Those who seek nothing find everything. Frank Kinslow's new book - whoever seeks nothing finds everything. Your problems are not a problem

Those who seek nothing find everything. Frank Kinslow's new book - whoever seeks nothing finds everything. Your problems are not a problem

Frank Kinslow - He who seeks nothing finds everything. The secret of true

© “Morgan&Fint Co”, 2012 Proofreading and scanning
© Sofia Publishing House LLC, 2011
Beyond Happiness
How You Can Fufi Your Deepest Desire
Copyright c 2008 Frank Kinsow

In his insightful book, He Who Seeks Nothing Finds Everything, Frank Kinslow shows us the way beyond the mind to experience life to the fullest - the way it was meant to be lived. The author invites us on a wonderful journey - just be... just find yourself... just find bliss. He is a true master, because behind his words there is personal experience. If you perform the exercises given in the book regularly, you will feel a surge of energy on a physical and psychological level; internal tension will disappear, ailments will recede, resistance to stress will increase on the mental and emotional levels, relationships with others will improve.

Translation from English by E. Miroshnichenko

Introduction 9
Chapter 1. Who am I? 18
Chapter 2. How to learn to look at the world in a new way 45
Chapter 3. How the mind works 59
Chapter 4. How time works 64
Chapter 5. Inner Thought 71
Chapter 6. How to arrange the future 87
Chapter 7. Your problems are not a problem 94
Chapter 8. How to Surpass Happiness 104
Chapter 9. Memory is not intelligent 126
Chapter 10. Repairing a Broken Mind 140
Chapter 11: Overcoming Heartache 157
Chapter 12. Overcoming physical pain 185
Chapter 13. Perfect Relationships 204
Chapter 14. How to Not-Know 225
Chapter 15: When You Become Enlightened 254
Glossary 282

Dr. Frank Kinslow is the only teacher of Quantum Displacement in the world.


The problem is not the problems

There is a problem that is destroying our world - it is being kept secret from you. Our parents and teachers unwittingly protected and hid this secret - not out of malice, but out of ignorance. Century after century, this problem has steadily worsened - as a result of some incomprehensible magic of error accumulation. If we do not continue to try to solve it, it is likely that within the next generations our humanity will simply disappear from the face of the Earth.
Even the most selfish, self-absorbed people feel the quiet pulsation of madness that permeates everyday existence. Here you don’t have to think about something distant, like the state of rain forests or the world’s oceans. Environmentally destructive forces are at work right under our noses - in our kitchens and bathrooms. What happens to the environment is very important - and yet the problem lies elsewhere. Many nations distrust each other so much that sometimes it comes to war; within the borders of individual states, people also do not feel either peace or satisfaction.
However, the problem is not the anxiety of entire countries and individual citizens. Social structures are far from the needs of people and are impersonal. The family as such is losing its meaning, despite our desperate attempts to deepen family ties. Succumbing to the influence of this sick world, we suffer from more and more new ailments - physical and psychological. At the same time, we are still unable to understand the original problem - the source of all our adversity. It is bad news. And the good news is that there are already people who have discovered the cause of our deplorable state. They do not belong to any single cultural, educational or economic stratum and are not united by any common philosophical or religious views. The only thing that unites them is their ability to neutralize all problems, eliminating their “root”.
And now the best news. The lives of such people have completely changed for the better. They are energetic, productive and full of love. They remain serene even in the most difficult circumstances. In fact, calmness, serenity and joy are natural for a person living beyond problems.
It was as if we had been sleeping all this time. The sleep was deep, the dreams were sweet. But dreams are an illusion. But after awakening, a fantastically rich life filled with miracles awaits us. However, we are still sleeping. You can't live in slumber. Our chance to receive our true human inheritance is to quickly shake off our sleep. A number of people have already awakened and are now trying to stir up the rest. If you are still sleeping, if you have problems, I urge you to wake up and stand up to your full height. Can you imagine a more important and enjoyable task?
There is one common definition of insanity that fits the topic of our conversation very well. The wording is approximately this: “He is mad who, continuing to act in the old way, expects new results.” So why do the results stay the same even when we do things differently? Once we overcome old difficulties, new ones arise in their place. Our problems are not only multiplying, but also getting worse. Wars, global warming, and “super viruses” generated by the overuse of antibiotics threaten the very survival of humanity. Our strain of madness matures with every problem we solve.
Why is that? Why does new knowledge create a need for even more knowledge? And why do we feel less and less in control? No matter how much we learn about the mind, body and relationships, it does not bring the desired effect. We live in the epicenter of an information explosion. Data from all corners of the Earth flow in a continuous stream at superluminal speeds. They are growing exponentially - and with them the number and depth of our problems!
Like most people, I tried to solve my problems by manipulating the environment. I have studied many methods and philosophies to resolve our everyday conflicts. Naturally, learning is assimilation by the mind. And my mind welcomed all the ideas supplied to it. I, like a fly, became entangled in the web of my own mental matrix - and every idea was infected with the poison of my ego, which itself is the creator of the destructive network. This is a very insidious poison that depletes without killing. When you're poisoned, all these ideas seem quite common sense. They seem to be supposed to eliminate problems, but in reality they only multiply them. And I diligently studied new techniques to solve them. I earned more money, established relationships with people, became “more spiritual”... However, the number of various failures, difficulties and troubles in my life did not decrease. Problems rolled over me one after another, like surf on the seashore.
Finally, I realized that accumulating information simply could not save me from problems. And then an incomparable peace came over me. I realized that hard work, careful planning and good intentions are not a recipe for serenity. This realization alone brought me more peace than planning my entire life.
I have always believed that I am not crazy because I “act differently.” But when I stopped for a moment and looked back, I honestly admitted to myself that the only word that adequately describes my life is the word “madness.” My life has largely consisted of long periods of a kind of unconscious "quiet desperation." Then, as despair rose to the conscious level, I would plunge into frantic and chaotic activity. I thought that I was running out of time to achieve my goals - to find happiness. Meanwhile, the desired happiness still sometimes paid me short visits. These happy periods were centered around some event - the acquisition of a new car, falling in love, serious cash receipts. However, happiness never visited me for long. It would last for a few hours or even days and then go away again for weeks or months. It even got to the point where I could no longer enjoy my happiness, because from the very beginning I had an anxious premonition of its loss. My life was just a reflection of the general permanent madness that we accept as the norm of life.
The above definition of insanity suggests that we should not expect new results by doing the same things. When we collect fresh information and use it to solve our problems, we feel as if we are doing something new. So the source of our difficulties is not in the monotony of actions. So what is the main problem? To answer this question, you need to ask yourself: “What part of the problem-solving process always remains the same?”
Only one aspect of this process remains the same all the time: the mind. Every problem we have is first filtered through the mind. It turns out that the original problem, responsible for all the others, is the mind. Or, to be more precise, how this mind works when left unattended. The mind is a tool. It needs management. He must not be allowed to work at his own discretion. You are not the mind. You are in control of your mind. At the very least, he must control it. However, our mind took over control while we were sleeping, just as Hal did, the out-of-control computer in the science-fiction film 2001: A Space Odyssey.
During this “sleepwalk,” your mind is on autopilot. He operates with reflexes and reactions. He mechanically repeats the same actions that he performed in the past - after all, you are absent and there is no one to consciously direct him. Do you see the dilemma? If the mind is controlled by reflexes and memory, how can it solve the problem facing you at the moment? If you are asked to solve an arithmetic problem and told that it is an addition problem when in fact it is a subtraction problem, you will get the wrong answer. Your arithmetic skills are impeccable, but the answer is still wrong. So we seem to be solving our life problems correctly, but the answers do not agree - and if they do, it is not always the case. We wonder why we can’t do anything, we double-check our calculations... But as long as we think that our problem is an addition problem, there will be no correct solution. We do everything right, but the answer is a mistake.
So in life we ​​use addition in the world of subtraction. No matter how much we try to solve our life problems, in the end they only accumulate: more suffering, more pain, more destruction. We look around and see: everyone around is doing the same thing... Everyone can’t be wrong, can they? So, apparently, we are behaving correctly. We can only assume that people are born to suffer. “People have always suffered and will always suffer,” we convince ourselves, trying to console our deeply troubled souls. But this does not in any way explain some of the deviations from the “norm” - the presence of individuals who have risen above suffering and claim that we all can and should do the same. Yes, our parents and teachers and leaders lied to us all the way - believing the lies of their own parents, teachers and leaders. However, this lie can be put to an end - and it takes exactly as much time as one heartbeat of one generation.
We have missed one single fundamental truth. A very simple truth that so easily escapes the attention of the mind. I found it only after forty years of searching, and then only by negation - by subtraction, if you like. And I will share this truth with you in my book. I do not consider myself an authority or great expert in this field. I also don’t have any special talents that would help me become more successful than you can. Inner serenity and freedom from problems are the innate right of each of us. I'm just sharing what I've learned. It doesn’t seem to me that I have finished comprehending the miracle of my own life. In fact, writing this book opened me up to an even fuller realization of the bliss and love that is my True Self. As I wrote, the hours and weeks washed over me like an ocean - deep and silent. First of all, I wrote for myself. But at the same time, I always remembered about you - about all of you.

