Plastic windows were installed incorrectly, what should I do? Errors and their consequences. You can submit a claim to him in two ways

Plastic windows were installed incorrectly, what should I do? Errors and their consequences. You can submit a claim to him in two ways

Sample claim for poor quality installation of windows or doors

IP Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

From: Alexandra Alexandrovna Petrova,


On January 18, 2026, I entered into Agreement No. 20 with you for the delivery and installation of PVC products (plastic windows).

The cost of the order is 50,796 rubles.

Warranty period 3 years.

I fulfilled my obligations to you and paid the cost of the order in full.

During operation, I discovered significant defects that could not have been detected by me during installation: the platbands on all installed windows are poorly secured, and condensation forms inside the double-glazed unit (between the glass panes).

I have repeatedly orally addressed your employees with a demand to eliminate the above-mentioned deficiency.

In mid-November, your workers tried to eliminate the emerging defect by replacing the rubber seals, but the defect was not eliminated.

In accordance with Article 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” the seller (performer) is obliged to transfer to the consumer a product (perform work, provide a service), the quality of which corresponds to the contract. If there are no conditions in the contract regarding the quality of the product (work, service), the seller (performer) is obliged to transfer to the consumer a product (perform work, provide a service) suitable for the purposes for which a product (work, service) of this kind is usually used.

In accordance with paragraph 1.5 of Art. 29 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”

When discovering deficiencies in the work performed (service provided), the consumer has the right, at his own discretion, to demand:

free elimination of deficiencies in the work performed (service provided)

The consumer has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract for the performance of work (rendering a service) and demand full compensation for losses if, within the period established by the specified contract, the shortcomings of the work performed (service provided) are not eliminated by the contractor. The consumer also has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract for the performance of work (provision of a service) if he discovers significant deficiencies in the work performed (service provided) or other significant deviations from the terms of the contract.

Taking into account the above, guided by Article 4.29 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, I ask you to eliminate the manifested deficiency within 10 days from the date of receipt of this complaint, namely, fix the platbands and replace the double-glazed windows with high-quality ones.

and also pay me the cost of paid legal services in the amount of 3,000 rubles.

If you refuse to voluntarily fulfill my claim, I will be forced to file a claim in court, where I will demand not only the fulfillment of my demands, but also compensation for moral damage, payment of a penalty and a fine to the state in the amount of 50% of the cost of the claim.


a copy of the receipt for payment of legal services.


It is necessary to remember that the claim is made in two copies (one for the company and the other for the customer. You can submit the claim yourself and ask to sign for receipt in both copies. Or you can send a registered letter to the legal address of the contractor.


Claim for installation of plastic windows - how to write and what to demand

If you find that your plastic windows were installed poorly, then don’t hesitate for a minute and file a claim against such a company. One of the most common problems is a sloppy work process. Most installers, in fact, don’t care that you have freshly hung wallpaper and new laminitis. They will just do their job without bothering to save other people's work. To avoid this, the first step is to persistently and clearly express your requirements for maintaining your apartment in its original form. Do not use “please”, “try” and other endearments that ordinary male installers absolutely do not perceive. “Guys, I’m warning you right away so that no one has problems, do everything as it’s supposed to and don’t spoil anything in my apartment! It doesn’t matter to me how many orders you place besides mine today, I need you to do everything efficiently and without haste!” - yes, yes, say exactly that, don’t be shy. You can add that if the work is of poor quality, then you will not hesitate and write a claim. Immediately stop any attempts by installers to cheat and quickly get to the next order. Let them do everything at a normal pace. There is, of course, another option - you can offer the installers some kind of bonus for their work, but then why did you pay money for the installation?

The second option, when there is a claim for the installation of plastic windows, is the poor-quality installation itself. Its main symptoms are blowing, fogging of glass, ice, gaps and weak fastening of components (for example, a window sill or slopes). To avoid such sad consequences, it is recommended to contact a company trusted in your city, which has positive customer reviews.

So, if you nevertheless encounter property damage during the work, then immediately go to the company, complain and write a claim for the installation of plastic windows. As compensation for damage, you can demand the amount paid for installation, or an amount of money comparable to the damage caused. In principle, any adequate company will support you in such an intention, give you the money and punish the installers, so as not to undermine their reputation.

If we are talking about poor-quality installation of the windows themselves, then the consumer protection law comes to your protection.

The seller (performer) is obliged to transfer to the consumer a product (perform work, provide a service), the quality of which corresponds to the contract. If there are no conditions in the contract regarding the quality of the product (work, service), the seller (performer) is obliged to transfer to the consumer a product (perform work, provide a service) suitable for the purposes for which a product (work, service) of this kind is usually used.

