Mounts wow. Guide to obtaining. All mounts of the Cataclysm add-on Mounts of WWII 3.3.5

Mounts wow. Guide to obtaining. All mounts of the Cataclysm add-on Mounts of WWII 3.3.5

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Hi all! If you're new to WoW or have returned to WoW after a long break, you may have missed out on something when it comes to collecting mounts. I bring to your attention the ten most affordable options. Looking ahead, I will say that this list will not include class vehicles, as well as standard wyverns and griffins. Thus, the list will be useful to representatives of both the Alliance and the Horde.

#10 Transport from Stables

Let's start with perhaps the most difficult option - six mounts from the Stables, which can be built in the garrison on Draenor. The requirements are simple: a character of level 100 or higher, Level 1 Stables in the garrison and 12 days of free time to complete all quests. If your character has already reached the maximum level and can fly on Draenor, getting transport will be much easier. Go to the stables and take all the quests that are offered to you. At first, their essence boils down to throwing a lasso at a certain animal and following it for about a minute. Some animals do not run very fast and follow a predictable trajectory, others will require some tinkering, but if you have a flying vehicle, there will be no problems. Just don’t move one step away from your goal, that’s all. Once you capture the beast, you will be able to complete daily training quests for approximately 10 days. The training consists of defeating some monsters while in the saddle. Some mounts will have more quests, others will have fewer, but all starting quests cannot be taken at the same time, so if you don't skip days, you can complete all training at the same time (perhaps 1-2 days apart) . In the last days you will have to do 6 quests a day, but the monsters you kill will be located close to each other and count towards several quests at once, so you won’t need too much time running around. Ultimately, in about two weeks you will get 6 mounts at once, without really straining yourself.

#9 Excitement

The difficulty of obtaining this transport directly depends on whether you know how to play card games. To get Excitement, you need to win 3 matches against random opponents in Hearthstone. On average, one match doesn't last long, so you'll get the Thrill in about 25 minutes... or a few hours if you're not very good at strategy. I created a trial account in Hearthstone and tried to figure out how long it takes to win 3 times with only basic cards. I completed the tutorial in 25 minutes and won 3 matches in another 20 minutes. Fortunately, the very first deck that is offered to beginners is not at all as bad as it seems, especially replacing some frankly unsuccessful class cards with neutral ones. I immediately started with a rating battle, since previous experience told me that low ranks are usually played by the same newcomers. Then I tried to play an unrated battle, purely for the sake of experimentation. In the first rating, I came across exactly the same crab as me, with a basic deck that I cut like a nut. In the non-rated battles the situation repeated itself, and I won again. This means that Hearthstone's matchmaking mechanics have improved significantly since the last time I played. In the third match, I faced an opponent who had better cards. It was difficult to play with him, but I managed to do it anyway. By the way, I got the impression that this opponent was not very experienced either. Most likely, he just bought a couple of sets for gold. What I'm getting at is that even if you've never played Hearthstone, you can get Azart without any problems or a lot of time, because the game will most likely throw you another newcomer.

#8 Magic carpet

Of all the mounts that can be crafted using professions, the basic Magic Carpet for Tailors seems to be the least expensive to me. Its manufacture does not require expensive materials or a high level of skill. In addition, in the future, with the help of tailoring, you will be able to make 3 more different rugs, two of which are also inexpensive.

#7 Neutral mounts that do not require reputation to purchase

Some mounts, such as the Traveler's Tundra Mammoth or the Traveling Great Yak, require a lot of gold to purchase, and the Bloodfang Cocoon generally costs 2 million gold. Fortunately, everyone can get cheaper transport - you just need to know where to go. So, Uncle Nabeypocket at the Kun-Lai Summit sells three cheap yaks at once, and May Frankis, who stands at the stairs to the flight master in any of Dalaran, will happily supply you with three more mounts (not counting faction ones). Two copies for the collection can be purchased from a merchant in the garrison, but his prices cannot be called affordable - in total, these mounts will cost you 30 thousand gold. The spider I mentioned earlier is sold by a crazy merchant in new Dalaran... I won't repeat the price. The merchant appears from time to time and will have to be guarded, so I would not say that the spider is a mount available to everyone. In the end, you have to get 2 million from somewhere. But if you have money, everything is simple - wait for the merchant and give him your savings, it seems to be easy.

