Brief for creating a client avatar. We create a client avatar. The future of your customer relationship

Brief for creating a client avatar. We create a client avatar. The future of your customer relationship

The client's avatar is foundation any business project on the Internet. And the first stage in researching the target audience when creating an online school.

We bring to your attention a series of articles about the target audience:

  1. Part 1. Client avatar: what it is, how to create it and what is important to consider [are you here]

Client avatar: what is it and why do you need it?

A client avatar is a detailed description of your ideal client. The client who wants and loves your product.

You will use the client avatar both when creating educational trainings and programs, and for writing selling texts.

Clear understanding to whom And For what you offer your product, increases the likelihood that he will hit the target. And accordingly, it will perform 2 most important tasks:

  1. Helps a person solve an acute problem
  2. Will help you make a sale unobtrusively

Everyone wins!

Let's say your client is a woman who suffers from headaches. However, she is strongly opposed to pills and drugs. Then the advertising message for it will be something like this:

This is how a targeted offer works. But more on that later.

How to create a client avatar: questions

What questions do you need to know the answers to in order to create a client avatar?

1. Socio-demographic portrait

  1. Age
  2. Location
  3. Family status
  4. Income level
  5. Education
  6. Profession
  7. Interests

2. The needs (pains and desires) of your client

  1. What does your client want in general (what important to him, what are his life values)
  2. Why does the client need your product? what pain, need he wants to solve it with his help
  3. What wants to change In my life
  4. As a client tried it solve your problem
  5. To which results this led
  6. What your afraid client (fears, worries, doubts, beliefs)
  7. What does he want to prevent?

3. Behavioral characteristics of your client

  1. Where does your customer spend time online?
  2. What resources does he read?
  3. What social networks does he prefer?

4. Decision factors

  1. How does a person make purchasing decisions: emotionally or logically?
  2. Criteria decision making: product uniqueness, design, price, warranty, service after purchase, delivery (speed/availability), ease of use, VIP service, assortment, brand, geography, etc.

5. Attitude towards your offer (product)

  1. Customer awareness level about you and your product
  2. What objections does your client have (how does he explain to himself why he won’t buy your product now)
  3. What emotions does your product evoke in the client, what is it associated with?
  4. Client expectations from your proposal (what results he expects)
  5. What is true ultimate goal when choosing among various offers (which is important for him!)

“Avatar Map”: a cheat sheet for writing selling texts (algorithm)

Most often, in every business there is more than one avatar. And the more detailed you distribute them into groups, the more clear the offer you can make to your clients.

For example, you have an advertising platform in the niche of goods and services for children. Age of children: 6 - 17 years. In this case, you have 2 target audiences. The first is the children themselves and their parents - consumers of goods. The second is advertisers, suppliers of goods and services for children.

To make it easier and faster for you to compile selling offers, it is necessary to create a separate client avatar for each case.

So, the algorithm for compiling an avatar map.

Step 1: Make a list of all possible avatars for your business and give each a general definition

Let's look at the example described above.

Possible avatars:

  • Olga, 37 years old, owner of a beauty salon (clothing store, family cafe)
  • Ekaterina and Sergey, 37 and 40 years old, family business (toy production, family cafe, goods rental, etc.)
  • Marina, 30 years old, married, photographer (private specialist, pastry chef, seamstress, gymnastics trainer, coach, psychologist)
  • Nikita, 32 years old, fitness trainer (event host, showman, image consultant, hairdresser, stylist)

Step 2. Describe the properties of each avatar (general portrait)

Step 3. Describe needs, pains and desires

Step 4: Define Satisfaction Criteria

On what basis does your client make a decision?

Step 5: Formulate the benefits you can offer based on the avatar's needs

What else is important to consider when creating a client avatar?

1. Add photos of each avatar

Choose images and names for your avatars. Thus, you personalize your character. It becomes easier to imagine what he really wants

2. Write everything down

Be sure to register answers to questions in writing(or on your computer). The main thing is don’t do it in your head. After all, you will then simply copy and paste this description on your sales pages.

