Compared to companies. See pages where the term product benefits is mentioned. Finding benefits and correct description

Compared to companies. See pages where the term product benefits is mentioned. Finding benefits and correct description

If you don’t know why your product or service is better than your competitors, then how can a client make a choice in your favor and evaluateproduct advantages, which you offer him? Put yourself in the client's shoes. You did not convincingly convey to him with the help of advertising / website / managers that it was your product or service that would solve his problem. In this case, if he did not see value in you, the selection criterion will be very simple - he will choose based on price.

This is where strong resistance to selling arises. Objections: “expensive”, “I’ll think about it”, “maybe I’ll buy it later.” There is a huge amount of training on how to handle these objections, and sellers really need them. But they are aimed at fighting the investigation and, unfortunately, do not solve the main problem.

This article will show you 3 simple steps to create real benefits.

How to create value for the buyer? Through demonstrating the benefits of a product or service!

The answer is very simple and it lies on the surface. It's your benefits that set you apart from other competitors. We have all made expensive purchases, bought something at a price above the market - it could be either a product or a service. This happens because they were able to clearly convey to us the value of what they were selling and we bought it and trusted the manufacturer.

Let's agree on terms.

What is the advantage of a product, service, etc.?

Advantage - this is what fundamentally distinguishes us from competitors, taking into account customer needs.

I will add on my own behalf. An advantage is the value you provide to a customer that your competitor cannot provide. Simply put, your competitors won't be able to say the same about themselves.

Let's take an example of all the familiar and popular advantages that entrepreneurs often write about themselves:

    High quality

    First class service

    Competitive prices

    Individual approach

    Professionalism of employees

Now let's run these benefits through our definition. Can any of your competitors say that they have:

    Low quality

    Not first class service

    Not competitive prices

    Not an individual approach

    Not highly qualified unprofessionalism

So it turns out that all competitors say the same thing, and the advantage must be unique, that is, different from others!

I want you to understand the main thing - advantages cannot be written, they need to be created. If you promise something to a client, it is important to fulfill it, otherwise he will never contact you again.

When choosing the main benefits of a product or service, put your customer first

The most common mistake when creating benefits is when they do not communicate the benefits of the client, but talk about the company itself. Listing your merits is not an advantage for the client, because they are about you, not about him. Everyone wants to know what they will get, to hear about their benefits.

However, in practice, the advantages often come down to listing the company’s merits:

    We have been on the market for a hundred years / a young, dynamically growing company (we are 1 year old);

    We use only advanced technologies;

    We provide services of the highest quality.

There is absolutely no client here, and who thought about him, about his benefits and problems? Lack of customer focus occurs in almost all Russian companies.

Second step. Try changing all your advantages from “WE” to “YOU” - this will be the first step towards gaining individuality.

Let's be specific when describing the benefits of the product.

You have noticed a pattern - all the previous “advantages” do not provide any specifics, they are very abstract, and cannot be verified in any way.

Low prices - the lowest prices - prices below the plinth - and from them another minus 10% - how much is that? In reality, your buyer may not know the prices of your goods and services, just like the prices of your competitors. But everyone insists on low prices.

Third step- highlight specific advantages of the product

So, the client pays above the market only if you give him something unique. Therefore, mindlessly copying “empty” phrases will not lead you to success. It is important to understand that no one but you will create uniqueness for you.

In my practice, I often encounter specialists and companies that make very high-quality products, but cannot convey this to their potential clients and lose a lot of profit.

Advantages are created once, but profits are generated continuously. In the future, only adjustments are needed.

I wish you to find your uniqueness and become the first not in words, but in action!

reading time: 15 minutes

The goal of a marketing strategy is to understand and cope with the competition. Some companies are always ahead of others. Industry affiliation does not matter - the gap in the profitability of companies within one industry is higher than the differences between industries.

The differences between companies are especially important during times of crisis, when the created competitive advantage is an excellent foundation for profitable growth.

