators. Now you know what kind of position this is, what responsibilities and rights it has. We also told you how to make group administration easier on mobile devices. We hope the article was useful.

If the admin has not hidden information about himself, then on the right side of the page there should be a “Contacts” block, which contains information about the administrator or how to contact him:

However, it happens that you need to find out who is the administrator of a VKontakte group, page, public, but there is no information either in the contacts or anywhere else. There can be many reasons to define an admin. This could be a provocative public page, or the “Overheard” community in your city or something similar, where information is published that may cause some inconvenience. In the end, you just need to contact the administrator to offer him something or discuss something. You can, of course, leave a comment under the post if possible, but the likelihood that they will answer you and that it will be the admin is extremely low.

1 way to determine the administrator of a VKontakte group

GIF animations are often published in VKontakte groups. You can find it manually, but it takes a long time, it’s better to use the search.

1. Go to the group where you need to find the administrator. On the main page of the group, before the start of all entries, there is a link "Community Posts" Click on it:

2. Now enter in the search bar GIF and press "Enter", then select "Search posts only":

4. The image will open in a new tab. User ID is the numbers that come after "doc" and end before «_». In this case, the user ID will be 111111111 :

5. In order to get a link to the profile of the user who posted this image, you need to remove the underline «_» and everything that comes after it, and doc replaced by id and press "enter". As a result, you will be taken to the page of the person who uploaded this image:

Most likely it will be an administrator. To be on the safe side, you can check several GIFs, and if the ID of the person who published them is the same, then most likely it is an administrator or editor - a person who has the right to publish and who has a connection with the administrator. This method does not work with regular, non-animated images.

You don't have to use a GIF to identify an admin. Any other document attached to the post will also work. So you can look for some of this: rar, zip, jpg, jpeg, png, txt, doc, docx, rtf, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pdf, png, jpg, gif, psd, djvu, fb2, epub, ps. The algorithm of action is the same as with gif animation. The main thing is to find any document attached to the post.

Often, when publishing long images, such as comics, a link to the same image is attached below the image itself, only in full size. The image is usually uploaded as a document in the format jpg, jpeg or png.

How and why it works: the thing is that VKontakte does not allow you to upload GIF animation as a regular image. If you load a GIF as a simple image, the animation stops working. Therefore, the animated image is first loaded into documents, and then published. Uploaded documents always have in their link the ID of the user who published it. The same goes for files of other formats. They cannot be downloaded without attaching them to a post in the form of a document or a link to some third-party resource.

2 way to determine the administrator of a VKontakte group

1. In the group you need to find "discussions", they are located somewhere on the right side of the group. Using a link to one of them, the administrator will be identified.

3. After that, create a new group. “Groups” - “Create a community” - “Community of interests”. You can put anything into the name, any theme of the group. Then click on "Create a community".

4. Now in the menu of the created group, select "Control". Select "Links", then "Add link".

5. After clicking on the “Add link” button, a window will appear in which the name of the discussion, the first and last name of the group administrator will be indicated:

This method does not always work; often the group name is displayed instead of the admin name.

There are a large number of programs and services on the Internet for identifying the hidden administrator in a group. However, using them is strongly not recommended, because they work on the same principle or do not work at all. In addition, the use of such programs and services may harm your device or lead to account theft.

VKontakte administrator - who is he? Strictly speaking, each of us who is registered on VKontakte is responsible for our own page.

But we’ll talk about something else - about how to administer VK groups and public pages and get paid for it.

There are tens of thousands of groups on VKontakte. Among them there are cozy communities for their own, there are entertainment publics, there are groups of small and medium-sized businesses.

It is clear that business owners do not manage their groups themselves (well, unless the business is very small, its owner cannot afford to hire an admin and does everything himself).

This is where the administrator comes to the rescue - the person who is responsible for promoting the community on social networks.

What does an administrator do?

1. (this is if we are talking about developing a community from scratch). To do this, you need to select the type of community (public or group), design it visually (create a cover, an avatar), write general information and make the first post - a dating post. If a brand or community is sufficiently promoted, the visual component is usually handled by hired designers.

