Under Gretzky's number. Vladislav Kamenev. Hockey player Kamenev has Gretzky's number

Under Gretzky's number. Vladislav Kamenev. Hockey player Kamenev has Gretzky's number


-Have you moved to Milwaukee yet?

Yes, but I haven’t even trained with the team just yet. The first lesson is scheduled for Tuesday, and at the end of the week we send out.

- Again buses, buses...

We fly often. Our longest trip is 6-8 hours. You can be patient.

- Are you upset that you are returning to the AHL?

How can I say... Of course, I really hoped that I would play in . I prepared a lot in the summer, but I didn’t conduct the exhibition meetings in the best way. I still can’t understand what happened to me. But Milwaukee has a great team, a great coach. I'm looking forward to the start of the season. It will be fun. We have now moved to a new arena.

- Far?

No, next to the old one. Previously, we shared the stadium with an NBA club, and now, it seems, we will change with college clubs. I don’t know why this happened, apparently the basketball players didn’t want to see us around. So nothing in the schedule will change. I will live six to ten minutes away by car.

- Let's go back to training camp.

There is nothing to remember. The coach told me that I am slow and I need to improve in this component. But they promised that they would still give him a chance in the NHL. I'll wait for the call.

- What exactly are you doing slowly?

It seemed to be well prepared. The face-offs didn’t go well, but in the third match everything became much better when I won 56 percent of the fights. But I still couldn’t feel the tempo.

- Who did you play with in September?

With no one. The combinations were constantly changing, there were no permanent partners.

- Isn't that the reason?

Partly. But I wouldn't say she's the main one.

- What kind of hockey does Nashville play?

We strictly adhere to the schemes. It is not recommended to deviate from them. We must make the simplest and most correct decisions.

- Is it difficult for you with this approach?

These are the requirements. I should not argue or discuss them - I must carry them out. I hope that everything will be the same in Milwaukee, they will count on me, I will show good hockey and they will call me to the NHL.


You know, sometimes you can see how a coach counts on a player. That is, he gives him a chance, believes in him, creates comfortable conditions. For example, this is the situation in.

I didn't feel anything like that. But again, you shouldn’t be offended by this. They still gave me advice and help.

- Have you ever thought that you need to return home? We would play in the first line of Metallurg.

I definitely wouldn’t play in the first one - you know the composition of the lines.

- Okay, in the second one. This is 16 minutes, a stable majority.

It’s absurd to return to Russia without fulfilling your dream. Don't think, I don't think everything is lost. I'll play and they'll call me.

- Last year they didn’t call.

It's true. Apparently, the coaches had such a vision. There is no point in discussing this.

- Didn’t Metallurg call you in the summer?

Never. There were no rumors of a trade to the NHL. At least I haven't heard anything like that.

-Have you been at home for a long time?

Not so long. A little bit in June, then I started a training camp overseas, so in August I spent a couple more weeks in my native Orsk.

- How is Orsk after Milwaukee?

Heaven and earth. But this is Russia, my hometown. I'm glad to be back here.


- You are the only Russian player in the Nashville system. Hard?

By the way, he looked great in exhibition matches. The guy is doing a show, there is a huge interest in him. After every match, journalists go to him. It's fun in the locker room all the time.

- Do reporters come to you?

They are trying, but my English is not yet good enough for me to give interviews.

- Isn’t this the reason for the failure in the training camp?

Unknowing of the language? Don't think. I understand perfectly well what is required of me, and I try. But something doesn't work out. I'll figure it out and return to Nashville.


- Last year I was with you at the Admirals. And he failed. Why?

- What can you say about the prospects of the Milwaukee Bucks this NBA season?

I hope that the team will show a decent result. Fortunately, we have the same home and away matches with them. I watched a lot of games and plan to go this year.

- Why are they selling you tickets?

They give it to us for free. Two are closer to the site, and the rest are in the box.

- We need to take it from the site.