3. Keep your information up to date and detailed.

Don't make this list just once. Find out again and again what will help you drill down and segment your clients. And ultimately offer customers what they need. Instead of “being everything to everyone.”


So, the client’s avatar is 80% of the success of your business project. A properly designed avatar transforms ordinary people into fans of your product. After all, you are offering them something that really matters to them. Remember, the effort spent on compiling it will pay you back many times over.

  • You are sure that you have 100% studied your typical buyer, but sales are critically low. What's the matter?
  • Ideal client. Does this happen?
  • Correct context. Just what the doctor ordered for the seller
  • 5 fresh thoughts about avatars from Andrey Parabellum’s webinar (01/23/2014)
  • + even more fresh thoughts after the copywriting training

First, let's look at the definitions. A client avatar is the most complete description of your client (customer). In this article, I want to tell you in more detail about what you need to be guided by and what questions to answer when creating a client avatar.

Let's assume you already know a little about how to create an avatar. If you suddenly forgot, I remind you:

  1. You should choose several of its brightest representatives from your target audience if the target audience is diverse. Or one character, the most typical for a group of your customers, if the target audience is fairly similar.
  2. You must “get into the shoes” of the person you have chosen and describe him inside and out. Thoughts, feelings, fears, fantasies, etc. You simply have to think like him. In any case, before writing a selling text.
  3. The description of our avatar does not end there. You must imagine it very vividly. Come up with a name for him, determine his gender, marital status, age, appearance, etc.

In general, your task is to register your client down to the moles under the left eye.

“Yes, I already know all this..”
Great! Now write it)

Now comes the fun part.

Answer honestly: do you have a piece of paper (file) where your customer’s avatar is clearly written, line by line? If there is, then that's great. No - then you need to put the client’s description on paper as soon as possible.

Why? Yes, because this significantly increases the hit of your text on target. Try it and see for yourself.

There is also a very good method with which we make our way through the “wild” of the client’s secret desires.

We ask ourselves the question “Why does he need this?” And we answer it ourselves.

For example:

Masha wants to buy style training.

Why does she need training?

To look stylish.

Why does she need to look stylish?

To become more beautiful.

Why does she need to become more beautiful?

To please men.

Why does she like men?

So that this handsome guy from the next door would finally pay attention to her.

So that this “chicken” who stole her husband would “become shabby” with envy

So that at the alumni meeting everyone would gasp when they see what she looks like

Well, etc. depending on the type of avatar and product. If Masha is an adult, respectable lady, then we choose softer expressions. If Masha is a little old, we focus on the language of young people.

By the way. The language in which your target audience communicates is an extremely important thing. Don’t poke at adults, don’t load newbies with terms, etc. Turn into a chameleon for a while. Merge with your target audience, go to the forums where they communicate, observe more.

“I want the perfect buyer!”

The desire is laudable. And with the right approach, it can even come true.

Describe your ideal client. Now see if your avatar is from the realm of science fiction.

Not being afraid to dream and at the same time being realistic is one of the most useful combinations of qualities for success in any business :)

Most likely, in your target audience there will be a certain percentage of people who, according to the description, are close to the ideal avatar. Estimate their number. And write for them, too. And not just for them. Otherwise you will periodically run aground.

Places where avatars live

You can talk about context as often as you like. It never hurts. Develop your imagination and look for where your potential customers communicate, work, and relax.

Think about WHEN you should approach them with your proposal. When it will be appropriate and when it will not be acceptable.

If you are good at “spying” on your customers, then you have every chance of becoming the best seller in your niche.

To be happy, a person needs so little - to be understood. And in order to understand another, we must imbue him with his feelings.

“We must listen not only with our ears, but also with our eyes and heart..”(Sean Covey "7 Habits of Active Kids") As you can see, progressive people teach their children this from an early age. Well, it’s never too late for us to learn..