Purpose of this book

This book is a practical guide to achieving serenity. It clearly defines what serenity is, why people so rarely feel it, why it is so important for a full life, and how to achieve it without changing your lifestyle.
This book is unique among many self-help and spiritually oriented texts because it combines three basic teaching methods in one: simple presentation, in-depth treatment of the material, and practical methods of work. By picking up this book, any person can find serenity in a matter of minutes - a single mother and the director of a large company, a saint and a sinner.
We are often told that money can't buy happiness. However, I know from my own experience that money can buy happiness. Just like sex, faith and position in society. At the same time, happiness is a thing determined by a number of factors. And these factors, or conditions, are determined by the individual himself. For example, having earned one hundred dollars in a day, a poor man will dance with happiness, and some oligarch will burst into tears. What makes you happy today may make you sad tomorrow. A promotion can cause stress, which will completely devalue the increase in salary and status. Newfound happiness very quickly turns into an ethereal vapor of memories, forcing us to live in the past.
Peace is not conditional. He is everywhere and always. Money can't buy serenity. You won’t find it through hard work, willpower, or grueling spiritual practices. An insidious mistake has crept into our lives. It is serenity, and not happiness, that extinguishes the restless flame of desires and gives satisfaction to the heart. Peace of mind is the very essence of emotions and thoughts and yet is beyond the reach of both.
Sustained inner peace is a rare thing. Even the most fleeting contact with him is unknown to many people. There is almost universal misunderstanding as to what it is and what practical value it has. Few people realize that inner serenity is one of the characteristics of how we experience our True Self. The True Self is the basis from which all our feelings, thoughts and actions come. It is the limitless and unchanging True Self that is the source of serenity. This is the secret - this is the highest secret.

How this book works

The book reveals this secret in a unique way. It examines the incomprehensible feature of the True Self from many points of view, appealing to your experience and thereby awakening your interest. The process of learning inner peace is deeply paradoxical, since serenity cannot be taught. However, we can overcome this apparent contradiction. Each step to serenity suggested here involves stimulation of both the intellect and the heart.
My method is suitable for both those readers whose left hemisphere predominates, and those who are more accustomed to working with the right.
There is a whole tradition of intellectually clarifying the most complex spiritual concepts by breaking them down step by step using simple logical language. On the other hand, we use real-life anecdotes, analogies, anecdotes and touching stories - all this helps you dive deeper into the material and gain a living connection with the book.
The third spike of our trident is a real experience of peace provided by interactive exercises. Self-awareness cannot be taught, but with the help of a unique method of Not-Knowing, based on eight internal research “experiences”, we will be able to gently and unerringly lead your consciousness to the perception of the True Self. This threefold process of working with heart, mind and experience takes place quietly in the background . In the foreground there is the joy generated by this process, exploratory enthusiasm and quiet delight from the revelation of ever deeper manifestations of your Self.
And yet: how do we resolve the paradox that serenity cannot be taught? Technology is a bridge that is left behind once the obstacle is overcome. The habit of relying on technology makes us dependent on this very technology, and inner peace should flourish without dependence. Attachment to technology makes us walk back and forth across the bridge whenever we want peace. Under such conditions, sustainable serenity is impossible. In the pages of this book, I encourage you to gradually rid yourself of the need for technology. Both the text and the exercises are aimed at this. Once you finish reading the book, you will begin to feel inner peace without the help of a teacher or technology.
Ultimately, liberation from technology leads to the acquisition of what I call “impulse.” Impulse is a quality that allows you to intuitively return to serenity whenever you lose it for a while. Those who try their best to find inner peace soon find that their efforts themselves drive away this state. In traumatic moments, serenity is completely lost sight of - it is carried away by a hurricane of conflicting emotions and persistent thoughts. When you gain impulse, then if you lose inner peace, it is restored on its own every time - you don’t need to make additional efforts or even think about anything like that. At this stage, problems no longer stick to you, life becomes free and relaxed.
The book is written in simple language. This is a work aid and does not require work. This practical approach to principles that are usually presented ponderously and complexly will allow your mind to work effectively, and the exercises will help you get rid of fuss and ensure clarity of thinking. I have taken the trouble to define key words that may cause confusion. Therefore, often refer to the glossary at the end of the book. It will make it very easy for you to gain momentum.
I am in no way suggesting that you take my words at face value. Draw on your own experience and test all controversial concepts in practice by completing the appropriate exercises from the book. Only then will you be able to break down the vast mystery of your True Self into digestible small pieces. Such portions of clear understanding, combined with the experience corresponding to this understanding, will provide you with a vivid and direct perception of your own True Self.
Please accept my invitation to read this book and share the ideas here with others. This is a sincere invitation to join in the celebration of life. It is an offering from heart to heart, from Self to Self.
Frank Kinslow
Sarasota, Florida, 2005, New Year

