How to make a level table with. How to change cell borders

How to make a level table with. How to change cell borders

Today you can type text, format it and print it. All this is possible using a special editor - Microsoft Word 2010. Here you can also create special markup for your text. We are talking about tables. Our article will tell you how to create them.

Your ability to type texts will surprise no one. Much more valuable is the ability to edit it and place it on pages in various forms. One of these is texts in tables. As a rule, the tables themselves are created first, and then text information is entered into them.

So, a table is a structured form consisting of columns and cells, which in turn divide the table into convenient parts.

There are three ways to create a table in the Microsoft Word 2010 editor: automatic (the program has ready-made templates that will be inserted into the document), manual (you draw the table yourself, marking it into columns and cells) and marked tables (which can be immediately seen in the selection window ).

Let's look at the three methods in order.

Attention: Before inserting any object into Word 2010, you must place the cursor at the place in the document where it will be located.

First way

Open the Microsoft Word 2010 editor. There are tabs at the top. Go to one of them called " Insert».

Immediately below it you will see another tab “ Table" There is a small triangle under it, click on it with the left mouse button. Click on the item " Insert table" A small window will open.

At the top of this window you need to indicate how many columns and rows should be in the table. Rows are horizontal table cells, columns are vertical. Often the latter act as table markup if you need to indicate column names.

Also pay attention to the bottom of the window. The line " Constant" In the adjacent white field, the value “ must be indicated Auto».

If you need, you can specify other column width settings. However, they are used extremely rarely.

Having completed all operations indicating the layout of your future table, click on the button “ OK" A table with the number of columns and rows we specified should be inserted into the document (on the sheet).

We have just looked at the classic way of creating a table in Word 2010. But there are other options, which we will talk about.

For example, you can also draw a table.

Second way

To draw a table, open Microsoft Word 2010 again and click on the " tab Insert" and then select " Table" The list that opens will display several items, from which select “ Draw a table».

After this, the mouse cursor will take the form of a small pencil. We will use it to draw a table.

To begin, draw the base of the table - this is a rectangle of the size the table should be. To do this, move the cursor (pencil) to the place where the table should be. Then press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, “draw” a rectangle of the desired size.

Release the mouse button - the table base will be ready.

Now all that remains is to draw the details - rows and columns. To do this, click the left mouse button inside the table and draw a line. The Word program will “help” you with this - the line will be “completed” on its own. The main thing is to show Word the direction. Try drawing several rows and columns.

Note that if you suddenly do something wrong, you can always go back a step or several steps. To do this, there is a “Cancel” button at the top of the Word program.

After completing the formation of the table, double-click with the left mouse button on an empty space in the document. The cursor will turn back into a wand and the drawing pencil will disappear.

It is worth saying that “drawing” tables is convenient when you need to create a complex table. If the standard markup of Word 2010 does not help, then this method will come to the rescue. Next, let's talk about the final method of inserting a table. It's the simplest.

Third way

The Word 2010 editor has the ability to quickly insert a table. To do this, go to " Insert", click on the inscription " Table» and use the upper part of the window that appears.

The principle of operation is simple - move the cursor (arrow) over the squares, and the Word program generates a table based on the number of rows and columns you select.

This method is very simple. But at the same time, it is not very convenient and limited in capabilities. So, the maximum number of rows that you can create is 8, and the maximum number of columns is only 10. But if you want to create the simplest table possible, then it is recommended to use this method.

Finally, let's say that there are other types of tables: Excel tables and Express tables. They are also located in the window that we have already opened. Go to the menu " Insert» – « Table» – and select the type you need. As a rule, such tables are intended primarily for professional calculations or for special page layout.

Thus, inserting tables into Word is not a difficult operation at all. Any user should master it, as this is the basis for working with the editor.

Creating tables is a very convenient way to present information. In it you can structure all the data in such a way that another person, looking at it, can easily perceive the information. If you are a schoolchild, student, accountant, secretary, or office worker who regularly submits reports, then knowledge of how to make a table in Word will definitely be useful to you.

To write the article, I used Word 2010, but you can create it in Word 2007 in exactly the same way.

To begin, go to the “Insert” tab and in the “Tables” menu, click on the button of the same name. A drop-down list will open, which presents various ways to create them in Word. Let's look at them all in order.

Visual option

The fastest and most visual way is “Insert...” by selecting the required number of blocks. Move your mouse over the squares; the size of the table being created will be displayed at the top. To add it to the document, click on the lower right square. As a result, it will be created across the width of the entire sheet, with the selected number of rows and columns.