(Article 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Protection of Consumer Rights”)

In accordance with paragraph 1.5 of Art. 29 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, if deficiencies are discovered, the consumer has the right to a) demand that deficiencies in the work performed (service provided) be eliminated free of charge; b) refuse to perform the contract and demand full compensation for losses

In your claim, demand that the deficiencies be corrected within seven days and that legal fees be paid in the required amount. If the flaw is significant, then ask for a refund. In your claim, indicate in advance that if your claim is refused, you will be forced to go to court and, in addition to demands, compensation for moral damage, payment of a penalty and a fine to the state in the amount of 50% of the cost of the claim. Be persistent!

Grounds for filing a claim with a window company

A claim for plastic windows, a sample of which will help you draw up the document correctly, can be made to the supplier of goods and/or services in many cases. The most common defects of new window systems are:

Changing the color of the profile during the warranty period

- “weeping windows” in the cold season

Hardware failure

Violation of the tightness of the structure.

The basis for filing a claim may be non-compliance with the technology for installing high-quality window structures. This entails distortion of frames and window sills, the occurrence of leaks due to precipitation, the appearance of cracks on slopes, etc. The sample claim for windows will also be useful in case of detection of defects in double-glazed windows.

Making claims

A standard claim for windows must contain details of the parties to the purchase and sale agreement, a description of the fact of the transaction, identified defects (with a mandatory indication of deadlines), and the requirements of the injured party. The latter may concern the exchange of goods or compensation for damage (in the form of a reduction in the cost of the order, a refund of funds spent on eliminating defects, etc.).

The sample complaint for poor-quality windows also provides for the presence of attachments. Complete with the document, the contractor is sent copies of the purchase and sale agreement (provision of services), warranty certificate, payment order (receipt). An independent expert opinion increases the chances of meeting the requirements. The latter is paid by the applicant, but he has the right to demand compensation for costs from the supplier of goods and services. To do this, a corresponding paragraph is added to the document.

So, you are planning to communicate with the window company on a legal level. You no longer need to search for a document using the request “sample claim for pvc window”. Download the document on our website, fill it out in accordance with the recommendations of specialists, send it to the service provider and achieve restoration of the violated consumer rights.

Claim (installation of plastic windows)

[Artist name]

Address: [performer's address]

Home phone: [consumer phone]

Mobile phone: [preferably specified]

Between me and you (your organization) an agreement dated [date] No. [agreement number] was concluded for the order, sale and installation of structures - PVC windows. Your obligations under the contract were fulfilled improperly; I am not satisfied with the quality of the work performed, namely:

1. The structures are not airtight; during the frost period, cold air blew strongly along the perimeter of the windows.

2. Very poor sound insulation; street noise with the windows closed is as audible as with the windows open.

According to Art. 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation On the Protection of Consumer Rights, the contractor is obliged to perform work (provide a service), the quality of which corresponds to the contract. If there are no conditions in the contract regarding the quality of the work (service), the contractor is obliged to perform work (provide a service) that meets the usually required requirements and is suitable for the purposes for which the work (service) of this kind is usually used.

According to Article 29 of the Law of the Russian Federation On the Protection of Consumer Rights, the consumer, upon discovery of deficiencies in the work performed (service provided), has the right, at his own discretion, to demand:

Free elimination of deficiencies in the work performed (service provided)

Corresponding reduction in the price of work performed (service provided)

Free production of another item of the same quality or repeat work

Reimbursement of expenses incurred by him to eliminate deficiencies in the work performed (service provided) on his own or by third parties.

The consumer has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract for the performance of work (rendering a service) and demand full compensation for losses if, within the period established by the specified contract, the shortcomings of the work performed (service provided) are not eliminated by the contractor. The consumer also has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract for the performance of work (provision of a service) if he discovers significant deviations from the terms of the contract. The consumer also has the right to demand full compensation for losses caused to him in connection with deficiencies in the work performed (service provided).

Based on the provisions of the Law of the Russian Federation on the Protection of Consumer Rights, I kindly ask you, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the Complaint, to ensure the presence of your specialist to agree on the list of deficiencies, draw up the appropriate Report and eliminate the identified deficiencies. I also ask you to establish a warranty period for the results of the work performed to eliminate defects of 1 (one) year from the date of my acceptance of the specified work.

I draw your attention to the fact that in case of delay in fulfilling these requirements beyond the deadline established by Art. 31 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, you will be obliged in accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 28 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights to pay me a penalty in the amount of 3% of the total price of the order for each day of delay.

