We produce and sell board games. Board game production Board game company

We produce and sell board games. Board game production Board game company

He was born in the Urals. He learned to read at the age of four, the first book he read independently was “Ryaba Hen”, the second was “The Hobbit”. Alexey made his first board game as a child, remaking chess. Since his opponents were mostly older people, he constantly lost, but in his game he had an advantage - since he tested it on himself many times.

Despite his hobbies, Alexey received a higher education in economics, and then gave up everything and moved to St. Petersburg. We decided to introduce you to our game author, so we interviewed him.

- Alexey, first a quick survey. What's your favorite city?

Of course, Peter.

- What is your hobby?

Motorcycle and games.

- Favorite series?

I was very pleased with the series “Method” from what I recently watched.

- Tell us a little about yourself: what do you do, what are your hobbies?

If for fun, I ride a motorcycle and play games, if for work, I develop games and online education.

- Did you like to play board games as a child?

Of course I loved it! When I was a child, I played chess, cards, checkers, and especially loved the game of Chapaev. The first game I came up with was a mixture of checkers and chess. Over time, there were more games in Russia, requests grew, now on average I buy 1-2 boxes a month, sometimes more. We have our own company, the tastes of which coincide - we love adventure games that are epic, with history and heroics. My wife and I play a lot of quest games. Well, to develop, you need to be “in trend,” so I try to play most of the new games, although I don’t always have enough time.

- Why do you think board games are gaining popularity now?

This is not an entirely true statement. It would be more correct to say that board games are gaining popularity in Russia. In Europe and America, they have long been a common leisure option, just like for us, for example, going to the cinema or a walk in the park.

I am very pleased that playing board games in Russia is becoming an increasingly popular way of spending time together.

- Do you think board games are beneficial?

Play and you will be like children, because if you are not like children, you will not get into the kingdom of heaven. But seriously, board games are, first and foremost, live communication. In the modern world, where a virtual person becomes more valuable than a real person, simple communication, without an electronic layer, is very valuable. I believe that live communication is equally important for both children and adults.

- How long have you been developing games? How many are on your account?

As I already mentioned, I became interested in game development as a child, when I came up with my own version of chess. True, then there was a long break for study and work, but more than a year ago I seriously decided to resume this hobby.

To be honest, the results make me happy. At the moment, one of the games we created is already on sale, another one has gone to press, a third is at the pre-press stage, and two more are at the stage of signing the contract.

- Who are your games for?

First of all - for me. I try to make games that I myself would be interested in playing.

-Where do you get ideas?

All ideas are around us. I am inspired by stories, for example, about a submarine captain who retired after 20 years and made a game about a submarine. Or, for example, a game about climbers, created by a man who has conquered mountain peaks more than once.

The more interesting and rich your life is, the more you know, try and can do - the more cool topics around you from which you can make a game.

- Do you develop it yourself or do you have a team?

We work together with my friend Alexander. He is responsible for prototyping and support, I am responsible for planning and idea generation. We do all projects together.

- What's the coolest thing about the development process?

Game development is pure creativity: you take a piece of paper and a pencil and create a game that will probably be played by thousands of people. That is, you create something out of nothing that can captivate the minds and hearts of people. This is an incomparable feeling, like magic.

There was a wonderful moment during the recent tests - a couple of guys decided to test the game, sat down with the wording - “We’ll go for about 15 minutes”, left after an hour and a half, and really asked to know when the game would be on sale. It's moments like these that we make our games for.

- We can’t help but ask: how do you feel about books? Do you have a favorite genre?

Books are amazing. I got a computer very late, but because my mother worked in a bookstore, I had almost unlimited access to books. I am sure that this largely determined my future life - what I do, what kind of people surround me, what values ​​I consider important. To be honest, I still think that publicly saying “I don’t like to read” is like admitting my own inferiority.

But I don’t have a favorite genre - I love adventure, mysticism, urban fantasy, and biographies. In general, any genre has its pearls and its rubbish, it is important to separate one from the other.

- Tell us about your acquaintance and work with MYTH.

Getting to know MYTH was almost accidental - I found out that you were opening the direction of board games, and we just had an idea for a game with suitable mechanics, but a controversial topic. As a result, together with editor Yulia, we refined the mechanics, changed the theme, and the game opened up. Now I'm looking forward to the game going on sale - several friends who are testing the game already want to buy it.

- What advice do you have for those who have not yet joined the world of board games? Where to begin?

