Paid courses, scripts. Paid courses, scripts This is what awaits you with the registration

Paid courses, scripts. Paid courses, scripts This is what awaits you with the registration

Evgeniy Popov is another interesting personality in the information business that I can’t help but tell you about. Popov Evgeniy is a mega-successful information businessman, a master of website creation, who knows almost everything about the technical aspects of information business, a fan of healthy lifestyle and sports.

Evgeny Popov was born in 1984, in Bashkortostan, where he lives with his family now.

Evgeny Popov in Infobusiness

How did Evgeny Popov’s acquaintance with information business and website building begin? While still studying at the Ural State Mining Academy, in 2005, on assignment, he created his first static website.

He really liked it and Evgeniy begins to study website creation, creates a dynamic website, while simultaneously mastering Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Flash and other programs.

A year later, Evgeniy opens the project, which offers various materials for creating websites. In 2006, Evgeniy Popov graduated from the academy with a degree in production automation using computer technology and defended his diploma on the topic “Creating an online store.”

Employed work does not attract Evgeniy, especially after his experience as a student working at night as a simple cleaner. Therefore, after the academy, Evgeniy continues to study website building, and is also interested in the information business, namely providing its technical side.

At the same time, Evgeny Popov creates an offline business, which gives him the opportunity to delve into the creation of his first information product, namely the DVD course “All the technical capabilities of online business in video format,” which subsequently underwent several re-releases.

At the same time, Evgeniy creates a forum to support his clients. By the way, it still works. And even that's not all! In the same year, Popov created the Photoshop Master project, which is now led and developed by his wife Zinaida Lukyanova.

At the end of the 2000s, blogging was developing in Russia, and Evgeny Popov could not stay away from this process. Popov released the course “Wordpress - a professional blog in one day” in 2009.

Evgeniy is always on the move, he attends conferences on Internet business both in Russia and in other countries. In 2012, he studied with famous information businessmen Yanick Silver and Mike Fillseim. In 2014, Evgeniy conducted his first offline seminar, “Technical tricks of the information business.”

Evgeniy Popov’s website “Technical side of Internet business” in simple language contains a lot of useful information for both beginners and advanced users. Evgeniy Popov also has another showcase website where you can purchase his information products.

To easily navigate the concepts of hosting and domain, you can master Evgeniy Popov’s video lessons for free on choosing hosting with a domain.

But if you want to familiarize yourself in detail with Evgeniy Popov’s full course “All technical aspects of online business in video format,” you can buy it, and it will include video lessons on HTML and CSS, and on domain and hosting. This course helped me create my blog.

Evgeniy Popov also has video tutorials on Adobe Dreamweaver, website building and Photoshop.

Catalog of courses by Evgeny Popov on the website/1info/1pkursi.php.

Affiliate program of Evgeny Popov

Evgeniy Popov offers to join an affiliate program to distribute his courses. You can also take advantage of this offer.

Moreover, in Evgeniy Popov’s affiliate program you can earn money both from his paid products and by recommending his free courses. Evgeniy Popov has a couple of dozen information products for affiliate programs.

The latest of them are “YOUTUBE-MASTER 2014”, “Backup using the Evgeny Popov method” and “Redirector link management system”.

Affiliate Program of Evgeniy Popov

You can partner with Evgeny Popov on the website/1info/1ppartner.php.

Evgeny Popov. Life in Kaizen style

Another interesting project from Evgeny Popov that deserves attention is life in the Kaizen style. On this project, Evgeniy shares with his visitors his thoughts about healthy eating, family relationships, longevity, learning foreign languages ​​and, in general, how to live in order to be successful.

Evgeny Popov. Life and work in a healthy lifestyle

Evgeniy Popov goes in for sports, is a Master of Sports of Russia in orienteering, rides a bicycle, enjoys tennis and formula one, participates in competitions and achieves good results.

Evgeny loves to travel and has already visited many countries; he wrote about some of his travels on his website. Evgeniy is studying English and is constantly improving. Popov is married and has two children.

Evgeniy Popov's formula for success

The formula for success from Evgeny Popov is 50% goal, 40% hard work and 10% development. But in general - Life in the Kaizen style, that is, life when you are constantly improving.

Courses by Evgeniy Popov

As you understand from what you read above, Evgeniy Popov has a huge number of video courses. Like many information businessmen, Evgeny Popov’s courses are divided into:

