Fire commands without spread or recoil. How to reduce the spread in KS - practical advice. Weapons without recoil

Fire commands without spread or recoil. How to reduce the spread in KS - practical advice. Weapons without recoil

This article will talk about how to reduce spread in CS 1.6, as well as how to remove recoil.

How can you reduce bullet spread in CS 1.6?
In fact, there are no special techniques to reduce bullet spread in Counter-Strike. The only opportunity to somehow influence the game and make a small spread in CS 1.6 is configure your config correctly. This is exactly what we will talk about now, because a correctly configured cfg is the key to successful gaming and shooting.

Video settings to reduce spread in CS 1.6

First of all, you need adjust fps in game. CS 1.6 does not require a very powerful computer, so achieving 99-100 fps in the game should not cause problems for anyone.

First you need disable vertical sync on your video card. To do this, you need to go to the video card settings and just find this parameter. After that you need to go into the game and enter into the console fps_max 101. This command sets the upper fps limit in the game.

Proper setting of KS 1.6 is the key to successful shooting without scatter and recoil
It should also be noted that the quality of the picture is greatly influenced by your monitor. No matter how much you want to eliminate bullet spread in CS 1.6, for the most convenient shooting in CS 1.6 it is best to use special gaming monitors with a frequency of 120 Hz. And if you are a real fan of computer games and will not spare the money, you can purchase the latest gaming monitors with a frequency of 144 Hz. They are much more expensive than simple monitors, but on them you will have complete control over the game and shooting.

Previously, Counter-Strike 1.6 was played on simple cathode ray monitors. They are also very convenient to play this game on, because they consistently output 100 Hz.

"Rates" settings to reduce recoil and spread in CS 1.6

After setting up your video card, let's move directly to the game settings. A correctly configured config will help you both remove recoil in CS 1.6 and reduce bullet spread. You can enter the commands discussed below directly into your config or into the game console.

Before setting up a config that will help you remove spread in CS 1.6 and also reduce recoil, you need to clear it. Just go to the game folder and delete config.cfg file. When you start the game, a new, already cleared, config will be created.

Now let's move on to the most important thing - entering console commands. Console command restores standard returns in the game cl_lw 1.

Now you need set the correct "rates" in CS. There are only 3 basic commands:

  1. cl_updaterate 101
  2. cl_cmdrate 101
  3. rate 25000
This completes the config setup. It is worth noting that these settings were mandatory for playing in various CS 1.6 tournaments.

The right settings will help you reduce spread and recoil
After the release of the new version of the game Counter-Strike Global Offensive, official Counter-Strike 1.6 tournaments ceased to be held, and all professional teams and players either completed their performances or switched to CS:GO. CS 1.6 is now played mainly only on Public servers and only for entertainment.

You can also use the command cl_dynamiccrosshair. It has 2 parameters: 0 and 1. With cl_dynamiccrosshair 0, your crosshair will not expand when shooting. But this is more convenient for everyone.

Cl_dynamiccrosshair - whether your crosshair will expand when shooting
Finally, it’s worth saying that many servers themselves make changes to your config and after visiting them you will have to reconfigure these commands again. That's why save your cfg somewhere on the desktop so that you don’t have to re-configure it after reinstalling the game or visiting a low-quality server.

It is a classic example of shooter games. This game is one of the most popular in the world. It has been played by gamers all over the planet for many years. Despite its “antiquity,” the number of newcomers is growing relentlessly.

Surely you have seen how experienced players handle weapons skillfully, killing the enemy without much effort. And of course, you think that this person is an avid gamer who spends his days playing Counter Strike. In most cases this is not entirely true. It’s just that experienced gamers know some secrets of achieving such high results, which can be achieved by simply adjusting some parameters.

Why do experienced players “hit” the target, but bullets from your machine gun scatter in different directions? To enjoy flawless graphics and the game itself, you just need to make some settings (not for everyone, there are people who have everything perfectly set up). So, one of the most frequently asked questions by newbies to more experienced gamers is the following: “How to reduce spread in the CS (bullet spread, recoil)?”

Bullet spread/recoil is when bullets do not fly to one point, but are “scattered.” It cannot be removed, but it is quite possible to reduce it.

Probably every Counter Strike player has this unfortunate problem with bullet spread. For many people, it happens that bullets almost never reach. How to deal with it, how to reduce the spread in the CS? There are several proven methods (some unscrupulous authors post unverified information, which leads to a ban on the server). There are three options for reducing the spread in the CS.

First option

Reducing the spread in the speed limit by adjusting the FPS in the config. FPS represents the number of frames per second. The best option is 100 FPS. High-speed Internet is also required. Then you need to open the console, it is launched by pressing the key called, it looks like a wavy hyphen (~) and is most often located under the Esc key. The console is called up during the game (no need to go to the menu). You need to enter the following commands into the console:

First command: rate 25000.

Second command: cl_cmdrate 101.

Third command: cl_updaterate 101.