Setting the number of rows and columns

Second way - "Insert table". To do this, select the appropriate item from the list and click on it with the mouse. A window will appear in which you need to specify the required number of lines and columns. Use a marker to mark the width for the columns:

– constant – the width of the columns will not change;
– by content – ​​will depend on the printed text;
– along the width of the window – the table will correspond to the area that is allocated for text on the sheet.

Drawing borders

The third way is “Draw...”. When you click on the corresponding item, the Pencil tool appears. If you move it outside of existing blocks or just on an empty sheet, you can draw a rectangle - this can be the boundaries of the main table, or one cell. If you move a pencil in a rectangle, a line is drawn - this way you can divide the drawn rectangle into rows and columns.

Convert text

The fourth method is to convert text into a table. If you have text that needs to be placed in cells, then this is not difficult to do. First, let's format it as needed.

So that Word understands when you need to create a new column, divide the text using the “Tab” button on the keyboard; there are arrows drawn on it in different directions. To create a new line, put "Enter" at the end of the previous paragraph. To skip the required number of columns, place the corresponding number of “Tabs” in a row. For a more visual representation, it is better to include non-printable characters. Instead of "Tab" you can use ";" , "%" or other sign.

Now select the edited text and select the item from the menu "Convert to Table".

A window will appear. At the bottom, put the separator you used: “Tab”, “;” , "%" . Word itself will determine how many columns there should be. You can set the desired column width.

My table looks like this. All empty cells were preserved in it, and a new row was created correctly.

Like in Excel

The fifth method is “Excel table”. Click the corresponding item in the menu.

An area will appear for working with them, just like in Excel. The rows and columns will be numbered accordingly. It will be possible to insert formulas, diagrams, etc.

Click behind this area on the document sheet, and only the table will remain.

Express table

The sixth way is to add "Express tables". These are a kind of ready-made templates. You can insert the one you like. Then simply change the data.

As you can see, there are various ways to create a table in Word. Choose the right one and the job will be done!

Read other articles on the topic “Working with tables in Word”:
How to delete a table in MS Word
How to delete a row, column or cell in a table in MS Word
How to merge or split tables in MS Word

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We continue our series of lessons about Microsoft Office Word. And in this article you will learn how to make a table in Word. This question comes up often, since sometimes you need to make a table in the text and not use any specialized programs. And it can be done in several ways and is quite simple...

How to make a table in Word? The most common way.

A whole mountain of articles has been written about how to create a table in Word using this method. It can be said to be considered classic and the most widespread.

First, open Word

Go to the Insert tab -> Click on the button with the word “Table” and select the required number of columns (horizontally) and rows (vertically).

After you click on the last cell in your table (highlighted in the picture above), the table itself will appear and different styles for its design will be offered.

if you I need a simple table, then there is nothing to choose. You can start filling it out.

Second way.

There is another method and it is not much different from the first, but it is a little more convenient and more accurate. Go to the same Insert tab

Click on “Table” again. And there you select “Insert table...”

In the window that opens, set the number of columns and rows in the table. Also select the column width:

  • constant
  • by content
  • along the width of the window

Constant - this means that regardless of the amount of text in the cells, it will be the same size, even if part of the text is not visible.

By content - this means that the width will change depending on the amount of text in the cell, the more, the more :)

The width of the window means that the cells will be the size that the sheet allows.

If something is not clear, just try everything one by one and everything will become clear.

Insert the table using Excel. Third way.

The third way is to insert an Excel table.

Most often, this method is used by those who are more comfortable working with Excel tables in the Excel program itself.

In principle, I think everything is clear here. Just add a table and fill it out.

The easiest way is to place the cursor in the cell from which the division will begin and press Ctrl+Shift+Enter. That's it :)

Everything is simple here. Place the cursor on the next line after the table and press erase on the keyboard until the table disappears :)

In order to merge several cells into one, you need to select the required number of cells with the left mouse button, then right-click on the selected area and select “Merge Cells”

In order to make the table invisible, you need to go to the “Borders and Fill” item. There are two ways to get into it.

First, place the cursor in any cell in the table -> select “Working with tables” -> Borders -> Borders and fill.

Second way. In any cell in the table, right-click -> in the menu that opens, select Borders and Shading.

Then the following window will open in front of you

In it, select Type -> No, and click OK (highlighted in the figure above).