Competitive advantages of the company

  • Advantage Any success factor that increases a consumer's willingness to pay or reduces a company's costs.
  • Competitive advantage- a success factor that is significant for the consumer, in which the company surpasses all competitors

Building a competitive advantage means achieving a greater gap between costs and customer willingness to pay for a product than your competitors.

Step 1. Determine success factors

The answer to the question “how to create a company’s competitive advantage” is not so important. If you are confident that you will achieve competitive advantage through 24/7 delivery, then you will find a solution to realize this competitive advantage. It is much more difficult to determine what exactly they will become.

To do this, first of all, we write down all the advantages, or success factors, that are important for buyers. For example, like this.

Step 2. Segment the target audience

A separate shuttle for business class passengers is an advantage. But achieving this competitive advantage is completely irrelevant to those flying in the economy segment. Determining competitive advantages always occurs for a specific segment of the target audience - with its specific needs and desires.

The decision to sell to “everyone” leads to questions about where to look for these “everyone” and what to offer them. It turns out that “everyone” must be searched “everywhere” and offered “everyone”. This strategy will kill the budget of any company.

Let's take the example of achieving competitive advantages for a company selling flowers. Among the target audience, we will highlight the segments of those who buy flowers impulsively, prepare a pre-planned gift or, say, decorate their homes.

Having determined for whom we are going to create a competitive advantage, we will evaluate whether it is worth it - we will give an assessment of the market capacity and the intensity of competition in each segment.

Read more about segmentation criteria in our article: “”

Step 3. Determine key success factors

The buyer is demanding. Many factors are important to him - from the consultant’s smile and website design to low prices. But just because a buyer wants something doesn’t mean he’s willing to pay for it.

The value of a competitive advantage is the buyer's willingness to pay for it. The more money they are willing to pay for the development of a competitive advantage, the higher its significance.

Our task is to form a very short list of key success factors from the long list of various consumer “wants” that can determine the company’s competitive advantages.

In our example, the key success factors are the same for all three target audience segments. In real life, each segment usually has 1-2 of its own factors.

Step 4. Assess the importance of key success factors for target audience segments

What is important to one segment of the target audience may be a weak competitive advantage for consumers from another segment.

If you have an idea to buy flowers to give them this evening, then for an impulsive decision the main thing is appearance (fullness of bud opening) and speed of purchase. This is more important than the ability to choose from a large assortment, the lifespan of the bouquet - it is necessary that the flowers be present and look good this evening.

The opposite situation is buying flowers to decorate your home. Delivery is not a problem, but the question of how long the flowers will last comes to the fore.

Therefore, the importance of key success factors is determined for each segment of the target audience separately.

*) we clarify - CFUs are taken as an example, close to life, but do not reflect the real case.

For our company, identifying the right competitive advantages that allow our clients to attract more consumers, get more money from them and interact with them longer is one of the main blocks of the developed marketing strategy. Therefore, we strive to achieve an ideal situation - when every cell of all tables in this article is expressed in money. You can create a working marketing strategy only by understanding the cost of CFU from the buyer’s point of view, market volume, costs, etc.

All this information can be obtained. But sometimes there is no time or resources for this. Then we recommend using a comparison on a 5 or 10 point scale. In this case, remember that any factual data is better than guesswork. Hypotheses must be put forward based on the company’s big data, monitoring customer reviews, monitoring the sales process of competitors, and not taken from the head “because it seems so to me.” Expert forecasts too often fail.

Step 5. Compare the achieved competitive advantages

At this point, we have figured out what is important to your consumers. This is good. It’s bad that competitors are also aware.

To understand the starting conditions, it is necessary to assess the current degree of development of the company's competitive advantages. Strictly speaking, you only have a competitive advantage when your offering outperforms all of your direct competitors on some key success factor.

The assessment of competitive advantages is made exclusively from the point of view of consumers. The opinion of the company's employees, and especially the management, does not say anything. The director may be proud of the website developed according to his idea, on which millions were spent, but this in no way indicates the convenience of the site for clients.

