5 card draw poker combinations. Draw poker: rules and combinations. General description of Poker Draw

5 card draw poker combinations. Draw poker: rules and combinations. General description of Poker Draw

For a long time, the most popular type of poker was Five Card Draw Poker, also known as Five card with exchange. Today this game is predominantly home, and many probably became familiar with it much earlier than with other types of poker. However, ours can offer the study of this game too!

But once upon a time, it was Five Card Draw Poker that was played in all Las Vegas casinos. The game was first mentioned in 1820. Then they used only a 20-card deck. Five-card draw poker reached its peak in the 30s of the twentieth century. Poker video Those times are gone, but, for example, it was the Five-Card with Exchange game that the hero Adriano Celentano played in the famous Italian comedy “Bluff.” With the advent of Hold'em, interest in the game began to fade, and many began to consider Five Card Draw Poker a game in which luck plays too large a role. Actually this is not true. In draw poker, the advantage of an experienced player over a beginner can be even higher than in Hold'em.

Draw poker rules

  • Five Card Draw Poker No Limit
  • Five Card Draw Poker with Fixed Limits
  • Five Card Draw Poker with Pot Limit

Five Card Draw Poker Strategy

When choosing starting hands, the influence of position must be taken into account. With UTG, it is recommended to open combinations no lower than a strong pair. A mistake for beginners is to play draw combinations from early positions. Strong draw combinations are hands with four cards of the same suit in poker or four cards in a row. The chances of closing these draws are only 19 and 17 percent, respectively. These hands can be played from late positions or when more than one person has entered the pot. You should not limp; raising increases the chances of taking the pot before the exchange. It is advisable to change those cards that do not form a combination. For example, if you have a pair, then you should exchange the remaining three cards, hoping for


5-CARD DRAW POKER– one of the simplest types of poker, very common in home games and friendly meetings. The main objective of the game is to collect the highest possible poker combination, higher than that of your opponents. The game involves a deck of 52 cards from deuce to ace in each of four suits. The highest card in the suit is an ace, the lowest is a two. Before each deal, the deck is shuffled.


Each layout refers to one of the poker hands; the order in which the player received the cards does not matter.
Royal flush - a straight flush starting from an ace. (T-K-D-V-10).
Straight-flush - A sequence of five cards of the same suit.
Four of a kind (Four-of-a-kind) - Four cards of the same rank with a fifth side card.
Full House - A combination of three cards of one rank and two cards of another rank. (6-6-6-K-K)
Flush - Five cards of the same suit.
Straight - A sequence of five cards of different suits. (9-8-7-6-5). The suits of the cards do not matter. An Ace can be either the highest card (T-K-D-B-10) or the lowest card in a combination (5-4-3-2-T). A sequence with an Ace inside (3-2-A-K-D) is not considered a straight.
Three-of-a-kind - Three cards of the same value. (9-9-9-D-4)
Two Pair - Two cards of one rank and two cards of a different rank. For example, two queens and two aces. (T-T-5-5-10)
Pair (two Pair) - Two cards of the same value. (8-8-K-4-2).
No game - the cards do not make up any of the above combinations, for example, B-10-7-5-2.

Let's explain this with examples.

The pair 5-5-4-3-2 is higher than 4-4-T-K-D (the value of paired cards is compared).
The pair 5-5-D-3-2 is higher than 5-5-B-10-9 (queen is higher than jack).
Two pairs T-T-2-2-3 are higher than K-K-D-D-A (the value of the cards of the higher pair is compared).
Street T-K-D-V-10 is the oldest, 5-4-3-2-T is the youngest.
Full House 3-3-3-2-2 is higher than 2-2-2-T-T (a card from three is more important than from a pair).
If the players' cards are equal, then a draw is declared and bets are returned.
There are no priorities between suits. Therefore, two layouts of cards, pairwise of the same rank, have the same value. For example, a heart and club royal flush are equivalent.