  • Free
  1. Free promotional course by Evgeny Popov "Domain and hosting"
  2. Free promotional course by Evgeny Popov “Adobe Dreamweaver”
  3. Free promotional course by Evgeny Popov “HTML
  4. Free course by Evgeniy Popov “Infobusiness according to the model of Evgeny Popov”
  • Paid
  1. Video course by Evgeniy Popov “All Technical Points of Online Business in Video Format
  2. Course by Evgeniy Popov "How to Create an Information Bestseller on DVD or CD"
  3. Course by Evgeniy Popov "WordPress - a professional blog in one day"
  4. Course by Evgeny Popov “Technical secrets of productive work in online business”
  5. Course by Evgeny Popov “Site from scratch”
  6. Course by Evgeniy Popov "Mini-site and subscription page"
  7. Course by Evgeniy Popov "Payment acceptance and affiliate program"
  8. Course by Evgeniy Popov "Video Salesman"
  9. Course by Evgeniy Popov "Smartresponder newsletter"
  10. Course by Evgeniy Popov "E-books"
  11. Course by Evgeniy Popov "PHOTOSHOP for online businessman"
  12. Course by Evgeny Popov “CAMTASIA STUDIO”
  13. Course by Evgeny Popov “Audio and Video”
  14. Course by Evgeniy Popov “How to make money from other people’s knowledge?”
  15. Course by Evgeniy Popov "Magnet for subscribers"
  16. Course by Evgeny Popov “Evernote-master”

When you purchase courses by Evgeniy Popov through these links, I will return part of your money back to you in the amount of 30% of my commission.

Evgeny Popov. VIDEO

Now there is an interesting motivational video with Evgeny Popov, especially interesting for novice bloggers and information businessmen.

In it, Evgeny Popov voices a cool term - the habit of failure and tells a way to get rid of such a habit.

P.S. If you are thinking about creating a website, the “Site from Scratch” course will help you. If you purchase using links from Andrey Khvostov’s Blog, I will return it to you 30% their commissions money. Download free video lessons " TOP 5 ways to make money online"

Watch the free webinar "Infobusiness from the inside". If you want to know How to Make Money on Affiliate Programs and Information Products, download the free video course by Vladislav Chelpachenko

"Photo Monster" is a large educational portal for photographers. 800+ articles and 220+ video tutorials on shooting and processing photos are waiting for you. More than 95,000 people have already subscribed to the project’s mailing list, and there are already 85,000 people in the VK group.
Join us!

"Videosmile" is a large training portal for videographers. Everything related to video processing, editing, special effects, motion graphics, all this awaits you on the Videosmile project!

“Life in Kaizen style” - a video blog by Evgeny Popov about self-development. This is a kind of knowledge base of proven techniques that allow you to live a happier and more harmonious life. Living nutrition, awareness, longevity, productivity, transurfing, foreign languages. If all this is close to you, then welcome to this project.

If you need hosting for a website, but you are afraid of running into a pig in a poke, then welcome to my independent rating of hosting providers, which already includes more than 90 hosters from different countries. Reliability chart, power, reviews, video tutorials for each hoster.

On Tuesday April 23rd I gave a master class“Programs, services and mobile applications for work, productivity and sports”, where 820 people in 2 hours 55 minutes learned about what programs, services and mobile applications help me quickly complete large amounts of work, be productive, and also keep my body in excellent physical shape, good enough to take prizes in competitions international level.

Here is just 1% of all reviews and ratings that poured into the chat at the end:

Unfortunately, not everyone who was interested in this topic was able to attend the master class, and those who attended did not have time to capture for themselves everything they wanted. As a result, we received a lot of recording requests.

I promised that if there were many requests, we would prepare a recording and make it available for a nominal fee. I keep my promise.

This week we divided the recording into three separate videos and provided them with a convenient navigation menu, as well as links to all programs, services and mobile applications from the master class.

In addition, I noticed that some topics in the master class aroused particular interest, so I decided that in addition to the recording, I would prepare for you a number of bonus materials that would complement the recording well.

Here's what awaits you with the recording:

1. Three video tutorials on mobile photo processing
2. Lesson on the best program for converting and optimizing videos
3. 10 YouTube channels for motivation, self-development and inspiration
4. 3 Best Audiobooks That Gave Me a Breakthrough
5. Link to the best gymnastics for the neck

"TURBINE" system

If you are an expert in a certain topic, you can literally sell your knowledge and experience via the Internet to those people who are eager to learn and are right now looking for information online on the topic of your expertise. Depending on the topic of your expertise, the number and solvency of people, In your niche, you can earn from hundreds of thousands to tens of millions of rubles monthly by selling your knowledge.

Believe me, I know what I'm talking about, because... I have been working in this field since 2006, and during this time I have met hundreds of people, with very different results.

How can this be possible?

There is a very specific technology for this, which has already been tested many times in practice in a variety of niches. This is exactly what you will master through the TURBINE system.

“Master of time. Time management by Evgeny Popov"

Time is your most valuable and main resource. This means that the ability to manage your time wisely is the first thing you need to start working on yourself. So that you don’t waste time searching, I offer you my “Time Master” system, which suits most people and is based on the use of modern cloud task managers in conjunction with proven time management principles.

Script "ReDirector"

If you use ordinary links in your information business, then you have at least four problems:

1. You don't know how many people click on the links you post on your projects.

The “ReDirector 3.0” script, which I actively use in my business, will help you solve all these problems

Customers' opinions:


Any educational books cannot stand up to your material - after all, many books are written in an incomprehensible language, I don’t understand many of them.