Step 6. Determine sources of competitive advantage

Any competitive advantage is the result of a company’s activities. Each action incurs costs and at the same time affects the buyer's willingness to purchase the product. Differences in the results of these actions form competitive advantages.

Therefore, we compile a list of all the company’s activities by desegregating its activities into separate processes. In projects, we begin the analysis with the activities that are necessary to produce the basic product or service, and only then add related activities.

Step 7. Linking key success factors and company activities

Competitive advantage is formed at the intersection of various activities. For example, an increase in the assortment in the flower trade requires an increase in working capital, the availability of storage space for products, a sufficient area of ​​sales points, additional qualifications of sellers and service personnel, etc.

We determine which business processes are associated with the development of each of the found competitive advantages and the size of their contribution.

Step 8. Assess the company’s costs for creating competitive advantages

At this step, we look at how much it costs to achieve a competitive advantage. Any company activity has its costs.

In our example, we assess the level of costs on a 10-point scale, but in real life, a company must more or less accurately know its costs. Pay attention to the calculation methodology - usually accountants tend to record most of the costs in production, thereby reducing indirect costs.

Having understood the size of costs, we determine their drivers. Why are the costs what they are? Maybe we pay a lot for shipping because the business size is small and we don't have enough freight? There are many cost drivers. They depend on the size of the firm, its geographical location, institutional factors, access to resources, etc.

Cost driver analysis helps estimate the costs competitors will have to create a similar competitive advantage. It is difficult to obtain data directly, but by understanding the drivers that influence the amount of costs, we can predict the volume of competitors' expenses.

Step 9. Looking for resources to create a competitive advantage

Maintaining the achieved competitive advantage at a constant level is only possible if sufficient resources are available. In addition, analysis of the resources that the company has helps to choose an area for quickly developing a competitive advantage.

Step 10. Choosing a direction for developing a competitive advantage

We look at the two resulting final pictures and think. There are only three possibilities for achieving competitive advantage:

  • increase willingness to buy a product without significantly increasing costs
  • dramatically reduce costs with virtually no impact on willingness to buy
  • increase willingness to buy and reduce costs at the same time.

The third direction looks the most attractive. But finding such a solution is extremely difficult. Typically, companies simply waste valuable resources trying to create a competitive advantage across the board.

Basic rules for determining competitive advantage.

  • We are looking for options that create the largest gap between the buyer’s desire to pay and our costs.
  • We don’t try to select all the attractive options at once. Having decided to occupy one peak, we will no longer climb another. It is most profitable to choose a peak that is not crowded with competitors.
  • We remember our competitors and what motivates each of them. If you decide to change some business process, how will your closest competitor react to this?
  • Success factors. The more you find, the better. Typically, managers tend to focus on a few product features. This reduces the perception of the benefits that the consumer receives and brings your marketing strategy closer to that of your competitors. To find competitive advantages that are less competitive, think about the benefits a company creates for all its stakeholders: customers, employees, suppliers, dealers, and so on.
  • Key success factors. The more significant the factor, the more restructuring of the company’s activities it requires. If you are not one of the industry leaders, it is better not to immediately try to compete on the main factors, or groups of factors (“best in quality”)
  • Market. The question should not be “can we create a competitive advantage for this segment of the target audience”, but “can we create a competitive advantage for this segment of the target audience and remain profitable.” Having current costs in hand, we assume how much the company will pay to turn a key success factor into a full-fledged competitive advantage
  • Current competitive position. It's difficult to build a competitive advantage in which you're hopelessly behind. Especially if it is a capital-intensive or time-consuming process.
  • Costs. Competitive advantage can be achieved by focusing on costs that are most different from competitors, are large enough to influence the overall cost structure and are associated with discrete activities.

