Setting up display of products with SKU for each catalog section. Posts tagged ‘trade offers (SKU)’ Universal wizard for creating discounts

Setting up display of products with SKU for each catalog section. Posts tagged ‘trade offers (SKU)’ Universal wizard for creating discounts


Product catalog with trade offers (SKU)

Convenient and functional for the client

Buyers will quickly find what they need in your product catalog. The search “suggests” the desired products in the catalog. A smart filter helps you select products and narrow your search from the many options offered. Special dialogs help you quickly select the desired product option.

The “You looked at” service saves time for a potential client and reduces the number of steps for him until he purchases goods. You can show customers how much product is in your warehouses.

Smart store search

The search “suggests” the buyer the necessary products

Searching your store only works using the trade catalogue. In the search, a “hint” appears on products from the catalog or sections to which the buyer goes immediately from the search. “Hint” is displayed to the buyer based on the first letters entered in the search bar. Any information materials, articles and documents are not offered as a hint.

Search engine with morphology and relevance support

Your visitors will find products in the store quickly and efficiently. The product is integrated with an external search engine based on Sphinx. It is a full-text search engine with support for morphology and relevance, distributed under the GNU GPL license.

Kits - for real pros

Example kit

Kits are a great marketing tool!

Some products cannot be sold without kits without getting a dissatisfied buyer. For other products, kits are an excellent marketing tool.

  • A set is a product consisting of several other products
  • The price is for the entire set
  • When selling a set, each product is written off from the warehouse separately in the specified quantities and correct units of measurement.
  • Kits for some stores are the only form of trade (furniture, electronics, software)

What is a kit?
You can form sets of products and sell them as a single whole - with your own price, discounts, etc. For example, a game console should be equipped with an HDMI cable for connecting to a TV and some games. The buyer purchases such a selection as a single product, but in fact several products from your store are shipped to him.

Ready-made product list views

Present product listings in your online store in a convenient and functional way for your customers. Focus on what is most important to the buyer. The design of all lists allows this to happen. For example, a list of SKU-enabled products is a useful view for shoppers who understand what they want to buy and want to check out quickly.

Preset lists. You can choose one of the ready-made types of product presentation immediately when installing your online store. This can be a classic product list, a list with SKU support, and other ready-made functional lists.

Focus on what's important! Less noise!

This presentation contains a minimum of unnecessary information for the client. The buyer's attention is focused on the most important thing: for example, that this is a new product that is sold at a discount. Nothing superfluous or distracting. Even the “Buy” button is only on the selected product. And the choice of SKU options - options for trade offers (size, color, etc.) - also only on the product being viewed.

“Buy” and SKU selection - on the active product

  • All information is from the gallery
  • 5 types of presentation of SKU properties
  • Visual emphasis on what matters most
  • Quick order of goods
I came, I saw and I bought!

A SKU-enabled product list is a convenient view for shoppers who understand what they want to buy and want to check out quickly. Your customer scrolls through the gallery, sees all the information on the products, selects SKU options and quickly places an order while in the gallery. Without going to the product card - a minimum of unnecessary movements! For touch screens - SKU only on product detail page

This view is convenient for buyers who are accustomed to the “classics” - go from a list of products to a detailed view of one of them and only then place an order. This list view contains no unnecessary graphics or information. Even the SKU for touch devices is selected only on the detailed product page.

  • Visual emphasis on the discount
  • Display of the “New” die in a convenient place
  • Custom button text
  • Displaying additional buttons
SKU only in the product card

In a classic product list, the visual emphasis is also placed on the most important thing. This is a discount and a “New” sign, which you can display in any area of ​​the product image. But the choice of SKU properties for mobile devices is only offered on the detailed page of the selected product.

Customize the list for yourself
The Classic Product List view allows you to make some changes. So, you can replace the standard text on buttons with custom text, for example, instead of “Quantity”, display a “Compare” button.

Gallery View Modes

This is a new item, sold at a discount!

If you don’t like the standard “Magnifying Glass” in the product gallery, just switch the view to another mode. The new version includes several such modes. Buyers will immediately see that the product is at a discount and that it is a new product. The discount has a visual emphasis, and you can drag the “New” plate to any place in the gallery area.

  • Viewing Mode Options
  • Loupe mode - default
  • Visual emphasis on the discount
  • “New” plate - anywhere

Subscription to products

A subscription to the receipt of goods at the warehouse can be made taking into account the SKU.


Management: simple, logical, convenient!

To manage the directory, you do not need to seriously study the principles of the internal structure of the system. You create categories, attach properties to these categories, add new products to them, and they automatically acquire the properties of the current category. A trade catalog is created immediately when installing a store - in a convenient wizard. It’s easy to set up working tools in the catalog (SKU, SEO, Smart filter).

