How many keywords are optimal for YAN? What keys provide maximum efficiency in YAN? How to collect requests for rsya

How many keywords are optimal for YAN? What keys provide maximum efficiency in YAN? How to collect requests for rsya

The approach to the issue of selecting key phrases for YAN is radically different from that for Direct search. It is extremely important to start collecting keys with a preliminary analysis of the target audience and drawing up a portrait of a potential buyer. Why and why?

If any request seems controversial to you, check it through Wordstat to see how much the interests of users in the search results coincide with the offer.

After this, work with the keys to add negative words, but this must be done extremely carefully, since incorrect actions can cut off most of the target audience. To do this, we will use Direct’s “Budget Forecast” (

In the window, enter the first key phrase from the HF list and click “calculate”.

In the pop-up window, we look through the nested phrases and mark obviously (!) non-target ones in the checkbox. As a result, a minus word is added to the original key and will not be shown for this request.

We copy the result from the line and return it back to Excel. Do not add more than 2-3 negative words in one keyword, otherwise you will significantly reduce the audience of potential buyers by making the wrong decision.

Next, you need to remove the “+” sign before stop words in all keywords where it is present. To do this, in the upper right corner of the Excel file, click “find and select” - “replace”, write “+” in the upper field, and leave the lower one empty, “replace all” and the pluses will be deleted.

At this point the RF page is ready. I don’t know how many keywords you can collect for YAN - the more directions you found, the wider the list will be and, accordingly, the audience coverage, I did everything just as an example, without working through the phrases properly.

We carry out the entire operation with a group of remaining mid- and low-frequency requests up to 50 per month, placing the data on a new page. When viewing the list and deleting non-target keys, transfer any related ones to the appropriate page.

After sorting the column by the number of words in a phrase, we leave only those that have no more than 4, and delete the rest, since they will only slow down the campaign due to poor publicity.

For mid and low frequency keys there is no need to add negative words at all, but they need to be grouped by semantic or some other criterion for individual audience segments.

This may be, depending on the offer, the word “male” for targeting by gender, “rubber” - by material of manufacture, “Moscow” - by geographical location, etc.

For example, I see the word “buy” in the list - these are hot requests and it’s worth combining them into one group. I won’t describe how to do this in Excel; if you don’t know, look for the information yourself.

Thus, we distribute all the mid and low frequency keys on the page in separate ready-made bundles for setting up ads for them.

The target YAN keywords have been collected, we repeat process No. 1 with near-thematic (related) queries on a separate page, without combining them into groups yet.

In the next article we will look at what goals are needed for and grouping them by type of conversion.

  1. Divide the campaigns and semantic core into search and YAN.
  2. Add “non-obvious semantics.”
  3. Target impressions through Yandex.Audience.
  4. Optimize campaigns through Yandex. Audiences.
  5. Set up analytics using the Callibri service and check how your hypotheses work.

Let's look at each step in detail.

Different campaigns and semantic core on search and YAN

The worst mistake is to connect the same campaign to search and YAN.

Ads and targeting work in search and in YAN according to completely different principles. Let's first understand the types of targeting in Direct.

So why can’t you just copy a campaign from search and show it on YAN?

Let's remember how we behave on the Internet

Differences between ads on search and in YAN

Using different targeting creates different contexts for the visitor. During the search, he himself is interested in clicking on an ad that matches his request. When a visitor is simply “surfing” on the Internet or sees an ad in his mail that we show him using YAN, he may have already forgotten his request. And being, for example, in the mail, he solves some other problem. Therefore, in order to attract his attention, we need to build communication completely differently.

Differences between search queries and YAN

The semantic core is the key queries by which Yandex understands who to show the ad to.

Non-obvious semantics

Yandex research

In 2013, Yandex conducted a study in which it found that more than half of the search queries are unique. Different people formulate requests differently. By using “long tail queries” in YAN, you lose a huge amount of your audience.
If you use query masks in YAN, then you get access to the entire audience, no matter how uniquely they formulate their query.

So what is a Query Mask?