Game bank.

All bets placed by players are banked. The pot size is the sum of all points bet.

Types of tables.

Limit (LIMIT) - when strict limits are set for increasing the bet: you can increase the bet only by 1 ante on the 1st round of betting and by 1 or 2 ante on the 2nd round.
Pot-limit (POT LIMIT) - when you can increase the bet by any amount within the current bank.
Unlimited (NO LIMIT) varieties. - when there is no limit on increase.

Circle of trade.

Trading and exchanging cards goes in a circle, in order of turn.
Make CHECK - do not increase the bet, but do not pass, the move goes to the next player.
Make a BET - increase the bet (depending on the type of table), the bet is immediately placed and added to the pot.
Make FOLD - “I fold” - all the player’s bets remain in the bank, the player folds the cards.
If one of the players made a BET (increases the bet), then the next player’s “CHECK” function changes to CALL, and the “BET” function changes to RAISE.
Make a CALL - the player delivers exactly the amount that is necessary to equalize the bets.
Make RAISE - the player delivers (balances the bets) and increases the bet by an amount depending on the type of table.
Rules ALL-IN - “I play for everything.”
If one of the players does not have enough points to equalize the bet, he can play ALL-IN - bet everything he has.
The player bets "everything he has." In this case, the turn passes to the next player or the betting circle ends. If the player who bet ALL-IN wins, then he is paid a percentage of the bank corresponding to his bet.
The remainder of the pot is paid to the 2nd winner (with the lower combination).
In the case of a NO LIMIT game, the ALL-IN bet means that the player is going all-in.

Seating at the table.

The player, sitting down at the table, contributes a certain number of BUYIN points, depending on the ANTE, namely, in the current poker MAXIMUM BUYIN is equal to 50 ANTE. MINIMUM BUYIN = 1 ANTE. For example, if ANTE = 10, then the maximum that can be bought at the start of 500 is at least 10.


For the convenience of the game and to increase dynamics, the following checkboxes have been developed - the player can select a checkbox in advance, and when it is his turn, the selected action will be automatically performed. All checkboxes, except AUTO REBUY, selected by you, are valid only for one round.

CHECK / FOLD - the player folds whenever the bet increases. This checkbox is available on each betting round as long as the bet has not been raised by any of the players.

FOLD - by checking this checkbox, the player automatically says “I pass” at the moment when it is his turn.

RAISE ANY - by checking this checkbox, the player automatically makes RAISE, raising the bet at every opportunity.

AUTO REBUY - by checking this checkbox, every new game at this table (until the player leaves the table), if the current capital is less than MAXIMUM BUYIN, the capital increases to MAXIMUM BUYIN, but within the limits of the player’s balance.


The right to make the first move and start trading is determined randomly.
1. Each bet Players make an initial bet (ANTE).
2. All players are dealt 5 cards face down.
3. A randomly selected player begins trading. If he makes CHECK, the move goes to the next player. If he makes a BET, the move goes to the next player, and in order to stay in the game, he must at least equalize the bets (make a CALL) or raise the bet (make a RAISE).
4. If a player makes a FOLD, his cards are discarded, the player is eliminated from the pot, the turn passes to the next player, the bets of this player remain in the pot.
5. Trading continues until the players' bets are equal. The player can increase bets according to the type of table (LIMIT, POT-LIMIT, NO-LIMIT), but within the limits of his capital. A bet on your entire capital is called ALL-IN. In the case of NO-LIMIT, the ALL-IN bet can be made at any stage of the bidding - the player goes all-in.
6. Cards are exchanged in a circle, in order. The player selects and changes the required number of cards. Players see who changes cards and how many. You can change from 0 to 5 cards.
7. The first player to change cards is the one in front of whom the trade ended. For example, when playing at 4x: on the 1st round, the player on the left finished the betting by equalizing the bets. Accordingly, the player on top will be the first to change cards, followed by the player on the right (if the player is in the game), etc.
8. The 2nd round of betting begins. The one who changed cards first starts trading.
9. After the end of the betting round, the cards are revealed and the winner is calculated in accordance with the poker combinations.
10. The winnings are calculated. So, if 2 or more players have the same combinations (for example, 22345 for one and 22345 for another, but of different suits), it is considered that there are several winners and the pot is divided in appropriate proportions. ALL-IN players are also taken into account.