Chapter 1
Who am I?
I am what I am.
Popeye the Sailor
I'm out of the game
I never fully became an adult. I still remember very well what a bliss it is to draw on the asphalt with a stick dipped in mud or contemplate how snow-white clouds float across the azure sky. Or watch a marvelous picture of how a dewdrop, with the friendly help of the breeze, tries to escape from the web. The eyes of a child are the eyes of a saint.
I have always thought that childhood and adulthood should not be at odds with each other. I felt this way even as a child, when I was learning to be an adult. Most of us are simply betraying our childhood. Do you know about this? And then we forget. We are seduced by the sheer power of maturity. My childhood passed in post-war Japan. I was ten years old when I first became aware of the battle between the innocence of simple being and the responsibility of self-mastery. And it happened like this.
I did judo. Every day after lunch, I would throw my rolled up judo-gii, tied with a brown belt, over my shoulder and go to the dojo. I passed the small, dimly lit houses that crowded along the narrow winding streets of Yokohama, like villagers leaning their elbows on the fence, hurriedly exchanging the latest gossip before the darkness separated them with a wall of silence. Thin gray smoke from the wood-burning hibachi braziers rose into the still air like snake spirits. Hovering over the city, they inhaled the darkness, and then rose higher, quietly creeping over the tree-covered roofs. Soon the bakery seller came out onto the streets. “Sooooo-baaaa!” - he shouted, and his voice passed through the houses, collecting the thoughts of the residents. I turned off the street into one of the countless narrow alleys that separated the houses. Just a few steps - and I found myself in the tiny courtyard of the judo master, where a garden and a house miraculously fit.
Sensei was one of only four people in the world who at that time held a 10th Dan black belt, the highest rank in judo. I felt - although I was not sure until a certain moment - that this man was filled with peace. He spoke little, but when he did speak, there was much more serenity in his words than thoughts.
My peace at that time was rapidly melting away. I was learning to be an adult. As an American, I was larger than my Japanese peers. Instead of technique, I used brute force against my opponents. One evening the sensei announced that I was the strongest in the group. And that same evening he gave me a randori (training match) against a boy who was practically breathing into my navel. Inspired by the master's recent praise, I was confident in the outcome of the fight. I still remember how my victory seemed to me. I was going to perform a complex and rather exotic technique, as a result of which this runt would fly through the paper window straight into the yard. However, fortunately for me, everything turned out far from what I had planned. The story is unpleasant, so I will keep it short. The agile opponent stubbornly refused my persistent offers to leave the hall through the window - moreover, he made counter offers that I could not refuse. That evening I contemplated the ceiling of the dojo several times in a row.
Although I was initially not prepared for such a turn, somehow I managed to accept the situation. There has been a behavioral correction that people call “re-education.” My back and the tatami - until that moment practically unknown to each other - quickly became good friends. Although the duel apparently lasted only ten minutes, it seemed to me that ten hours had passed. When Devil Tsunami (that's how I nicknamed this kid) and I exchanged bows to mark the end of the fight, everyone present in the dojo politely hid their smiles... To top it all off, one of the students told me that my opponent was only six years old, - these words were like salt in fresh wounds. I never saw this boy in the dojo again before or after the lesson. I think he was too technically superior to all of us to be in the same group with us. And in general, I am sure that his main occupation was to travel from dojo to dojo and pacify his inflated egos, dressed in judo-gi.
The very next evening - when I was gloomily thinking about how it happened that I suddenly lost everything like that - Sensei taught us the Bey Water System. This is a technique that assumes the supremacy of consciousness over matter and is aimed at strengthening the strength of the body through calming the mind. As I performed this exercise, all the anger and humiliation that had filled me since the previous evening flowed away without a trace, like water from a cracked jug. I was empty. And the resulting void was filled by a presence that only contemplated everything I did from the outside. I was able to reconnect with my True Self - and its presence filled me with a feeling of security and completeness. I felt an unshakable serenity that never arises from any other source. I remember this experience so clearly because of the contrast: anger and disappointment were replaced by peace and a sense of inner strength - and it took a matter of seconds. Today, looking back, I have no doubt that Sensei originally intended everything this way.
And there is another reason why that experience of peace was so clearly imprinted on my consciousness. At that age (a whole ten years), this kind of experience had already become a rarity for me. The miracle of life gradually faded. I was seduced by the promise of power gained through strength. Teachers, parents, and even peers showed me in every possible way that if I was going to get what I wanted in life (or what they wanted from me), I needed to be disciplined, strong-willed, and hardworking. But now there was a fly in the ointment in this ointment: the serene power of childhood was revealed to me again - and I really liked it. And so, on the one hand, I felt that there was a certain light playful presence in my immediate vicinity. On the other hand, everyone around me assured me that I needed to learn to control myself and my environment - only in this case would I be able to achieve brilliant success in life.
Another half century passed before I rediscovered the serenity that greeted me at the Yokahama dojo. And I did learn to control my environment - but not in the way my teachers encouraged me to. I just let my True Self do it for me. I left the game.

The serenity I have discovered is a symptom of a certain condition. It is not the result of comprehension or any special effort. It comes to most people too rarely and not when they are consciously looking, except in cases where a person knows well where and how to look.
On the pages of this book we will discover the secret of finding serenity. I have spent my entire adult life searching for serenity. I spent years in deep thought, secluded in the mountains of distant exotic countries. Year after year, I devoted several hours every day to meditation in an attempt to find and maintain peace. After thirty-five years of persistent “spiritual” work, I was no closer to finding stable inner peace than when I began my journey. Filled with despondency and disappointment, I finally gave up further attempts. I gave up everything that defined my life and found only desert in the vacant space. But there was no serenity there either. All I have left is a small spark of hope.
One day, as I sat in the café of the Borders bookstore in Flint, Michigan, staring into a plastic cup of tasteless green tea, that last spark of hope faded. When this happened, everything froze. The Universe itself stopped breathing. And barely discernible in this property there was a grain of serenity. When my consciousness was drawn to her, I felt like Alice falling down the rabbit hole. As I fell, I rapidly decreased in size, like a pebble falling from a high bridge. A moment later there was an explosion. It was like the Big Bang, but instead of fire and stones there was serenity. As a result of this explosion, my Universe was filled with resting matter.
Table in a cafe. The sun, breaking through the clouds, warmed my back. The hall was buzzing with voices, and jazz was quietly murmuring from the speakers near the ceiling. I sat clutching a lukewarm cup of tea in my hands. Everything was the same as before, except that the room was now filled with a clear, living light - the light of serenity. How the whole universe fit into that small room, already filled with people and books, I don’t know. But she appeared there - and no one noticed. The galaxies and cataclysms of creation easily passed through our bodies - and no one noticed it. My breathing did not change, but tears streamed down my face, falling onto the table near the cup. A student studying with friends at the next table met my gaze and quickly looked away.
As if by some invisible signal, my consciousness shrank into an infinitesimal point - a flickering flash smaller than the smallest subatomic particle. I watched as clouds condensed from radiant energy and mixed with each other. From these radiant vapors the living spirits of trees, and seas, and fertile fields sprouted - only to dissolve again into formless energy. I was everywhere - more of the biggest and least of the smallest.
As these swirling energies of creation faded, I found myself once again in the mundane present, which we so confidently call the “real world.” The voices of people, and music, and the smell of coffee, and toast burst into my consciousness again. However, all this has ceased to be commonplace. The tears dried up, and I saw everything around me more clearly. Everything seemed fresh and clean, illuminated from within. All forms were simultaneously felt as energy. However, there was something else hidden deep within the subtlest forms of energy. This something is unknowable, and yet I was aware of it. It was intelligent and conscious. But first of all - compassionate. This was Compassion. And somehow I was It.