Promoter of discounts and promotions

  • Recommendations for discounts by quantity or amount
  • Recommendations and offers to clients about discounts
    • when placing an order
    • when viewing an order,
    • in cart
    • when viewing a product
  • Increase in average check
  • Increase conversions automatically
  • Simplified creation of a marketing campaign, templates

Master of discounts

Setting the price

Universal wizard for creating discounts

Flexible system for setting discounts on products and cart

The universal wizard for creating discounts works according to any of the criteria with the possibility of combination: categories, properties, quantity, cost, country, time of day, etc. The rules for discounts on products and carts are very flexible. The new system for setting them up includes any properties of the product or cart. And if “competition” arises between discounts, there are clear rules for applying discounts that do not allow any “conflicts” between them.

Clear rules for applying discounts: Friendly interface and lots of features

The discount designer has a user-friendly interface. At the same time, the designer has many functional capabilities. You can set up discounts based on any product parameter, for example: “discount on any product manufactured by Samsung worth up to 20,000 rubles and only in red.”

No conflicts between discounts!
Situation: there are several discounts on one product. Discounts are applied depending on priority and according to the rules, and discount settings allow you to avoid all kinds of miscalculations.

Quick price changes in the trade catalog

  • Recalculation of product catalog prices when exchange rates change
  • Rounding with specified precision
    • in favor of the client
    • in favor of the enterprise
    • according to arithmetic rules
  • Possibility of recalculating the price from any other cost

    Price management
  • discounts can be assigned in percentage and fixed form, for products and groups of products, for price types and user groups. The discount has an active period and an upper limit on the amount. Can be installed separately discounts on subscription renewals.
  • coupons for applying discounts- a discount can be provided personally to those users who, when placing an order, indicate a special set of characters - a coupon;
  • setting mechanism different VAT rates for goods.

Product properties management

A global list of product properties and trade offers allows an ordinary manager working directly with the store to fully manage the catalog properties - without contacting the site administrator.

  • Properties of products with SKU are configured
Managing properties is simple - it's easy to type, change and add new ones.

SKU generator

Automatic creation of SKU based on specified properties!

You can very quickly “type” a large catalog of products with trade offers. The generator included in your online store automatically creates product SKUs based on specified properties. With the help of the generator, tasks such as “set the same picture for all products of all sizes in red” are completed in seconds! And even the names of SKU elements are generated using templates.

Hundreds of elements in seconds!

  • Automatic creation of SKU products based on specified properties
  • Setting base values ​​for all elements
  • Generation and additional generation of the necessary elements
  • Convenient system of filling with pictures
  • Hundreds of elements in 3-5 seconds
  • Flexible editing system after creating elements

Generation of trade offers (SKU elements)

If there was no generator SKU
Let's say you need to create SKU items for shirts. You have 2 SKU properties - size and color. Each of the properties has 5 positions - 5 colors, 5 sizes. Manually, it would take a very long time for you to create 25 products with SKUs, attach images to each of them and perform the same settings. The SKU generator will create hundreds of such SKU items for you in 3-5 seconds!

Intelligent picture management circuit

Reduce the gallery volume significantly!

The image management scheme allows you to reduce the amount of disk space that your images occupy on the site several times. The scheme makes it possible to use the same images for different product positions, rather than uploading new ones each time.

  • It doesn't matter where the pictures are loaded, they will be found and displayed
  • If you have at least two pictures, an animation effect will occur
A huge gain in gallery display speed and space saving!

How the scheme works

The system checks for the presence of pictures in 6 possible places where you could upload these pictures. The system applies the found image. If there are 2 or more pictures, creates an animation in the slider.

What does this really give?

The intelligent mechanism of pictures for properties allows you to greatly save on volume and speed up the operation of components.

  • For example, thanks to the use of the scheme, the size of the 1C-Bitrix: Site Management distribution kit in version 14.5 decreased by 70%!
  • This innovation has reduced the size of the store's demo database by 80%!

5 pictures instead of 35! You have 5 products in your catalog, 7 sizes each. Now you only need to upload 1 picture for all sizes of the same product. In total, you will need 5 pictures. And not 35, if you do not use a new picture management scheme.

Selling electronic content

  • sale of subscriptions and electronic content- additional parameters of goods necessary for the organization paid subscription(regularity of payment, linking to user groups, etc.);
  • goods in terms of payment may be with a lump sum payment, with regular payments and trial;
  • after the trial period expires it is automatically done attempt to subscribe to the full version of the product;
  • the subscription can be used by clients to organize paid access to sections, periodic write-off of amounts for hosting services, service work and other options for providing time-limited work or services.


Working with properties in the store section

Setting up a list of category product properties

Easy to manage: set, change and add new properties

It’s convenient to work with properties because it happens in a special interface of the online store. You do not need to edit the infoblock settings to change properties. Moreover, it is possible to quickly create new properties directly from product categories.

Regular store managers can manage product properties, and there is no need to involve specialists.

  • Properties are managed in a special store interface
  • Supports linking product properties to categories
  • Properties are inherited down the category tree
  • Any properties can be included in the Smart Filter
  • Simplified work with SKUs
  • The directory contains a global list of properties
One store - one catalog - link properties to categories

In the new catalog you can keep completely different types of products with their own unique properties. Such products “do not interfere” with each other in the catalog because they do not overlap in properties. Each category inherits the properties of the higher one. Simply set each category to its own individual list of properties, and all subcategories will inherit this list.