Fear often gets in the way of building a competitive advantage. The desire to become the best will certainly entail an increase in prices or, conversely, a decrease in the desire to buy our product. Reducing costs reduces the client’s desire to use our service (a ticket to a low-cost airline is cheap, but you can’t take luggage with you, there’s no food, airports are far away). Improving product characteristics leads to increased costs. This is absolutely normal. All that matters is the widening gap between the buyer's willingness to pay and the company's costs.

Step 11. We create competitive advantages by changing the company’s actions

As I wrote above, the creation of competitive advantages is the result of the company’s actions. To make the offer superior to all competitors, it is necessary to reconfigure some of the activities.

For example, achieving a “low cost” competitive advantage. There is no point in trying to compete with a discounter by simply lowering prices. A successful discounter has become so due to the fact that most of the company's activities are subordinated to creating this competitive advantage. If a Walmart employee wants to get a new pen, he returns the old one, which is covered in writing. There are no small details in creating a competitive advantage.

Again we look at the connection between the chosen competitive advantage and the company’s activities. Where is this competitive advantage created? And we invest specifically in the development of selected business processes.

Ask yourself the following questions

  • Are our actions different from those of our competitors?
  • Are we doing the same things but in a different way?
  • How can we change our actions to gain competitive advantage?

As a result, determine the minimum and sufficient set of activities that the company must perform in order to form a competitive advantage. Usually they try to copy only obvious things, forgetting that much is hidden under water. It is the complex of activities that creates a competitive advantage that cannot be copied.

Actions aimed at developing a competitive advantage must be connected by a single logic. M. Porter's classic example is the set of actions of SouthWest Airlines that created its competitive advantage. As a result, the airline was the only low-cost airline on the market for 25 years. It is impossible to achieve a similar competitive advantage overnight.

In essence, this is a marketing strategy. This set of actions is almost impossible to copy and surpass.

The “About the Company” section is one of the most problematic areas of a business website. There are still pages in the style: “ Highly qualified specialists will always help you understand the huge range and make the right choice." (Real fragment).

Why is this happening?

There is one global reason: company owners and copywriters have no idea what to write in this section.

That’s why we had the idea to develop a list of 12 “must have” elements for the “About the Company” page.

Moving along this list, the business manager will set a clear task for the copywriter, and the latter will be able to implement it correctly.

In other words, both yours and ours. Go.

Is the About Page Really Important?

Maybe no one looks there at all, but we will try, pay copywriters money, spend time on it...

Let's look at the facts.

This is a screenshot of a click map from YandexMetrica of the corporate website of Denis Kaplunov Studio.

We see that the sections “Training”, “Our Rules”, “Portfolio”, “Blog” and - attention - “About Us” are especially popular among visitors. Google Analytics data confirms this fact.

It is worth noting that the Studio’s marketers are not engaged in special promotion of the section. The demand is 100% natural.

We think your business resources will be in a similar situation. The importance of the page needs no further comment.

What happens to “About” pages in the most competitive market?

To get a feel for the average temperature “in the hospital,” we checked the websites of companies producing plastic windows. This is one of the most competitive sectors.

A large number of enterprises are represented by the following pages:

Does this text sell? The answer is obvious. What is missing here and how can this section be strengthened? We'll figure it out in the next block.

12 important elements of the text “About the company”

No. 1. Company name

The biggest mistake that occurs in the “About the Company” sections is the lack of a company name. This may seem strange, but this is what actually happens.

The text contains a lot of fanciful phrases “team of specialists”, “extensive work experience”, “individual approach”, but not a word about the name of the super-advanced company.

No. 2. Video message from the company director

A strong move that presents the business through personality. It’s one thing to read a “dry” text, and quite another to watch a competent and professional address from the first person of the enterprise.

By the way, you can generally present the entire style of the “About the Company” page in the form of a direct speech from a TOP person. This is a strong image move that not only increases trust (communication with a specific person), but also sets your business apart from competitors.