Query mask - the widest possible, high-frequency query, consisting of two words. These two words may not coincide in meaning, but when they intersect, they give us access to the desired audience, since they are markers of requests.
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“Burn the grass” - what is this request about? Who is dialing it? Gardeners, pyromaniacs or pyromaniac gardeners? In fact, this is a weight loss topic: the search for “Herbs that burn fat”

How to select hundreds of the most effective queries if you are not an expert in the subject

For example, we want to select a semantic core in YAN for a company engaged in the wholesale sale of bags. Without being an expert in a niche, it is very difficult to select a semantic core. The first thing that comes to your mind is high-frequency commercial queries. That is, those that all your competitors use. Therefore, the cost per click will be very high. What happens if we use query masks?
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In the wholesale sale of any product, the markers are: wholesale, price, distributor, dealer, supplier, customs, customs clearance, markup, retail. These words are the first part of the markers. The second is the names of the bag brands: Bvlgary, A. Valentino. By multiplying these requests, we reach an audience of visitors who are interested in selling bags in bulk.
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Yandex.Audience: even more from YAN

Segment from Yandex. Metrics

Online store of women's bags. We segment bags by color, set up retargeting so that every buyer of a brown bag, for example, 20 days after purchase, sees the ad “Brown gloves match your bag.”

  • You can find an audience similar to your customer base. This targeting works on Crypt Technologies. The technology analyzes each of 1000 clients and finds patterns in behavior: what sites they visit, what interests they have. And then, out of all the Yandex users, it tries to find the same ones.
  • Or find an audience similar to your website visitors

Targeting by mobile device ID

This is suitable for those who have a mobile application, for example, for regular guests. Your IT specialists can find out the ID of the mobile devices from which your application was installed. You upload a list of these IDs to Yandex.Audience, and Yandex can:

  • show ads to these users
  • find similar users and show ads to them

Hyperlocal targeting

  • Located in this place now
  • Is in this place regularly
  • Been here N days over a certain period

We can either turn off impressions on unwanted audiences or increase bids on the audience that is most interesting to us.


The clinic found that visitors to their website were both men and women. However, 90% of women make appointments. After all, it is women who most often take care of family health and make such decisions. That is, men clicked on advertisements, spent their budget, but did not buy. And the female audience converted many times better. This is exactly the case when you need to completely exclude men from displaying ads by adjusting your bids. Or lower rates on them, reducing budget expenditures.

Banks have access to information about people who have a bad credit history. In order not to show such people advertisements for loans, the database of “bad” borrowers was uploaded to Yandex. Audience and placed a bid “0” in front of this audience.

Using Callibri to configure YAN


The tour operator "Happy Case" ordered the setting up of contextual advertising. There were few sales. We started to find out what the reason was. It turned out that there were a lot of advertising calls. We listened to several calls from the office together with the head of the company.

Client: Hello, we have a company of 12 people, we are interested in a New Year's trip to Oleniy Ruchi.

Manager: Have you already decided on the dates and type of rooms?

Client: No

Manager: Call me when you decide.

And this was not an isolated case. We did the math: as a result, the managers lost sales totaling 400 thousand rubles.

You can also use Callibri to analyze search queries that resulted in conversions. In you see the request for which there was a conversion

Typically, search advertising campaigns use a one-keyword-one-ad approach. In this way, it is possible to create ad texts that best match the request of a potential client. What should you do with campaigns created for display in YAN, where there are no search queries? Let us clarify that we are talking about YAN campaigns based on thematic (not behavioral) targeting.

Initial data:

You can often hear the opinion that an advertising campaign for YAN should contain only high-frequency queries, and it is not recommended to use syntax in phrases (quotes, exclamation point, + sign) so as not to limit the number of suitable sites. However, the use of special characters will be justified in some cases. For example, if you sell excursion tours to St. Petersburg, then you simply need to fix the preposition “in” so that your ads do not appear on sites where they are talking about searching for tours from St. Petersburg.

As we can see, there is no single rule according to which the semantic core for YAN is formed - queries (key phrases) for setting up an advertising campaign. Each specific case, each individual topic will dictate its own conditions, so you should not blindly rely on random recommendations.


What queries will we include in the semantic core of YAN?

When displaying ads in YAN, the content of the site is analyzed for compliance with specified keywords, so the use of low-frequency queries will not play a big role in the formation of the semantic core. However, high-frequency (HF) and mid-frequency (MF) queries will do just fine. To collect HF and MF requests, it is very convenient to use the Yandex.Wordstat service, and you should also pay attention to the right column. If before creating a YAN campaign you managed to prepare a search campaign, then you can immediately take the keys from the already collected database.