Your video courses are simply a pleasure to work with.

With the courses everything becomes clear and clear - you explain and explain clearly. Now I understand what material I have in my hands and what wealth has come to me.

Nikitochkin Yuri

I started online entrepreneurship 6 months ago, and half of that (3 months) took me to sift through and collect courses from the Internet similar to those on your disk.

If we talk about the price, then your price is minimal, I would say indecent. Maybe you shouldn’t “devalue” your work to such an extent?..

Bukovsky Igor

The cover is no worse than that of the giants prof. studios In terms of content, you can probably write 2-3 pages about the benefits and amenities. After reading manuals, etc. much remains unclear. The whole trick is in the video. It's better to see once...

The product is simply wonderful, relevant and very useful, even necessary!

Eugene! You have deservedly created a NAME for yourself in Runet!

Pe Hong Gi

I believe that the most important feature here is the way Evgeniy presents the material, after theory - he immediately explains everything step by step with an example in video mode down to the smallest detail.

Yes, and all these programs are on the disk, you can immediately use them without any scouring the Internet in search of them. There is no need to talk here, you just need to have this disk with you and that’s it! If questions arise, Evgeniy promptly responds by e-mail and, I think, a support forum will open for clients in the near future.

Alexey Suleymanov

Working on the disk is so captivating and addictive that it’s already 5.00 in the morning, and I still can’t go to bed.....

The disc does not contain such boring information as can be seen in books. Many smart books and textbooks have been written, but in order to assimilate and understand them you need to put in a lot of time and effort. In a word, the book shows what to do, but does not reveal the secret of how to do it.

Your Video Course, on the contrary, helps me understand what I do and how. I have never seen a stronger assistant and motivator for action.


Every time you grow more and more in my eyes. You reveal so many secrets, I get so many answers to my doubts from you, that no matter what product you release, I know: “It will be unique and instructive.”

I'll be glad to meet you. But don’t be arrogant, this is the vice of weak people, just be yourself.


I often look at sites with different lessons and secrets for working in these programs. And I accidentally came across your site. Now I am happy to listen to the disc and I think that I will succeed.

Parkhomchuk Galina

Success, prosperity, health and delightful relationships with loved ones!


I made a list of teaching materials that I was going to purchase.

The list was quite impressive for the reason that each of the courses covered only one or two topics that interested me. And when I calculated the total price that I would have to pay for everything I was going to buy, I was horrified - the expenses exceeded my monthly salary! And then I received your CD.

I have never encountered such completeness and comprehensiveness of material. I found on it EVERYTHING I needed to launch my commercial website, and even more.

Babienko Leonid

I learned a lot of useful tips from your video courses. However, I would like to separately highlight courses on CSS, Macromedia Dreamweaver, and Adobe Photoshop, because They were the ones that interested me in the first place. Thanks to them, I discovered so many new things for myself... Until the moment your disk came into my hands, I, of course, had heard about CSS, but I didn’t really know how to use them.

Now, I finally figured them out and even managed to test them on my projects. Result: less work - more beauty. 🙂


ALL the moments, all the necessary programs are really collected here.

Just 2 weeks ago, having finished writing my book, I thought with horror about the inevitable onset of those very “technical moments”: compilation, website creation, etc. And, because I’m a professional in a completely different field, then all these EXE and PDF formats, headers and footers were just Chinese letters for me.

And today a miracle happened - it only took a few days of training on your disk, and this is the result.

Boris Nastenko

Hello, Evgeniy!

A week of waiting has passed... I received your CD this morning!!!

It’s already evening, but I can’t stop admiring your work! I’ve seen a lot of good products, but this...! In general, I feel like I was riding a rusty bicycle and unexpectedly received a new Mercedes as a gift!

Konstantin Fest

I am very glad that educational products of such a professional level as this disc appear on the RuNet. I am pleased to give this product and its author the highest score.

There are still a lot of technical issues in online business (and new ones will constantly appear), so I wish Evgeniy further creative success and the release of the second part of this useful course.

Elena Skalatskaya

Perhaps I was not alone in my dreams and expectation of a miracle. And dozens of hearts could, just like me, mentally send you a signal: “We are waiting, Evgeniy. We need your knowledge."

And I am incredibly happy now that I have your video courses. It was difficult to even imagine that so much sought-after and useful information was collected in one place, and presented so elegantly, gracefully, uniquely and, most importantly, deliciously!

Abramchenko Igor

Your disk has been successfully received. I received the receipt on November 1st, everything worked out quite quickly, which is really nice.

Your first disc, “All Technical Moments of Online Business in Video Format,” arrived in three weeks. Once again I am completely satisfied with your work. Everything is so well thought out and well thought out, hats off.


Good afternoon, Evgeniy! I want to thank you for the excellent disc “All the technical aspects of online business in video format,” which I bought back in the summer.