The state of inner serenity and bliss lasted about five weeks. As I went about my daily activities, I noticed that the routine was filled with a special kind of ease. Sometimes I felt separated from the phenomena of the world, as if serenity lifted me above the bustle, but at the same time I remained an integral part of what was happening - I was one with it all. I don’t think such a change was noticeable to family and friends. It was as subtle as it was deep. It is quite possible that in fact this state did not even become less intense over time - I simply assimilated it. I got used to it, and life began to seem as normal to me as before, with the exception of one thing - something so unimaginably pleasant and at the same time completely natural appeared in it that I decided to tell you about it in a book.
From that day on, I no longer need to seek serenity. Yes, sometimes I lose it for half a day... sometimes for a longer period. But she always comes back. And I don’t have to make the slightest effort for this. Inner peace comes to me like a child to its mother after a long absence. We embrace like parent and child and continue our life together, not particularly caring about the hardships of everyday life.
I call this spontaneous return to a state of serenity an “impulse.” The essence of the process is that tension and disappointment, anxiety and dissatisfaction simply fade away, losing their power over you. Negative forces, in the absence of the violent emotions that originally fueled them, turn into harmless ghosts. Most people can stay in a negative state for days, months, or even years. Our mind is completely occupied with problems, it re-experiences traumatic events again and again and rehearses fiery speech for its internal court. Caught in negative thoughts, the mind completely misses the fragile beauty of each current moment. In fact, for thinking to get out of control, it doesn’t even take some out-of-the-ordinary event to distract the mind from the present. Have you ever driven to work by car and suddenly realized that you don’t remember the trip at all? The body, in cooperation with the car, took your mind where it needed to be, and at that time he himself was busy with something completely different. You can say that nothing noteworthy happened on the way to work, but the question is different. The point is that this auto-thinking is itself a problem. Or, to be more precise, it is a symptom of something deeply wrong.
That's why I wrote this book.
First, I would like to interest you in finding inner serenity. The choice before you is extremely simple: serenity or problems. By and large, this is the only choice available to us.
Secondly, I want you to know how easy it is to be in a state of serenity. You don't have to devote your life to searching for this state, as I did. In fact, the search for serenity is a guarantee that you will not find it. I want you to experience first-hand how serenity eliminates all problems, allowing you to enjoy the richness and beauty of life.
Finally, I want you to gain momentum. When serenity easily fills your life, I can consider my work done. But before we get to the actual experience of serenity, we need to answer two questions. Let's look at them.

What do you want?
At first glance, a completely innocent question: “What do you want?”
Desire is involuntary. And its mechanism seems quite simple. Desire comes, and you want to receive the object of this desire. If you are hungry, you want food. If you're lonely, you want company. But where do these desires come from? We know that some of them are due to physical and psychological needs - for example, thirst and love. However, there are also those with whom no specific needs seem to be associated. You might want to buy a red racing convertible instead of a more practical family sedan. What can you say about the desire to have a chrome bumper, while your current one is quite functional?
What gives rise to “desire without need” - a passion that can be so irrepressible and ultimately so destructive?
If you do a little research with me on this simple question, I promise that your life will change - not just a little, but in a very, very profound way. You will discover a whole world hidden beneath the surface of your thoughts. This is not a world of shadows or a reflection of other worlds already known to you. The world behind this question is wide and deep and pure. This is the world from which your life, moment by moment, draws its breath. And the entrance there opens with the answer to the question: “What do you want?”
This book can open many amazing doors for you, but in reality there is only one door that you really need to enter. And there is no need to look for anything more than this simple revelation. You may need some preparation to walk through that door - and it is not at all difficult to make such preparation. You have a lot of work ahead and even more joy. Now a journey awaits you - not from point A to point B, but from blindness to insight. You will understand that you don't have to go anywhere to find completeness. You don't need anything! So it is better to think of this journey as an expansion - a kind of opening of perception, leading to the realization that life is perfect as it is.
If this statement seems fantastic or incredible to you, then fasten your seat belts. You and I will go on a dizzying journey, and you will suddenly realize how much beauty in life has so far passed you by. You will master the art of seeing and the science of being. Nature has no problems. Only people have problems. When a person realizes his true nature, problems dissolve like the disk of the sun in a serene sea surface.
First, I will suggest that you study the way you have been accustomed to throughout your life: in a linear, goal-oriented manner.
We are conditioned to manipulate things to gain some power over our environment. This is normal, but contrary to nature. And this approach promises a number of dangers.
There is another, much larger approach to life, which also involves goal orientation, but in a broader sense. We are talking about a functioning that does not rely on the mind, but on something beyond the mind. This is difficult to explain, but very easy to experience if you just use a certain method. By reading this book, you will completely involuntarily master the art of “being”. And evidence of this will be the ease and joy that will fill your daily life. The passage of time will become less stressful, problems will loosen their grip. Your own ability to vividly and deeply perceive even the most ordinary everyday events will sometimes simply stun you, filling your heart with joy and gratitude. Like a child in love with the world, you will again begin to look around with innocent eyes.
Your understanding will always go hand in hand with experience, ensuring completeness of knowledge. For example, if I present to you the idea that serenity can be found in the space between thoughts, it only makes sense if I teach you to feel that inner peace. You shouldn't take anything I say for granted. You will see whether I am right or wrong from your own experience when you complete the exercises. And if we have already touched on the topic of these exercises (which I call experiments), now is the time to look ahead and tell you what awaits you on the pages of the book.
During the first experience you will learn to stop your thinking.
This experience is meant to confirm and illustrate the idea that you are not the same as your thoughts. You exist even when your mind is silent. Besides the fact that this exercise is an illustration of the mentioned idea, it is also extremely functional.
Even if you decide to limit yourself to only the first exercise (by the way, don’t worry, if you’ve already tried to clear your mind of thoughts before, but failed, this time you’ll definitely succeed), then this alone will add energy to you, improve your health and give you the opportunity to communicate more vividly and closely with family and friends. But this is only the first exercise.
There are seven others that will teach you how to stimulate your immune system, neutralize the effects of stress (such as digestive problems and high blood pressure), increase your energy and sharpen your mental clarity.
But more importantly, you will learn to overcome pain (physical and emotional), get rid of the fear of death, and also be able to completely eliminate any problems.
If you're already interested, then hold on to your hat: overcoming pain and eliminating problems is just the beginning. These eight exercises are valuable tools for achieving greater results: If you want to become a master in life, then you need to step away from doing and learn to be. This is exactly what I intend to tell you about.
The main idea of ​​this book is this: being is more effective than doing. If you want to find the highest joy and serenity that life can give you, then doing anything for it is simply impossible. It is impossible to comprehend the wholeness of life in parts. And no matter how much money, power or friends we have, it is never enough for complete happiness. To be happy, you need to be in a state of serenity. When we acquire new skills or establish new relationships, we are guided by the idea that this will help us better control what surrounds us. We think that more control means more happiness. Somewhere in the depths of our souls glimmers the hope that we can control our environment enough to find lasting happiness. Dangerous misconception. And a significant part of my book is devoted to dispelling this misconception. Power over the parts has never given anyone the opportunity to control the whole. Do you know anyone who is happy all the time? Same thing.
And what is happiness anyway? Is this really what we need, or is it just a mirage? We'll talk about this in more detail later, but for now it's important for you to understand that happiness is not what we ultimately want. It is not the object of our deepest desires. Happiness is part of the problem, not the solution. Happiness is like a sports car - it's something you want, not something you need. You will see that no matter how successful a person is in the pursuit of happiness, it never brings what he really needs. Happiness always depends on certain conditions. If the conditions correspond to your ideas about happiness, you are happy. If something is out of line with these ideas, then you are not entirely happy. And when things go completely contrary to what was planned, then happiness is gone. Have you ever noticed that the harder you cling to happiness, the less of it you have? Why? Why is happiness so elusive?
We are happy when everything goes well. But how often do events meet our expectations? Looking back at your life, it is easy to see that the moments of complete happiness were very brief - just peaks. These peaks of happiness are surrounded by vast valleys of ordinariness. It is clear that we are filled with an intoxicating feeling of success when we manage to lasso happiness, no matter how brief it may be. This becomes a kind of confirmation that everything in our life is going well, and it will be even better. But we almost never look beyond this fragile sense of contentment, fearing the invisible forces that bubble a little deeper in the mind - just beyond the specks of light. By disturbing them, we would destroy the fragile illusion that was so hard maintained. Luckily, we won't have to navigate these scary, murky waters forever.
There is a profound lesson in the impermanence of happiness. But I'm afraid we are lousy students. We sleep right at our desks. And you have to repeat this one lesson over and over again. And we snore blissfully, releasing life from ourselves with each exhalation, and all that remains of it is a little saliva in the corners of our mouths. When we do manage to wake up, we realize that the essence of the lesson is this: being is freedom. Doing without being is slavery. Being is the simple act of not-doing. Not-doing consists in first realizing your True Self, and then observing how our world is created through the True Self. Knowing the True Self effortlessly dissolves any problems and accompanying suffering. The result is inner serenity and prosperity beyond your wildest dreams.
Inner serenity is the result of being. By being I mean awareness. “However,” you say, “I am already aware of what is happening.” To some extent this is true. You become aware of certain thoughts and actions. But are you aware of yourself - are you aware of your True Self? “Of course I am aware of myself,” you will answer indignantly, “I am aware that I am reading this book. And I’m also aware of my body and the fact that I have a job and a family.” All these things make up what we will call “I” in this book. These are particulars of your personal life. Your True Self is not the same. As you will see, it is indescribable and indestructible. As a result of realizing the True Self, your existence also acquires the features of indestructibility. When you are indestructible, any reason for worry disappears, inner peace covers you. That's how simple it is. The result of realizing your True Self is serenity. Inner peace is the key to a problem-free life. But it also represents something much, much more.
As you work through this book, you will undergo a profound inner transformation. At first, you may want to learn how to solve specific problems - for example, to extinguish anxious emotions or overcome the fear of death. And I encourage this desire - at least at first. This kind of training is similar to mastering the art of war. The goal of battle is to defeat the problem with knowledge and technology.
There is nothing wrong with learning how to effectively eliminate certain negative factors in your life - but do not think that you can ever learn and do enough to become free from all problems or free to serenity. In fact, you can do without a deep understanding of what inner peace is - and not strive for such an understanding at all. In any case, this is not the main thing. This is a very personal journey that only you can undertake. I don't have a special plan for you. Yes, I had discovered a way of being that not only included a “normal” life, but that was incredibly enriching to it. And I’m ready to start with you from where you feel comfortable. Although there is only one door, there are many ways to it.
I will cover my only lesson from different angles so that you can choose the approach that is closer to you. I will show how the slightest shift in perception will free you from the tendency to fight, replacing it with a fluid ease that allows you to accept life instead of resisting it. And you won't have to give up anything except fear and suffering. This is a pure life that anyone can lead if that is their choice. In fact, your deepest desire - from which all others flow - is to “Know Thyself” (in other words, to know your True Self). This is the starting point and the destination. I won't let you forget about her as you travel from chapter to chapter. For this is not only the leading theme of our book, but also the driving current of life itself.
So far I have asked many questions and only hinted at some answers. Wait just a little longer. There are some other things we need to discuss first, but in a few pages I will offer you the first practical exercise - the first experience” of your True Self.
For exercises to bear fruit, do them conscientiously. I want my words to come to life for you, and this is only possible if you hear the music for which the text was written.