Global Property List - Full Control!

The new catalog contains a global list of product properties and sales offers. The list allows an ordinary manager who works directly with the store to fully manage the properties of the catalog - without contacting the site administrator. In addition, the list greatly simplifies the work of managing properties. Here you can view all the properties of the catalog at once and perform any available actions on them: change, add new ones and link to categories.

New feature - full customization

Include properties in Smart Filter

Any property that products have can be included in a smart filter. And you can do this immediately when creating a property and linking it to a category - specify “use in filter”. Simple user tools for the manager are used for this - checkboxes, multiple selections and more.

Simplify your work with SKUs

In version 12.0, you can manage the properties of products with SKUs directly in the online store. An ordinary store manager who has no idea about the intricacies of setting up information blocks can work with them. Because now, to set such properties, you no longer need to create a separate information block in which to configure them later. The special interface of the online store allows you to easily manage all properties from the product card or from the global list of properties.

  • "1C:Enterprise 8.2" and "1C-Bitrix: Site Management" come with built-in standard interaction mechanisms;
  • support for bidirectional data exchange with 1C:Enterprise: publication of information from 1C, uploading orders from the site and statuses to 1C and back processing information;
  • integration with 1C: Enterprise allows you to automate the exchange of data between website catalogs and offline catalogs in 1C;
  • support for working with SKUs(Stock Keeping Unit): the ability to add different price offers for one product depending on the properties or characteristics.

Integration with Froogle and Yandex.Market

Import/export data

  • upload to the website and update catalog data and prices in CommerceML formats(from 1C:Enterprise 7) and CSV (from MS Excel).
  • with an arbitrary step duration allows you to control the data loading process.
  • supported in all import scripts automatic generation of symbolic codes from the title. The option “Use information block settings for transliteration of character codes” must be enabled, and in the information block settings - “Generate character code from name”;
  • can be set language for transliteration (required for correct auto-generation when running a profile on an agent);
  • information block settings are supported for images(csv import only);
  • preset profile(partially customized by the developer):
    • created with all possible settings that can be set in advance;
    • requires additional configuration;
    • the need for additional settings is indicated in the profile name;
    • additional settings are performed when you first edit the profile (or when you launch it for the first time).
CommerceML is a unified standard for the exchange of commercial information in XML format, supported by 1C. The standard takes into account domestic specifics and includes several universal solutions necessary for Russian Internet companies and trade organizations.

Real-time exchange with 1C

Real-time exchange with 1C is a technology for two-way continuous communication between 1C-Bitrix: Site Management and 1C. The system provides real-time data exchange between these software products. It does not require installation of a separate server and special settings. The system works stably on almost any hardware, minimally loading the online store and 1C.

You can get information in real time:

  • from 1C to the online store - about products, prices, balances within orders;
  • from the store to 1C - by orders, statuses, payment systems, customers, counterparties.

A huge advantage of the data exchange system is its low resource requirements. The system does not need a server for exchange. It works on almost any computer! Therefore, any very small company can take advantage of this exchange scheme.

Multichannel interaction with the client

Multichannel interaction with the client allows you to see any orders via the Internet – where and by whom they were made. Your client can place an order in an offline store and subsequently track it in the online store (in his personal account).

  • It doesn’t matter where the client bought the product - in an offline or online store
  • All orders will go to your online store

You will see in the administrative part of your online store all orders: those placed from the public part of the store’s website by customers, placed by couriers and completed in an offline store.

More than 20,000 online stores operate on the 1C-Bitrix: Site Management platform

Buy from a partner

Platform capabilities for online stores

Convenient management of the product catalog, prices, and sales saves time.

Support for different units of measurement allows you to sell products in kilograms, liters, meters, etc.

SKU support makes it easy to add different product sizes and colors to your catalog.

Selling sets and sets of goods increases the average bill

Data import and SKU generator save time when creating a catalog.

Built-in payment systems allow you to accept payments through bank cards, payment systems, personal account, and cash.

Support for delivery services allows you to automatically calculate the cost of delivery through: Russian Post, UPS, DHL, Nova Poshta, Kazpost, SPRS Express, courier delivery, pickup.

A system for managing discounts and marketing offers (gifts for quantity, for a certain amount, discounts or markups on delivery, discounts when paying by card, and others).

Warehouse accounting (accounting for suppliers, warehouses and documents, accounting for the arrival of goods with barcodes, returns, reservations and automatic removal of reserves, write-off of defective goods and much more).

The profitability report will help you quickly find out how much income a specific customer or product brings to you.

Mobile application (for iOS and Android) for an online store.

Mobile application for administering an online store.

The cloud monitoring service checks: site availability, domain expiration date, SSL certificate expiration date, 1C-Bitrix license key validity period.

Integration with 1C:Enterprise

Integration of 1C-Bitrix: Site Management with 1C:Enterprise trading configurations helps you solve the following technological problems:

Publication of product range in the online store catalog.
Transferring orders on the website to 1C for processing.
Uploading the results of order processing to the website to notify customers.