If my claim is rejected, I will be forced to go to court to protect my consumer rights, where I will also demand full compensation for the losses caused to me and compensation for moral damage (Ground: Art. 13-15 of the Law of the Russian Federation on the Protection of Consumer Rights). If the court satisfies my demands, in accordance with Art. 100 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, you will be charged with the costs of paying for the services of my representative in court. In addition, for failure to comply with the voluntary procedure for satisfying consumer requirements, the court will impose a fine on you in the amount of 50% of the amount awarded by the court in favor of the consumer.

[date] [signature and signature transcript]

What to do if you have low-quality plastic windows installed?

Have you been scammed by a window company?

Unhappy with your windows?

The money can and should be returned!

Just recently you realized your little dream - you installed brand new plastic windows in your apartment. But they didn’t please the eye for long: something happened and the quality of the product suddenly stopped satisfying you. Even a slight change in the color of the profile or a crack that suddenly appears, “crying windows” in the winter is already a reason to think that the manufacturer was simply slack in the production of your order. Not to mention more serious damage - broken fittings in the first weeks of careful use, or even unexpectedly discovered cracks that prevent the product from being sealed.

Or maybe you ordered beautiful windows. in excellent configuration, which do not cause any complaints, but the company let us down with the installation? Polyurethane foam, unprotected from external influences, sticks out from the street side. Are the frames warped and cracked in places, although there was no carelessness on your part? All this is a reason to file a claim against the company. sold you low-quality windows or installed them incorrectly. How can you “put pressure” on a company and get away with little loss if the company’s management simply refuses to compensate for damage or correct discovered deficiencies free of charge?

We make claims

In order to receive compensation for low-quality windows. it is necessary to write a corresponding claim - for an exchange or directly for compensation. A claim with a requirement to eliminate the shortcomings of the work performed will help those who have become victims of unscrupulous workers. Despite the fact that the claim is an official document, the writing form remains free. Do not forget to indicate the key points: to whom, from whom, date of writing, essence of the complaint and your requirements. Very often this is enough.

The document must be written by hand in two identical copies: one is signed by the management of the company or store and remains in your hands to serve as “living” confirmation that the company is considering the claim. Do not forget that in addition to the “dispatch”, you need to attach a number of documents: a copy of the receipt or agreement for the purchase of goods or services and a copy of the warranty card. It is also advisable to contact the consumer protection society. so that an independent examination is carried out confirming the non-compliance of the quality of the product or service with the declared standards. A certified copy of the examination result must also be “given to the mercy” of the company.

What to do if they refuse to accept a claim?

It seems that the examination recognized the windows as a wreck, and the work as the product of a third-grader’s labor, but the company chose its own tactics. They simply refuse to accept the claim! Still, it’s too early to start a lawsuit: send your claim by registered mail. Valuable documents are delivered directly to the addressees, and the post office stores the date of delivery of the letter, which can serve as proof of receipt of the claim in the event of the need to go to court. For the same purposes, you can use the website, which tracks the delivery date.

Refused to comply with demands

Only a resolution directly to the claim or in a separate document can be considered a waiver of a claim. If this happens, you should not despair - you already have in your hands the opinion of an independent expert, with whom winning a lawsuit will not be difficult. Once again, the Consumer Rights Protection Society is waiting for you, providing professional legal advice to victims of unscrupulous companies completely free of charge. So, you will have to file a lawsuit. How to do it?

  1. The application can be written either by hand or printed. The plaintiff must indicate not only his full name. but also his registration address and telephone number so that court representatives can contact him at any time. Also, do not forget to indicate the name of the court to which you are applying - you never know, maybe you will miss this “minor” detail. If the plaintiff is an organization, indicate the location of the company instead of registration. The company must have a representative, whose details and contacts are indicated in the claim.
  2. Since in this situation the defendant is a legal entity, the company’s address must be indicated in the claim. If the defendant is a specific seller, installer or manager, then the claim is still sent to the company’s management.
  3. The claim must clearly and clearly indicate the defendant’s violations of your rights, freedoms or interests (legitimate), as well as outline the current situation. Remember that claims must be substantiated, so consult with a lawyer to properly cite the laws under which the defendant is “wrong.”
  4. In this case, the issue is often about money, so be sure to include in the claim a calculation of the disputed amounts of money. Moral compensation is a good thing, but for this, again, you will need legal advice. It’s not so easy to get millions if you haven’t suffered any particular damage. Although you can always refer to the fact that due to unsealed windows you were forced to breathe in the toxic fumes of the city. But this, again, will require additional examination and solid evidence.
  5. Copies of the receipt, warranty card, contract (if any) and the expert report are attached to the application. If you have any other documents proving a violation of your rights, do not be lazy to take these “pieces of paper” to the photocopier.

