How to transfer files from iPhone to computer. How to transfer a file from iPhone to computer How to transfer images from iPhone to computer

How to transfer files from iPhone to computer. How to transfer a file from iPhone to computer How to transfer images from iPhone to computer

To free up device memory, files must be transferred to another type of storage. It is more difficult to download photos from iPhones to a PC due to the individual nature of the operating system. The instructions below offer several ways to clear your phone memory by freeing up the built-in storage. This way, data will be transferred from iPhone using five main methods. Each of them will be optimal for different types of Apple devices.

USB connection via cord

The method suggests transferring files from your iPhone to your PC. To do this, you need to use a USB cable from the charger. When connected to a computer, a standard window will pop up that appears when connecting similar devices.

Select the file viewing function and get to the phone menu. One or more folder disks are presented. To download photos from an iPhone, you need to select the files that you want to save on your hard drive. Remove the cord through the “safely remove hardware” button in the lower right corner of the computer.

Important! Copying photos in this way is only possible “one way”, and downloading them back to the phone, as on Android OS, will not work.

iTunes Assistant

There is an iTunes program to sync with your Apple device. The download occurs from the official website, after which the installer package.exe is launched. The user's language is also selected there. After opening the program, connect the device via USB cable. The program will ask for access permission - answer with consent on your phone.

After detecting the phone, click on its icon (in the top panel) and in the menu on the left, select the items in the settings section that you want to download.

A reminder will appear that will tell you where to save the pictures from your phone.

The website offers detailed information. From here, install iCloud Music Library. You will need it to import data, and you can also transfer it using another PC option. It has several nuances, depending on the version of Windows.

Folder data will appear in the central area. You can select multiple pictures or upload them in folders. They appear on your phone as permanent photos in “From My Computer.” You can delete them by canceling synchronization, unchecking the box next to this action, or by uploading an empty folder to your iPhone. It will not be reflected in the photo library.

If you need to copy documents or other files, use iCloud Drive without syncing. To do this, go to the “shared files” section and select the ones you want to save by clicking “Add”. The adjacent window will display a list of documents. This way, you can copy data from your computer to your phone.

To transfer photos to your computer using the program, go to the photos tab. In the central window, specify the type of synchronization. The highlighted lines mean that the phone has already been connected to the program on another device, and synchronization with it has been established. When you connect again, all files will be displayed. The "apply" function means to enable the synchronization function with the selected options and download type.

When you reconnect, you must synchronize manually to transfer the necessary files to your computer. If iMedia Library is installed, the download is carried out in the background immediately after connecting the phone to the computer and launching the program.

By the way, you can listen to music in the program, even if it is not downloaded to your phone, but you once listened to it online, for example, through social networks. Each one from the library can be downloaded individually to your iPhone without purchasing it from the App Store.

Wi-Fi synchronization

This “one less cord” method is interesting for those who want to transfer files purchased from the App Store to other Apple devices. This method is also convenient for quickly copying photos. Install iTunes on the device you want to pair your phone with. Connect, in the menu on the left in the review item, select the type of synchronization via Wi-Fi.

FIRST sync your phone with your PC in response, and only then disconnect it. Apply the settings on your PC and disconnect from it. On iPhone, select photos to display on your computer. Next, observe the process of wireless synchronization when both devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.

Every time, just connect your phone to power, turn on iTunes and watch the automatic data transfer. If you disconnect the power supply, synchronization will continue: note the battery icon (it is not charging) and the sync icon (it is still there).

iCloud storage

Apple's own disk storage. You can log into your account at by entering your Apple ID and password. They are the same as when you sign in to the App Store on your iPhone. In the phone settings, the top line will remind you of your login, and the password can be restored on your PC or reset via your phone. This method is convenient because, being anywhere in the world, you can show the landscape of your photos to your family who have access to your iCloud.

To transfer files, install iCloud by downloading it to your phone from the App Store. 5 GB storage available. Sync your phone with the drive or manually copy the pictures you need. All phone data will be displayed on the PC, and the gallery can be downloaded to your hard drive.