Promised 5 tricks regarding the avatar from the information business guru

  1. Make your avatar only from the image of those people who People are ALREADY buying something from you. And not from those whom you want to have as clients, but have not yet bought anything from you
  2. Tweak your avatar about once a year. People tend to change, so avatars need to be updated periodically
  3. If it is difficult to understand your client, take a list of buyers and go study them on Facebook or VKontakte
  4. Work on a maximum of 3 avatars in the text.More - works worse.
  5. Search for "anti-avatar"- describe a client who is guaranteed to be problematic for you and you do not want to work with such people. In the text, make it clear to your fellow “anti-avatars” that you don’t want to see them in your home. It’s not a fact that they won’t come. But there will be fewer of them.

P.S. what else would you like to say about the avatar after the “Copywriting 2014” training?

  1. In no case should you save energy on creating an avatar! This is the foundation of your sales. Spend a few days on your psychological espionage and increase the conversion of your text at least twice.
  2. The avatar should be catchy and deep. This is one of my training insights, of which there were a lot and I will tell you about all of them. Don’t describe your client sadly in the style of “Svetlana, 35 years old. Manager, two children. Married. Goes to the gym. What keeps her up at night is thoughts about raising children.” etc. This is not enough!
    And take seriously the pain that deprives a person of sleep (figuratively or in reality, it doesn’t matter). Well, a 35-year-old woman won’t lose peace of mind because of raising children. This is important for her, but not deeply. Why can such a woman be tormented so deeply? She may worry that her youth is fading, afraid that her husband will stare at young girls, that she no longer looks the same as before, that her appearance does not shine with elegance and grooming, but she does not have enough strength for herself, etc.
  3. There is no need to drag the need for your product to your avatar. The client's main pains and problems may come from different areas, but we should not discard them, because... absolutely all the keys to the client’s heart are important to us. And getting rid of pain, which at first glance is a completely different story, can be very well tied to your product.
  4. An avatar can be as huge as an essay). And the more detailed it is, the better. I repeat, but still, do not limit yourself to answers to standard questions about the avatar, write about the person who pays you money, sparing neither time nor effort.

Well, in conclusion, the same standard questions for describing an avatar:

1. Client's name?

2. His gender?

3. How old is he?

4. What is his marital status?

5. Does he have children?

6. If married, who is his/her spouse?

7. What does your spouse think about his/her hobbies and pain?

8. What is his relationship with his children?

9. How does this person dress?

10. What does he do, what does he live on?

11.What is his biggest dissatisfaction?

12.What is your strongest external desire (i.e., what others know about)?

13. What are his deepest desires?

14. What prevents him from sleeping at night?

15. What is he afraid of?

16. Who annoys and angers him?

Good luck drawing up a portrait of your client!

Still have questions? Ask them in the comments to this post or write to me at - I’m always open to contact you.

Your Alice-Natasha.

Want to increase your sales?

90% of success in business depends on how correctly you draw up client avatar

It's not enough to have a product, a cool product. You need to clearly know who needs it. If you offer your product, service, business to absolutely everyone, you will very often hear NO. Your sales won't grow. Sales don't grow - income doesn't grow. Income not growing is sad.

When you clearly know the avatar of the client, the ideal client, you focus all your attention on this person. And now you clearly know how to build a marketing strategy. What content to write. What social networks and groups does your client visit? What does he want? How to write a selling text, make a Landing Page to interest him.

Before we move on to the most interesting part, I would like to come to an agreement with you. I want you to not just read this article and that’s it. I would like you to follow all the practical recommendations that I give you. So that you get maximum results and benefits from this article. Agreed?

Let's move on to the Exercise of Creating a Client Avatar

It only takes 5 minutes to complete this exercise.

Let's get started

Take a pen and a piece of paper. Draw an image of your ideal client in the middle of the sheet. If you don't have artistic talent, that's okay. It will be enough - a head, stripes, arms, legs, a person.