No. 3. Description of the company's activities

We continue to answer the question “Who are we?” Tell us about what you do and for whom. Here you need to talk about the problems of visitors that you solve with the help of products and services. Don’t forget to spice up the text with a USP block.

No. 4. Explanation of the company's services

If the site does not have a separate “About Services” page, then you can talk about them on the “About the Company” page.

Briefly communicate what you are willing to do for the visitor by directing them to specific landing pages.

No. 5. Company advantages

After the introduction, you should move on to describing the specific advantages of your company. The “About us in numbers” technique works well. Before writing the text “About the company”, collect all possible figures and present them favorably to your potential clients.

For example: work experience; precise indication of the assortment; duration of the warranty; number of customers; speed of coffee preparation, finally.

No. 9. Mission, legend

If the marketing concept of your business contains a mission and legend, then include their description in the “About the Company” text.

(By the way, if you are interested in learning the specifics of creating a mission and legend, leave a request in the comments. We will write a detailed guide).

No. 10. Photos

The Fatherland wants to see its heroes in person! Don't hide, show potential clients who will work with them.

What may be in the pictures:

  • employees;
  • Building and office;
  • Warehouses;
  • Production;
  • Shop.

By the way, we also use this technique.

No. 11. Customer Reviews

If the site does not provide a separate section for reviews, then they can be placed on the “About the company” page.

This is the most logical and effective place for social proof of enterprise performance.

No. 12. Calls to action

About Page has its own conversion goals. And they depend on the characteristics of the business and your commercial objectives. When creating the text “About the company” you need to keep them in mind.

What purposes can an “About Us” page serve?

  1. Transfer visitors to sales pages;
  2. Encourage placing an order;
  3. Encourage people to make a call or send an email;
  4. Send to view customer reviews, works from the portfolio.

Don't forget this important element.

About Us = About You

The “About the Company” page implies a story about the company, its advantages, guarantees, and services. But the presentation of this information must meet the expectations and aspirations of the visitor.

In other words, we don’t “get hung up” on ourselves, but talk about the company in such a way as to answer the main question of the audience: “ Why here»?

If you have just opened your “About the Company” page and realized that something is clearly wrong with it, contact the “Studio”. for you a competent section that will fit into the Internet marketing of your company and realize a specific business goal.

Any company has advantages, many of which can be considered as competitive advantages.
But what to do if the brand does not have its own distinctive features, if the company appeared on the market not so long ago? How can a company find advantages that will distinguish it from its competitors and attract customers?

We are confident that it is possible to build any business even among numerous competitors.

The best copywriters of the Exchange will help you describe your competitive advantages

429 / 1

298 / 0

485 / 0

287 / 1

620 / 10

274 / 5

Brief educational program

A company's competitive advantages are the features, properties of a brand or product that give the company an advantage over its competitors.

Business Benefit Analysis

Statistics show that approximately 90% of entrepreneurs do not study competitors and do not offer their own advantages based on such analysis. One can only observe the borrowing of any innovations from another company. It is for this reason that the following template phrases appeared:

  • highly qualified professionals;
  • individual approach;
  • first class quality;
  • competitive price.

Other clichés are also not a company’s competitive advantages, since no self-respecting company will complain about low-quality products and novice employees.

However, there is another way to look at this. If competitors' advantages are insignificant, then it will be easier for new entrepreneurs to attract potential customers.

That is why it is important to pay attention to the accents, to put benefits and the emotional state that a person experiences when collaborating with the company in the first place.

Types of competitive advantages

All benefits are divided into two types:

1) Natural: cost, delivery time, company authority, famous clients. Such benefits are especially important because they are based on factual information.
2) Artificial: individual approach, guarantees, promotional offers. These are manipulative benefits that, when used correctly, can complement natural benefits favorably.