On the website, in the iCloud Drive and “Photos” tabs, you can view available files, upload pictures from your PC to the cloud, etc. In the iCloud “photos” section, you can view galleries taken by iPhone that have not yet been transferred to the cloud. The function works with a media library, which must be activated in the phone settings.

For those for whom the phone offers to buy additional storage, this is an important tip. Since it is impossible to delete downloaded pictures from the iPhone, they will have to be replaced with freshly downloaded ones. Therefore, the storage is constantly increasing and transferring data from the phone is not possible. Particularly cunning users upload empty folders through synchronization, with no images inside. On the phone they are also empty and take up only 13 KB, which is optimal for working with storage.

Yandex.Disk with unlimited space

This is virtual storage, like iCloud, only with expanded disk space. The disk must be linked to a mailbox. Download Yandex.Disk from the App Store, enter your email login and password. Open the storage and select photos to upload or select automatic synchronization, then all photos will be automatically uploaded to the Yandex virtual disk. You can create multiple folders for sorting.

It will be displayed on the phone as a mobile version of the browser. On your PC, go to mail and open disk storage. From there you can view and transfer photos from your iPhone to your computer. For example, the following image shows a screenshot of the moment the disk was installed on the phone. It was thrown into storage and viewed on a PC. Yes, there is no limit for your photos; upload at least two thousand to the cloud.

By the way, disk spaces can be switched between each other by moving your finger. If there are several of them, just swipe right or left from the screen.

The method and process for downloading pictures is affected by the software version, so make sure that the update is installed on your device and the latest version of the program is installed on your computer. When updating in parallel (connected from a PC), the phone will not be temporarily turned off. Some functions appear on the screen differently: synchronization may occur in the background, appear in iTunes, or not at all. It is also important to monitor previous actions - some devices do not support new versions of applications and conflict due to the OS.

Apple products are deservedly considered one of the best and are popular among people around the world. Modern smartphones are capable of not only making calls, but also recording videos and taking pictures, so you should know how to transfer photos from your iPhone to your computer. Due to the nature of this company's devices, this is not easy to do.

How to transfer photos from iPhone to computer via USB cable

The vast majority of people use the Windows operating system on their PC. The iPhone has maximum compatibility only with Apple products, but it can also be synchronized with other operating systems relatively easily. Instructions on how to transfer photos from iPhone to computer:

  1. Find the USB cable in the phone box.
  2. Connect the device to the PC using a cable. In some cases, it is possible to immediately start viewing the smartphone through Windows Explorer. From the list, select the “Open device” option.
  3. In modern versions of Windows, by default there are drivers for the iPhone and the device should appear in the list of hard drives inside if you open “My Computer”. It will be identified as a media device and have a camera icon. You just need to click on the icon with the mouse and you can copy the contents.
  4. The internal storage will open in front of you. The images are saved in a folder called "DCIM". It contains another folder with a unique name from a set of letters and numbers. This is where the photographs are located.
  5. Next, simply select the pictures you want to transfer and drag them into a pre-created folder.

How to move photos from iPhone to Mac

With “native” devices, the situation is much simpler and there are more ways to download the necessary files. Below are the main ways to transfer photos from an iPhone to a computer running Mac OS. Each of them allows you to download pictures from your smartphone to your laptop. Some of them don't even require you to connect the device directly to your PC. You can upload files using:

  • USB cable;
  • special programs;
  • Email.

Using a USB cable

This method of transferring photos from an iPhone to a computer is practically no different from the similar option of importing pictures for Windows OS. For copying, PCs and Macs come with the iPhoto app pre-installed. You just need to connect the device via a cord to the device. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. First you need to connect your phone to your PC via cable.
  2. When the connection is established, the laptop should “see” the smartphone and automatically open the application. If this does not happen, then you can find it yourself in the “Programs” section.
  3. A window will immediately open in front of you with a list of all the photos on your iPhone. All you have to do is select the photos you need and drop them into any directory on your hard drive.