I can recommend going to the nearest tabletop store and directly telling the sales assistant that you want a game, but don’t know which one. They will tell you everything, show you, and let you try (each store has one open copy of almost every game). In general, sellers in tabletop stores are passionate people and have a great understanding of which game is suitable for whom.

If you prefer to search for information on the Internet, I can recommend two sites. Among the Russian-speaking ones, I consider the Tesera website to be the best; for English-speaking ones, the Boardgamegeek portal is best suited.

- What advice do you give to those who have come up with a game, but don’t know what to do next?

Tests. About 50% of ideas do not survive the first test. An idea that looks brilliant in your head turns out to be boring, broken, too simple or, conversely, too complex during the game. A game, before being considered as such, must pass at least 10 tests in different companies. The norm is to send the publisher a game that has passed 30 or more tests, and no serious problems have been found in it.

If the game survives the testing phase, you can prepare an electronic prototype, instructions for its manufacture, rules, and then send it all to one or more publishers. On publishers' websites there is either a special mail where prototypes can be sent, or you can simply send them to a general mail with a note. Many respond within a week, even if they refuse, they explain why. This doesn't always happen because the game is bad, it may simply not be suitable for this particular publisher.

There are also two events in Russia that all board game developers should attend. The first is the convention of board game developers "Granikon" in St. Petersburg, which takes place in early June. The second is “Igrokon”, the largest festival of board games in Russia, takes place in the fall in Moscow. And good luck!

Hello, dear friends. It just so happens that we hardly discuss board games that children can play, but for many of us this can be extremely relevant and useful information. We won’t put our child in complex economic strategies or aggressive wargames with a bunch of small components, especially since all sorts of horror films, like, won’t do. Today I will try to correct the current trend a little and want to talk about board games for young children and their young parents.

10) Turtle Races

"Turtle Runs"- aka Ribbit is my personal favorite among board games to play with kids. The essence of the game is simple: with the help of cards we control the turtles, who run to the finish line along a path of 10 bricks. The main trick is that no one knows which turtle belongs to whom, except their own. The turtles run forward and backward, they can drag those who climbed on top of them, or ride on others. A very accessible and at the same time intelligent game that will be fun for adults too. Cool design, by the way. For 2-5 players, game time is 10-20 minutes.

9) Zooloretto

IN "Zooloretto" we are building a real zoo: you need to select and deliver animals, organize enclosures for them, attract visitors and do all this better than your competitors in the neighborhood. The game is quite easy to learn and does not require memorizing a large number of nuances, and children will like the cute animals. This board game is designed for 2-5 players and will take 30-60 minutes of your time per game. If desired, you can additionally take "Aquaretto"- the same thing, but about dolphins, polar bears, penguins and other waterfowl.

8) Dobble

Spot It or "Dobble" in Russia - one of the main hits among growing players. This is a simple game of attention with a set of 55 picture cards on which you have to look for matching objects. The most attentive and fastest one takes the card for himself, and the game ends when the deck of cards runs out. The rules are explained in a minute, the box takes up little space, and up to 8 people can play.

7) Blokus

Blokus- an abstract board game where you place colored figures on the board. The main condition is that your new figures come into contact with only the corners you have already laid out before. The winner is the one who leaves no available options for his opponent. Despite the simplicity of the rules, this game has sufficient depth to create unique combinations and will allow you to play more than one exciting game. For 1-4 players (can be played alone, like solitaire), the time of each game is up to 20 minutes.

6) Lost Cities

In a card game "Lost Cities" players will play the role of brave adventurers. The playing field consists of 5 exotic places where mysterious artifacts can be found. During their turn, players can place cards with values ​​from 2 to 10 on any of these zones with the only restriction - the new card must be “older” than the one you have already laid out earlier. The one who collects a large amount will receive victory points, and the loser, on the contrary, will receive a fine. This logic game with simple mathematical calculations is played only by two people, the game time is 15-30 minutes.

5) Happy Farm

Board game "Happy Farm" can be called, without a grain of exaggeration, the pride of game development in the post-Soviet space. The development of Ukrainian designers was well received in their homeland and continues its successful march, including to the West. The mechanics of the game are not very complicated: we plant seeds, harvest crops, feed pets, sell surplus at the market, buy new seeds. The winner is the one who can raise the most well-fed and joyful animals. Pleasant design and simple gameplay will appeal to many children and their parents. The game is designed for 2-4 players, and each game takes 30-40 minutes.