Attention! In the case of purchasing low-quality windows or if poor-quality installation of plastic windows was carried out, it is completely pointless to file a claim immediately. The fact is that the law provides for the need to initially write a claim and only after the deadline for responding (specified in the contract) to the claim has expired. If the contract does not provide for this period, then you can file a claim immediately after you have evidence of receipt of the claim by the company’s management or a specific employee.

What are the chances of defending your right?

If the examination confirms the adequacy of your requirements, then the chances of successful completion of the case are indecently high. Moreover, the chance to resolve the conflict more or less peacefully appears already at the moment of filing a claim - the main thing is to subtly hint to the management of the window company. that it “smelled like something was fried.” Will you need a lawyer? It all depends on the amount of the claim and the company you are going to sue. In order to estimate your own costs, you should consult with a lawyer.

By the way, it is quite possible to include in the claim a demand for reimbursement of expenses for the trial and an independent examination by the defendant! If the case is resolved positively, you will not lose a penny, and justice will be restored! Finally, I would like to advise: contact only those companies that your friends have recommended to you. So the chance of running into unscrupulous manufacturers and performers is reduced to zero.

Use of materials from the portal - only with a mandatory link to the authors and to the portal

Photo: In case of significant deficiencies, the consumer has the right to terminate the contract with the company, and it is obliged to return the money

Now, probably, every second apartment in Khabarovsk has plastic windows. Unfortunately, they are not always installed efficiently. Citizens regularly express dissatisfaction with the work of window companies. Most often, customers are not bothered by poor-quality fittings, unexpectedly discovered cracks, or the freezing of frost on windows in winter. Consultant of the city department for consumer rights protection Tatyana Kochubeeva spoke about what to do if you are not satisfied with plastic windows.

Before agreeing to install windows, pay attention to the contract, advises a consumer protection specialist. - It must indicate the terms and dates of manufacture and installation of the product. Also pay attention to whether the company provides a warranty period for installation work. If it is not there, you should think about whether to order windows from such a company or choose another one.

You should also pay attention to the sketch of your future window, which should be attached to the contract, continues Tatyana Kochubeeva. - There are cases that the mosquito net was not installed where the customer wanted or the window dimensions do not correspond to the stated ones. To prevent this from happening, check all the window details on the sketch.

However, most often, window defects are discovered only over time. Even a slight change in the color of the profile or a crack that suddenly appears, “crying windows” is already a reason to think that the manufacturer did the work in bad faith. Sometimes it happens that everything is fine with the windows, but the company let us down with the installation - the installation panel is sticking out foam , the frames were warped and cracked in places. All this is a reason to present a claim to the company, concludes Tatyana Kochubeeva, consultant of the city department for consumer rights protection.

Ekaterina Podpenko

Where to begin

To force a company to redo its work, you need to file a claim. It should indicate what exactly you require: replace the window or return the money. According to the law on consumer protection, you have the right to choose - either to demand the elimination of deficiencies or to reduce the cost of a poor-quality service.

How to write a complaint

The claim must be written in free form. State the essence and list of requirements. Other documents must be attached to the claim: a copy of the receipt, a contract for the purchase of goods/services, as well as a copy of the warranty coupon and, very preferably, a photo of all detected defects. The period for consideration of your application is 10 days.

If all else fails

Rarely, there are cases when a company is in no hurry to correct its mistakes, delays in compensating for losses, or does not respond to claims at all. This is usually the case with small companies. Then you will have to go to court. Be sure to attach copies of all checks, coupons, contracts, in short, all documents related to the case to the statement of claim. In this case, a quality examination will help confirm the presence of deficiencies. If the experts have made a conclusion that confirms your claims, the likelihood of a favorable outcome for you is very high.

In case of significant deficiencies, such as “crying” windows or frost freezing on them, the consumer has the right to terminate the contract with the company, and it is obliged to return the money.

Installing plastic windows and doors does not always lead to the results that the customer plans. Either the plastic turns yellow after a couple of months, or after installation, cracks appear along the frame... Otherwise, the money has been paid, but the ordered plastic structures are still not there. What to do in cases where problems arise with PVC windows and balcony doors, lawyers from the Consumers Union tell "Roskontrol".