It so happened that I was watching from the box the whole time. But this time I will insist on sitting closer to the floor.

- I’m not asking about a club from the major baseball league.

It makes no sense, because I realized that this sport is not my thing at all. I simply can’t sit for three hours and watch something I don’t understand. So I’m not even interested in baseball and don’t understand the rules.

Willy-nilly, you will start to closely follow the 18-year-old center forward of Magnitogorsk Metallurg Vladislav Kamenev, because he plays under the unusual number 99

In champion Magnitka, in some matches he already takes to the ice in the second line.

At the end of last season, Kamenev did not play a single match in the playoffs, and therefore in his collection there is only one award so far - the gold medal of the Russian champion. However, for a debut in the KHL, this is simply a great result. And in early November, Kamenev can make his debut in the Russian national team. In any case, Vladislav, among others, was summoned to a training camp in Novogorsk. This conversation with the young talent of Magnitogorsk took place the day before the first game with Kazan Ak Bars.

Our information:

Kamenev Vladislav. Role – central striker. Born August 12, 1996. Height 189, weight 84. A student of the Magnitogorsk and Ory hockey schools.

In the KHL in the regular championships of the country for Metallurg 38 matches, 5 goals, 3 assists, 8 penalty minutes.

Champion of Russia 2014. Participant in the 2014 Junior World Championship - 5 matches, 7 points (2 goals, 5 assists). At the 2014 NHL Entry Draft, he was selected in the second round, 42nd overall, by the Nashville Predators.

  • Vladislav, remember at what age your father put you on skates?
  • I remember that it was around three years. I even have a photograph from then, where I was a little boy walking around the house in skates with a stick.
  • Did you resist?
  • I don’t remember now, but I think not.
  • What success did your father achieve in the hockey field?
  • He played in Orsk, in Nost. Not for very long, until I was 27, I graduated early and became a coach. Trained me. I coached the Orsk farm club, I also skated with the guys from this farm club. Then, when the farm club was disbanded, he took over in 1996, and I was there.
  • What elements of hockey did you struggle with as a child? It’s possible that the throw-ins didn’t work out, or that they skated poorly backwards...
  • I remember when official tournaments started playing, I lacked speed and strength in my legs. And now, at the end of my youth career, when I came to Solovyov in Magnitogorsk, we worked with him a lot on his legs, and he became a little faster.
  • Was it scary to move from Orsk to Magnitogorsk at the age of 12?
  • No, I wouldn’t say it’s scary. On the contrary, it's easy. I missed my parents, but not much. It wasn’t like, I want to go back home. I wanted to play more, and where hockey is played better.
  • How it was? One evening, my father came home from work and said: “Son, pack your suitcase, you are moving to Magnitogorsk!”?
  • We just consulted. My father called his good friend Vitaly Solovyov, asked him if he could come to the viewing, and, having received approval, we came here.
  • Remember the day when you saw Metallurg live for the first time?
  • The first year I came here. We tried to come to almost every game with the guys who lived in the boarding school. Immediately after training we ran to watch the Metallurg games. The first impressions are unforgettable - it was hockey on a completely different level.
  • Did you have options, besides Magnitogorsk, to go, for example, to Ufa, Kazan, Moscow, Chelyabinsk?
  • Once we played in Omsk, won big, and I scored a lot of points. And before the next match, the hosts’ coach says to me: “Do you want to move here?” - “All questions to the coach, that is, my father.” In the end, nothing worked out. Magnitogorsk is closer to Orsk.
  • As we managed to notice, your children’s coach at graduation from SDYUSSHOR was Vitaly Solovyov, whose role as a player was goalkeeper. How could a goalkeeper bring the center forward to his senses?
  • He is a very competent coach. How many of his graduates play for Metallurg, who won both the MHL Cup and the Gagarin Cup: Grigorenko, Potekhin. He raised them.
  • This season you have already played more matches for Metallurg than last. What was missing then, and what is missing now to constantly appear in the first team of the championship team?
  • Probably, I have more confidence, and also physically added. Over the summer I tried and worked. Only in the summer the injury was minor, and therefore I was not at the training camp with the team. I stayed in Magnitogorsk and did the same thing here, preparing for the season individually. I flew to America to see how it was there. They suggested something.
  • You've been working with Mike Keenan since last season. What have you learned from this specialist during this time that will be useful to you in the future?