4) Simply brilliant

"Simply brilliant" or Ingenious in the original - an abstract game, somewhat reminiscent of Dominoes. Players place chips on the playing field, each of which depicts figures of two of the six possible colors. Points are earned by laying out the longest lines of the same color, but victory is awarded to the one who scored the most points in the worst color. A game of attentiveness and strategy. You can play alone or with four, or with the whole family. Party time is up to 40 minutes.


Sometimes called "Hive", probably closest to checkers, but there is no field here. Each player is given 11 hexagonal insect figures, each of which has its own special properties. The task is to surround someone else's queen with your insects and, accordingly, protect your own. This game is easy to learn to play, but not so easy to start winning, like most abstract games. The excellent quality of the components and a certain theme make them stand out. Hive against the backdrop of other abstract board games. IN "Hive" You can play only together, the game time is 15-20 minutes.

2) Carcassonne

"Carcassonne" is one of the most popular games in the world. Players will have to build medieval castles, monasteries and roads by placing square tokens on the table and placing their wooden settlers on them. You can find out more about the gameplay in our video review. Despite all the apparent simplicity "Carcassonne" There are real world championships, so here you will need not only luck, but also skill. This is an excellent option for beginner players; I myself started playing modern board games with "Carcassonne". This board game is designed for 2-5 players and plays in 30-40 minutes. Some may prefer this option "Carcassonne. Hunters and Gatherers", where instead of the Middle Ages, players go to the prehistoric era to fish and hunt wild animals.

1) Ticket to Ride

Better known in the Russian-speaking environment as "Ticket to Ride" is probably the best strategic board game for a pleasant pastime with family or close friends, and it can be of interest to both children and the older generation represented by grandparents. The players' task is to build their routes from different cities, while gaining the maximum number of victory points. To create a route, you need to play a certain number of carriage cards of the same color from your hand. There are almost no conflict situations in this game, there is no text on the components, but only color pictures with trailers and a large color map (personally, I like the version with Europe most of all, there is also Russia there, and the rules are more flexible than the original about the USA). With all this, there is enough depth in this game and the interest remains for a long time due to the variety of routes and small additions that are easily accessible. Ticket to Ride designed for 2-5 (preferably 3-5) players, each game takes about an hour.

– What’s in and out?

You bring a game ready for printing (in any file format), we do pre-press preparation, production of all components and assembly. At the exit - ready-made boxes in a still warm, gently fluttering film. Can be sold.

– Does this mean distribution in Mosigra?

Not necessarily, but, as a rule, most projects are sold through this network and others.

– Can you show me three examples of board games that you made to order?

– Can it be done cheaper?

Yes, you can find a manufacturing option that is 5-10% cheaper. But as the experience of Imaginarium, Ekivokov, 500 Evil Cards, Z-Game and other games shows, it is better to do it normally and with high quality right away, otherwise inconsistencies will occur with the lack of certification, the necessary data on the box and simply errors with poor quality execution (which almost everyone makes who is not engaged in the production and sale of board games). Our price is in the market and the games are 100% worth it.

– Who does the certification?

We do, you just enjoy life. As a rule, an ordinary game made of wood, metal, plastic and cardboard with paper receives a refusal letter. For more complex games, certification is required.

Board games are a favorite pastime for children. Their main advantages: mobility, practicality, diversity and accessibility. Recently, sales in this direction have been increasing. Therefore, aspiring entrepreneurs should think about opening a company specializing in the production and sale of board games.

Project idea: production of educational children's puzzles and quests.

Complexity: home business of medium complexity.

Main costs: design development, purchase of game elements and typography.

Equipment: phone and computer.

Initial capital: 100-200 thousand rubles.

Payback period: 3-12 months.

Approximate profit: 30-50 thousand rubles. per month.

Marketing research in this direction indicates a decrease in computer game sales by $150 million. This is due to the economic crisis. At the same time, the demand for such entertainment is growing. The board game industry is attracting the attention of developers and investors. This is due to the fact that the creation requires tens of times less money than the creation of similar computer entertainment. The profitability of many projects reaches 300-350%.

In Russia, entertainment in the low price category (200-500 rubles) is in greatest demand. Expensive options are sold out with less activity. Marketers assure that demand will grow in 2015-2017.

If you want to attract third-party sources of financing, a business plan is required. The document is considered by banks, investors and the commission when issuing subsidies.

If you want the decision to be made in your favor, stick to a certain structure.

The main stages of making a board game

Classical styles are backgammon, checkers and chess. Modern entertainment has a focus, for example, Monopoly is popular. Today, the topics of sports, fashion, politics, travel, adventure and space are becoming more popular.