Second option

You just need to hone your shooting skills. And you don’t need to make any game settings, introduce cheats (if you want to play honestly, it’s better to never use them), and so on. Never shoot in bursts in long-range combat, as the bullets may not reach the “addressee”. The best option is to shoot 3-4 bullets. But bursts should only be used in close combat.

Third option

Buy yourself a special one. They come in professional and semi-professional, that is, with a different number of supporting shooting options. You can configure it so that when you press a certain button, different shooting options are performed: single, two bullets, three, and so on. The cheapest ones can cost from 400-500 rubles. In addition, mice designed specifically for gamers are much more comfortable than regular mice.

I hope you found these tips on how to reduce variance in CS helpful. Good luck!

In this article I will tell you 2 ways to reduce recoil (scatter) in cs 1.6. To begin with, you can use cl_lw 0, but this command will only work on a local connection or with a small ping (less than 20, when playing an Internet game with a ping of more than 20, after using this command, you will have a very large delay in the bullet leaving, but if you come to the computer club, this command is just for you. It will greatly reduce the return; to restore the standard return, enter cl_lw 1.

The second method works both on a local connection and when playing online, for this we write 2 commands in the console developer 1 and fps_max 250, and whoever has steam needs these commands fps_override 1 and fps_max 250. After using these commands there will be no scatter (recoil) it’s obvious, but even here there are conditions, fps_max 250 requires a good computer, and especially a video card, preferably “1 GB of memory and 256 bits” or higher. After the game, to restore everything as it was, write developer 0 and fps_max 101 for steam players fps_override 1 and fps_max 250. If that doesn’t work, you can

These teams are not blocked even by steam, you can play with them in public, but in cs competitions, no one will allow you to play with such settings.

And finally, if you want to play honestly without any prohibited codes, at the very end of the article I wrote several commands that are not prohibited, they should reduce the return and make it the same as what all pro players play with.
If you have any questions, write in the comments!

Reducing Spread in Counter-Strike 1.6

How can you reduce bullet spread in Counter Strike 1.6?

In fact, there are no special techniques to reduce bullet spread in Counter-Strike. The only way to somehow influence the game and make a small difference in Counter Strike 1.6 is to correctly configure your config. This is exactly what we will talk about now, because a correctly configured cfg is the key to successful gaming and shooting.
First of all, you need to adjust the fps in the game. Counter Strike 1.6 does not require any very powerful computer, so setting 99-100 fps in the game should not cause problems for anyone.
First you need to disable Vsync on your video card. To do this, you need to go to the video card settings and just find this parameter. After this, you need to go into the game and enter fps_max 101 into the console. This command sets the upper fps limit in the game.

After that, enter the command “fps_max 101” into the game console.
Now we will always have 100-105 fps.

Proper setup of Counter Strike 1.6 is the key to successful shooting without scatter and recoil.
It should also be noted that the quality of the picture is greatly influenced by your monitor. No matter how much you want to eliminate bullet spread in Counter Strike 1.6, for the best possible shooting experience in Counter Strike 1.6, it is best to use dedicated gaming monitors with a frequency of 120 Hz. And if you are a real fan of computer games and will not spare the money, you can purchase the latest gaming monitors with a frequency of 144 Hz. They are much more expensive than simple monitors, but on them you will have complete control over the game and shooting.
Previously, Counter-Strike 1.6 was played on simple cathode ray monitors. They are also very convenient to play this game on, because they consistently output 100 Hz.
"Rates" settings to reduce recoil and spread in Counter Strike 1.6.

After setting up your video card, let's move directly to the game settings. A correctly configured config will help you both remove recoil in Counter Strike 1.6 and reduce bullet spread. You can enter the commands discussed below directly into your config or into the game console.
Before setting up a config that will help you remove spread in Counter Strike 1.6, as well as reduce recoil, you need to clear it. Simply go to the game folder and delete the config.cfg file. When you start the game, a new, already cleared, config will be created.

Now you need to enter commands into the console (In the game Counter Strike 1.6), or into config.

Now let's move on to the most important thing - entering console commands. The console command cl_lw 1 restores the standard return in the game.
Now you need to set the correct "rates" in Counter Strike 1.6. There are only 3 basic commands:
cl_updaterate 101
cl_cmdrate 101
rate 25000
This completes the config setup. It is worth noting that these settings were mandatory for playing in various Counter Strike 1.6 tournaments.

You can also use the cl_dynamiccrosshair command. It has 2 parameters: 0 and 1. With cl_dynamiccrosshair 0, your crosshair will not expand when shooting. But this is more convenient for everyone.

Finally, it’s worth saying that many servers themselves make changes to your config and after visiting them you will have to reconfigure these commands again. Therefore, save your cfg somewhere on your desktop so that you don’t have to configure it again after reinstalling the game or visiting a low-quality server.

How to increase Skill in Counter-Strike 1.6?

How to improve Skill in Counter-Strike 1.6?
This is a question many players ask. Of course, who likes being killed all the time and nothing happens? There are simple and effective methods to improve your personal skill in Counter-Strike 1.6.

First, learn how to position yourself correctly. For example, remember the places where you were killed, where it was done from, and try to occupy these positions yourself.