1. The first thing to do is to determine the type of problem, lawyers advise.

The most common problems associated with the purchase and installation of PVC windows and doors are of two types:

· Violation of deadlines

1. You have made an advance payment, but the contractor is delaying the production and delivery of the PVC windows and doors you ordered.

2. The contractor missed the agreed deadlines for the installation of plastic structures.

Important! If the problem is related to deadlines, then the claim should be written to the person who violated the deadlines.

· Product defects or installation defects

1. The ordered goods (windows and doors) were delivered on time, but it turned out that they were defective.

2. Installation work was carried out on time, but was carried out poorly.

3. During the operation of windows and doors, hidden manufacturing defects were revealed.

Important! If the problem is related to defects, in the first case you file a claim with the seller. In the second - to the performer. In the third case, when the defect manifests itself over time, it is not always immediately clear who is to blame. Either it’s a manufacturing defect, or it’s your fault and you misused the product. Either the deficiencies of unscrupulous installers bore fruit.

In the latter option, it is better to conduct an independent examination to ensure that the seller or contractor is at fault. And in addition, assess the exact extent of the damage.

2. Conduct an examination

If the product has a manufacturing defect, or there are installation defects, but the manufacturer/performer refuses to take responsibility and eliminate the defects, conduct an independent examination that will confirm that the quality of the product or service does not meet the stated standards.

·Having found out with the help of experts who is really responsible for a particular problem that has arisen, file a complaint with the person responsible.

·If the defect is of a manufacturing nature, then contact the seller.

·If this is an installation defect, then contact the company that installed plastic structures in your apartment or office.

Important. Defects are not always non-functional fittings, unsealed gaps between the wall and the window unit, or cracks in the plastic. Low quality materials used in the manufacture of plastic windows and doors can become a source of dangerous toxic substances - for example, phenol or formaldehyde. If their content exceeds the maximum permissible concentration (MPC), this is also a reason to file a claim with the seller with a requirement to eliminate the deficiencies and compensate for moral damages.

3. Write a complaint

·Write a claim addressed to the management of the company with which you entered into a purchase and sale agreement or an agreement for the manufacture/installation of windows.

· Indicate in the complaint to whom and from whom it is written, indicate the date of writing, indicate the essence of your complaint and your requirements.

· Make a claim in 2 copies. Keep one of them, signed by the management of the selling company (performer).

·The company refuses to accept the claim? Send it by mail, registered mail. The document will be delivered directly to the addressee. Postal employees will be able to confirm the date of delivery of the letter of claim (this will be required during legal proceedings).

·Attach evidence to the claim - copies of receipts, warranty cards, a copy of the contract for the purchase of goods or services (a certified copy of the expert opinion, if available).

· If the claim is refused or left unanswered within 10 days, contact the supervisory authorities (Rospotrebnadzor) and file a claim in court.

Be careful when concluding a contract

Often, customers read the sales contract or work contract inattentively. Then, when complaints arise regarding the quality and installation of products, corresponding problems arise. To avoid them, the contract must stipulate:

· Subject of the agreement. (What exactly are you buying? Is it buying a finished product or making windows and doors to your measurements).

·Order cost, advance amount, payment procedure and terms. (If the deadlines are not specified, difficulties will arise when calculating the penalty).

·Exact dates for the beginning and end (execution) of the contract. It is good if intermediate deadlines for completing individual stages of work are indicated.

·What services are included in the price. Usually these are conditionally free measuring services and delivery of finished products to your address. If there are no such items, be prepared to pay extra for them in the future.

·Guarantee period. If it is not there, refuse the work or product of this company.

Attention! Most often, one contract is concluded for three types of work at once: for the manufacture, supply and installation of plastic windows. This agreement is a mixed purchase and sale agreement and a household contract. If a company installs its products itself, this is normal, since all possible claims will be presented to one addressee.


· The seller and the performer may be different. If the seller does not carry out the installation himself, but recommends a subcontractor to perform the installation work, a separate contract for the work should be drawn up with the latter. Such an agreement must contain the name and location (legal address) of the contractor’s organization; type and timing of service provision, its price; warranty periods; a note indicating that the consumer has paid the funds; a sketch of the products signed by the parties indicating the dimensions; the position and signature of the person who accepted the order, and also the signature of the buyer.

·If you are not satisfied with any clause of the contract, request changes. Do the company's employees assure you that changes cannot be made to the contract? Lie. This cannot be done only if the contract is classified as public.

·Keep one copy of the written agreement signed by both parties at least until the end of the warranty period. Also keep all attached documents, incl. sales and cash receipts.