  • The fact that you need to become more professional, take care of your health, eat better, and train.
  • This season you often take to the ice in the youth trio, sometimes with more experienced partners. I can imagine how you would like to play in Kovar’s place on a line with Mozyakin and Zaripov. Is this real? Or does it not matter to you which line, just to play?
  • Of course, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to play in the first team. And it seems to me that everyone would like to play with such masters. You need to work hard for this. Their understanding among themselves is generally unrealistic.
  • Didn’t you even play with Zaripov and Mozyakin in training?
  • No. Last season or in the preseason, I played with them on the power play once. I liked it, of course. They can pass out passes with their eyes closed.
  • Was it difficult to transition from junior to adult hockey? What were the difficulties?
  • Here everything is much faster, there is more power wrestling, physically strong guys. When you go into a collision, everything is different. Not like in the MHL.
  • Are there any awkward defenders for you in the KHL?
  • No, probably not. These are the people who play on our team. The same Chris Lee is a very inconvenient defender (laughs). Vitya Antipin. Both skate well and read the game. These are the most inconvenient ones.
  • Due to your youth, the preseason was probably easier for you than for other teammates.
  • Because of my injury, I didn’t really have a normal preseason, so I haven’t yet felt what preseason training is like.
  • Were there no problems at the start of the championship because of this?
  • I think no. In the summer, he also continued to work intensively individually, coming to the Metallurg Arena and studying from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., with a break for lunch.
  • Have you been given a plan for preparing for the summer?
  • Yes. Michael Pelino and Ilya Vorobyov, before leaving with Metallurg for the preseason, left me about twenty sheets of text about what and how to do to stay in shape.
  • In Russian?
  • Certainly.
  • Keenan spoke with you individually before this season and set any local goals?
  • There was one conversation, he talked about what he hopes for me, that I should strive to become the second center forward, I should strive to get into the top five, and play in it instead of Kovar.
  • That is, even so! Does Kovarzh know about this?
  • Well, they just told me to strive for it. I think I'm still a long way from Jan.
  • What is your relationship with Kovarzh? They say he has mastered the Russian language well, do you communicate?
  • Of course we communicate. We are sitting next to each other in the locker room. Great guy.
  • By the way, did Mike Keenan say anything about your number 99?
  • I immediately thought of Gretzky.
  • But he didn't mind?
  • I think no. And then, it seems to me, I’ve already gotten used to it.
  • Did you deliberately take such a number?
  • And as soon as I arrived in Magnitogorsk, there were two numbers left free: 18 and 99. And I took the last one. And so he stayed with me.
  • Either Fedorov or Gretzky...