Using Image capture

Sometimes people use another program instead of the standard iPhoto - Image capture. This is another option for transferring photos from iPhone to computer. Instructions for using this application:

  1. You still need to connect your smartphone via a USB cord.
  2. Find an application called "Image Capture" in your Applications folder.
  3. The program will immediately ask you to specify the directory into which it will copy the photo. You can specify any location on the hard drive.
  4. Click on the "Download All" button. This will help you transfer all the pictures from your device to your computer at once. This will take some time.
  5. If desired, the user can set it in the settings so that after the transfer all images from the phone are deleted.

How to transfer photos to your computer via iTunes

iTunes is a multimedia station for Apple devices. This is another way to transfer photos from iPhone to computer. The program opens up the opportunity to upload and upload not only photos, but also videos. You can download the software from the company’s official website; it is distributed free of charge by iTunes. Before using the program, you need to configure it:

  1. Connect your smartphone via USB cable to your PC.
  2. Next, you need to open the program in “Media Library” mode.
  3. There should be a "Device" button in the right corner. Select your phone.
  4. You may need to synchronize your device.
  5. After these steps, you will have full access to the contents of your iPhone. You can copy, delete, transfer any files, change the name of the gadget.
  6. In the future, these steps will not have to be repeated.

How to send photos from iPhone to computer using email

This method of how to transfer images from iPhone does not require a direct connection to a computer, but Internet access is required. The principle is based on the fact that you send pictures by mail, and then you can download them from there to any PC. This procedure is performed as follows:

  1. Launch the Photos app on your phone. Located on the desktop of the smartphone.
  2. Mark the photos you want to transfer. Click on “Albums”, then “Shared and Photos” (located at the bottom of the window) to display the photos.
  3. In the right corner, click on the “Select” button. You can select several pictures at once for sending. It is possible to send up to 5 photos to one email.
  4. Click "Share" to open the sharing settings. You should click on the “Mail” inscription.
  5. A new window will appear with the pictures you previously selected. This will not happen if you mark more than 5 files.
  6. Write the recipient's address and click "Send".
  7. Go to the email on your PC and copy the sent files from it.

This method is not very convenient due to the limitation of the number of images that can be transferred. If you took more than 15-20 shots per evening, you will have to send at least 3-4 letters. However, this is the fastest option to transfer fresh images to friends without being at a PC. You can also use a Wi-Fi connection, but this requires you to be near your laptop.

Apple phones are famous for their cameras. It is not surprising that their owners constantly take thousands of photographs.

It is physically impossible to store them all on the device, so you have to copy them to your computer’s hard drive.

Due to the nature of Apple products, this procedure is not so obvious. This material will provide instructions on how to transfer photos from iPhone to PC.

The features of copying photos on OS X, Windows and using the iPhoto program will also be covered.

How to Transfer Photos from iPhone to Mac

The operating systems iOS and OS X are highly integrated. However, the connected device does not appear as a physical storage medium.

For those who do not want to use the iPhoto service, the “Image Capture” feature will come to the rescue.

This utility is built into OS X and allows you to move photos and other images from your phone both to a specific directory and to the required application.

Find using SpotLight search. To do this, just start typing the name in the search bar.

The program will show all the photos and actions available on the device.

It is possible to configure automatic actions when the device is connected (copying to the hard drive and deleting originals, for example).

Otherwise, this is actually a regular folder with which you can do all the same actions.

How to transfer photos from iPhone to computer Windows 8, 7 and XP

iTunes can be installed freely on a Windows computer.

However, you can copy photos without synchronization, because this OS is able to recognize the phone as a physical medium.

The system will offer a quick method automatically.

In the startup menu, just select “Import images and videos.” The illustration shows actions from the iPad; transferring pictures from the iPhone is no different.

However, the message may not appear or the user may automatically close it.

In this case, you can use Windows Explorer. First you need to open “Computer” and double-click on the icon of the connected device.

This will open access to the built-in data storage (Internal storage).

It will contain the DCIM root directory where the images will be stored.