Everything about it is clear and simple! With his help I built a website and it’s a pretty good one!
To be honest, I have never dealt with the technology of building a website and for me it was a dense forest, but thanks to you, I learned how to make and design a website quickly and beautifully!

Now I am very much looking forward to your new masterpiece - “All Technical Moments of Online Business in Video Format 2 or PHP + MySQL for Beginners.” I am sure that this disk will bring me even more benefit and give me the necessary knowledge that I will use when creating a new, dynamic site on the engine!

I myself live in Krasnoyarsk. I am 46 years old. We offer courses on learning HTML and creating your first page. But this is not what you give to people. Your lessons are more visual and more useful!

Thank you very much! Sincerely, Igor.

Bayar Zhigmitov

Dear Evgeniy!

Finally I went to the post office. I received a disk with your program. Yesterday I started classes. Now I'm taking lessons in the html language.
I must note that with the help of a video course, the information is perfectly perceived, and it is absorbed while saving time. Reading literature takes much more time.

I can judge this because before I started using your program, I tried several times to master the html language from books on the Internet. But unsuccessfully. For me, this language was perceived as Chinese characters.

But today it looks like the stone has moved. My gray matter began to make new connections due to the fact that I believed that after a certain amount of time I would create a website dedicated to the memory of my mother.

Thank you! I will still write. As you progress through the course.


Hello, Evgeniy!
I received your CD, thank you very much. What was most pleasant was that the disc arrived on my birthday :). This is an excellent and very pleasant gift. I managed to look through it a little.
What I really liked was that you spoke all the comments in your own words, that is, not as a TV announcer reads the text. This may not seem very professional to some, however, I believe that such comments and explanations are very conducive to a pleasant learning experience, and your presence is felt.

Alexander Yugay

I want to say, this guy's marketing direction is wonderful.

And this despite the fact that the entire ruined web is littered with similar clones from the pioneers. Now, 4 months after I got acquainted with his first product, I have a website, and from the height of these four months I understand that I was a little lucky, it was very difficult to make the right choice.

The productivity of this young man and the quality of his products are amazing. I have a website, but I barely made it through half of the first disc. Sales training"

Alexander Kondratovich

Hello, Evgeniy!

I purchased your course about all the technical aspects of on-line business. The course is really professional! Thank you for your hard work and detailed explanations of the material! In a short time, using your course, I created several websites. There are already real positive business results! Thank you very much again! It's a pleasure to deal with a professional!

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to publish an interview with a fairly famous person in the field of webmastering and website creation. For many (including me), he helped plunge into this other world (behind the scenes of website building) for the first time, turning it from dark and mysterious to more or less understandable and, to some extent, even simple.

I'm talking about Evgenia Popova. Now more than three years have passed since I first became acquainted with his video course on Joomla and, probably, the significance of this event has faded somewhat, but the fact remains that Popov, without knowing it, gave me a start in Internet life.

Since then, I have had the opportunity to familiarize myself with other works of this author (but not all), and at the same time dozens of video courses on the topic of webmastering and SEO website promotion from other creators of information products (video courses taken from ). You will probably agree with me, dear readers, that he can, by and large, be considered almost the only author whose video courses are worth the money spent on them.

Evgeniy Popov - a webmaster's path to information business

I came across so much slag that it’s just maddening how much they spammed and discredited a rather useful niche of educational video courses (information products). Many potential users have already developed a strong aversion to them and a desire not to throw money away (sometimes you feel literally spat upon after getting acquainted with yet another nonsense for a hundred hard-earned bucks).

The whole problem lies in the fact that the only guarantee of quality can only be the name of the author. This is exactly the kind of author, in my personal opinion, that Evgeniy Popov is. If I am interested in a topic and he is the author of a video course on it, then the question of whether it is worth spending time and money on getting acquainted with it does not arise in my mind.

Of course, I am not at all impressed by the manner in which the authors of information products impose their creations (selling foot wraps of texts), but this has already become a dogma in this area of ​​​​business, although many users are already disgusted by these attempts at zombification. Evgeny also uses this method of propaganda, but somehow he doesn’t do it in such an annoying form as other authors (or I’m too biased towards him).

In general, everyone who is not too lazy is now creating information products - the success of Popov and similar Top video instructors haunts him. And the opportunity to sell an almost empty disc with a recording of actual nonsense for several thousand rubles forces many to be active in this field. If you decide to do this, I advise you to pay attention to the system JustClick, which includes a full set of tools (affiliate program, store, email newsletter service, etc.).

In this regard, I, of course, understand and, for the most part, share the skepticism of many webmasters about the usefulness of most existing information products, but I dare to assure you that Evgeny Popov is a striking exception to the rule and his video tutorials will be useful to you. As they say, I promise. In general, I partially adopted the manner of presenting materials in as detailed a manner as possible from him.