In addition, at the stage of concluding a contract, ask the seller (manufacturer, etc.) to show documents confirming the safety of materials, used in the manufacture of window structures (declarations of conformity (for windows), hygiene certificates).

Your rights in case of failure to meet delivery or installation deadlines

Have you encountered a problem such as a violation of deadlines for completing work under a contract for the manufacture and installation of plastic windows? The seller or performer is required to pay a penalty for each day of delay.

Delivery times for plastic structures from the manufacturer/seller to the buyer have been violated:

· According to paragraph 3 of Art. 23.1 of the Consumer Protection Law, in case of violation of the deadline established by the sales contract for the transfer of prepaid goods, the seller pays the buyer a penalty - 0.5% from the amount of prepayment of goods for each day of delay.

· The penalty is collected from the day when, according to the purchase and sale agreement, the transfer of the goods to the consumer should have been carried out, until the day of the actual transfer of the goods to the consumer or until the day the consumer’s demand for the return of the amount previously paid to him is satisfied.

· However, you should not think that the longer the seller does not give you your order, the greater the amount of the penalty you will receive. By law, the amount of the penalty cannot exceed the amount of advance payment for the goods.

If the goods are delivered on time, but the installation deadlines are violated, the penalty is calculated differently:

· According to Part 5 of Art. 28 of the Law on Protection of Consumer Rights, in case of violation of the established deadlines for the completion of work, violation of new deadlines assigned by the consumer for the completion of work The contractor is obliged to pay the consumer a penalty of 3% for each day of delay. prices for performing work. For each day, starting from the day when, according to the contract, the work should have been performed until the day the work was actually completed, including by court decision

The amount of the penalty collected by the consumer cannot exceed the total penalty for completing the work.

If defects are found

· Obvious manufacturing defects visible already during delivery. For example, the surveyor took incorrect measurements and the windows do not match the openings. Either the fittings do not work properly, there are cracks in the glass unit, etc. When accepting the window, make sure that there are no visible defects on it, check that the window or balcony door closes and opens without effort. If you see any shortcomings, indicate them in the acceptance certificate.

· Hidden defects appear after installation. It takes time to truly evaluate the consumer qualities of windows and doors and the quality of installation for the presence of hidden defects. Only over time may the color of the profile change, or cracks may appear, preventing the tightness of the window unit.

Important! Windows are usually installed in the summer. And most of the hidden defects appear in winter, when it becomes clear that the window units do not meet their purpose of protecting against cold, and not just noise and dust.

In accordance with Article 18 of the Law on Protection of Consumer Rights, Having discovered shortcomings in the work performed (service provided), you have the right to demand that these shortcomings be corrected immediately and absolutely free of charge.

·You may request a commensurate reduction in the purchase price.

·Also, if you eliminated the defects yourself or by involving third parties, you can demand compensation for the costs you incurred to eliminate the defects.

·If the shortcomings are significant, feel free to demand termination of the contract and the return of funds paid under the contract.

Did the performer make an attempt to correct something after your comments? Be sure to ask him for documentary evidence that the deficiencies have been eliminated.

If defects are found in the installation work of metal-plastic structures, then in accordance with Art. 29 and 30 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, in addition to the above, you can set a reasonable period that you are willing to give the contractor to eliminate the shortcomings, for example 7-14 days.

If the deficiency is not corrected within the time limit set by you, then the contractor will be charged a penalty of 3% for each day of delay.

Important! Having discovered any deficiencies, send a claim to the contractor, indicating your requirements for free elimination of the defects in the work and the deadline for such elimination.

If the deficiencies are not corrected, file a claim in court.

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Is it possible to save on installation?

Saving on installation is unacceptable. As you know, most homeowners who install windows strive to solve two problems:

  • keep warm,
  • reduce noise levels.

Improper installation of plastic windows can ruin all efforts. How to avoid this?

Correct installation of a plastic window is the key to warmth and comfort in the home

Work quality control

Compliance with its standards guarantees long service life of window structures. Incorrectly installed plastic windows will already begin to cause inconvenience and deprive you of comfort after 2-3 months. Not all defects can be detected immediately (blowing, gaps, shrinkage). But it’s still worth protecting yourself from unnecessary expenses by competently completing the installation procedure. Make sure that in the installation contract the company indicates the following regulatory documents governing the implementation of procedures. For example, GOST 30971-2012 “Installation seams of junctions of window blocks to wall openings.”

Violation of the terms of the agreement may give rise to legal proceedings. For example, if the company refuses to carry out timely adjustment of windows in summer/winter or does not correct detected defects.