You can treat these files just like any other. Copy to disk, send by email, or delete.

How to Transfer Photos from iPhone to Computer Using iTunes

iTunes itself does not allow you to work with photos. Usually, for such purposes, they use the programs built into OS X - iPhoto.

The program opens automatically after connecting to the PC.

It can also be opened using the dock panel. In the main window, just select the photos you need to import and click “Import selected”.

You can import one or all photos at once. After the transfer, the program will offer to save or delete photos from the phone.

Deleting original images will free up memory space and speed up backup creation.

All photos in iPhoto are sorted by date added, albums, and devices.

How to transfer photos from iPhone to computer via wifi

Along with a wired connection, photo transfer can also be done wirelessly.

The process of transferring photos using is not fundamentally different from other methods. That is, the same thing happens.

Just before starting the transfer you will need to synchronize via Wi-Fi. This is done as follows.

First you need to connect your device using a cable and open iTunes.

On the left side of the window, in the “Devices” block, you need to select iPhone or for synchronization.

In the “Overview” tab in the “Parameters” block, you will need to check the box next to “Sync. devices via Wi-Fi."

In recent years, it has made tremendous progress: even the very first models of Apple smartphones took very decent pictures, but the latest ones are completely impressive with photographic capabilities. What is the technology worth? Live photo, available on iPhone 6 and 6S?

However, for the outstanding quality of photos, users have to pay with the free memory of the gadget. A live photo alone weighs about 4 MB, and users bring hundreds of them back from vacation. iPhone owners every now and then have to transfer photo albums from the device’s memory to the computer. Fortunately, this is quite easy to do.

Users who frown in disgust at the word “ iTunes", should be happy with the fact that you can transfer photos from iPhone to computer without using this program. Actually, most iPhone owners use this method - no need to worry iTunes without good reason.

To download photos to your PC, you will need a USB cable. After you prepare it, follow the instructions:

Step 0 (preliminary)). Create a folder on your computer where you will send the photos and remember its location.

Step 1. Connect your smartphone to PC with a cable.

Step 2. Wait a few seconds for the computer to detect your iPhone. After you hear the sound characteristic of a USB connection, you can proceed further.

Step 3. Select the photos you want to download to your computer and drag them into a pre-prepared folder.

You can also transfer images to a Mac through other programs, for example, iPhoto or Aperture, however, this software is not built-in - it must be installed separately.

Uploading photos via iTunes

Transfer to computer via iTunes You can only use photos that were downloaded to the device’s memory in the same way. In the application " Photo» albums with such photographs are marked with the caption “ From my computer».

Camera photos cannot be exported via iTunes.

If necessary, send the photo back to your computer via iTunes proceed like this:

Step 1. After connecting your iPhone to your PC, run iTunes.

Step 2. Go to the gadget control menu - to do this, click on the icon with the image of a smartphone.

Step 3. In the block " Settings» select the tab « Photo».

Step 4. Make sure that opposite “ Synchronize" there was a tick. If it's not there, install it.

Step 5. In field "Copy photos from:" Press " new folder"(someone will have - " Images"). In the drop-down menu you need to select “ Select folder».

Step 6. Find on your computer the folder from which you downloaded photos to your iPhone’s memory and select it.

Step 7. Click the button Synchronize" and wait for the operation to complete.

There is another, unpopular way to get through iTunes photos stored on iPhone – extract from backup.

All local copies of data are stored in computer memory: for example, on Windows 7 they are located at Start usernameAppDataRoamingApple ComputerMobileSyncBackup, and on Mac - at usernameLibraryApplication SupportMobileSyncBackup. The backup copies in the computer folder look something like this:

To work with backups iTunes you need special software - say, a utility will do iPhone Backup Extractor, which you can download. The need to learn new software is the reason for the low popularity of this method.

Uploading photos via cloud storage

Use (such as Google Drive, Yandex.Disk, Dropbox) is the fastest option to transfer a large number of photos from your device to your computer. However, this method has a significant flaw: mobile applications of almost all cloud storage systems are installed only on iPhones with iOS versions older than 8. Owners of iPhones of the 4th modification will not be able to count on this method, because iOS 8 is not installed on iPhone 4 at all, but on 4S – works with a creak.