  • In general, can we say that Gretzky is your idol in life, or are there other players you would like to emulate?
  • I liked the way Sergei Fedorov played. Here I always watched him, admired his masterful skating. I really liked him as a player.
  • Have you talked to Fedorov?
  • Unfortunately no. I didn’t make it to his time at Metallurg.
  • Did you expect that in the KHL draft you would be selected with the exact number you were selected with? Or did you still think that this number could be higher, or maybe lower?
  • Previously, I was in the first round: 26th or 29th, I don’t remember exactly. Expected to be selected in the first round. But I heard that the NHL is afraid to draft Russians highly, they think that they won’t go there and will stay here. But I still have a high place.
  • Higher than Nikolai Kulemin.
  • Well, yes. I read about this too. I’m very glad that Nashville drafted me, whose managers are interested, and sometimes my agent calls me. He asks and finds out how things are going.
  • If it's not a secret, when was the last time you called?
  • In September, when Metallurg played away.
  • Do you speak English with your agent?
  • No. He speaks a little Russian. My agent is Rostislav Saglo.
  • How did it happen that you started doing your hockey business with him?
  • I was in Egypt, and my partner works with him. I ended up there too. Played volleyball. We met. He knew about me in advance. Then they contacted Rostislav through him.
  • Is it true that you could have stayed in North America this season?
  • I knew that the general manager of Nashville and all the scouts of this club liked my game. I don’t know whether it was realistic or not to gain a foothold in the main roster, but we could have tried.
  • What was the first thing that surprised you when you found yourself at Predators training camp?
  • There is such an atmosphere created there that, despite the competition, the guys must unite and make friends with each other. They even told me not to communicate with the agent in Russian, but to constantly speak English. I tried a little.
  • Have you talked to any of the famous Nashville players?
  • There were no stars. Of the most famous, Filip Forsberg, who now plays in Nashville, is scoring points. A normal guy who supported me. Although our English was not very good, we understood each other.
  • Having returned to Russia, did you understand what the difference is between hockey in the NHL and the KHL?
  • It's a completely different hockey game: they throw the puck into the zone and run to fight for it. We play until the players roll out. They are getting faster and faster. The courts are still small, there are a lot of throws.
  • There are small venues in Russia too. How difficult is it for you to play your hockey on them?
  • Yes, it’s fine for me, I didn’t particularly notice the difficulties on small sites. You do your job in the right place at the right time. So, it doesn't matter to me.
  • Last summer was unusually busy for you. Did you manage to get some rest?
  • Before the NHL draft, I flew to America and passed special tests. Then he arrived and immediately went to Turkey to relax with his parents. We stayed there for two weeks, after which I flew back to the draft. Before the tests, I also worked in Orsk.

  • Did you also work in Orsk? That is, we practically did not rest.
  • Yes, just a little bit. I think everyone relaxes like this. A couple of weeks are enough for recovery.
  • What would you like to afford because of your youth, but cannot do this because you are a professional player taking his first steps in adult hockey?
  • Probably get the license (laughs). There is not enough time for this. And I like that the same thing happens to me every day: in the morning for training, then home. Sometimes the guys and I go to the movies when we have free time.
  • How do you choose films?
  • I prefer comedies, funny films.
  • How do you spend your free time when traveling?
  • I also watch films.
  • What movie would you recommend watching?
  • The latest is “Draft Day” about American football. I really liked it. You will learn a lot. From what I saw, I went through some things myself when I was selected in the draft.
  • It seems?
  • In general, what are your impressions of the NHL draft?
  • It amazed me with its scale. More than ten thousand fans gathered at the stadium. The name of the player is called and he is greeted with cheers and applause. I can’t imagine what happens at the game when twenty thousand people gather in the stadium.
  • During his short overseas career at Ottawa, Alexey Kaigorodov was surprised that even the taxi drivers there recognized him. Did strangers recognize you at the draft?
  • No, they didn’t recognize it.
  • Have a girlfriend?
  • Not enough time?
  • You can say that.
  • Many athletes are avid hunters and fishermen...
  • I come home to Orsk, I also go fishing with my friends, we can go fishing.
  • Can you catch anything?
  • Of course, it’s good when you sit with a fishing rod above the water and you get a bite. And when you just sit for a long time and don’t catch anything, you don’t like that kind of fishing.
  • What can stop you from becoming a good hockey player?
  • Nothing, it seems to me, because I am focused only on hockey, there are no other thoughts in my head. No partying.
  • How often do you watch hockey on TV?
  • At home I turn on KHL-HD. I watch it regularly, especially if strong opponents are playing or the match is simply interesting.
  • Do you prefer Russian hockey?
  • I also watch NHL matches and catch clips of interesting moments. I follow Nashville, Washington, Pittsburgh, the Islanders, in general, the teams where ours play.