At each stage of installation of window structures, workers can make a number of mistakes due to:

  • lack of knowledge of the technology for preparing openings and installing structures;
  • desire to save on material.

We propose to consider the most common errors at all stages installation, which also relate to non-compliance with the general requirements for the procedure.

Errors and their consequences

  1. Violation of general requirements. You may run into scammers who will install without following:
  • Parameters SNiP 2.08.01-89* “Residential buildings” for premises. Air temperature in winter and summer, humidity, and the quality of heating have almost a decisive influence on operation. It is worth remembering that only the client or the housing office can influence these parameters, installation companies have nothing to do with it. A competent surveyor can only draw the client’s attention to violations: the apartment is very cold, the hood is not working, etc.
  • Requirements for construction seam materials(according to GOST). The choice of quality materials is of paramount importance. Before installation, check compliance with the expiration date, storage conditions, permissible temperature conditions for work for mixtures, compatibility and water resistance of the materials used.

Poor installation may cause sashes to sag, glass to crack, etc.

Due to neglect of general requirements, after some time moisture will begin to accumulate in the seams of the structure, the slopes will crack, and temperature changes will cause mold to appear. And these are only the lesser of the evils, because low-quality materials can emit harmful substances that have a negative impact on the health of residents. Afterwards, it is very difficult to prove the fact of their use during installation.

  1. Poor installation. Amateurs often make mistakes at all stages of installation:
  • Preparing the opening. It is not done or done incorrectly. This leads to peeling of the assembly seam materials from the opening and, as a result, to blowing, freezing, and a reduction in service life. Installers must carry out preliminary preparation according to the following scheme:
    • dismantling old windows, removing remains of frames and fasteners;
    • sealing large holes and craters in the opening;
    • high-quality surface dust removal;
    • drying (in winter);
    • moisturizing the surface (when working with appropriate materials);
    • priming the surface of the opening.

Remains of frames and fasteners from previous structures interfere with the installation of new ones and negate the effect of foam and sealants. Dust removal, moisturizing and priming ensure reliable adhesion of surfaces, preventing drafts and ice formation on the window. Also, insufficient removal of ice and drying of the opening in winter will lead to the accumulation of moisture in the installation seams and the formation of mold, consequently reducing the service life of the foam and neutralizing its insulating properties.

  • Incorrect installation and fixation windows in the opening lead to subsidence of the structure in level. Typical mistakes at this stage include:
    • use of thin plates for drywall, instead of specialized ones. Thin mounts are not designed for such loads. The desire to save will result in additional expenses and replacement of the package in a year or two;
    • non-compliance with fastening spacing(5–7 points instead of 8–10) is not a critical violation, but further use of structures (especially in old buildings) is reminiscent of playing Russian roulette;
    • using the wrong pads. Often, instead of dry wood or plastic, they use anything: stones, pieces of concrete, timber, rags, plastic scraps. After this, during operation, the window on such linings sags: cracks and other defects appear. There can be no question of high-quality heat, moisture and noise insulation when using the structure.

Installation requires compliance with all dimensions and proportions

  • Incorrect provision of the assembly seam. Typically, the installation seam should consist of three layers: an outer vapor-permeable layer, a central heat and noise insulation layer, and an inner vapor barrier layer. Often the outer layer (tape, sealant or plaster) is not done at all or done poorly. Because of this, after a year or two the foam completely loses its insulating and heat-shielding properties and crumbles. If, with all this, there was still a saving in materials, that is, insufficient foaming to the entire depth of the opening with the admission of voids (exactly in the center of the opening), then in winter you will find unpleasant surprises in the form of condensation, mold and drafts due to temperature changes. The inner layer (tape or sealant) is also often not done, which leads to the destruction of the foam from the inside. But it is worth mentioning that the internal seam, unlike the external one, is not always necessary. It is applied only when finishing slopes with wet materials: plaster for exterior use and drywall.
  • Careless finishing of slopes. Most often, slopes are installed cut from pieces of material. If the sealant is applied properly, the seams can be reliably protected from moisture. However, the basic technology involves the installation of monolithic slopes without cuts, breaks or cracks, otherwise the appearance of mold and condensation cannot be avoided.