The method is very simple - let's look at an example Dropbox:

This should be the result:

Step 2. Download Dropbox from the App Store and log in with the same registration data.

Step 3. Open the folder " Photo" in the mobile application and through the button " Download» Post photos there.

Step 4. Return to your computer and open the folder " Photo" On him. You will see that the iPhone photo is inside.

Step 5. Click the button Download" and wait a couple of seconds for the download to finish.

About cloud storage Google Drive And Dropbox is described in more detail. Users of devices with iOS 8.1 can consider the application as an “intermediary” iCloud Drive, which is installed on iPhones by default, however, this application has a significant disadvantage compared to other storage devices - there is very little free space.

Uploading photos via email and other methods

If you have email configured on your iPhone, you can transfer a photo to your computer in just a few simple steps:

Step 1. Go to the application " Photo» and find the photo you want.

Step 2. Click on the arrow icon located in the lower left corner.

Step 4. In the menu that appears, click on the “ Mail" A photo will be attached to the email.

Step 5. On the next screen, enter the email address to which you will send the letter. You can use a mailbox that belongs to you, but is registered on another service - it is now common for one person to have several mailboxes.

Step 6. Click " Send».

Step 7. A message will appear reminding you that you are sending an email without a subject - confirm your intention by clicking " Send».

Step 8. Go to the mailbox where you sent the photo from your computer and download the image.

In addition to email, you can use any of ( In contact with, Facebook): you just need to send an image as a message from your smartphone, then open your message history on your computer and download the image to your hard drive. However, this method is only suitable if you need to download a small number of images - in one message " In contact with» a maximum of 10 photos can be placed.


Transferring photos and videos is the only operation related to the exchange of data between iPhone and computer that does not require launching iTunes. When connecting an Apple gadget via USB, the iPhone is detected as a digital camera, which allows the user to copy pictures from the device’s memory to the hard drive directly. However, even if there is no USB cable at hand, an iPhone user has a lot of options for how to transfer photos to a computer - to do this, he can use his email or social network account.

An iPhone is not only a phone with a messaging function, but also a useful gadget with which you can take photos, watch movies, listen to music and much more. Photography enthusiasts often purchase devices from Apple because of their good cameras. Of course, a smartphone camera cannot replace professional equipment, but every photo taken with an iPhone 5.6 or other version turns out to be of quite high quality.

But the variety of iPhone functions often poses many questions to the user: how to download music, how to set a ringtone, how to transfer photos to a friend’s iPhone, or how to transfer pictures from the phone to the computer and back. The latter will be discussed in our article.

First of all, let's talk about how to transfer photos from an Apple smartphone to a computer with the Windows operating system. To do this you will need a cord USB , and then you need to do the following:

  • Connect your phone to your PC or laptop, after which a window will appear asking you to take some actions. From these you need to select opening the device to view files.
  • When the PC detects a mobile device, a list of devices will be displayed on the left side of the screen, among which will be the name of the user’s iPhone, which he gave him when he first set up the iTunes utility. The smartphone will be identified as a media and there will be a camera icon next to it. Clicking on this icon will open the device.
  • After opening the device, the user is taken to the internal storage, which also needs to be opened by double-clicking. Next, click on “DCIM” and the folder in which the photos are stored. Each user has a different name for this folder.
  • Select the pictures you want to move to your PC and drag the ones you need. You can select multiple pictures.

That's it, the procedure is completed. The photos are now saved on your computer. You can keep them in a newly created folder or drag them into a special folder that the user created in advance and assigned a name to it.

Transfer photos from computer to iPhone: iTunes

This is one of the most common methods of dragging photos from a computer to an iPhone, since the iTunes utility is used by almost every user of Apple gadgets. This is a standard program that helps the owner of an Apple device in many situations. How to transfer photos from a mobile device to a computer? More on this in the instructions below.