How is “I” different from “I”
Words have a much greater influence on us than is commonly thought. I always try to be very clear about what a word means and how it is used. Many people have the unproductive and even destructive habit of defending one position or another on some issue without giving themselves an accurate definition of the keywords they use. For example, a woman asks her man: “Do you love me?” - and he answers: “Yes, very much.” Holding hands, they skip forward along the road of bliss, and each of them believes that for both of them the word “love” means the same thing. If bliss is equivalent to ignorance, then they will not remain in this state for long. The realities of life will very soon force them to clarify what “love” means for each, otherwise their relationship will gradually collapse from the inside.
Do you still doubt that many people try to build a solid foundation on shaky words? Then ask one of your friends to formulate exactly what the word “friend” or “terrorist” means to him, or simply describe the taste of a banana. This exercise can open up a lot of new things for you. Surely the definition of a friend will differ from yours and, quite likely, the differences will be very significant. We tend to think that people see things the same way we see them, but in reality this is never the case. The only thing that can be said with certainty about people is that we are all different. And each of us has our own unique view of the world, which does not coincide with anyone else. We are relative creatures. In any case, this is how we live - as if there is no single basis, no common point of reference that would be true for all people. We are like specks of dust in a beam, swirling aimlessly around the room.
And if there was a single point of reference, what do you think it would be? Would it be in outer space or in inner space—in consciousness or beyond it? But there is such a common reference point for all humanity. And it is one not only for humanity, but for all living things - for the entire universe. This is the property of the sages. And that point is the True Self. (Note: In this book, the words “True Self,” “I Am,” and “I” are used interchangeably. The use of different words is intended to help the reader look at the concept of the True Self from different perspectives.)
Our essential nature - the True Self - cannot be experienced through the senses. It cannot be seen, smelled or tasted. The mind can think about it, but we cannot think of it. All these are mental processes, and the True Self eludes the inquisitive touches of the mind. It has no form at all, so the mind can neither grasp anything with its fingers nor count on its fingers. Every thought and every thing comes from the True Self, but at the same time it itself is absolutely immaterial - inaccessible to the senses and incomprehensible to the mind.
Do you think that we are getting into the wilds of abstractions?
A little patience. The time spent will pay off handsomely. It is simply difficult for your mind to explore something that is not available for exploration. However, this “something” can be experienced. This is where we are heading.
Although your True Self is immaterial, it constantly supports and protects you. The True Self is like a warm coat in winter. Even when you are immersed in everyday worries and completely forget that you are wearing a coat, it continues to warm you. It doesn’t matter how much you internalize the concept of the True Self with your mind - and whether you internalize it at all. It is generally much more difficult to talk about it than to know it through experience. In fact, you can know the True Self from experience even if you have never heard of it. The experience of the True Self is extremely subtle and sublime. It is very likely that you have already come into contact with your True Self without knowing it.
But this is already a problem. If you are not aware of the True Self, then you cannot know your deepest desire. In the coming pages, I will give you the keys with which you can open the door to the True Self. The only thing you need for this is to be human and to be in a conscious state. That's all it takes. You have an innate right to Self-Discovery.
Why is it so important to realize your True Self? This is more than important - it is vital. To know it means to be freed from hopes and fears. Exactly. Once you know your True Self—or “know Thyself,” as Socrates called us to long ago—nothing can shake your self-confidence. Your feelings become strong and positive, and your thinking becomes clear and firm. Sensations (hearing, vision, smell, etc.) acquire new sharpness and brightness. And the body ages more slowly. It is relaxed, it is not fussy, it resists stress and illness much better. Look how much benefit there is from such a simple discovery!
Remember your childhood years, then your youth. Then think back to the times when you were twenty, thirty, and so on - right up to now. Think about what you are doing now. Over the course of your life, your interests and feelings changed, your body grew and aged, your children grew up, friends came and went. However, there is a certain part of the being that has always been with you, as long as you can remember, and remains to this day. This part remains unchanged.
When you said: “I want to go to my mother”, “I hate physical education”, “I will always love you” or “I don’t like loud music” - you named things, events and feelings that happened to you, and not with ME. Such phenomena and feelings in your life, such as the desire to be close to your mother, aversion to physical education, etc., changed over time and now remain only in memory. Many things have changed, but I have remained unchanged.
When you say “I’m hungry,” we are talking about both parts of you.