#6 Family transport

Representatives of the Horde and Alliance receive different mounts for achieving a collection of heirloom items. This vehicle is unique because it does not require riding skill to use. Create a new character and ride as much as you like without waiting for level 20! In addition, it does not throw you out of the family transport even if you get dizzy from blows from the back! The disadvantage of this vehicle is the fixed low speed (only 60%), which does not depend on the level of riding skill. This means that at level 40 you will still have to change to another vehicle. In any case, it can be used if you need to run through a crowd of monsters without losing speed. So how do you get a family vehicle? It's simple - you need to collect 35 heirloom items and get the "Rich Inheritance" achievement. There are several sources of heirloom items, the simplest of which is purchasing them for gold from a merchant in the Undercity (for the Horde) or Ironforge (for the Alliance). If you are playing as a goblin or have managed to level up your reputation with the Sha'tari, you can buy guild heirloom items from Riya in Shattrath City version of Burning Crusade, and she will give you a discount. In all other cases, you will have to pay the full price to any dealer of guild items. For some reason unknown to me, discounts on all guild items, including heirloom equipment, can only be obtained from Riya.

#5 Mounts with location restrictions

As far as I know, there are 5 vehicles in the game that can only be used in certain locations. You don't have to work hard to get these mounts. To get started, go to Vashj'ir and do the starting quests there. As a reward, you will be given a personal seahorse... which you will happily forget about, because you will have no need to return to Vash’ir, and outside this location the horse is useless. However, if you need it for your collection, be sure to visit the underwater world of Vashj'ir. The remaining mounts from this series can be obtained from the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. We are talking about resonating crystals of different colors - yellow, blue, green and, finally, red. All of them drop from any raid dungeon monsters, the first three quite often, the last one much less often, since they give a special achievement for it. Qiraji Beetles can only be used in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. Why do I need all this, you ask. Well, it's about accessibility, not usefulness. And, frankly speaking, there are benefits from them - these mounts increase the counter when it comes to achievements.

#4 Reins of the Albino Dragon

This mount is awarded for the "Cavalry Commander" achievement, which is to collect 50 mounts available for one character. If you buy all racial mounts, 12 pandaren turtles and all standard mounts, you will only have three more to collect and the achievement will be in your pocket. To buy pandaren turtles without seriously leveling up your pandaren, create a trial level 100 pandaren mage, teleport to Orgrimmar or Stormwind and send this pandaren 56 gold from another character (for some reason, trial characters are given 10 gold for nothing). This should be enough to buy all the turtles. The same can be done for all other races that have magicians. For a race without magicians, create any other test character, use the Stone of Return to the garrison, teleport from the garrison to the Spear of War, and from there to the desired capital. By the way, when creating a magician of any race, you will have only one teleport. Use it and then exit the game. The next time you log into the game, you will have all the spells, including the necessary portals.

#3 Amani War Bear

This mount can be obtained by any character level 90 or higher. Travel to the Ghostlands and find the entrance to Zul'Aman. Talk to Vol'jin at the entrance, don't take the quests. Ring the gong once when Vol'jin prompts you to do so. Kill the first four bosses in under 25 minutes. The simplest route looks like this. Get on the mount and run to the left, kill the bird there. Get on the mount and run to the right, kill the bear. Remember that the trash talk in front of the bear is scripted, and don’t rush too much. After that, run along the right side forward to the dragonhawk, kill him and jump down from the platform. Run along the shore of the lake and go to the lynx from the back door. If your level is not too high, you will have to kill a couple of packs of trash, which has abilities to slow and stun. After killing the lynx, look in the room with the boss for a troll in a cage. Talk to the captive so that she goes to destroy vases. The third vase will contain a bag of loot. Remember that the mount does not drop every time, but according to statistics the probability is close to 90%, so in the worst case you will need to go to Zul'Aman 2-3 times. Personally, I got the bear for this video in two trips.