Before you start, you need to prepare pictures that will be moved to the smartphone’s memory. To do this, on your PC you need to find and select the folder with photos. After this, you need to create another folder inside and move into it those photos that you plan to transfer to the iPhone.

After this, the smartphone is connected to a PC or laptop using a USB cable, and the iTunes utility is launched.

To transfer photos from a PC or laptop to an iPhone, you need to follow these steps sequentially:

  • Find the phone icon in the program and click on it.
  • Go to the photo section.
  • Select synchronization.
  • Activate favorite folders.
  • Check the folder to which the images were moved in preparation for the procedure.

Now all that remains is to apply the changes and wait 1-3 minutes for the pictures to move to the iPhone’s memory.

Attention! Deleting these photos from the smartphone’s memory in the future (if the user needs it) will only be possible again through the iTunes utility. To do this, you will need to cancel the synchronization, apply the action, and after that the pictures will be deleted.

If you look closely at any photo after it has been moved to the iPhone from a PC, you will see that there will be no delete icons next to it, for example, a trash can. You can only set the picture as wallpaper.

But if, after transferring photos from your computer to your smartphone, you want to have wider functionality for changing them and other operations, use the method described below.

Uploading photos via Yandex Disk

This service from Yandex will help the user of an Apple device to transfer their photos to their phone. To do this, you need to install Yandex Disk on your computer and the same application on your iPhone.

  • Open the folder with photos and copy them.
  • Go to the computer section and find the Yandex application icon.
  • Inside, create a folder with any name (for example, photos) and, using the insert function, place the selected pictures there.
  • Go to work with your iPhone - turn on Wi-Fi, launch the Yandex application.
  • All folders inside will be updated, including the one that was just synchronized.
  • Open this folder. It will contain all the copied photos.

Now let's look at another important question - how to save pictures to an album. And this is done very simply. You need to open any photo and click on the send button at the top. In the pop-up window, select the option to save the photo in the gallery. Next, you need to do the same with all the photos that you want to save to your smartphone.

If you don’t need to save pictures to a shared gallery, you can upload them to Yandex disk, and then you can access them even without going online. To do this, you need to swipe your finger over the folder with photos, enter the offline menu section and select the appropriate item. After this, there will be a downloaded folder with pictures inside.

Transferring photos using programs

There are many programs for transferring photos from a PC or laptop to an iPhone and back. To the delight of users, many of these programs are absolutely free. Examples include such popular applications as iTools and iFunbox.

To drag images from your PC memory to your smartphone using the iTools program, you need to enter the photo album section, then create a new gallery using the import and new album buttons. After this, you can easily transfer pictures from your PC or laptop to your phone.

Transferring images using VKontakte

Not everyone knows that there is such a way to transfer photos from a PC or laptop to an iPhone using the VKontakte social network. To do this procedure, follow these steps:

  • Log in to your page on this network.
  • Create an open album.
  • Move any pictures you want to this album.
  • Log in to the network from your application.

Of course, in addition to storing photos online, the user can keep pictures in his gallery. To do this, click on the 3-dot menu and then save to your camera roll.

Upload photos to iPhone from Google Photos

No less cool service than Yandex - Google Photos. It was created for the following functions:

  • Photo storage.
  • Changes to pictures.
  • Exchange photos and video files between users.

The main advantage of this service is that you can save an unlimited number of photos and video files. The service also has a special application for Apple gadgets, which allows you to have access to all your photos at any time.

Now let's move on to the main thing and see how to use this service to move photos from your computer to your iPhone.

To transfer pictures to your iPhone, you need:

  • Register with Google and create an account (of course, if you didn’t have one before).
  • Install the Google Photos program and log into it.
  • Enter the settings and specify which photo folder you want to upload.
  • Download and install Google Photos on your Apple smartphone, enter this application.
  • Use the application whenever you need to move a photo to your iPhone.

In addition to the above, Google Photos has many advantages over similar services from other companies. This is a fast and convenient process of uploading photos, easy search among many pictures, automatic creation of collages and many other useful functions.