Features Natural Benefits

Every company has such advantages, but not all companies know how to highlight them correctly when they believe that their advantages are obvious or represent a cliché. Actual benefits include the following:

Low cost. This is one of the main advantages of any company. If prices for products or services are lower than those of competitors, then it is important to immediately note this feature. It is important to indicate the cost in exact figures, especially if the company operates in the corporate sector.
Deadlines. For each type of goods, exact delivery times must be indicated. There is no need to allow inaccuracies (“we will deliver as quickly as possible”).
Having experience. If the staff is truly highly qualified, this should be conveyed to potential clients.
Special conditions. These could be lucrative supply offers (discounts, convenient office location, gifts with purchase, payment on delivery).
Level of authority. This advantage includes the company’s achievements, prizes and awards received at exhibitions and competitions, famous clients who have become regulars. A significant advantage is the position of a professional expert, for example, the participation of your employees in various conferences.
Highly specialized activity. For example, the owner of an expensive car wants to replace certain spare parts and is faced with a choice: do it in a specialized salon that works only with cars of his brand, or go to a regular workshop. He will probably prefer the first option. This is a component of a unique selling proposition that is often used as an advantage over competitors.
Other actual benefits. These include an expanded assortment, the presence of patents for production technologies, and the development of a special plan for the sale of goods.

Features of artificial advantages

Such benefits can help a company make a name for itself if it has no actual merits. This will be useful in the following cases:

  • The company appeared recently and does not yet have clients or positive reviews. Another option is for specialists to leave a large enterprise and create their own company.
  • The company occupies an average position in the market: it does not have an expanded range or narrow specialization, and sells common products at prices slightly higher than the market average.
  • All companies in the chosen niche have the same advantages (prices, experience, etc.).

In these three situations, it helps to use artificial advantages over competitors, which include the following:

1. Introduction of added value. For example, a company sells computers without the ability to fight a decent price fight. In such a situation, you can install an operating system and a set of necessary programs on computers, and then slightly increase the prices of the equipment. This is called added value, which includes discounts and various bonuses.
2. Use of personality detuning. This advantage will apply if competitors use cliches. All you need to do is demonstrate the face of the company (for example, the director). This approach will be beneficial in any area - from the sale of cosmetics to the sale of building materials.
3. Responsibility. A significant advantage in which you can vouch for the quality of your products or services.
4. Warranty obligations. The warranty can be for the circumstances (“If you don’t receive the receipt, we will pay for the goods ourselves”), as well as for the product or service (the buyer has the opportunity to return the goods within a certain period).
5. Availability of reviews. It is important for buyers to know the status of the person leaving a review about your company. It is advisable to leave reviews on special forms where the consumer will put a personal signature.
6. Demonstration. This is one of the main advantages of presenting your own products. It is advisable that the presentation be in video format. When demonstrating, it is important to focus on the characteristics of the product.
7. Availability of cases. They may not exist, especially if the company is a newbie. In this situation, it is recommended to create artificial cases in which you will provide services to yourself or a client on the basis of mutual benefit. Then you will have a case that will demonstrate the professionalism of the company.
8. USP. The idea behind this sentence is that a company is emphasizing a particular detail or providing information that sets it apart from similar firms.

Finding benefits and correct description

1). To quickly identify competitive characteristics, you must understand what exactly your company is better at than others. This must be done without abstract thoughts, based on specific facts. A good strategy involves turning your strengths into advantages by taking advantage of other companies' weaknesses.

2). A great way to understand why customers trust you is to ask the customers themselves. Some will indicate that they are partnering with you because of their convenient geographic location. Someone will comment that they trust you. Collect and study information. Having identified your strengths, think about your weaknesses and figure out how they can be turned into strengths. To do this, you can use the universal formula: “yes, we have a disadvantage, but we also have an advantage”.

For example,“The cost of our product is higher than that of our competitors, but we supply a complete package when purchasing a computer with a pre-installed operating system and a set of necessary programs.”

This way you make it clear to customers that you are not hiding your shortcomings, explain why your prices are higher, and thus increase their trust in you.

3). When describing benefits, be specific and factual. Tell us what you achieved in the exact time you worked, make infographics, outline the main points.