The prospects for the development of the project are enormous. Let's look at where to start a business producing educational tabletop entertainment.

Main stages:

  • designing game driving principles;
  • development of plot, goals, semantic load;
  • design of the box and all elements used;
  • purchase of components;
  • production of the first copy;
  • testing;
  • circulation production.

Unect carries out turnkey production of board games with layout development, pre-press preparation and subsequent assembly. We accept orders of any circulation, we produce games of all types: cards, monopoly, dice, chips and other products designed in the style of your organization’s logo.

A tabletop is an inexpensive, practical and mobile means of entertainment. It is used mainly for interesting pastime on the road, during family leisure or breaks at work. Thanks to the compact box, which is also produced by our printing house, the set can easily fit into a small handbag or backpack.

Making board games to order is relevant in the following cases:

  • Gift for subordinates. Often the bosses encourages employees an original gift, thereby increasing your reputation and improving the atmosphere in the team. The service is in great demand on the eve of holidays, significant dates of the enterprise and other events.
  • Presents to counterparties. Many entrepreneurs give gifts to media representatives and bloggers at the end of the official part of the event. In addition, we recommend making custom board games for mailing.
  • Solving marketing problems. Through entertainment, you can convey important information about the product and business processes to employees or course participants.
  • Carrying out promotions. Companies give games to customers to emphasize their status and inform about the product.

Despite the trend of introducing IT technologies, the proposed service continues to confidently occupy its niche in marketing. The fact is that developing a computer application costs tens of times more, so not every company can afford a unique PC program. Making board games more profitable and takes on average 1 month, while creating a virtual program can take about six months.

Stages of board game production

The creation of corporate games begins with the development of a concept. When carrying out branding, Unect takes existing ideas as a basis or implements unique projects. Next we work according to the following scheme:

  1. Development of the design of game attributes: instructions, cards, chips, fields, boxes, etc. All components can be created from scratch or made according to the client’s sketch.
  2. All Russian-made board games undergo testing, during which shortcomings are identified.
  3. After testing, designers make adjustments and approve finished layout with the client.
  4. Prints the specified number of copies.
  5. Post-printing processing: casting, cutting, assembling the box and key attributes.

When developing a game, special attention is paid to the design of the box. As a rule, the organization’s logo and a picture are placed on the packaging, thanks to which branded board games catch the eye and are remembered by customers.

Most popular games

Most often they order games from us such as:

  • Cards. Unect printing house creates a concept taking into account the specifics of the game Mafia, Fool, Poker, etc. We will design exclusive packaging, change card backs and other attributes.
  • Libertex. It is a game for Forex Club participants, designed to teach business processes at corporate events.
  • Monopoly. Board game production Monopoly includes the creation of cards, boxes, instructions, boxes and forms for compact placement of all attributes. This game teaches the rational use of money, therefore it is in great demand among enterprises in various fields.
  • Waku-Doki. Participants test their physical qualities, logic, answer questions in the field of history, modern technology, etc. The board set includes branded chips, coins, cards, cubes, clocks and rules.
  • Other games. Unect will also print other popular board games with your logo to order. This could be Guess who I am, Boom (explanation of an object with gestures), Coup, Glossosaly and others.

Price for board games

The cost of production consists of many components, from configuration, packaging, layouts, customer creativity, etc. It is impossible to give a specific price for this product, because... We do not stamp products into production, but engage in individual development. Therefore, as a price list, we will present a case of a real order for the REHAU company; you can see photographs in this article.

CREATIVITY game contents:

  1. Box lid bottom: format 240x390x40mm, liner printing on 170 g paper, lamination, lamination onto burl cardboard 1.5mm, cutting, assembly.
  2. Playing field: format 480*390 mm (240*390 mm when folded), printed and laminate on 170 g paper, laminated onto cardboard.
  3. Game cards: Format in the form of the Rehau logo, diameter 100 mm, 440 different layouts, printing on cardboard 300 g 4+4, matte lamination 1+1, stamp making, cutting, packaging into 8 parts of 55 pieces each in shrink film
  4. Rules of the game A4 leaflet: A4 format (210x297mm), 250 g mat paper, printing 4+4, lamination 1+1 32 micron matte
  5. Game chips + hourglass + dice - 4 chips, 2 dice, 1 hourglass
  6. Packaging: collection, placing contents in a box, shrink-wrapping the box
Circulation/Size Price for 1 piece
500pcs 2000rub
1000pcs 1500rub
2000pcs 1300rub
3000pcs 1200rub

Why should I contact the Unect printing house?

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