Well, now, in fact, the text of the interview with one of the most honest info-businessmen, who sells not air, but really valuable and collected in one place those crumbs of knowledge that are so necessary for beginners. True, these crumbs often take up almost a day of pure time, but it is understandable that I am exaggerating here.

So, Evgeny, let me introduce myself. My name is Dmitry, I am a rather elderly gentleman (“a stupid old guy,” as many readers may have learned from the “”) section, although I am not quite old yet and, I hope, not quite stupid...

My first question will be quite logical. Despite the fact that I have already introduced you to some extent, I would like to hear this from your lips. Who is Evgeniy Popov? I would like to hear where you were born, where you studied, how you became an information businessman? If possible, then by release dates of individual video courses and the degree of their popularity (expected or unexpected). In general, I hope that this answer should take up at least half of the entire interview.

Greetings, Dmitry! Nice to meet you and thank you for this introduction. I answer your question.

I was born in the city of Oktyabrsky, which is located in the west of the Republic of Bashkortostan. I grew up as an ordinary child, studied well, went in for sports, played football.

After finishing 9th grade, my parents decided that I should go to college to become a computer scientist. In those years, computers had just become available to ordinary people and everyone rightly believed that they were the future!

That's how I became a computer scientist and soon after joining, I received my first computer from my parents. I immediately realized that this was mine and therefore the years of study passed easily for me.

After graduating from technical school, I immediately entered the 3rd year of the Ural State Mining Academy in the city of Yekaterinburg. The specialty was almost the same as in the technical school and was called “Automated control systems.” There I was already “hooked” first on programming, and then on website building, which in those years was beginning to gain wild popularity.

After studying for three years and defending my diploma on the topic “Creating an online store,” I returned to my hometown and began to look for ways to make a living.

As a result, after a short search, my eyes fell on the business of selling cotton candy. At that time, we sold cotton candy at a price of 15-20 rubles. per piece, and its production required only a spoonful of sugar. I thought it was great - after all, you can buy a bag of sugar for 500 rubles and sell it for 10-20 rubles. in the form of cotton candy.

I borrowed money from my parents, went to Samara and bought a machine for producing cotton candy. I completed all the documents and permits and began trading wherever possible - city parks, stadiums, folk festivals, etc.

As a result, over the summer I not only repaid all the money and repaid my debts, but also earned money for my first car - a VAZ 2104.

But I didn’t trade every day, and on my free days I sat at the computer and studied everything related to creating websites. Programming languages ​​and various interesting programs such as Macromedia Dreamweaver and Adobe Photoshop drew me deeper and deeper into this area.

And then one fine day I came across an article about the information business. At first, I didn’t believe there was a lot of money from selling my knowledge, but as I dug deeper and deeper, I realized that it was quite real and decided that I would do just that.

So I abandoned my business with cotton candy and...

Well, then, as they say, off we go. I created the website, where I began to post a large amount of useful content. Then he created a free electronic magazine “Online Business Tools”, which still exists and recently published its 50th anniversary issue.

As a result, a large audience of people gathered around my projects who wanted to create websites themselves, create information products and sell them online. I began to analyze what my audience needed and slowly began developing my first information product, which was called “All the technical aspects of online business in video format.”

About six months later, I launched this 36-hour course for sale and almost immediately realized that I had created something really useful and valuable, something that everyone had been waiting for for so long. The course sold well and I still receive rave reviews from people who took it.

At that time, I had more work, so little by little I began to take on new people to my team.

About a year later, I released my next course, called “How to Create a Best-Selling Information Book on CD or DVD,” which was a concentrate of all my knowledge and experience in creating educational courses on discs.

Well, then, continuing to focus on the requests of the audience, I began to notice that more and more people want to learn how to create dynamic websites using the PHP language and MySQL databases, so I shared this knowledge in the “PHP + MySQL for Beginners” course.

After that, I started a family and immediately involved my wife Zinaida Lukyanova in the information business. We created a website for her,, where she posted her lessons and translations of Western authors on Photoshop. In the future, as part of this project, we have also launched a number of training courses. If you continue to follow my line, then everything continued in the same vein - I ran a newsletter, communicated with the audience, maintained my blog and gradually created new training courses.

This is how the courses “Joomla - a professional website in one day” appeared, which became a real salvation for those who do not want to delve into all the jungle of website building, but want to create a website in a few simple steps. Next was the “Site from Scratch” course on quickly creating a blog.

After it, I launched a small course for those who are digging into their information business - “Technical secrets of productive work in online business.” It’s also worth saying here that, in parallel with running a business, I, of course, did not forget to keep myself in good physical shape and fulfilled the Master of Sports of Russia standard in bicycle orienteering. And I still train and go to all significant competitions. In 2010, I even managed to go to the World Cup stage in Poland.

In 2010, I launched only one course “a title="Opens in a new window" target="_blank" href="">Javascript + jQuery для начинающих ». Дался он мне не очень легко т.к. я привык все раскладывать по полочкам, а эта тема не так уж просто раскладывается на эти самые полочки.!}

2011 became for me a year of renewal of the entire business. I updated all my sites, updated the covers of my courses, and most importantly, I finally updated my course on technical issues, which now fully meets the current situation in the information business and gives people all the necessary knowledge on the technical side.