Now, draw arrows from it in two directions to the left and right. They will create 2 columns. Now, next to the image of your avatar, describe in 2 words who your client is. How do you understand it?

2-3 sentences will be enough for you to form an idea about it.
A man, 35-39 years old, most likely named Igor. He usually has 3 children who study at school/university. He is the head of the sales department.

If for some reason you have not completed this exercise, do not proceed further. You need to do it and then move on. Otherwise, the following exercises will not make sense. The result will be zero.

Let's get to know your client better

Have you forgotten about 2 columns on the right and left? In the top left column write “Customer Problems”

Now, take 1-2 minutes and write down your client’s problems and pains in this column.

For example, in the “weight loss” niche:
- Excess weight
— Poor nutrition
- Diffidence

Why is this necessary? The problems and pains of your client are those things that your client wants to solve, and is ready to pay you for it.

In the same column, write “What is my client afraid of? What are his fears? What does he want to avoid?

You have 2 minutes to complete.

For example:
— Obesity
- Do not receive interested glances from the opposite sex

Done? If you did everything correctly, you should already have a certain picture emerging.
We don't stop. Let's move on.

In the same column we write - “Why is this important”

Within 2 minutes, write, where possible, why this “problem, fear” is important for him to solve it.

If nothing changes, what will your emotional state be? Go even deeper into your client's problems. Think instead of him.

Done? What picture emerges? I'm sure you didn't expect to see something like this

Let's move on to the second column.

Write “What does my client want to achieve” at the top? For 2 minutes, write in the column, its non-material and material goals.

For example:
Provide for your family. To buy an apartment. Give children the best education. Travel 5 times a year.

We write “Why is this important to him.” Also 2 minutes to complete

I would like to congratulate you on completing this exercise. Now you know and understand your potential client much better. And you know what offer you need to make to interest him.

CLICK “LIKE” if the post was helpful. I will see your interest in this topic and will write even more valuable, useful content.

Catch you later,

Do you know your clients by sight? Of course, you say, these are women 20-45 years old... But wait! What you think is not always the truth about your clients. So, what information about customer profiles should you have already at the start for your business to generate income for you? This is what today's post is about.

Even if you already have a ready-made project or business, and even more so if you have a customer base, then you definitely need to know what kind of base it is and who it consists of.

Answer yourself the question, what kind of people are they, what do they want. The technique works best when you are describing a specific person. How to do it? Find someone who has already bought something from you and interview them. You'll be surprised how much you'll discover about your customers.

If you are just starting out and there are no buyers yet, describe 3-5 ideal clients.


To avoid the effect of collecting a base for quantity, you need to have a clear idea of ​​who you want and who you don’t want to deal with. Yes, yes, an anti-avatar also exists, and this is the person with whom you do not want to work (for example, in my case it is the topic of violence, weapons, swastikas and other things that I do not even remotely want to deal with).

If your base is at least 500 people, you can already select 3-5 avatars from it for initial work. The ideal option is when you have at least 10-15 avatars to which you adapt your offers.


The ideal client avatar contains answers to a number of important questions in addition to gender, name and age. What other answers should you have before working on building a funnel:

  • what is his name, how old is he, and what gender is he?
  • what problem bothers her?
  • how your product can help solve a problem
  • who can influence the purchase decision
  • why can't he cope without you?
  • How will he feel after achieving the result?
  • what objections may arise at different stages of the funnel
  • how he makes decisions and how he acts based on his psychotype (extrovert or introvert)
  • and other questions, which I talked about in more detail


After the avatars are ready, you and I must segment them, in other words, divide them into groups based on similar characteristics. The simplest way with a small database could be:

Ø Men – women

Ø Clients – subscribers

Ø By city

Ø By country

Ø By age

Ø By interests (which magnet was requested)

In the next article, we will look at what to do with the resulting avatars and segments and how to build automated sales funnels with high returns based on avatars and segments of the database.

The task for today is to register at least 3 avatars and segment your database. Write in the comments what you did, and I will answer the most interesting reports.