Correct installation of slopes ensures reliable moisture insulation

  • Installation of ebb tides. The ebb is not always cut exactly to the width of the opening; there are gaps on the sides that must be plastered or sealed with sealant. If this is not done, moisture will begin to get under the ebb, destroying the installation seam. Often the ebb is simply laid on the opening without gluing soundproofing tape or foaming the space underneath. This way you will know exactly when the rain started and stopped.
  • Window sill installation. The process is not so complicated, but very responsible. As with the frame, incorrectly selected pads disrupt the level of the window sill. For these purposes, it is worth choosing high-quality plastic or wooden products. A large step when installing them leads to sagging of the window sill, the formation of gaps, and a violation of the tightness of the structure.
  • Improper finishing of slopes. If we talk about external slopes (from the street side), then here they can use materials (plaster, sealant) for internal work, which quickly collapse under the influence of moisture, sun, snow.

If we are talking about internal slopes, then you need to understand which option you chose. When plastering internal slopes, do not forget about preparing the opening (priming, installing reinforcing mesh). If the plaster layer is thick, you should not do everything in one go. When installing plasterboard slopes, you should not use non-moisture resistant material; it can swell or become moldy due to changes in humidity and temperature. Both drywall and plastic panels should be cut perfectly evenly to obtain minimal gaps at the joints, which can be easily covered up. The slopes must be secured to the opening securely to avoid cracks at the joints.

  • Insufficient adjustment of window mechanisms. The use of tilt, turn and micro-ventilation is often difficult due to unlubricated or unadjusted mechanisms and defects. The installers must make the adjustments in your presence and show you several times how to use them correctly.

It is very important to check the operation of the mechanisms in the presence of workers

  • Lack of tight pressure sash to frame can lead to blowing in winter, subsequent formation of condensation or ice. On the contrary, too tight a clamp can lead to failure of the fittings. It is worth paying attention to this when accepting windows.

Problem solving

Any errors and methods for eliminating them must be eliminated at the stage of concluding the contract. Apart from the necessary items we mentioned above, you need to check the warranty. Thanks to it, if unpleasant defects are discovered in the winter, after installing windows in the summer, an honest company will not only correct installation defects, but also carry out seasonal adjustments to the structures.

In addition, today there are many companies offering maintenance services for window structures. They can be contacted if the warranty does not apply. But, alas, the likelihood of running into scammers is high, and for adjusting three windows you may be charged ten, or even fifteen thousand. In fact, it costs five times less.

Monitor workers at all stages of work, choose only high-quality materials and honest installation companies to save nerves and money, and preserve the health of loved ones. Get high-quality and economical installation -

Video on how to prevent mistakes when installing plastic windows

My name is Anna. I have a problem with the installation of plastic windows in my apartment, there were 3 of them. Here is the complaint that was sent to them and which was ignored to this day.


The cost of the order was 42,200 rubles.

On August 18, 2011, the windows were installed, but I discovered shortcomings in the work performed. The windows do not match the size of the window opening. They are much smaller than the opening. Accordingly, the entire window structure was raised up and the significant void at the bottom of the window was simply filled with polyurethane foam. The window sills were also very badly damaged.

I have repeatedly, orally, addressed your employees with a demand to eliminate the above-mentioned shortcomings, but my complaints were ignored.

In accordance with Article 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” the seller (performer) is obliged to transfer to the consumer a product (perform work, provide a service), the quality of which corresponds to the contract. If there are no conditions in the contract regarding the quality of the product (work, service), the seller (performer) is obliged to transfer to the consumer a product (perform work, provide a service) suitable for the purposes for which a product (work, service) of this kind is usually used.

In accordance with paragraph 1.5 of Art. 29 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” The consumer, upon discovery of deficiencies in the work performed (service provided), has the right, at his own discretion, to demand: free elimination of the deficiencies in the work performed (service provided);

The consumer has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract for the performance of work (rendering a service) and demand full compensation for losses if, within the period established by the specified contract, the shortcomings of the work performed (service provided) are not eliminated by the contractor. The consumer also has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract for the performance of work (provision of a service) if he discovers significant deficiencies in the work performed (service provided) or other significant deviations from the terms of the contract.

Taking into account the above, guided by Article 4.29 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, I ask you to eliminate the shortcomings by replacing windows of proper quality and corresponding to the size of the openings, within 7 days from the date of receipt of this complaint. If the deficiencies are not eliminated within the established period, then I have the right to terminate the contract and demand full compensation for losses.

If you refuse to voluntarily fulfill my claim, I will be forced to file a claim in court, where I will demand not only the fulfillment of my demands, but also compensation for moral damage and payment of a penalty.

What should I do with them and how to write a statement to the court? Perhaps some kind of examination is needed to determine that the windows do not correspond to the dimensions of the window opening? I have three children and I fear for their lives, that the windows may one day simply collapse on them... I will wait for an answer. Thank you in advance.