Five-card draw poker is one of the classic varieties of poker. Draw was the most popular poker game until Texas Hold'em conquered the world. These games are similar, but at the same time, the differences are very significant. In this article we will discuss the basics of the game, strategies, etiquette and more. So grab your chips, chips and take out your wallet. Ready to play?


Part 1

  1. Remember the hierarchy of hands. If you have never played poker before, the first thing to remember is the hierarchy of poker hands. If you don't know them, you won't realize that you have a winning combination on your hands! So before we dive into the specifics of the five-card draw, let's look at the combinations, starting with the "lowest":

    • High card (basically nothing at all)
    • Two pairs
    • Troika
    • Straight
    • Full house
    • Straight flush
    • Royal flush
    • Five cards of the same value (if you are playing with a joker)
  2. Understanding the essence of the game. Now you know your hands, so how to play? Well, for starters, your goal is to make the strongest hand. Here are the basics, and we'll move on to more advanced material in the next section (Getting Started):

    • The dealer deals 5 cards to everyone
    • Initial bets are placed
    • Players exchange a certain number of their cards for new ones, trying to get the strongest hand possible
    • Another round of betting takes place
    • Those who continue the game show their hands
    • The player with the strongest hand wins the pot
  3. Understanding the difference between playing with blinds and playing with antes. In a five-card draw, both options can be used, it all depends on how the players themselves agree.

    • In a blind game, the player to the left of the dealer is called the small blind. He makes his first bet (it's small and half the big blind) "before" the cards are dealt. The player to the left of the small blind is called the "big blind" and also bets before cards are dealt and his bet is twice the small blind's bet. Players who want to participate in the round must post at least the big blind.
    • In an ante game, “each player” must bet a predetermined amount before the cards are dealt. This encourages playing more hands, at least at first.
  4. Check, call, raise and fold. Once the dealer has dealt you five cards and it's your turn to decide what to do, you have three options: call, raise, or fold. When making this decision, each player is guided by his own considerations, for example:

    • Check- in essence, when checking, the player simply bets 0. If none of the players has bet anything yet, you can check. If someone has already bet, you cannot check and must call, raise or fold.
    • Call- you respond to a bet made by another player. If one of the players made a bet of 10 rubles, then in order to continue the game you need to call and equalize his bet, i.e. also bet 10 rubles.
    • "Raise" - you raise another player's bet. If one of the players bet 10 rubles, and you bet 15, you raised the bet by 5 rubles; if other players want to continue the game, they must at least match your bet.
    • Fold- you fold your cards and leave the game. You won’t win any more money on this hand, but you won’t lose any more money either.
  5. Jokers. 5 Card Draw is a fun game, but the use of jokers makes it even more unpredictable and difficult. Just agree in advance and make sure that all players agree to play with jokers. If you play with jokers, you can theoretically make a "five cards of the same rank" - the best possible in poker.

    • Some players use twos as jokers, others remove the first card from the deck and use the remaining three cards of the same value as jokers. Still others add a joker card (using 53 cards in the game).
    • If you decide to play with jokers, agree whether there will be any restrictions. The joker can only be played instead of an ace or to make a straight or flush, it cannot simply be any card at the player's discretion.
  6. Consider limits. Options again! If you want to control the amount of money in the game, agree on some limits. But this is by no means necessary! Although this may limit losses. Again, there are three options:

    • Unlimited- everything is clear.
    • Limit- players determine the minimum and maximum bets - in the first and second rounds they may differ.
    • Pot limit. The bet cannot exceed the amount already in the pot.
  7. You can try playing lowball. That is, the player’s goal is to collect the “weakest” possible hand. If everyone checks but no one wants to play their hand, you can switch to lowball.