2. Publishes posts. Not as his left leg pleases and not once a week, but constantly, regularly, to accustom subscribers to new portions of content. Ideally, the admin should create a content plan, according to which he publishes posts. There may be several of them per day, preferably 6–8 for a large community and 2–3 for smaller groups.

3. Communicates with participants. In order for the group to become alive, so that people want to communicate, you will have to start with yourself. Be sure to respond to all comments and messages in the group so that their author does not think that he is speaking into the void.

If the group is new and there is no activity yet, write comments yourself, and such that you would like to answer them. Further. Create polls and ask subscribers for their opinions on any issue. This can be done right in the post, the most banal example is to ask: “What do you think about this news”?

Ask questions to your subscribers. They love answering them!

It is not always appropriate: trolls can come to the group and do mischief: offend other subscribers, send information that falls under the article about inciting ethnic hatred, etc. And okay trolls - you can just ban them. But any subscriber can pour out their negativity in the comments, and you will need to do something about it.

5. Conducts competitions, ensures that there are no cheats, selects the winner, contacts the participants and informs them about the results. If the company whose community you moderate does not have a marketer, you may have to generate contest ideas yourself.

If a company positions itself as an open and creative brand, repost competitions alone will not do the trick; please come up with something interesting. For example, a competition for the best photo, the best slogan for the company, the best story related to the brand’s products and services.

Don’t work on your own, make sure your advertising gets maximum effect. If the advertiser receives a good response, he will most likely contact you again. And you can receive a bonus from the group owner.

What should an administrator know and be able to do?

A common mistake many newbies make is to think that if they have been on VKontakte for many years and are active users, then they can handle the responsibilities of an administrator.

No matter how it is! It’s not enough to clean up the comments and publish some insignificant post once a day.

We tell you what a VK administrator should know and be able to do.

1. Publish interesting and useful content. The main thing is to guess the interests of your subscribers and continuously supply them with quality content. Let's say you undertake to moderate a group dedicated to new films. The subject matter is wide, write and write.

This means that you must constantly monitor thematic sites, news, and other public pages, select the most interesting publications and make original posts out of them. These could be new photos of actors, interviews, trailers, film announcements, audience reviews, etc.

Now let's talk about small and medium-sized business groups. For example, let’s take the community of an online women’s clothing store. On Monday you can introduce subscribers to new products in the assortment, on Tuesday you can write an informational article about the trends of this fall, on Wednesday you can make a photo selection of store products (for example, 10 fashionable coats), on Thursday you can come up with an interesting contest, on Friday you can please your subscribers with an entertaining a picture or an interesting test (“What is your clothing style”, “Which character from the series are you”, “Which of our images suits you” and so on).

Under no circumstances copy posts from other communities or sites - firstly, this is punishable (VKontakte recently launched the “Nemesis” algorithm, which tracks stolen posts and issues strikes to violators), and secondly, subscribers will not be interested.

Let's say you were offered to lead a group of a company selling plastic windows. So what, for the millionth time, write about the advantages of windows, about how to install them? All this has been published a thousand times in other groups and wanders from community to community without bringing any benefit.

What to do? Rewrite in your own words, add interesting facts, photographs, videos, look for features that will hook the reader. Who said it would be easy? An administrator must have the makings, otherwise it is better not to take on this matter.

2. Have basic skills, master Photoshop and other graphic editors. There are many instructions on the Internet on how to design a community cover - it’s not difficult to learn.

3. Know the basics of marketing: understand which groups - that is, who reads it, and target exactly this audience. For example, if you undertake to administer a community like “Overheard”, focus on young people, and if, as the admin of the “Plant Seeds Wholesale and Retail” group, youth slang will not work, you need to speak in a language understandable to readers. And the readers in this case will be middle-aged people, mostly women.

Partial information about the audience can be viewed in the group statistics - the age, gender and place of residence of subscribers is indicated there. It’s even better to ask the customer – the business owner or company manager – for information.

4. Be a good psychologist, understand people’s motives and moods. The Internet is often used as a place to release negativity. As we have already written, offended or angry people can come to the group and write a complaint.

Some admins solve the problem simply: ban the complainant and delete comments. Under no circumstances do this - you will ruin the group's reputation. You need to find an approach to each of the people: smooth out the situation, bring it to a constructive and positive level.