  • Your name was included in the extended list of the national team for the first stage of the Eurotour. Would you like to make your debut in the main team of the country in November?
  • Certainly. I think any young player in my place would have answered the same. Such a great chance at such a young age.
  • Based on the results of the last season, what awards do you now have in your collection?
  • Russian champion medal, but I don’t have a copy of the Gagarin mini-Cup and the “golden” sweater.
  • It turns out that you have a much more serious motivation for this year: to win the Gagarin Cup for the first time in your career.
  • I will do my best together with the team to achieve this result.
  • Which relative most often comes from Orsk to Magnitka for hockey?
  • My parents live in Orsk, but they sometimes come to games. In his free time, if his father does not have training. If it doesn’t work out, they watch hockey on TV. My grandfather Vladimir Vladimirovich loves hockey very much, he can watch the same match two or three times.
  • Is your grandfather the most avid fan in your family?
  • Yes. He also attended hockey in Magnitogorsk. I came here once. This season my parents came three or four times.
  • Is everything normal at home?
  • Yes. I live at the team base, I like everything there. All that remains is to get the right.

The appearance of the youngest player from Metallurg Magnitogorsk and at the same time one of the most promising center forwards in the country, Vladislav Kamenev, in the Russian national team for the Karjala Cup came as a surprise to many.


Kamenev has already proven himself in adult hockey. On October 17 last year, scoring a goal in a match with Atlant, he beat the achievement of his famous countryman Evgeni Malkin and is second only to Alexander Ovechkin. Kamenev was 17 years 2 months old. Malkin opened his scoring account at the age of 17 years 4 months - on December 12, 2003 in a meeting with Lokomotiv. Ovechkin began playing for Dynamo at the age of 16.

In the near future, apparently, Kamenev will bypass Malkin on yet another “turn”. Evgeniy made his debut as part of the national team at the age of 18 years 9 months: on April 22, 2005, he took to the ice in the first final match of the Eurotour with the Swedish team. Summoned to Novogorsk to prepare for the Karjala Cup, Kamenev is now 18 years and 2 months old. Only the same Ovechkin is higher, who made his debut in the main team of the country at 17 years 11 months.

In Magnitogorsk, Kamenev is called the new Malkin. But for me, this is a clone of Morozov. They are not only similar in their white skates from the same company, but also in their style of play. Like the ex-captain of Ak Bars and the Russian national team, Kamenev is flexible, he positions his body well, which is why it is not easy to take the puck away from him. He skates with a sweep, he has long and technical arms, and finally, an excellent wrist throw.

Vlad immediately attracts attention. Firstly, number 99 a la Wayne Gretzky. Secondly, physical data: 189 centimeters, 85 kg. Such heroes, of course, grow up either in Siberia or in the Urals.

I wore skates to the nursery,” recalls Vladislav. - I was brought to the skating rink when I was three years old. And in his native Orsk he studied until he was 12 years old. I did two or three training sessions a day. At the age of 10, I was already skating with a farm club. I spent the whole day in the palace. I dined and slept there.

In the 2008/09 season in the Russian Youth Championship, the 12-year-old forward scored 55 goals in 46 matches, after which he was immediately promoted to Magnitogorsk. There Kamenev also shot excellently and regularly. He joined the MHL team at the age of 15, and last season he made his debut with Metallurg. In the current championship, Magnitogorsk head coach Mike Keenan has turned the Orsk nugget into a 100% first-team player who has earned a call to the first Russian national team. And this despite the fact that Kamenev did not play a single match for the youth team. Although he was the captain of the junior team at the World Championship for players under 18 years of age in Finland. The Russians failed there, taking 5th place. And Kamenev flashed, scoring 7 (2+5) points in seven games, and attracted the attention of NHL scouts.