    Part 2

    Beginning of the game
    1. Get together with friends. Five card draw is best played with six players, although 4-8 will also work. You can also play with two or three people. Clear the dining table and seat people. They all know how to play, right?

      • If not, show this page and send it somewhere for 5 minutes. Or let them play without understanding anything, and you will simply take their money!
    2. Get something to bet on. If you don't have any poker chips at home, you need to come up with something. Paper clips? So, each one costs 5 rubles. Nuts? 10. The main thing is not to eat them while thinking.

      • It would be nice to have “chips” of different denominations in the game: 50, 25, 10, 5 and 1, although it’s up to you to decide. Before placing a bet, clearly say how much you are betting and ensure that your bets are accurate.
    3. Decide on blinds or antes. Have you read the first section? So what have you decided? Blinds or antes? In the end, the game is the same, it's just easier to give up the blinds.

      • If you choose the blinds, be sure to ensure that the dealer, small and big blind on each hand move one space further in a clockwise direction. The small blind should become the dealer, the big blind should become the small blind, and the next player to the left should become the big blind. All clear?
    4. Let the dealer shuffle the cards and let the player to his right cut the deck. Mix the cards properly! Then deal 5 cards to each player, starting with the player on the left.

      • Who will be the dealer? Good question. This can be determined in different ways: by age, at will, or simply by giving everyone a card and the dealer will be the player who gets the highest card.
    5. Start the first round of betting. Okay, you have decided on the blinds or antes, the cards are dealt and betting begins. If you are playing with blinds, let the player to the left of the blinds speak first. If there is an ante, the player is to the left of the dealer.

      • Let's say A, B, C and D are playing. Player A (to the dealer's left) checks. B can also check (betting 0), but he bets 5. Then C must either bet 5 (or more) or fold, he folds. D responds by also betting 5. Now A's word is "again" - he hasn't made any bets yet and must now call, fold or raise. He answers.
    6. Start exchanging cards. Now all the players have either bet or folded, so it's time to change cards. Players give the dealer the cards they don't need, and in return they receive the same number of cards. Each hand always consists of 5 cards. The dealer, as always, starts on the left.

      • In some varieties you can change no more than 3 cards, in others - no more than 4 if there is an Ace. Thirdly, you can change all 5. The players themselves decide and agree.
    7. Start the second round of betting. Now everyone has new hands and a new round of betting begins, with the same player as before. Everything goes the same, only the stakes are usually higher. Let's continue our example:

      • If you remember, C folded, the rest played. A bets 5, B also bets 5 and D bets 10. A folds, B calls (adding 5) and raises by 15 (he bets 20 in total). D answers by adding 15.
    8. Time to show your hands! Usually the “aggressor” (in this case B) shows his hand first. The second player (or other players) also reveals their cards, the winner takes the pot.

      • The second player can admit defeat and not reveal his cards. This adds an element of mystery.

Classic Holdem has become incredibly popular in recent years. It is chosen by professionals, and you cannot find a single poker room where this type of game is not available. But Hold'em is only a small copy of Poker Draw, which appeared two centuries ago.

The game is now preferred by some pros and the vast majority of older Americans.. Draw Poker or California Poker is the star of home parties and get-togethers with friends in the States. There, the prevalence of California poker is comparable to and. Online poker rooms also have separate interfaces for playing Poker Draw. Let's try to understand the rules of this "big brother" Hold'em, and consider the main features of the game.

General description of Poker Draw

Draw Poker dates back to the days of gold miners. A small deck of twenty cards served as the main entertainment for the workers. It was at this time that Draw Poker first appeared. A hundred years later, the rules of Draw Poker have changed, but the basic principle remains the same.