While still a boy, I lived in post-war Japan. I remember doing all kinds of important things like other boys at that time: catching bees in glass jars, building earthen forts with stones and sticks, and lying on my back watching the puffy white clouds glide across the azure sky.

The child looks at the world through the eyes of a saint. But that's the whole difference, isn't it? It was then that I experienced my first spiritual awakening. I remember feeling completely discouraged and extremely angry about my failures in judo. Then my sensei taught me the technique of supramaterial consciousness, which pulled me out of a state of rage and filled me with inner silence and calm. I was deeply amazed by the amazing state of joy that came to me.

Throughout my youth and later when I was old enough, I read a lot about yoga, breathing and meditation. I was still able to see the world through the eyes of a child even when I went to college, got married, and started a family life. In the early 70's I began teaching Transcendental Meditation and studied The Science of Creative Intelligence under the guidance of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. SCI later became my basis for deeper exploration of the realm beyond consciousness ¨C pure awareness.

For 15 years I devoted myself entirely to spiritual research. My daily routine included 3 and a half hours of meditation with additional time devoted to studying and teaching spiritual practices. I accumulated over 2 and a half years of silent, deep meditation, which I practiced for several months each year in complete solitude and isolation on mountain peaks in the French and Swiss Alps. The driving force behind my dedication was the desire for that most sublime and ever-elusive state of enlightenment. I felt that I could become enlightened through sheer willpower and the practice of obscure but very severe ascetic practices.

It is believed that every person can achieve perfection and the Kingdom of Heaven if he makes an effort, and yogic practice is, as it were, for special people. But the elements of “smart prayer” and smart doing can be compared with yogic practice. Before the coming of Christ, elements of yoga can also be found in the Old Testament.

It was during that period that I experienced many of the deepest and most significant spiritual experiences. I began to vibrate at more and more subtle levels of existence. I spent a lot of time gaining knowledge at the angelic level, I got to enjoy the teachings of the ascended masters, I found something similar to the form of God and watched as it slowly dissolved, transforming into the formless essence of the Divine. Ultimately, I came to realize the omnipresent Nothingness from which everything arises and into which everything turns again.

I found myself standing in two different worlds at the same time; one world was the world of competition of everyday life, the second world was the ethereal sphere of subtle beings and soft mutual concessions. It was a very difficult time for me, both physically and emotionally. It was quite difficult to remain focused on family and work, while the serene silence of the “other” world continued to beckon me with all its shimmering shapes and colors.

In the late 1980s, I recruited a small group of spiritual seekers to continue the study and practice of meditation techniques. It was during this period that I began to receive instructions and messages from my discarnate teacher, the destroyer of ignorance, Shiva. I passed on his messages to my group and we practiced them, then passing them on to other seekers. These techniques preceded the Quantum Displacement method. We were able to heal, read information, and inspire others to find peace and inner silence.

I taught this technique for 7 years, but when I looked within myself to see if I was even one step closer to achieving enlightenment, I realized that I honestly could not answer this question in the affirmative. I looked carefully at those people who followed my teachings and discovered that although they could indeed inspire others to heal themselves and arouse interest in engaging in esoteric practices, they still could not show me signs of any significant internal growth. Therefore, in the mid-90s, I left my students and my teachings and began to search deep within myself for the answer to the main question of my life: “How to find freedom from suffering?”

Buddhists believe that pure and concentrated thought (which arises during meditation) has enormous power and effect. Therefore, if you meditate on universal compassion for a long time, continuously and without distraction, then there is an opportunity to increase the understanding between people and the love that people lack so much. Buddhists believe that this is the way to stop wars. When there is compassion and love, no one will fight.

I decided to remove from my life everything that, from my point of view, could not lead me to enlightenment. I started getting rid of everything that wasn't working. This process took another 7 years. And these were the most painful years for me. It was during this period that I ended my 30-year marriage, gave up teaching and chiropractic, re-experienced love, and moved away from all my friends and family to a city where I found myself truly alone. This was just when I started writing the book: “He who seeks nothing finds everything” (also published under the title “The Secret of True Happiness”).

That's when I discovered that nothing I was doing was working in the direction I wanted. In my new home, in complete solitude and without any foreseeable future direction, I became very ill. I lay in bed day after day, under the weight of a heavy and dark cloud of depression, until my body finally succumbed to the stress and frustration accumulated over all these years. I developed physical ailments that seemed to deprive me of power, making it impossible for me to think clearly and clearly. I couldn't bring myself to start writing again for 10 months.

During this deepest darkness I experienced a wonderful awakening, unlike anything I had experienced before. It was like a bright signal fire flashing in the middle of a pitch black darkness. In a brief moment of inner illumination, I suddenly realized that nothing had any movement; that all created objects and thoughts are, in essence, motionless reflections of pure awareness. In fact, in some inexplicable way, no form exists. Both form and movement are one and the same motionless emptiness. Any attempt to somehow explain this would be ridiculously inadequate. Whether I can explain the knowledge gained or not, it simply resonates deep within my unshakable calm, which is my essence. Not just my essence, but the single Essence with a capital letter. It is from this depth that I think and work, love and cry. This was the period when the mechanism of the universe began to open up to my awareness. It was here that the Quantum Displacement method came into existence and I began to learn healing.

Several more years passed before the received impulse of knowledge became firmly entrenched in my consciousness. And in fact, I am still watching the process of this knowledge unfolding. It is as if the reflection of pure awareness, which I define as “I,” were to gradually, over apparent time, become part of the one Fullness.

So, without any effort on my part, from somewhere inside I observed the changes taking place in me. All this time I am at peace and, at the same time, in seeming chaos. My life goes on the same way as before. It happens that I get upset, start to get angry, feel sad and then become happier again. For a while I seem to fall into the shadow of various kinds of ordinary human conditions, but quickly and effortlessly return to inner silence, like an untouched valley after a summer thunderstorm. But my life, or, to be more precise, this life remains incomprehensible, free from all forms and functions; she remains free to be¡K that very Nothing.