The products “1C:Enterprise 8.2” and “1C-Bitrix: Site Management” are supplied with standard interaction procedures built into the systems and support for bidirectional data exchange with “1C:Enterprise”, forming a ready-made comprehensive solution for trade automation, including the creation of corporate websites and organizing sales on the Internet.

We have provided for the automation of a large number of tasks facing an online store, as well as a large number of settings, which almost always allows you to adapt to the business processes of your company.

Integration with CRM

CRM in an online store.

Uploading order data to CRM
regular bidirectional data exchange between the online store and CRM.
processing orders directly in CRM.
combining orders from different online stores into CRM.
a business process for automatically distributing “leads” between managers (for example, depending on the contract amount).

“funnel” for assessing sales effectiveness.
and much more.

Platform "1C-Bitrix"

“1C-Bitrix: Site Management” is a platform for developing an online store. A reliable and load-resistant system that meets high safety standards.
On the 1C-Bitrix: Site Management platform you can create any online store and manage electronic sales channels for goods and services.

Why 1C-Bitrix?

Ready functionality The platform has more than 1000 ready-made functionality not only for the online store, but also for the entire site. No need to develop a store from scratch.
Quick start The startup wizard helps you quickly set everything up.
High performance The store can withstand peak loads.

Safety Your site is reliably protected from hacking.
Your catalog of web applications Marketplace The ability to quickly develop the site and offer clients new opportunities.
Affiliate network In the 1C-Bitrix partner network, it is easy to change the project developer.

Security architecture "Bitrix: Site Management"

“1C-Bitrix: Site Management 8.0” includes a new module “Proactive Protection”, which allows you to increase the level of site security thanks to the proactive filter (Web Application Firewall) built into the product.

The importance and value of the event is that both the module itself and the “Proactive Filter” included in it were included directly into the site management system for the first time! Significant changes have also occurred in other modules of the system: Main Module, Structure Management, Search, Social Network, Online Store and Performance Monitor.

Proactive Defense

Proactive protection is a whole set of technical and organizational measures that are united by a common security concept and can significantly expand the concept of security and response of web applications to threats. The new Proactive Protection module is certified by Positive Technologies and tested by Aladdin, the leaders in the information security market.

Here is the module for protecting web applications:

  • Security panel with security levels
  • Proactive Filter (Web Application FireWall)
  • One-time password (OTP) technology
  • Protection of authorized sessions
  • Activity control
  • Protection of redirects from phishing *
  • External control of the information environment *
  • Transmission channel encryption via SSL *
  • Intrusion log
  • Protection of administrative sections via IP
  • Stop lists
  • Script integrity control
  • Setup recommendations *
  • Update Monitor *

* - still in development

Proactive filter (Web Application Firewall)

The proactive filter (WAF - Web Application Firewal) provides protection against most known attacks on web applications. In the stream of external user requests, the proactive filter recognizes the majority of dangerous threats and blocks intrusions into the site. A proactive filter is the most effective way to protect against possible security errors made during the implementation of an Internet project (XSS, SQL Injection, PHP Including and a number of others).

The filter action is based on the analysis and filtering of all data received from users through variables and cookies.

  • protection against most known attacks on web applications;
  • shielding the application from the most commonly used attacks;
  • creating a list of exclusion pages from filtering (by mask);
  • recognition of most dangerous threats;
  • blocking site intrusions;
  • protection against possible security errors;
  • recording attack attempts in the log;
  • informing the administrator about cases of intrusion;
  • setting up an active reaction - the system’s actions when an attempt is made to intrude on the site:
  • make data secure;
  • clear dangerous data;
  • add the attacker’s IP address to the stop list for XX minutes;
  • log the intrusion attempt.
  • updates along with the product.

Security panel with security levels

Any web project running 1C-Bitrix: Site Management must have an initial level of protection. However, using the Proactive Protection module, you can significantly increase the security of your own website. You just need to select and configure one of the module security levels: standard; high; elevated. In this case, the system will prompt - give recommendations - what action needs to be set for each parameter at the selected current level.

  • entry level security - receive projects based on the Bitrix Framework without the Proactive Defense module installed;
  • standard level– the project uses standard tools for proactive product protection;
    • proactive filter (for the entire site without exception);
    • a log of intrusions is kept for the last 7 days;
    • activity control enabled;
    • increased security level for the administrators group;
    • use of CAPTCHA during registration;
    • error output mode (errors only).
  • high level– recommended level of protection, received by projects that meet the requirements of the standard level and additionally include:
    • logging main module events;
    • protection of the administrative part;
    • storing sessions in a database;
    • change session ID.
  • increased level– special means of protection, mandatory for sites containing confidential user information, for online stores, for those who work with critical information. In addition to the high level:
    • enabling one-time passwords;
    • monitoring the integrity of the control script.

Intrusion log

The Log records all events that occur in the system, including unusual or malicious events. The online mode of recording these events allows you to view the corresponding entries in the Log immediately after they are generated. In turn, this makes it possible to detect attacks and attempted attacks as they occur. This means you have the ability to immediately respond and, in some cases, even prevent attacks.