Participants receive all the necessary cards in their hands immediately - there are no open ones on the table. After the first acquaintance with the combinations, the so-called “bidding” begins. Standard sequence of actions: raise, fall, all-in and other actions with the bank and game. Fallen cards remain face down and do not participate in subsequent distributions. The California system provides for the possibility of exchanging cards (from 1 to 5) before the first round of bidding.

A completely closed game - the advantage and disadvantage of the Californian party. You do not depend on the streets of distribution and open cards on the table. Only yours becomes the basis for increasing beta or. But this will also be a disadvantage - it is almost impossible to reliably predict opponents’ combinations; you can only analyze them by reacting to their call/raise/re-raise/fold to build. It is believed that Poker Draw is the easiest game to bluff (which is why Americans love it at home parties).

General rules of Draw Poker

Before the start of the game, you must decide who is responsible for the distribution. A special chip is placed near the first one (in online poker this can be an identification mark near the user-dealer). The player to the left receives dealer status in the next game.

Initial distribution

Pass to receive cards in hand and participate in trading - mandatory bet. Poker Draw provides two betting systems - fixed for everyone, or big/small for two from the table. (fixed bet) is deposited by players on each round of Poker Draw in the same amount. The beta amount is determined in advance.

Blind initial bets are made by only two players. One of them is twice as large as the other - accordingly, the bets are called the big and small blind (blind). The game bank is formed from only two bets before the first round of distribution. The right (or responsibility) of the blind passes clockwise to other opponents.


After all bets have been made, the gameplay itself begins.. (the dealer) deals each player five cards face down. At this point there is no action, players look at their cards. They can then take one of the following game actions:

  1. Call . Call is a response to a player raising the equivalent or raising to the size of a big blind on the first move.
  2. Promote . The size of the raise depends on the type of California poker (fixed raise step, no limit or proportional to the size of the pot).
  3. Overraising . Re-raise after the completion of the round, a repeated increase in the bet by the player who previously made the bet.
  4. All-in . A bet on all available chips. A player with a large bank can respond to an all-in not with the entire amount, but with the equivalent of the opponent’s bet.
  5. Skipping a Raise without the desire to increase the previously made bet.
  6. Fold . Discarding cards without showing a combination.

The player to the left of the dealer can raise or call first(this rule applies to the ante system). When forming a pot with the big blind, the player to the left of the big blind bettor acts first.

Draw Poker rules provide for a replay if the pot pot has not increased after the first round. The dealer collects the cards and distributes them to the players again. The repeated round is considered the first, but previously made bets (big blinds/antes) are not returned. The next hand requires another starting bet from the party participant. Theoretically, the rules of Draw Poker provide for an endless system of such circles. However, more often players choose a system that gives the right to make the first bet only to those who have a combination higher than a pair of Jacks.

Exchange of cards and second round of betting

Card exchange in Poker Draw begins after one of the players raises the bet in the first round. During the Draw stage, the player can replace his cards from the dealer, ranging from bartering one card to upgrading all of them in his hand. The exchange takes place blindly; the ranks and suits that come out of the game are not visible to either opponents or the dealer. Discarded cards go face-down and do not participate in further distributions. The repeated right to raise the bet, drop or go all-in is given to players after a Draw (exchange). Folds and calls are made in the same order as in the previous round. If someone folds a card, betting moves clockwise through the active players, starting with the one sitting to the left of the dealer.


After exchanging cards and the second round of betting, opponents reveal combinations. At the showdown, the participant whose combination is higher than the other opponents takes the money. Opponents whose cards are of equal rank will have to divide the pot among themselves.

  1. Limited size. There is a limit on bets - everyone bets no more chips than the pre-set limit.
  2. Bank dependent. The player's bet cannot be higher than the current pot size.
  3. Free. Raises are not dependent on pot or pre-set limits.

The rules of California poker are relatively simple - even a beginner will have enough of the first couple of games in order to understand all the subtleties and nuances.