I kept telling myself that nothing was working. Eventually I realized that Nothing (or Nothing) actually works! The “Nothingness” of pure awareness is the only thing that works, and all because it is Nothingness. All the time I was meditating and reading and teaching, I had the goal of becoming free from suffering. And while I had a goal, I was never satisfied with what I was achieving. Do you understand? The goal creates the path, and the path takes you away from where you are. But the knowledge that was revealed to me showed me that the Nothingness of pure awareness is everywhere, all the time. This means that there is really nowhere to go, and no action can lead you to a feeling of peace, because it is already where you are. You cannot gain what you already have. All you have to do is just realize that you already have it, right? The goal and the path are all an illusion. They take the mind away from fixed awareness and draw it into the illusory world of good and bad, right and wrong, fleeting happiness and ultimate suffering.

So this is the essence of my teaching: you don't have to do anything to realize pure awareness. You already have pure awareness, so you just need to become aware of it. All the time I spent doing deep meditation and studying ways to free myself from suffering only resulted in more suffering. I didn't have to do all this. Only awareness of pure awareness and freedom are truly necessary, and this is an elementary component of our being.

Less than two years ago I was reflecting on the general situation of humanity on Earth. I wondered how our suffering could give way to the inner peace extolled by saints and sages throughout the ages. I wondered why so many people turn to the external, turning away from internal bliss, all in order to experience fleeting sensual pleasures. It was this simple request that opened my mind to the genius of what I would later call Quantum Displacement. Please keep in mind that I make no claim to this insight. I don't even consider myself the author of the question asked. In reality, both the question and the answer are redundant, but that’s another story, which I’ll tell next time.

I suddenly realized that our misguided minds must be delighted with something before they pay any attention to it. So I suggested to my mind the idea of ​​instant healing. And indeed, the mind became interested. But the problem is that Nothing of pure awareness delights our minds in the least. In reality, our senses are simply unable to sense pure awareness and, as a result, our minds will never be able to understand it. So what to do? My task was to interest the mind in something that could not be part of its experience, and to teach something that could not be understood.

In this case, the mind had to remain for a sufficiently long time in a state of pure awareness, implying the absence of any experience, in order to convince itself of the beneficial and harmonious effects of this state. And this process must be very fast, since the mind by nature is devoid of peace. The answer was given in the form of a brilliant device - the concept of Eufeeling. Eufeeling helps the mind maintain a balance between the absolute stillness of pure awareness and its impulsive, incessant activity. Eufeeling holds the mind in this position until the beneficial effects of pure awareness begin, both for the initiator of healing and for his partner. It was the most amazing and completely unique idea. I couldn't wait to try it out.

I actually tried this idea out and was absolutely blown away by the speed and depth of healing potential of this new process. After that, I tried to teach it to other people and found that the Quantum Shift process was as easy to learn as it was practical. A few months after discovering Quantum Shifting, I wrote The Secret of Instant Healing so that people around the world could learn to experience a state of pure awareness during the healing process.

Yours Frank Kinslow

P.S. At the end of March, Frank Kinslow comes to Moscow for the first time and will perform

with a public lecture at the Polytechnic Museum and will conduct two practical seminars (March 30 and 31 at the Universitetskaya Hotel,

format.doc, 129 pages, archive size - 235 KB

In his insightful book, He Who Seeks Nothing Finds Everything, Frank Kinslow shows us the way beyond the mind to experience life to the fullest - the way it was meant to be lived. The author invites us on a wonderful journey - just be... just find yourself... just find bliss. He is a true master, because behind his words there is personal experience.

If you perform the exercises given in the book regularly, you will feel a surge of energy on a physical and psychological level; internal tension will disappear, ailments will recede, resistance to stress will increase on the mental and emotional levels, relationships with others will improve.

“There is a problem that is destroying our world - it is being kept secret from you. Our parents and teachers unwittingly protected and hid this secret - not out of malice, but out of ignorance. Century after century, this problem has steadily worsened - as a result of some incomprehensible magic of error accumulation. If we do not continue to try to solve it, it is likely that within the next generations our humanity will simply disappear from the face of the Earth.

Even the most selfish, self-absorbed people feel the quiet pulsation of madness that permeates everyday existence. Here you don’t have to think about something distant, like the state of rain forests or the world’s oceans. Environmentally destructive forces are at work right under our noses - in our kitchens and bathrooms. What happens to the environment is very important - and yet the problem lies elsewhere. Many nations distrust each other so much that sometimes it comes to war; within the borders of individual states, people also do not feel either peace or satisfaction.

However, the problem is not the anxiety of entire countries and individual citizens. Social structures are far from the needs of people and are impersonal. The family as such is losing its meaning, despite our desperate attempts to deepen family ties. Succumbing to the influence of this sick world, we suffer from more and more new ailments - physical and psychological. At the same time, we are still unable to understand the original problem - the source of all our adversity. It is bad news. And the good news is that there are already people who have discovered the cause of our deplorable state. They do not belong to any single cultural, educational or economic stratum and are not united by any common philosophical or religious views. The only thing that unites them is their ability to neutralize all problems, eliminating their “root”.

And now the best news. The lives of such people have completely changed for the better. They are energetic, productive and full of love. They remain serene even in the most difficult circumstances. In fact, calmness, serenity and joy are natural for a person living beyond problems.

It was as if we had been sleeping all this time. The sleep was deep, the dreams were sweet. But dreams are an illusion. But after awakening, a fantastically rich life filled with miracles awaits us. However, we are still sleeping. You can't live in slumber. Our chance to receive our true human inheritance is to quickly shake off our sleep. A number of people have already awakened and are now trying to stir up the rest. If you are still sleeping, if you have problems, I urge you to wake up and stand up to your full height. Can you imagine a more important and enjoyable task?..." Frank Kinslow

FrankKinslow -He who does not look for anything finds everything. The secret of true


© Morgan&Flint Co, 2012 Proofreading and scanning

© Sofia Publishing House LLC, 2011

Beyond Happiness

How You Can Fill Your Deepest Desire

Copyright c 2008 Frank Kinslow

In his insightful book, He Who Seeks Nothing Finds Everything, Frank Kinslow shows us the way beyond the mind to experience life to the fullest - the way it was meant to be lived. The author invites us on a wonderful journey - just be... just find yourself... just find bliss. He is a true master, because behind his words there is personal experience. If you perform the exercises given in the book regularly, you will feel a surge of energy on a physical and psychological level; internal tension will disappear, ailments will recede, resistance to stress will increase on the mental and emotional levels, relationships with others will improve.

Translation from English by E. Miroshnichenko

Introduction 9

Chapter 1. Who am I? 18

Chapter 2. How to learn to look at the world in a new way 45

Chapter 3. How the mind works 59

Chapter 4. How time works 64

Chapter 5. Inner Thought 71

Chapter 6. How to arrange the future 87

Chapter 7. Your problems are not a problem 94

Chapter 8. How to Surpass Happiness 104

Chapter 9. Memory is not intelligent 126

Chapter 10. Repairing a Broken Mind 140

Chapter 11: Overcoming Heartache 157

Chapter 12. Overcoming physical pain 185

Chapter 13. Perfect Relationships 204

Chapter 14. How to Not-Know 225

Chapter 15: When You Become Enlightened 254

Glossary 282

DoctorFrankKinslowisthe only oneteacherQuantumOffsetsVworld.