Phrase “work experience - 10 years” tells potential clients nothing about your company. You need to tell what you have done and what you have achieved during this time: provide infographics, briefly tell us about your successes.

"High quality" Most companies list their advantages. It is much more profitable to describe what benefits the client will have when using your products: how quickly you will deliver the products, install the equipment, whether a specific specialist will work with the project, whether you bear warranty obligations.

Few people will be surprised by the phrase "affordable prices" . This phrase will not help you increase sales. That is why do not operate with empty words, but with specific numbers.

We again remind you of a banal but important principle of marketing: it is more effective to advertise not the product itself, but the sensations that the consumer receives as a result of cooperation with you.

Register and order texts to describe your competitive advantages from the copywriters of the eTXT Exchange.

  • A good copywriter likes to repeat to the customer: “I understand you!” Bad copywriter often says: “I don’t understand you, please explain…”
  • A good copywriter always chooses his words carefully, understanding that customers are beings of a higher order. Bad copywriter communicates with them as if they were healthy, sane people.
  • A good copywriter uses special terms in his speech that emphasize the scientific basis of his knowledge. Bad copywriter in everyday life he speaks everyday language, unworthy of a professional.
  • A good copywriter never clings to the customer’s words. Bad copywriter may confuse the customer with some unexpected clarifying question.
  • A good copywriter always answers evasively and never evaluates the task. Bad copywriter can express his personal opinion.
  • A good copywriter strives to offer the client as many different techniques and techniques as possible. Bad copywriter to his question: “What approach do you use?” shrugs his shoulders in bewilderment and asks again: “Why do you need this?”
  • A good copywriter is always calm and unperturbed. When bad copywriter starts to get nervous or irritated, he remembers jokes from the series: “Nobody wants to communicate with me... Maybe you can help me, you fat, bald old man?!”
  • A good copywriter checks all his actions with personal opinion and his own work experience. Bad copywriter limited to the basic principles of the direction in which he studied, and common sense.
  • A good copywriter takes full responsibility for his work, and therefore never does anything without the client’s consent. Bad copywriter does not understand the meaning of the previous sentence at all.
  • A good copywriter never manipulates prices. Bad copywriter does not see anything reprehensible in deliberately influencing the customer.
  • A good copywriter only takes on cases that he has already worked with. Only a bad customer can ask him how he got started then.
  • A good copywriter is always self-critical. Bad copywriter so passionate about solving his client’s problems that while working, he periodically forgets about his own imperfections.
  • A good copywriter never plays the role of teacher or guru. Bad copywriter doesn’t even play the role of a “good copywriter”.
  • A good copywriter is most concerned about not harming his customer. Bad copywriter arrogantly believes that he can help him with something.
  • A good copywriter usually has many diplomas and certificates. The bad ones are the clients.
  • A good copywriter is ready to help a person at any time absolutely free of charge. Bad copywriter usually uses excuses like: “Give me a technical specification (brief).”
  • A good copywriter sets the cost of work based on the expected assessment of the quality of his work by his colleagues. Bad copywriter He is cunning and focuses on the financial capabilities of a particular client.
  • A good copywriter takes everything seriously. Bad copywriter ready to mock even the work of his colleagues.
  • A good copywriter is extremely modest and invisible among his colleagues. Bad copywriter It is well known among customers, as it discredits the profession with expensive orders.
  • A good copywriter knows the “Code of Ethics for Good Copywriters” by heart and will never violate it under pain of expulsion from the “Association of Good Copywriters.” Bad copywriter I am not a member of any communities and have not heard anything about their codes.
  • A good copywriter will always tell you several copywriters who are better than him. Bad copywriter will dodge by calling such a question provocative.
  • It is important for a good copywriter to be considered a good copywriter by his peers. Bad copywriter defiantly regards negative opinions about himself as the problems of those who express them.

Py.Sy.: A good copywriter understands that only a bad copywriter could have written all this nonsense.