This is my story, if I tell it briefly.

Thank you very much for such a detailed answer - succinct and informative.

About honesty, income and wasted time

But still, Evgeniy, if you ask me what is missing from this impressive list, then I will readily answer you that what is missing is a detailed video course about website promotion.

You already have everything you can think of about creating a website or blog, but this is just the beginning and, in my opinion, determines only about 20% of the future success of the project. And everything else is filling the site with materials and promoting it (I won’t fail to include links here to my vision of the problem and the topic in general).

All webmasters spend most of their time racking their brains over promotion, and you could 100% get into the audience. What do you think about it?

Yes, this is certainly an interesting topic and I am sure that such a course in my execution will sell well. But the problem is that I don’t feel like an expert on this topic yet and I’m not yet ready to teach other people about it.

It's a pity, I would have listened. I also wanted to ask a question about a video course on proper time management to get everything done. Well, I didn’t listen to him, but it’s possible that you will convince me. Honestly, I don’t believe in all this stuff and maybe I’m wrong. For some reason, I always found it very boring to make plans and follow them - improvisation and intuition rule. I am wrong?

There is no single right answer here. There are people who like to do everything spontaneously. And there are those who need a strict plan.

Therefore, if you like to work because you work, and you don’t have a nagging feeling that you could have time to do more things, then this course is of no use to you. But there are many people who constantly do not have time to do anything, their lives are in chaos, they are overloaded and do not know how to properly distribute their tasks. It was for them that I recorded my course.

Well, in principle, it’s clear - not everything is worth trying on yourself. As far as I understand, in your family not only you, but also your spouse is an information businessman. She talks about working in Photoshop. But besides this, several discs on working with graphics from another author were released under the brand of Evgeniy Popov. What is the reason for this and what does this author have to do with your family business?

Yes, as I already wrote, almost immediately after the wedding I invited my wife to start an information business and she agreed. Since then, her project has blossomed and smelled, which we are both very pleased with.

For example, on the website we have many beginning photographers who want to learn how to professionally process photos in Adobe Photoshop.

Therefore, for these purposes, we brought in an outside professional who began making lessons for our website on this very topic. People liked the quality of the material and the writing style of the new author. We thought, why not try to record a full-fledged training course on this topic. At the same time, I was interested in feeling like a producer who only manages the entire process and carries out the release (launch for sale) of the product.

In the end, everything worked out, and all costs were paid off. Now we use this model with other authors.

Yeah, well then I wish you to find a person who would be well versed (and have a lot of experience) in website promotion and produce a training video course for him on this burning topic (something I’ve latched on to promotion, but probably just isn’t there at the moment nothing worthwhile in this niche). The main thing is that the quality remains exactly at your level, which, in fact, is what the producer must ensure.

I am not only an admirer and listener of Evgeniy’s video courses, but I also have the honor of being a partner in the distribution of his information products. In addition, I tried to sell other video lessons on the same topic from other authors (useful, in my opinion). As a result, I now only work with Popov. Why? Because only from him I get what I expected.

In this regard, I want to ask a question. Zhenya, are you so honest among the many deceivers, or do they use completely mediocre advertising texts? Do information businessmen not share with each other how honest they are with their partners?

It’s hard to speak for other authors, since I don’t communicate with many information business people and we usually don’t raise issues of honesty. I can only speak for myself.
Personally, I have long understood and accepted one wise thought that says “ It pays to be honest».

For several years now I have been following this rule in everything. This applies to communication in the family, business, and even communication with oneself. , lies, betrayal, not following the promises you make to yourself - all this leads to personality degradation and anxiety of the soul, which ultimately takes a person away from his main goal - to be happy.

I absolutely agree with you on this matter. I also made a similar promise to myself, but, however, already fifteen years ago - both in terms of family and in terms of relationships with people. It's amazingly nice to be honest (not in absolute terms, of course, but still for the most part). Honestly. Continuing the topic. Do not disclose the sales leaders among your partners. Naturally anonymous, but indicating the number of courses sold. Well, and, perhaps, the total number of partners that exists at the moment.

I can give you the numbers, but the problem is that in 2010 we completely updated the sales and affiliate program accounting script, and from that moment on the countdown started from scratch. Therefore, the data is only for the last year and a half:

  1. First place 262 paid orders
  2. Second place 163 paid orders
  3. Third place 159 paid orders
  4. Then in descending order

In total, more than 18,000 people are registered in the affiliate program, but if at least 10% of them are active, then it will be good. There are many who just register but don’t work.

Personally, I am not yet swayed by requests for a financial strip, but how do you feel about this issue? Do you consider it appropriate to announce the amount of money that a talented and successful author of video courses like you can count on?