Let me give you a few examples. The simplest one: someone comes and starts whining: “The group is crap, the posts are uninteresting, fire the admin immediately.” Don’t rush to be offended: ask what, in his opinion, should be changed in the group? Sometimes subscribers come up with original ideas that you can bring to life.

Now it's more complicated. You are the admin of a community for a company that installs air conditioners. A dissatisfied client finds your group and starts writing a complaint: “Sharashkina’s office! Prices are through the roof! The employees are boors! I wasn’t licked affectionately enough from all sides, but the client is always right!”

Just a cry from the heart, from which, however, it is not clear what happened to the person. In this case, you first need to apologize (even if the client, to put it mildly, is not adequate) and ask what exactly did not suit him.

If it’s about prices, provide statistics on the cost of air conditioners in your region and explain what the price is made up of. If the service is bad, write that the employee has already been given a dressing down and punished.

The main thing is to show that you are solving the problem, and not brushing off the visitor like an annoying fly. It happens that a person just needs to speak out and pour out the negativity. In this case, leave with a neutral comment.

In particularly difficult cases, it is necessary to involve the company’s management and together think about what to do next. Often directors or their deputies also have administrator rights - so let them take the rap. In the end, your business is the group; you don’t have to get involved in disputes within the company.

1. Create group rules that clearly state the rights and responsibilities of the administrator and subscribers, and strictly follow them. Well, for example, subscribers to a public page dedicated to movies are allowed to communicate only on the topic - otherwise your wall will be spammed with unnecessary information.

In the group, swearing, spam and flooding, insulting participants, and getting personal are prohibited. The administrator has the right to delete such comments and block the subscriber. Rules are needed to minimize conflicts between the admin and the subscriber.

So that for every question “Why was my comment deleted?”, “Why is he calling me names?” you were able to present the rules and justify your actions.

2. Work as a team. It's always easier when someone helps. The administrator can hire a moderator as an assistant - to clean comments, remove spam and flood, and always be on hand if you are distracted by working on another group, leave the computer, and go about your business. Just keep in mind: the team’s actions must be coordinated.

Who can become a VKontakte admin?

Theoretically, any person, be it a student, a young mother on maternity leave, or an ordinary office employee who needs a part-time job. A higher education is not required here - it is enough to confidently swim in the ocean of VKontakte and possess all the qualities that we just wrote about.

Choose a topic that you are more or less versed in: it will be easier for you, and the posts will not be forced and fake. Fortunately, there are many communities on VKontakte - just choose.

Where to look for a VKontakte administrator job

There are several proven options.

1. Yes, on VKontakte itself! Go to freelance groups - they are constantly looking for admins, often full-time. You can also leave your resume in job search discussions.

2. Another option is copywriting exchanges, where they look for those who will publish posts in communities. The work will take place through the exchange - which means you have a 100% guarantee that the customer will not be deceived.

3. By word of mouth. Surely among your friends and acquaintances there are those who have opened their own business or run a VK community. Pay attention to urban communities - they also often require admins. In short, make full use of your personal connections.

How much does a VK administrator earn?

This depends on many factors: the amount of administration experience, the number of responsibilities (some administrators do not do advertising), the size of the workload (you must admit, 1 post per day or 8 is a big difference).

On average, a group administrator with minimal responsibilities (1–2 posts per day) receives 3–6 thousand rubles. Accordingly, if there are more groups, multiply their number by this amount.

If an administrator works full time and fully manages the group (writes and publishes posts, selects photos and puts copyright on them, holds competitions, communicates with advertisers), his income can be from 20 thousand rubles monthly. However, he will spend more time - in parallel he will be able to lead a maximum of one or two more groups.

Advice: before earning a living as an administrator, “practice on cats”: try leading a group of an acquaintance or friend, or create your own from scratch. This way you will gain the necessary experience and learn how to communicate with subscribers.

So, decide whether you have the necessary knowledge and skills, test your strengths in a trial group and go ahead - looking for an administrator position. We are sure you will succeed!