In the summer, Vladislav became the first Russian drafted by Nashville in the last 10 years. The Predators selected him in the second round, 42nd overall. A week earlier, the forward was taken by the Quebec Ramparts from the Quebec Junior League with the second overall pick in the draft CHL.

“Kamenev is a powerful forward with excellent playing skills,” former Czechoslovakia national team forward and Nashville scout Vaclav Nedomansky described the Russian. “He uses the length of his arms and body well to hold off opponents. He has an excellent shot, Vlad is dangerous every time.” when he appears on the ice."

“He’s the type of player that every club needs,” added Predators chief scout Jeff Kielty. “A center who can play up front and back. He can start attacks. Those types of players don’t fall around.”

Having heard enough praises, Kamenev announced that he wanted to leave Magnitogorsk. Metallurg vice-president Gennady Velichkin called the player’s impulse “the emotions of a young boy,” recalling the current contract. As a result, Kamenev came to his senses.


- Why did you decide to stay in Russia?

Magnitogorsk promised playing time and complete trust. At the same time, of course, the dream of the NHL has not gone away.

- But to implement it you need to mature.

Exactly. In the summer I didn’t know what I wanted. I thought for a long time: to stay or go overseas. We discussed the situation with the parents. We decided that since they let us play in Metallurg, then why look for something? So we have to stay. Moreover, we have a strong team, a champion, plus a great coach. And I don’t have a ring for winning the Gagarin Cup, because I didn’t play in the playoffs. So the goal is to take the trophy again, but to make a significant contribution to the victory.

- “Nashville” is still calling?

They call constantly, asking how things are going. I am aware of their successes - I watch reviews of each match on the NHL website.

- Did you talk to Keenan about overseas prospects? Did he advise when to go?

No, there was no personal conversation. But I saw that we have half the team of our students in leading roles, and not polishing the bench.

- Is Keenan’s preseason harder than Evgeniy Koreshkov’s in the MHL?

Over the past three seasons, I have not completed a single preseason in its entirety: either injury or the national team. So I can't compare. At the same time, I want to thank Evgeny Koreshkov for believing in me when I was 16 years old. He gave me a chance, the right to make mistakes, playing time, and he trusted me.

- Remaining in the KHL, you were included in the list of players called up to the Russian national team.

At first I didn’t even believe it when my teammates said it. I went to check, and my name really was there. I take this as an advance. After all, Oleg Znarok announced that he would attract more young players to the team.

- Mozyakin and Zaripov were not offended by you that they were not included in the list, but you were included?

Of course not. But I heard enough jokes from my partners.


- On your VKontakte page there is a photo with Mario Lemieux...

It was the Metallurg youth team and I who went to a tournament in Pittsburgh, where we collided in the tribune room. At first I couldn’t believe my eyes, my mouth opened, and he smiled.

- I saw photographs of you very young with Datsyuk and Radulov. Where did you see them live for the first time?

I was still playing in children’s school, and during the lockout they came to Russia to play. I caught them in Magnitogorsk.

- Why do you have number 99?

When I arrived at Metallurg from Orsk, only two numbers remained free - 18 and 99. I chose 99.

- In honor of Gretzky?

No. My idol is Sergei Fedorov. I always tried to imitate him. When Fedorov played for Magnitogorsk, he did not miss a single match, and specifically followed his actions on the ice.

- Do you think Znarok will allow you to keep number 99 in the national team?

I don’t know, I still need to gain a foothold in the lineup.

- If you gain a foothold, who do you dream of playing with in the top three?

With everyone.

- What if they play with Kovalchuk and Radulov?

Well, this is actually a dream. I will play with any partners. Keenan teaches versatility, so that a center forward can connect with any wingers, so that he himself can be a force, an organizer of attacks.


- Is comparison with Evgeni Malkin flattering?

Certainly. However, Malkin is one of the best players in the world, and who am I? I still have a long way to go.

- A year ago, you became the youngest goal scorer in the history of Russian hockey and broke Malkin’s record. I know?