  • prompt registration of all events in the system;
  • if the Proactive Filter is triggered, an entry in the Log in one of the attack categories:
  • SQL injection attempt;
  • attempted XSS attack;
  • attempt to implement PHP.
  • selection of malicious events by filter;
  • viewing and analysis of events in real time;
  • immediate reaction - a response to an event;
  • prevention and prevention of events based on their analysis;

One-time passwords

The Proactive Protection module allows you to enable support one-time passwords and use them selectively for any users on the site. However, it is especially recommended that site administrators use a one-time password system, since this greatly increases the security level of the Administrators user group.

The one-time password system complements the standard authorization system and allows you to significantly strengthen the security system of the Internet project. To turn on the system you must use hardware device(for example, Aladdin eToken PASS) or corresponding software that implements OTP.

What does this technology give you? Unambiguous confidence that the user to whom the key fob was issued is authorized on the site. At the same time, any theft and interception of passwords loses all meaning, since the password is one-time. The keychain is physical, it gives unique one-time passwords and only when pressed. This means that the owner of the key fob will not be able to transfer the password to another person while continuing to access the site.

  • strengthening the security system of the Internet project;
  • use of hardware devices;
  • use of software that implements OTP;
  • extended authentication with a one-time password - when authorizing on the site, the user adds a one-time password in addition to the password;
  • authorization using only a name (login) and a composite password;
  • padding when initializing two sequentially generated one-time passwords, received from the device;
  • restoration of synchronization in the event of a violation of the synchronization of the generation counter in the device and on the server.

File integrity monitoring

File integrity monitoring is necessary to quickly determine whether changes have been made to system files. At any time you can check the integrity of the kernel, system areas, and the public part of the product.

  • tracking changes in the file system;
  • kernel integrity check;
  • checking system areas;
  • checking the public part of the product.

Checking the integrity of the control script

Before checking the integrity of the system, you need to check the control script for changes. When you run the script for the first time, enter an arbitrary password (consisting of Latin letters and numbers, at least 10 characters long), as well as an arbitrary code (key) word (different from the password), into the form, and click on the “Set new key” button.

  • checking the control script for changes;
  • protecting the integrity of the script with a key - a symbolic password.

Protecting the administrative section

This protection allows companies to strictly regulate the networks that are considered secure and from which employees are allowed to administer the site. Here is a simple special interface in which all this is done - you specify a list or ranges of IP addresses, from which you can manage the site.

Don’t be afraid to block your access at the moment the blocking is installed - this moment is checked by the system.

What is the effect of using this protection? Any XSS/CSS attacks on the user’s computer become ineffective, and stealing intercepted login data from someone else’s computer becomes absolutely useless.

  • restricting access to the administrative part of all IP addresses except those specified;
  • automatic detection of the user's IP address by the system;
  • manual entry of the allowed IP address;
  • setting a range of IP addresses from which access to the administrative part is allowed.

Session protection

Most attacks on web applications aim to obtain data about an authorized user session. Enabling session protection makes hijacking an authorized session ineffective. And, if we are talking about an authorized administrator session, then its reliable protection using this mechanism is a particularly important task. What tools does this defense mechanism use? In addition to the standard session protection tools that are set in the group settings, defense mechanism sessions includes special- and in some way unique.

Storing session data in a module table allows you to avoid reading this data through scripts of other sites on the same server, eliminating virtual hosting configuration errors, errors in setting access rights in temporary directories, and a number of other problems setting up the operating environment. In addition, this relieves the file system, transferring the load to the database server.

  • multiple session protection ways:
    • session lifetime (minutes);
    • changing the session ID every few minutes;
    • network mask for binding the session to IP;
    • storing session data in the module table.
  • eliminating virtual hosting configuration errors;
  • eliminating errors in setting access rights in temporary directories;
  • eliminating problems with setting up the operating environment;
  • file system unloading;
  • the uselessness of stealing sessions by attackers.

Activity control

Activity control allows you to set up protection against overly active users, software robots, certain categories of DDoS attacks, and also block brute-force password guessing attempts. In the settings, you can set the maximum user activity for your site (for example, the number of requests per second that a user can make).

* User activity is monitored using the Web Analytics module and, therefore, is available only in those editions of the product that include this module.

  • protection from overly active users;
  • protection against software robots;
  • protection against certain categories of DDoS attacks;
  • cutting off attempts to select passwords by brute force;
  • setting maximum user activity for the site (normal for a person);
  • recording exceeding the user activity limit in the Intrusion Log;
  • blocking a user who has exceeded the number of requests in a given time interval;
  • displaying a special information page for a blocked user.

Stop list

Stop list is a table containing parameters used to restrict visitors’ access to site content and redirect them to other pages. All users who try to access the site with IP addresses included in the stop list will be blocked.

  • redirection of visitors whose parameters are contained in the stop list;
  • blocking users by IP addresses from the stop list;
  • manual replenishment of the stop list with new entries;
  • recording statistics of users who are prohibited from accessing the site;
  • setting the validity period of the ban on access to the site for the user, IP network, network mask, UserAgent and the link through which the user came;
  • a customizable message that will be shown to the user when attempting to access the site.