The VKontakte group manager is responsible for publishing content, moderating and promoting the community. The admin role can be performed by the group creator or users assigned by him. In this article we will discuss where to find vacancies for a VK group administrator, as well as how to appoint a person as an administrator through the VK functionality.

The MDK community can be a positive example of high-quality work by admins. Despite all its scandalousness and ambiguity of published content, the main task of attracting subscribers is accomplished almost perfectly.

But this is only one side of the coin. Sometimes, unqualified specialists do not cope with their responsibilities: they do not publish high-quality posts, do not moderate and promote the public. This leads to disastrous results: minimal subscriber growth, weak user activity.

Vacancies for the position of VK group administrator

The information below is suitable for both clients and freelancers. The former can post a request, and the freelancers can respond to it. Community owners are often interested in the question: “How and where to find a suitable admin for a VK group?” You can find a suitable candidate on specialized sites.

Freelance sites with vacancies for public administration:

One of the largest exchanges in the CIS. Thousands of specialists are looking for work managing and promoting sites on VKontakte. To search, you need to post a vacancy with an approximate salary on Weblancer and select a candidate from among hundreds of responses.

. The largest platform for remote work in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet. The principle of work for the customer here is the same as at similar sites. All you need to do is post an ad looking for an administrator for the group, or find an experienced specialist from the general rating and contact him directly.

Publics on VKontakte:

Public “Distance”. A community for finding remote employees, including administrators for their own sites. The page has 134,241 members, more than 80% of which are performers.

Freelancers Club. A group where you can also find an employee to run your own VK sites. The size of the community is smaller than that of Distance - 89,605 people.

Administrator Skills and Responsibilities

Any administrator must have certain skills and responsibilities, because the success of community growth depends on him. These skills include:

  1. Creating useful and . This point means the publication of informative posts with high-quality images or videos.
  2. Moderating the group: removing negative comments, spam, accepting applications to join (in the case of closed communities).
  3. The ability to find partners for mutual advertising of groups, buy advertising on other platforms.

These are the three main skills that any administrator should have and from which his salary is determined. They will allow you to competently develop a VK group and recruit high-quality, and, most importantly, live subscribers.

How to assign or remove an administrator

How to make an admin in a VK group? To do this, click on the icon with three dots under the community avatar and select “Manage Community”.

On the page that opens, a menu will appear on the right side. Here you need to go to the “Participants” tab.

You will see a complete list of participants who can be given administrator rights.

If you want to perform this operation on mobile devices (), then for this:

  1. Enter the community.
  2. Open the "Subscribers" tab.
  3. Next to the number of participants, click the “edit” button.
  4. In the list of participants, select the user you want to make an administrator.

This way you can not only change the admin in the VK group.

Hide admin from PC

If you want to know how to hide an admin in a VK group so that he does not appear in the “Contacts” block, then you need:

Go to the community management section.

In the participants section, select a person with rights to manage the community and click on the “Edit” button.

In the window that opens, uncheck the “Display in contacts block” checkbox.

How to hide the VK administrator from iPhone or Android

On iPhone or Android devices, the hiding process is almost identical to working through a PC..

After opening the list of community members and going into edit mode, uncheck the “Display in contacts block” checkbox.

To remove permissions from a user or simply remove them from admins in a VK group, you need to go to the members section through community management and select “Demote”.

On mobile devices, you need to go to the “Participants” section and select “Delete” in edit mode.

How to find out the administrator in a group

Now the question is how to recognize the admin in a VK group, then you need to do the following:

First, check the Contacts block in the bottom right block. Most often, managers are displayed there.

In the mobile application, this block is placed as a separate item in the community menu. All you need to do is go to the “Contacts” page.

If this block is empty, please write to the community in private messages. There you can contact the owners directly and, if necessary, obtain administrator data.

If you want to find out whether you are the leader of a particular group, then look at the opportunities available to you. If you can add new posts to a page, delete comments and manage the community, this means that you have full administrator rights.

Problems with group administration

Community owners should know what problems may arise when administering VK groups and possible solutions to them:

  1. Spam in comments under posts. This problem is solved by blocking spammers, as well as adding obscene language to the prohibited list of words.
  • Difficulties in creating high-quality and interesting content. To solve the problem, you need to analyze competitors and sites with a related topic. Based on the analysis, write out the types of posts that collect the greatest response from the audience. This will allow you to create a competent content plan and solve all the difficulties with creating publications.