If you need to remove borders not in the entire table, but in several cells, select them with the left mouse button, right-click on the selected area, and then do the same as described above.

That's all for today! I’ll tell you the rest about working with tables in Word in other articles.

How to create a table in Word? Now I just can’t imagine how you can work without such a necessary and useful program as the Word text editor. How much easier our life has become. How did we even live without a computer and such useful programs?

Reports can be done literally on the fly. Almost any report contains a table and . Creating a simple table in Word is quick and easy. But there are also very complex tables, looking at which many people simply get lost. At first it seems difficult. In fact, creating such tables is not difficult, and even interesting. You will see this for yourself.

Today we will look at:

  • how to create a table in word in the simplest form,
  • how to create a complex table header,
  • how to merge cells,
  • how to split a cell,
  • how to color the cells.

How to create a table inWord

The table consists of columns and cells, which allows you to organize your data. A table can contain text, numbers, a picture, etc., but cannot contain another table.

But if you wish, you can draw a small table inside the cell.

How to make a table inWord 2003

If you need to insert a table into a document, then place the cursor in the place where it will be located and select the item in the menu Table – Insert – Table.

The window “ Inserting a table».

In the text field " Number of columns" set the required number of table columns, and in the field " Number of lines» – the required number of lines.

In area " Auto-fit column widths» select one of the options described below:

  • Constant + Auto– columns of equal width.
  • Constant + required size(in the window where “Auto” was originally placed) - the columns will be the width that you specify.
  • By content– the width of the columns will be according to the largest contents of the cell.
  • By window width– the width of the table will be the entire page with columns of equal width.

Using the button " Autoformat"You can select the format of your future table and click " OK».


To quickly insert a table, click on the “Add table” button in the standard toolbar, select the required number of rows and columns with the mouse and click once.

How to make a table inWord 2007-2010

Go to the tab Insert, and click on the icon Table.

In the drop-down window, place the cursor on the upper left cell, click the left mouse button, and without releasing it, select as many cells as you need to make columns and rows. Now release the mouse button and the table frame is ready.

If you need many more lines than shown, you can do this later or select “ Insert table", and in the window that opens, indicate the number of rows and columns you need.

If you often create tables, you can set the initial parameters and check the box next to “ Default for new tables" Then all these settings will be saved, and next time you will only need to press the “ OK».

If you select " TableExcel", then you will have exactly the same table as in Excel.

Can choose Draw a table, but for tables that will be placed on several sheets, I would not recommend doing this. This method is only good for small tables inside a table.

Therefore, the point “ Draw a table“, I don’t advise you to choose. This is for very advanced users, and often such a table is very poorly edited, and if you want to transfer it to another computer, then you will be provided with hemorrhoids.

Very interesting point “ Express tables“, but we will consider it in a separate article, because this is a very big topic.

The most difficult thing in the table is creating a header like this:

But we will do it quickly.

I described in more detail about editing and creating complex tables in the article.

How to merge table cells?

Select the required number of cells and right-click on the selection.

How to split a cell into multiple cells

Right-click the cell you want to split and select from the drop-down menu Split cells.

In the window Splitting cells, specify the required number of columns and rows, and click the button OK.

How to color a table cell

Right-click on the cell you want to color and select from the drop-down list Borders and Shading.

This is how you can create a table in Word.

Numerical information that is placed in tables is considered more receptive and understandable for a person than if it is written without a table. Therefore, various financial reports contain more tabular data, and conclusions, recommendations, etc. are written in the text part. Using Microsoft Word, you can easily and quickly create tables of various types and place not only numbers, but also text in their cells.

To make a table in Word, just follow these simple steps:

Find the tab “ Insert" and click on it.

Next, click on “ Table" and the menu " Inserting a table».

As you can see in the image, this menu has the following functions:

Insert table – allows you to enter the required number of columns and rows that you need for your table. You can also adjust the width of the columns.

After you click " OK"A table like this will be automatically created for you.
Draw a table – allows you to manually draw the required number of rows and columns on the sheet.

Instead of the usual arrow, your cursor will change to a pencil. As you will see in the image below, the future created area will be highlighted with italic lines, and after you release the left mouse button, it will become normal. A very convenient way to create individual cells in any part of the tables.

Express tables is a selection of template tables in Microsoft Word 2007. There are not many of them, so Express Tables have not gained more popularity among users.

Excel table - inserts a table from the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet editor into the area you select.