* Starting from version 8.0, the Proactive Protection module is included by default in the 1C-Bitrix: Site Management product (except for the Start edition), as well as in the 1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal product. All current clients (who have active updates and technical support) will download and install this module for free using SiteUpdate technology, and the module will automatically set parameters in the project that correspond to the Standard security level.

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Methods and means of ensuring information security in the 1C:Enterprise system 8.1 P.B. Khorevdocent, Department of Information Security, RSSU

Basic methods of protecting information systems Identification and authentication of subjects. Authorization of subjects. Audit of events related to security.

User identification and authentication Creating and editing a list of users. Selecting a user authentication method.

Authentication methods Using the 1C:Enterprise system (by name and password). Using Microsoft Windows OS (by name and password or using smart cards).

Create a user account

Increasing the reliability of authentication using 1C:Enterprise Setting the minimum length of user passwords. Enabling password complexity checking. Removing the user name from the selection list when logging in.

Increasing the reliability of authentication using Windows OS Setting the minimum length and complexity of passwords. Limiting the maximum validity period of passwords. Enabling the requirement for passwords to be unique and their minimum validity period. Not displaying the last user name logged in to the system. Logging in using smart cards.

Combining authentication using 1C:Enterprise and Windows tools The most secure method of user authentication. Forced display of the user authentication dialog using 1C:Enterprise is required (command line parameter /WA+).

Assigning a user role and interface

Creating and assigning roles Roles are created for individual job responsibilities. Each user of the system can be assigned one or more roles.

Creating and editing a role Selecting a configuration object (objects). Selecting access rights allowed for the selected object. Taking into account the inheritance (hierarchy) of access rights.

Creating and editing a role The ability to automatically set access rights to new objects. The ability to restrict access to data at the level of individual fields and records. Restricting access to data can be defined using the designer or by creating and editing named access restriction templates.

Interface mechanism Creation of sets of main menu commands and toolbar elements available to the user. Possibility of additional restriction of the powers of a specific user.

Creating a User Interface

Updating the database configuration is necessary after creating roles and interfaces, so that new users of the information system can be assigned the created roles and interfaces.

Setting up the 1C:Enterprise system log Defining events that should be recorded in the log. Selecting the period of time after which the log will be saved in a new file. Possibility of reducing log entries before the expiration of the specified period by deleting them and, if necessary, saving them in a file .

Setting up the 1C:Enterprise system registration log The ability to save the division of the log by period and combine it with a previously saved log. The ability to automatically update after a specified time interval when viewing the registration log.

Setting up a log

Event information in the log Event level (error, warning, information, note). Date and time of the event. Name and view of the application that caused the event. Name and view of the event. Global identifier and user name. Event data, etc.

Selection of log entries

Saving the registration log in 1C:Enterprise format (*.elf). In XML format.

Conclusions The 1C:Enterprise 8.1 system implements all the necessary methods for ensuring the security of information systems. The password authentication mechanism provides for the possibility of strengthening it and combining it with the Windows OS user authentication mechanism. When authorizing users, a flexible and powerful mechanism for role-based access control to information system objects is used.

Conclusions To further differentiate user rights in the system, an interface mechanism can be used. Tools for maintaining, configuring, viewing and saving the event log allow you to conduct regular audits of system security.

Notes The operational documentation does not contain information about the password hashing algorithm, which does not allow us to accurately assess the complexity of their selection. When assigning a role (roles), it is advisable to introduce means of restrictions on the combination of different roles by one user and the number of users to whom a certain role can be assigned at the same time.

Notes The operational documentation does not contain information about protecting the event log from being deleted or replaced in order to hide unauthorized actions. It is also unclear whether an event associated with the reduction (deletion) of journal entries before the expiration of a given period is recorded in the log.

Our blog already has articles in which 1C-Bitrix was mentioned as a specialized engine for an online store. However, the story was purely in general terms, which is absolutely wrong. To correct this misunderstanding, the entire article is devoted exclusively to this engine.

So, the very first thing that needs to be said about 1C-Bitrix is ​​a CMS designed exclusively for building an online store. Yes, on the basis of this engine you can create a business card website, a blog, and a corporate website. However, you shouldn't do this. It’s like hammering nails with an iPhone: it can be done, but it’s inconvenient, dangerous, looks strange, and, as an unpleasant bonus, it’s unreasonably expensive. Therefore, CMS 1C-Bitrix is ​​purchased only if you need to create a powerful online store with tens of thousands of items in its assortment.

And now we smoothly approach the second problem - performance. If you compare a test online store, hastily created on WordPress, and an online store created on Bitrix, and then add 2-3 hundred products to the database, then the WordPress store will definitely be faster, because it is lightweight, does not require hosting, and the amount of data processed is small. But if the number of products is increased to several thousand, then the performance will go to Bitrix’s side, because it, unlike WordPress, was designed specifically for such volumes. WordPress can be compared to a truck - you can’t pull wagons on it, but for relatively small cargo transportation (5-10-15-20 tons per trip) you can’t think of a better option. It is much more correct to compare 1C-Bitrix with a freight train - a train for small cargo transportation is too inconvenient and very labor- and financially expensive, i.e. not cost-effective, but capable of transporting thousands of tons in one voyage.