Bottom line

In this article, we learned about the principles of work of group administrators and where to find people for this position. We also discussed the process of appointing a group (public) administrator through the VK functionality, and this can be done from different devices - from a home computer, iPhone (iOS), Android, as well as other smartphones.

Hello readers of my blog site! Today, making money on the Internet has become very popular and many, even successful workers, eventually switch to home employment. After all, this creates much more opportunities to be close to loved ones, and this is just one of the reasons for choosing. There are many professions for remote work, but in this article I will tell you what a VKontakte group administrator does and how much you can earn by performing his duties.

What kind of profession is this?

Many already know that viral marketing through social networks brings good traffic to the site, attracting potential customers, so we should not neglect such resources as: VKontakte, Facebook, and so on. Which ones do you use?

Even experts in blogging and website building often fail to promote their group without special skills. An excellent trainer Natalya Odegova created a training course on the responsibilities of a group administrator. In the meantime, I’ll try to briefly tell you what and how it works in this relatively new profession :)

When a company is seriously engaged in its promotion and keeps up with the times, it chooses modern methods of informing potential customers about its offers. Advertising options such as newspapers target a specific audience, while social media reaches a much wider range of people.

Every day people are becoming more and more interested in social networks and there are many reasons for this, which I will not list, I think you yourself know them very well. The main ones are convenience and simplicity. Resource " In contact with» allows you not only to communicate, but also to find out news, watch movies, and even select goods and services in the appropriate groups with delivery, reading reviews of other users. And given the capabilities of Internet connections, the listed operations can be carried out from a phone and tablet, anywhere in the world. Do you agree that this is a big advantage?

How can you attract clients through VK?

With the importance of social We have figured out networks and it is difficult to overestimate it. Now I want to address the issue of promotion or legal entity in VK.

If individuals providing any services can advertise through a personal page, then companies still choose to create groups. This happens most often. But it also happens that one person creates a group where he not only demonstrates his work, but also finds like-minded people, partners and, of course, customers.

What does a group admin do?

The main responsibility of such a remote employee is promoting the group, attracting participants .

He also performs the following duties:

  • develops group design;
  • design and replenishment of albums: photos and videos;
  • creating several topics for discussion and supporting dialogue with group members;
  • drawing up a content plan and its implementation (writing unique articles);
  • attracting participants using paid and free methods;
  • stimulating activity in the group;
  • maintaining the wall, answering questions from participants;
  • protecting the group from spam publications in posts and comments;
  • analysis of the effectiveness of one’s own work and the management of the group.

The list of functions performed by a group administrator does not end there. If the admin is savvy in knowledge of marketing and online advertising, masters copywriting, SEO and knows how to promote information through Google and Yandex, then his “price” will automatically increase. Do you feel like the admin has too many responsibilities? Believe me, this is at first glance.

Modern profession

The job prospects are undeniable. Already today, the demand for such specialists exceeds supply, because every company does not want to miss the opportunity for additional sales. But it is difficult to find a truly good employee. But if you want to succeed in business, you will develop and eventually find regular customers and make good money.

Working this way, you will be able to:

  • choose a busy time convenient for you;
  • increase your workload and income by working on several more projects;
  • determine for yourself a vacation or weekend whenever you wish;
  • work anywhere and anywhere in the world where there is Internet;
  • invest in your development and study remotely as well as work;
  • register as an individual entrepreneur and work officially, making transfers to the pension fund.

Interaction with the customer

Of course, you should not forget that in addition to your own decisions regarding the management of the group and work schedule, you will need to listen to the customer’s opinion and agree with him on many details of promotion through VK. If the customer has already promoted a group through social networks, he will create technical specifications for you, and this will help you study his preferences and requirements.

And one more plus. You can combine running a group with other activities, then freelancing will become additional income for you. You can learn about other topics in the field of online earnings by subscribing to my blog. Leave comments and share your experience!

See you again!


Best regards, Alexander Sergienko