Of course I read it.

- If you play for the national team at the Karjala Cup, you will again surpass Malkin, becoming the youngest debutant.

God willing, I will try.

- You jumped to the national team straight from the junior team. Youth coach Valery Bragin has never called you to a training camp yet. Have you talked to him?

Not yet. Evgeny Koreshkov told me that Bragin is watching me, counting on me. My dream is to be not only in the youth team, but also at the World Youth Championships. By the way, we know Bragin. During the junior team, he made important comments and tips to my attacking team several times. But at that moment, however, Valery Nikolaevich was not yet the head coach of the youth team.


- You started the season brightly - in the first 12 meetings you scored 7 (4+3) points. However, you have already played nine matches without points.

It's okay, it just doesn't work out yet. The main thing is that we win. The problem with throw-ins happened in the last three matches. Before that, I won more than half, but now they changed it. We are additionally working on this component with Ilya Vorobyov. Ilya Petrovich shows how to position the stick and body correctly.

- Maybe star fever struck you?

I don't seem to have any problems with this. I work as before. I'm not arrogant. In extreme cases, I have a dad who can sober up. We are constantly in touch with him, after each match we sort out the mistakes. My task at the moment is to find stability, this is the class of the player. I understand that everything comes with experience. You need to work hard, there is no other recipe.

- Is the game of Metallurg's top three Mozyakin - Kovarzh - Zaripov an example of stability?

This is perfection. It amazes me how calmly and confidently they do everything, how they see the back of each other’s heads, how they feel the moment and their partner. And all without panic, nothing unnecessary. Watching them play is the same as admiring how an artist paints a picture. Being on the same team with such masters is an invaluable experience.

Vladislav Dmitrievich Kamenev, (August 12, 1996, Orsk, Russia) - Russian hockey player, forward for the Milwaukee Admirals club, AHL.

Kamenev was born in Orsk, a student of the sports school Children and Youth Sports School-4. His father Dmitry Kamenev is one of the coaches of this sports school. He was also his son’s first teacher. In the 2008-09 season, in the zonal championship of Russia among youths, he scored 35 goals against opponents as part of Orchan. Some time later, Kamenev received an invitation from the Sports and Youth Sports School "Metallurg" from Magnitogorsk, where he continued his career.

In 2013, Vladislav made his debut with HC Metallurg in the pre-season tournament in Magnitogorsk, and then in the official match of the KHL championship.

On June 28, 2014, in Philadelphia, at the 52nd annual NHL draft, the Nashville Predators selected 17-year-old Vladislav Kamenev with the 42nd pick in the second round.

In the summer of 2015, he signed a three-year rookie contract with Nashville. He made his debut for the Predators on January 6, 2017 in a match against the Florida Panthers (1:2).



  • Winner of the Gagarin Cup 2014.
  • Silver medalist of the World Youth Championship (2): 2015, 2016.


  • Recognized as the best rookie of September in the 2014-2015 KHL season.
  • On March 4, 2015, he scored the first goal in the 2015 KHL playoffs in the match Salavat Yulaev - Metallurg (MG).
  • Participant in the 2015-2016 AHL All-Star Game.


Club career

Regular season Playoffs
Season Team League AND G P ABOUT Shtr AND G P ABOUT Shtr
2012/13 Steel Foxes MHL 36 9 6 15 22 3 0 0 0 0
2013/14 Steel Foxes MHL 15 4 6 10 12 5 1 2 3 4
2013/14 Southern Urals VHL 3 0 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 0
2013/14 Metallurg Mg KHL 16 1 0 1 2 - - - - -
2014/15 Metallurg Mg KHL 41 6 4 10 10 10 1 0 1 0
2015/16 Milwaukee Admirals AHL 57 15 22 37 35 3 1 0 1 0
Total in the KHL 57 7 4 11 12 10 1 0 1 0
Total in AHL 57 15 22 37 35 3 1 0 1 0