The problem is not the problems

There is a problem that is destroying our world - it is being kept secret from you. Our parents and teachers unwittingly protected and hid this secret - and not at all out of malice, but out of ignorance. Century after century, this problem has steadily worsened - as a result of some incomprehensible magic of error accumulation. If we do not continue to try to solve it, it is likely that within the next generations our humanity will will simply disappear from the face of the Earth.

Even the most selfish, self-absorbed people feel the quiet pulsation of madness that permeates everyday existence. Here you don’t have to think about something distant, like the state of rain forests or the world’s oceans. Environmentally destructive forces are at work right under our noses - in our kitchens and bathrooms. What happens to the environment is very important - and yet the problem lies elsewhere. Many nations distrust each other so much that sometimes it comes to war; within the borders of individual states, people also do not feel either peace or satisfaction.

However, the problem is not the anxiety of entire countries and individual citizens. Social structures are far from the needs of people and are impersonal. The family as such is losing its meaning, despite our desperate attempts to deepen family ties. Succumbing to the influence of this sick world, we suffer from more and more new ailments - physical and psychological. At the same time, we are still unable to understand the original problem - the source of all our adversity. It is bad news. And the good news is that there are already people who have discovered the cause of our deplorable state. They do not belong to any single cultural, educational or economic stratum and are not united by any common philosophical or religious views. The only thing that unites them is their ability to neutralize all problems, eliminating their “root”.

And now the best news. The lives of such people have completely changed for the better. They are energetic, productive and full of love. They remain serene even in the most difficult circumstances. In fact, calmness, serenity and joy are natural for a person living beyond problems.

It was as if we had been sleeping all this time. The sleep was deep, the dreams were sweet. But dreams are an illusion. But after awakening, a fantastically rich life filled with miracles awaits us. However, we are still sleeping. You can't live in slumber. Our chance to receive our true human inheritance is to quickly shake off our sleep. A number of people have already awakened and are now trying to stir up the rest. If you are still sleeping, if you have problems, I urge you to wake up and stand up to your full height. Can you imagine a more important and enjoyable task?

There is one common definition of insanity that fits the topic of our conversation very well. The wording is approximately this: “ The one who continues to act in the old way and expects new results is mad. " So why do the results stay the same even when we do things differently? Once we overcome old difficulties, new ones arise in their place. Our problems are not only multiplying, but also getting worse. Wars, global warming, and “super viruses” generated by the overuse of antibiotics threaten the very survival of humanity. Our strain of madness matures with every problem we solve.

Why is that? Why does new knowledge create a need for even more knowledge? And why do we feel less and less in control? No matter how much we learn about the mind, body and relationships, it does not bring the desired effect. We live in the epicenter of an information explosion. Data from all corners of the Earth flow in a continuous stream at superluminal speeds. They are growing exponentially - and with them the number and depth of our problems!

Like most people, I tried to solve my problems by manipulating the environment. I have studied many methods and philosophies to resolve our everyday conflicts. Naturally, learning is assimilation mind. And my mind welcomed all the ideas supplied to it. I, like a fly, became entangled in the web of my own mental matrix - and every idea was infected with the poison of my ego, which itself is the creator of the destructive network. This is a very insidious poison that depletes without killing. When you're poisoned, all these ideas seem quite common sense. They seem to be supposed to eliminate problems, but in reality they only multiply them. And I diligently studied new techniques to solve them. I earned more money, established relationships with people, became “more spiritual”... However, the number of various failures, difficulties and troubles in my life did not decrease. Problems rolled over me one after another, like surf on the seashore.

Finally, I realized that accumulating information simply could not get rid of my problems. And then an incomparable peace came over me. I realized that hard work, careful planning and good intentions are not a recipe for serenity. This realization alone brought me more peace than planning my entire life.

I have always believed that I am not crazy because I “act otherwise" But when I stopped for a moment and looked back, I honestly admitted to myself that the only word that adequately describes my life is the word “madness.” My life has largely consisted of long periods of a kind of unconscious "quiet desperation." Then, as despair rose to the conscious level, I would plunge into frantic and chaotic activity. I thought that I was running out of time to achieve my goals - to find happiness. Meanwhile, the desired happiness still sometimes paid me short visits. These happy periods were centered around some event - the acquisition of a new car, falling in love, serious cash receipts. However, happiness never visited me for long. It would last for a few hours or even days and then go away again for weeks or months. It even got to the point where I could no longer enjoy my happiness, because from the very beginning I had an anxious premonition of its loss. My life was just a reflection of the general permanent madness that we accept as the norm of life.

format.doc, 129 pages, archive size - 235 KB

In his insightful book, He Who Seeks Nothing Finds Everything, Frank Kinslow shows us the way beyond the mind to experience life to the fullest - the way it was meant to be lived. The author invites us on a wonderful journey - just be... just find yourself... just find bliss. He is a true master, because behind his words there is personal experience.

If you perform the exercises given in the book regularly, you will feel a surge of energy on a physical and psychological level; internal tension will disappear, ailments will recede, resistance to stress will increase on the mental and emotional levels, relationships with others will improve.

“There is a problem that is destroying our world - it is being kept secret from you. Our parents and teachers unwittingly protected and hid this secret - not out of malice, but out of ignorance. Century after century, this problem has steadily worsened - as a result of some incomprehensible magic of error accumulation. If we do not continue to try to solve it, it is likely that within the next generations our humanity will simply disappear from the face of the Earth.

Even the most selfish, self-absorbed people feel the quiet pulsation of madness that permeates everyday existence. Here you don’t have to think about something distant, like the state of rain forests or the world’s oceans. Environmentally destructive forces are at work right under our noses - in our kitchens and bathrooms. What happens to the environment is very important - and yet the problem lies elsewhere. Many nations distrust each other so much that sometimes it comes to war; within the borders of individual states, people also do not feel either peace or satisfaction.

However, the problem is not the anxiety of entire countries and individual citizens. Social structures are far from the needs of people and are impersonal. The family as such is losing its meaning, despite our desperate attempts to deepen family ties. Succumbing to the influence of this sick world, we suffer from more and more new ailments - physical and psychological. At the same time, we are still unable to understand the original problem - the source of all our adversity. It is bad news. And the good news is that there are already people who have discovered the cause of our deplorable state. They do not belong to any single cultural, educational or economic stratum and are not united by any common philosophical or religious views. The only thing that unites them is their ability to neutralize all problems, eliminating their “root”.

And now the best news. The lives of such people have completely changed for the better. They are energetic, productive and full of love. They remain serene even in the most difficult circumstances. In fact, calmness, serenity and joy are natural for a person living beyond problems.

It was as if we had been sleeping all this time. The sleep was deep, the dreams were sweet. But dreams are an illusion. But after awakening, a fantastically rich life filled with miracles awaits us. However, we are still sleeping. You can't live in slumber. Our chance to receive our true human inheritance is to quickly shake off our sleep. A number of people have already awakened and are now trying to stir up the rest. If you are still sleeping, if you have problems, I urge you to wake up and stand up to your full height. Can you imagine a more important and enjoyable task?..." Frank Kinslow