It is important to figure out a place where you will not be killed from the back or side, in order to avoid a humiliating death from a knife. It’s also worth taking positions where your character’s model is visible very little, and the enemy will run out to his full height. Such places are on all maps. It is worth considering the factor of height, ascents and descents. This is also a very valuable skill.

The defining part of a good game in Counter-Strike 1.6 is shooting. Learn to shoot on the move, strafe to the sides and freeze for short bursts of 2-4 rounds. It is also important to understand the mechanics of each weapon, for example the m4a1 shoots much more accurately than the ak47. The Kalash shoots accurately only with the first two rounds, then the sight goes very high. You can avoid the problem if you lower the sight, but still, shooting 2-3 rounds is the most effective. The trigger can only be pressed point-blank.

There is also a trick when shooting with m4a1. With a silencer installed, shooting is more accurate in longer bursts (at short distances, but causes less damage), and at long distances without a silencer it is more effective to shoot 2-3 rounds at a time. You also need to know that the AK47 kills in the head even through armor, but the MKA removes 89 HP. The process of removing and installing a silencer takes a few seconds; you can speed it up by pressing installation and quickly changing to another weapon and back. The same system works with reloading the awp - a powerful sniper rifle, or “elephant” among the people. Shot - change to a pistol or knife and back to a rifle and you already have a reloaded weapon.

Grenades are an important part of the game. You can blind or take away a significant amount of health from the enemy, or vice versa - hinder your teammates. So you should throw them very carefully. For example, a smoke grenade does not explode without touching the ground. It’s also worth throwing most grenades over walls or bouncing off them, this will help avoid blinding yourself and your team.

Another important skill is not to forget about radar and sounds. By checking the radar, you will understand whether a partner or an enemy is running towards you, which will help you adapt to the situation. Don’t forget to use the walk and squat buttons; they will provide you with silent, albeit slow movement.

★★★A good way to hone your shooting in Counter-Strike 1.6 is to train on aim maps. For tactics, it’s worth trying yourself in 5x5 games. In any case, everything comes with experience. Study the maps and predict your opponent! Counter-strike is a team game, remember this. ★★★

How to remove recoil in CS

If you want to learn how to play CS 1.6 professionally, then the first thing you should start with is, of course, shooting. You must be able to shoot in such a way as to hit the target with the minimum number of rounds fired from your weapon. But, often, this prevents us from return to CS. In this lesson we will teach you shoot in CS 1.6 without recoil and with minimal spread.
There are several ways to reduce recoil in Counter-Strike. We will teach you some of them.

Return to CS

The first method of shooting without recoil is very simple - installing a special patch in combination with three console commands. The patch is called RecoilCSMin It removes recoil and reduces your spread.
Installing and configuring the patch:
1. Download the RecoilCSMin patch from the link below:

2. Before starting to install the patch, open the folder with CS 1.6 installed. Find the DemoPlayer.dll file there (it is located in the root folder with installed CS 1.6, in the same place as hl.exe). Rename it or simply copy it to another folder (in other words, make a backup of this file).
3. Run the downloaded RecoilCSMin patch file.
4. Install it in the folder with CS 1.6 installed (in the folder where hl.exe is located).
5. After installing the patch, launch your CS 1.6. If the patch is installed, you will see the following entry in the console:

6. Log into a game with bots or any server.
7. Open the console and enter 3 commands there:
cl_norecoil 1
cl_nospread 1
cl_autopistol 1
After running these commands your recoil in CS 1.6 will be turned off, and the spread will be significantly reduced. The screenshot below shows options for dispersing continuous fire with an AK-47

On the left - before entering commands, on the right - after entering commands. As you can see, after applying the patch for disabling recoil in CS 1.6 The shooting became more concentrated and the spread decreased by almost half.
In the second paragraph above, we wrote about the fact that it was necessary to make a backup of the DemoPlayer.dll file. This was done so that it was possible to disable the recoil patch in the CS. If you still want to disable it, then simply copy the old DemoPlayer.dll file to the folder with CS 1.6 installed. After this, the patch will turn off and returns in CS will be the same.
We would like to note that if you are being watched on the server, your crosshair will shake. You won't see this when playing. In some cases, you can get banned from the server, so be careful.

Removing recoil and spread in the CS using a cheat

The second method, which we will tell you about in this article, is done using a cheat. Yes, this is not the most correct solution for playing without recoil and without spread in CS 1.6, but, nevertheless, this is one of the ways.
The cheat is able to completely disable spread and recoil. There is a video about this cheat on YouTube, and we have a detailed description of it on our website.
You can download the Imaginary v2 cheat on our website in the “Cheats” section.

Learn to play CS

The best and surest decision for each player will be to improve their skill. If you like to play with AK-47, then just look at the recoil trajectory of this weapon and try to control it with the mouse. You should not shoot at the enemy by releasing the entire clip at him while holding down the left mouse button. Get used to shooting several bullets at a time. Then recoil and spread in the CS will not be as noticeable.
Play honestly and then everything will work out for you!