And here you already guessed that a “train” requires much more production capacity than a truck, i.e. For good, fast and stable operation, the 1C-Bitrix engine requires more powerful hosting. Ideally, this should be a good powerful dedicated server. Yes, you can use shared hosting, but be prepared for the fact that the site will work extremely slowly, which is a minus for everyone:

  • for developers, because it will become much more difficult for them to make changes to the site;
  • for visitors, because no one likes it when a page takes 2-3 minutes to load, no one will wait that long, and these are negative behavioral factors;
  • for search engines, because long loading times and negative behavioral factors will greatly affect the site’s ranking in search results.

An entire subsection of this article will be devoted to the shortcomings of the Bitrix engine, and before that, just a few words about negative reviews about this CMS, because many users have had very bitter experiences with Bitrix, especially considering the fact that the engine costs more than tens of thousands of rubles. However, most of these reviews:

  • have lost their relevance, i.e. Most of the problems that users talk about have already been solved by developers long ago, because... Engine support is extremely responsive;
  • many of the users, alas, simply did not know what they were buying.

That is why most of the negative reviews on the Internet about this engine should not be trusted.

Key Features

SEO module

This module is supplied “from the factory”, i.e. available immediately after installing the engine. It is available directly from the admin panel for every page published on the site.

The SEO module includes the following useful mini-tools:

As you can see, all fields have components in parentheses that set this data. Those. in this case, the visible form fields regulate exclusively the data of the parent page (in this case, the catalog), and in some cases, all pages of the information block. This is quite possible if all this data is written down in the information block (in our case, in the catalogue), but not on the child pages.

If you are, say, in a product card, then the “Management” tab changes its appearance slightly - the current headings appear, as well as the “Edit” buttons.

  • We will not consider the remaining 3 tabs, because they are available only to editorial staff no lower than “Business”, and besides, they are only statistical, i.e. They have no direct relation to setting up SEO. In fact, they simply download statistics from open sources (Webmaster.Yandex, Google Search Console, etc.)

Optimizing SEO data of information block pages in 1C Bitrix

SEO templates

Well, here you have already guessed - if they are configured correctly, you can significantly “template” the process of website promotion in search engines. Here you can customize templates for:

  1. meta title title;
  2. keywords and description meta tags;
  3. section/element headings (h1, h2, etc.);
  4. image attributes (alt and title) and even the names of the graphic files themselves;
  5. If necessary, you can customize a product category template, which will automatically generate product names in the listing.

In the same settings, you can set the properties of the information block elements themselves (name, price, color, etc.), and they can be set both in categories and in product cards (for example, when the same product may differ in color, size and other characteristics).

And one more important point regarding the hierarchy of this data. The highest priority will be given to the data specified in the product card. If they are not there, they are borrowed from the category in which the product is located. If they are not there, they are borrowed from the category in which the category is located, etc.

The main disadvantage of this system is that it is impossible to set the settings EXCLUSIVELY for one specific category, because they will spread to everything that is inside it. Therefore, the most correct approach would be to fill out the settings first in the deepest categories, or use custom properties (this method will be discussed later).

However, in almost any case, using SEO templates greatly simplifies the promotion of online stores on Bitrix, and as a bonus, saves time. How long would it take to manually fill in all the necessary tags on each page? How long would it take to write such a template engine yourself? That's right - a lot.

Setting titles, meta tags through custom properties

Well, now, as promised, a few words about that very method through “Custom Properties”. They can be created in unlimited quantities, due to which promotion can be significantly simplified, because You can also set some separate SEO data fields for a specific category. Then, through the virtual editor, you can specify that these should be used as headings/meta tags.

About creating custom properties:


The SEO Module built into 1C-Bitrix (located in the admin panel on the “Marketing” tab - the “Search Engine Optimization” submenu, where the tool for creating an xml sitemap is also located) allows you to edit the robots.txt file. Initially, a number of basic rules are prescribed in robots.txt, taking into account the features of the engine. The main feature is that the module also tells you which rule performs which functions, which means that with the help of this SEO module, finishing the robots.txt file will be significantly simplified.

Creating a site map

The main feature of this tool is that it can be used to add individual information blocks, pages, etc. to the site map. Plus, you can literally in one click prevent any test/technical blocks from entering the site map (for example, a test section of the site, a shopping cart, or information blocks that are not used at all).

Website speed optimization

We have already said that 1C-Bitrix is ​​a rather “heavy” engine. Therefore, let's talk about modules that will speed up the operation of the site on users' PCs.

Let's start with caching. In short, caching is necessary in order not to transmit the same data several times. Those. the user first comes to the site, some of the data (for example, pictures) is loaded via the Internet into the browser cache, and then, when the user “walks” around the site, this data is loaded onto the page not using the Internet, but from the cache. Cache Dependencies technology automatically updates the browser cache if the data in it is no longer relevant. Of course, the above will only work if the browser does not prohibit the use of the cache.