I don't think you should do this. As many famous offline businessmen say: “We are a private company and do not disclose our income.”

I agree with you, Evgeniy. Curiosity is curiosity, but it is best to count your money yourself. I am often asked how long it takes to write one article. I won’t be original and ask you - how long does it take to create preparations for the launch of one video course?

Depends on the volume of the course. For example, I worked on the updated version of the course “All technical aspects of online business in video format” for almost a year, of which for almost six months it was work in the “from morning to night” mode.

Simpler courses, for example, on Joomla or WordPress, take about 3-4 months of intensive work. But this is my approach, which allows for a lot of things that are “unnecessary” at first glance. For example, I can rewrite one lesson 4-5 times and will not stop until I get really clear and useful material. There were even cases when it was possible to record only 1-2 lessons for the whole day. The rest of the time was spent preparing the material, creating all sorts of visual diagrams and several takes of recording the lesson itself.

It’s impressive that I write my articles “a little” faster, but I don’t expect to cover the same volume as you cover in your video courses (it’s a completely different format, however, and it’s practically impossible to do this with articles). Well, I already mentioned the quick-fixers and hacks at the beginning of the article (radishes).

The trouble is that you are actually buying a pig in a poke and only the well-proven name of the author (ala, Evgeniy Popov) can serve as a guarantee. By the way, this leads to the conclusion that it is not so easy for a newcomer to enter this market, so it makes sense to launch under the wing of an already well-known brand. Well, okay, let's continue the interview.

What does SEO mean for Evgeny Popov, relations with pirates and plans for the future

In addition to the affiliate program, what methods of promotion and attracting customers do you use? Maybe you promote pages with selling texts for relevant queries in search engines? Are you buying links?

Well, yes, I noticed this feature immediately, however, after watching the video course on Joomla. The approach is certainly correct, but I would also promote the site. Definitely, this will not be superfluous and sales directly from the site will certainly increase (perhaps significantly). I am convinced that there is no need to fence yourself off from SEO, because it rules today. Find a specialist, and then make him record a video course - you'll get double benefits. IMHO.

However, we will continue to torture Evgeniy. Apparently, the volume of your business is not so small, and taking into account the fact that sending orders by cash on delivery requires spending quite a lot of time, then, obviously, you and your wife cannot cope with this. Do you have a lot of people on your team and what kind of work do you mainly involve them in?

Yes, of course, I have a team that helps me solve many problems that the information business sets for me.

I have people who process and send orders, I have a programmer who helps me and assistants who answer questions received by the support service and on the forum of my clients. If any specific tasks arise, then I attract freelancers.

Dear readers, I did not conduct this interview in real time, but by sending a list of questions and receiving a list of answers by email to save my own and others’ time. Therefore, my next question has actually already been considered by Evgeniy. However, I will still cite it to be true.

Evgeniy, you maintain a blog and several other resources that ultimately serve the purpose of attracting attention to paid video courses (cynically, but in essence, I think it’s true, although they themselves bring quite a bit of benefit). This is a good thing, but again the question arises - do you optimize them for search engines, buy links, or leave all this to the will of fate?

No, I’m not doing anything like that with them yet. I prefer to spend my free time on creating high-quality materials, which in turn will attract traffic to my sites in different ways.

Although with this question you gave me the idea of ​​hiring a person who will optimize my resources for search engines.

In the previous paragraph, I gave advice completely sincerely, because at that time I had not yet read this answer from Evgeniy. In general, we will assume that he listened to me. Although, I understand him very much - it’s always very difficult to motivate yourself to do something that you don’t think is completely clear, and this makes you want to find arguments in favor of not doing it. Yes, I think this is familiar to many.

Well, in fact, after the necessary explanations, the interview with Evgeny Popov continues.

The information business is, of course, great and, I think, very profitable in your case. But... Do you have any other plans for the future? What are you betting on if, say, video courses stop bringing in the desired income?

Well, this is a question that has been tormenting many potential information businessmen for a long time. What's the deal with pirates? For example, by creating a blog like this, I risk at the initial stage of its development that the product of my work (articles) may be stolen and published on a more trusted resource. This risk has now been significantly reduced. But with video courses, the situation, in my opinion, is much more complicated and sadder. I am wrong?

Well, in general, I agree that the trend towards using “non-pirated” products has a positive trend. Many, as you rightly said, are switching to completely legal software, because it is no longer as insanely expensive as it was at the beginning of the century (due to increased income), and everyone wants to sleep peacefully. And it’s no longer cool to have a lot of super-expensive stuff on your computer for free. Nowadays it's cool to earn more, not save more. The trend of the times, however.

Evgeniy, in conclusion, I would like to know your plans for the near future? Should we expect something new and stunning from you?

This year I will continue to update my courses, because time passes, the world changes, and some points are no longer relevant. I’ve also been working a lot with video lately, and I’m especially interested in video on a uniform color background (usually a green background), which makes it easy to separate a person from the background and place it, for example, on a website. Maybe I'll start doing lessons in this direction.