As for negative keywords, oddly enough, even in the field of bathroom renovation they are useful to us:

When forming a group of keywords, we often use the following approach: we divide the semantic core into several thematic groups. For example, bathroom renovation services may include calling a plumber, replacing pipes, laying tiles, etc. Therefore, in addition to a group of general queries like “ bathroom renovation», « renovate the bathroom», « bathroom renovation renovation” and others close to them, it makes sense to identify several small groups of key phrases based on the names of individual services and write different advertisements for them that are as relevant as possible to the topic.

Greetings, friends!

I decided to enlighten you a little and tell you how YAN works in Yandex.Direct at the moment and what phrases are needed for the campaign to work effectively. In general, the topic of the advertising network is very popular and is surrounded by a large number of myths, fairy tales and fables. Hence, accordingly, there are different approaches to setting up a campaign: some do it this way, others do it completely differently. In such a hustle and bustle, it is quite difficult for a beginner to find a specific solution.

How does YAN work?

Yandex.Direct is a system with its own specific algorithms, formulas and other “tricks”. There is a place for modern developments in the IT field, which are actively used by the system. We can safely say that YAN uses machine learning technology.

This is where the method of setting up a campaign based on high-frequency keywords came from. In lesson #11 I talk about this:

Keywords must have at least 200 impressions per month! This is necessary to reach a larger audience.

Thanks to machine learning, the system understands the topic of the advertised product based on key phrases and selects for display the audience that would be interested in it. Moreover, it covers not only the target audience, but also “similar” ones (who else would be interested in our product).

However, it is worth understanding that not only our “keys” are used for this, but also data from other sources. I'll explain now.

There is such a term - Big DATA - unstructured data of huge volumes. Data about everything in the world: about you and me, about our interests, about our field of activity and about everything else that surrounds us. Large corporations (which include Yandex) have learned to collect Big DATA, learned to analyze and use it to achieve business goals.

Such data is collected from various sources. As an example, the Yandex.Metrica counter that everyone installs for free to their websites, they receive good functionality of the analytics system (which, by the way, could be paid), in return they transfer data about visitors to Yandex: geography, demographics, behavior, interests, and so on. Then all this is used to develop advertising technologies, create new products, improve search engine algorithms and the operation of advertising services, which results in very good profits. Naturally, Metrics alone are not enough, but that’s a completely different story.

In general, everything we do on the Internet, everything we are interested in is used. Used to increase the efficiency of advertising systems - the main source of income for search engines. You've probably noticed this kind of garbage - you went to a website about building houses, then went to Gismeteo and you are shown advertisements for companies involved in building houses, or some related product. Have you noticed? I see this often.

Thematic targeting should not be discounted - this is when advertising for bricks is shown on a construction-related website. This was once the main method of working with audiences in advertising networks, but is now fading into the background. Still, the behavioral one shows itself to be much better.

Conclusion: as soon as the picture about you is formed, the system will begin to catch up with advertising that is potentially interesting to you. You will naturally click on it and possibly purchase the product. This is how YAN works.

More about keys

If you have ever collected a semantic core for contextual advertising, then you know that of the total number of high-frequency requests, only 10-20 percent remain. Somewhere there are more, somewhere less, and somewhere there are only 1-2 of them. And these 10-20% are enough for the YAN campaign to work effectively. The guys from Yandex confirm this.

And the whole point is that HF ​​requests help the system reach as many audiences as possible to display ads, the main thing is that they are targeted (this is the most important thing). Any clarification of the list or adding more precise phrases may cause the campaign to malfunction. Here's an example - this is how the campaign worked with high-frequency drivers before adding new phrases:

Everything is stable: impressions, clicks, cost per click, and expenses. And then I decided to add a dozen phrases, and the phrases were hot. I thought it would give an effect in the form of an increase in conversions, but it turned out to be quite the opposite:

As you can see, the campaign started to work unstably (yes, there were weekends), but on weekdays the picture did not get any better. On top of that, applications have practically stopped. I had to, as they say, “back up” back to the initial option and increase the bid so that the campaign would gain momentum faster.

As a result, the rollback yielded results: the campaign began to work stably, bringing in applications/calls.

  • The high-frequency drivers in YAN work perfectly;
  • Any clarification or addition to the list of phrases gives either the opposite effect or no effect at all;
  • If something happens, rollback to return the campaign to normal, working direction.

That's all I have, dear friends!


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