Now a few words about the “Composite Site” technology, which works approximately as follows:

  • the page is divided into static and dynamic;
  • the static part of the page is cached and displayed immediately;
  • the dynamic part is first loaded in the background and then cached in the user's browser;
  • Combining css and js files significantly reduces the number of requests to style/script files, i.e. both are downloaded at one time with one file.

The developers claim that all this has a very significant effect on the page loading speed in user browsers.

Micro markup for the site

In "factory" templates, support for microformats is implemented initially. Those. It will be much easier for the search engine to recognize the type of content (article, product), as well as divide the document into zones (header, sidebar, footer, breadcrumbs, etc.). All this leads to improved presentation of page snippets in search results.

Formation of site URLs

CNCs (i.e. Human Readable URLs) have long become an integral part of SEO, because... Page addresses should reflect the structure of the site and also be understandable for ordinary people. 1C-Bitrix allows you to:

  • automatically convert h1 into translit and use it to generate CNC;
  • independently set the CNC at the discretion of the site owner or optimizer.

Moreover, you can specify two types of CNC:

  • with a complete list of attachments (for example, http://site.zyx/catalog/category1/subcategory1/goods);
  • simplified ones (for example, http://site.zyx/goods).

You can configure the CNC generation template in the visual editor in the component parameters.

Disadvantages of 1C-Bitrix regarding SEO promotion

As promised, there is a separate subsection of the article about the disadvantages:

  • A large number of duplicate dynamic pages are created, which makes indexing the site difficult. The developers are aware of this problem, so they added to the engine the ability to install the rel="canonical" tag on duplicates, thereby informing the search engine that “this is a duplicate”;
  • If you use SEO templates, then customizing headings for one specific page will be very inconvenient.
  • There are a number of difficulties associated with the breadcrumb output settings.

Those. There are no super-serious shortcomings in terms of promotion, and to eliminate the existing basic knowledge of PHP, as well as the ability to read, because From time to time you will have to refer to the basic documentation.

Adding third-party modules for optimization

We will not consider the third-party modules themselves, because... This is not a topic for a separate article, but for a separate site. However, it is worth noting that there are a huge number of third-party extensions for Bitrix. Some duplicate the “factory” functionality (that is, the functions are the same, but presented in a slightly different form), others expand the functionality of the site/admin panel, etc. All third-party modules are available on the official Bitrix website.

Brief summary

So, in this article we have clearly demonstrated that CMS 1C-Bitrix is ​​very well tailored for search engine promotion of your online store, which is undoubtedly its biggest advantage, given that all the functionality necessary for these purposes is supplied “from the factory” and does not require any -or improvements.

P.S. Of course, this article cannot be regarded as a ready-made guide for setting up SEO on your own. The main task is to show what you will encounter when promoting, what pitfalls you will stumble over, and also to get at least a basic idea of ​​whether it is worth getting involved with this CMS at all. If you gave a positive answer to this question, then we strongly recommend that you take the full training course “Search Engine Optimization” on the 1C-Bitrix website.

Greetings, Friends!

In this video tutorial we will figure out how to display standard properties of the SKU type in Bitrix 14.0 on the product card and in lists not in the form of pictures, but in the form of text.

The problem appeared after the update was released module Information blocks up to version 14.0.7. Before the release of this update, everything was shown automatically - if there were pictures for property elements, then pictures were shown (like the “Color” Property), if there were no pictures – the name of the element was shown (like the “Built-in Memory” property).

March 01, 2014

Greetings, Friends!

In this video tutorial we will look at a new feature that appeared only in Bitrix version 14 - this is a trade offer generator (SKU).

I won’t remind you what trade offers are; those who don’t know can take a look. AND Anyone who has made trade offers for their goods knows what a long and tedious business it is. Moreover, for all trade offers, many absolutely identical fields must be filled in - weight, dimensions, often price, etc. And sometimes the same pictures are used for all sales offers, if the SKUs differ only in internal characteristics and do not affect the appearance of the product in any way.

What does 1C-Bitrix offer us? He offers us a semi-automatic generator. We enter all common fields for all offers once. All general pictures - once. We only select which combinations of product properties need to be generated and in 2-3 (really) minutes we can generate 10-100 or more trade offers. All that remains is to adjust the prices in one more table in a minute, if necessary, and everything is ready. The process speeds up significantly, and sometimes by orders of magnitude!

January 23, 2013

Today we will talk about how to make trade offers in a store on Bitrix.

The video tutorial was released out of sequence, since this issue needs to be covered for those people who are actually creating their own online stores and have problems displaying their properties in sales offers, and the solution is not on the surface.

So, What are SKUs (or SKUs)? These are variants of a product that do not change its essential characteristics; for this you do not need to take additional photographs or change the description of the product. For example, you are selling mobile phones, then the color of the phone of the same model will be a selling point. Or the size of the built-in flash memory (16, 32 or 64 GB) - it’s not even visible, no matter how you twist the phone. But there is only one phone, and it makes no sense to make a separate product that differs only in price; it’s easier to show a card of one product, and to make a purchase, give a choice of what color or with what memory a person wants to buy.