Interesting. As they say, we'll see. Thank you for the interview, good luck to you and your wife and success to your projects.

Thank you very much! I wish your project constant development and more visitors.

P.S. Thanks for the interesting questions!


My name is Evgeniy Popov.

So that you understand who I am and what I do, I’ll tell you a short story about myself.

My close acquaintance with web technologies began in 2005 when, while studying at the Ural State Mining Academy, in one of the subjects I received the task of creating the most ordinary 2-page, static website.

Like all the rest of my classmates, I completed this task, but did not stop there, but continued to study this topic and gradually learned how to make more complex dynamic sites. Naturally, in the process of creating various sites, I had to study all sorts of related programs and technologies such as Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Flash, etc.

A year after the creation of my first website, I opened the project and began to share the knowledge gained by creating various educational materials: articles, text lessons, video tutorials and e-books.

In 2006, I defended my diploma on the topic “Creating an online store.” After graduating from the institute, I began to devote even more time to the development of my website, and after some time it began to bring in the first small money through contextual advertising.

Then I became interested in the topic of the information business and, against the backdrop of this hobby, I opened a newsletter - a free monthly magazine “Online Business Tools”, in which I began to post educational materials related to the technical side of the information business.

Along the way, I opened my own offline business, which I quickly got on my feet and provided myself with a basic source of funds.

The magazine's readership gradually grew, and I began to receive many letters asking me to create a full-fledged training course on the main technical aspects of the information business. I took on this difficult undertaking and spent six months developing this course. As a result, in 2006, a DVD called “All Technical Moments of Online Business in Video Format” was released. The course included more than 140 video lessons, and its duration was about 36 hours.

Also around this time, I created the “Photoshop Master” project, which today is one of the three largest Adobe Photoshop portals on the RuNet.

In the process of creating my first DVD course, I gained good experience and new knowledge, which later turned into the “” course. This course shows all the intricacies of creating and selling educational courses on discs. In the two years that have passed since its release, several dozen clients have already created their own information products and are now successfully selling them. (The second edition of this course was published in 2012.)

Then subscribers of my magazine, clients and just visitors began to terrorize me with questions about creating dynamic sites that are created using the server-side programming language PHP. Since I had experience in this matter, I decided to make a course on dynamic websites and in 2007 I released the course “PHP + MySQL for Beginners”, which was also liked by many, and today I have already received more than 100 reviews from practitioners of this course, who successfully mastered these technologies and created their own websites.

2009 was the year of the blogosphere. Many successful people began to start their own blogs. Some knew how they were created, but others did not. It was for such people that in August 2009 I released the course “WordPress - Professional blog in one day.”

Then I was drawn to studying the JavaScript programming language and the jQuery framework. The result of this passion was the course “JavaScript + jQuery for Beginners”, in which things that are quite difficult for beginners are explained in simple language and with examples.

In 2011, I focused on developing the second edition of my best-selling book, “All the Technical Moments of Online Business in Video Format.” The course has been completely redesigned in accordance with modern trends in the information business.

I dedicated the year 2012 to launching a niche photography project called “Photo Monster”. Today, as part of this project, beginning photographers can receive more than 200 educational materials completely free of charge. We have also created a number of paid DVD courses for this project.

Also in 2012, I updated my course “How to Create an Information Bestseller on DVD or CD.” It has also been completely redesigned in accordance with modern trends of packaging any knowledge into training courses and then selling them via the Internet.

In addition, I am often called to speak at various conferences and online events. When there is time and opportunity to speak, I always agree. From 2007 to 2012 he performed in Moscow, Kyiv, and Prague. To stay on the crest of the wave, I constantly learn and develop both personally and professionally. I constantly study everything new that is related to Internet business and try to attend all significant events in our industry.

In 2012, I was able to learn from the legendary Western information businessmen - Yanick Silver and Mike Fillseim.

2013-2014 are devoted to further business development. Such projects as “Hosting Ninja”, “Life in Kaizen Style”, “Photo Monster” and others were created. In March 2014, I conducted my first live three-day seminar “Technical tricks of the information business.” Towards the end of the year, the “Evernote Master” and “Screencast Master” courses were released.

In the fall of 2014, he launched the course “Backup using the Evgeny Popov method”, as well as scripts

In life, I am an ordinary person, I live in the center of Russia, I play a lot of sports (I am a current master of sports), I like to travel to different countries. At the moment, I managed to visit Germany, Denmark, Croatia, Norway, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Sweden, Turkey, Finland, the Czech Republic, Austria, Spain. I stick to a live diet (plant foods without heat treatment).

That's all, thanks for reading. Visit my sites, because every day I work on creating new educational materials that will help you master the interesting science of website building and running your information business via the Internet.

Enjoy reading and putting into practice the materials from this and my other sites!

Best regards, Evgeniy Popov.

P.S. For any questions write to my