#2 Reins of the Twilight Drake / Reins of the Black Drake

These mounts can be obtained even easier and faster than the Amani Bear. To do this, you need to kill the large black dragon that stands in the center of the Obsidian Sanctuary. Go to new Dalaran, teleport to the Guardian's Chamber in the central building, and from there to the Temple of Wyrmrest. Go down to the base of the tower and enter the basement. There are several portals there, you need the central one. Move straight, without turning anywhere, and you will run into the right boss. The 10-player version of the dungeon drops Reins of the Black Dragon, and the 25-player version drops Reins of the Twilight Dragon. There is only one condition - the central boss must die while all three mini-bosses are alive. The 10-player and 25-player versions of the dungeon share a cooldown, so if you want to get two dragons in a week, you'll have to kill Sartharion with two characters.

And... the title of the most accessible mount in WoW goes to...

#1 Bronze Dragon!

Almost every player has a bronze dragon. This is a very, very easy mount to obtain. The algorithm is as follows. Travel to old Dalaran and teleport from there to the Caverns of Time. Set up Heroic mode for 5-player dungeons and complete the Cleansing of Stratholme. If you do everything quickly enough, before the final boss you will find an Infinity Defiler that has a 100% chance of dropping a Bronze Dragon. At level 85 and above it is impossible NOT to get it, because the Cleansing of Stratholme is a very simple dungeon. And you don't have to pay for anything!

Greetings to all racing enthusiasts! (“What Russian doesn’t like driving fast”)

A few days ago I told you about our smaller brothers, who boldly accompany us on long journeys, battles and simply improve our mood! Today we will talk about means of transportation. And, let me tell you, there is simply a huge variety and quantity!

So let's get started! The game contains the following achievements:

We'll start with racial mounts, which can be purchased for money.

Ogunaro Wolfherd - Breeder of wolves. Costs 69.12 in Orgrimmar, and sells Orc Wolves. Orcs can buy them without any problems (the main thing is that they have gold), and before buying, the rest of the races will have to pump up their reputation with Orgrimmar to Exalted (which can be upgraded without the slightest problem in the daily dailies of the silver tournament). By the way, wolves are the only Horde mounts that are sold specifically in the capital. You can find wolves in many places on Azeroth. There are many species and subspecies, with different habits and characteristics. In general, wild wolves are hostile to anyone who trespasses on their territory, but some have shown support for the Horde in recent years. The orcs happily accepted the cunning and ferocious wolves, as they were delighted with the wolves' endurance and extraordinary instinct for survival. (

  • Brown wolf.
  • Large forest wolf.
  • Fierce wolf.
  • Black Wolf. Appeared in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion.
  • Swift gray wolf
  • Swift Timber Wolf
  • Swift Brown Wolf

Harb Hoof - Riding Kodo. This glorious tauren stands in Mulgore, in the village of Bloody Hoof 47.58, and sells Kodo (I remember in Warcraft III they were called Kodoi. That’s why I call them that - I can’t do otherwise...). The system is the same as with wolves - everyone except Tauren needs the Exalted reputation with Thunder Bluff. Kodoys are rarely trained as mounts, as they are too large and brave to be used like horses. However, tauren breed small Kodoi mounts, which, although lacking much of the strength of their larger counterparts, are much faster and easier to train. Typically the training takes one year. (

  • Gray Kodo.
  • Brown Kodo.
  • White Kodo.
  • Huge gray kodo.
  • Huge brown kodo.
  • Huge white kodo.

Zechariah Post - Undead horse dealer. This beauty is located in Tirisfal Glades, in Brill 59.52 and sells Skeleton Horses. All but undead require reputation with the Undercity at Exalted level to purchase. Horses that succumbed to the Plague and submitted to the Outcasts. Through a secret ritual combining alchemy and necromancy, the Royal Alchemist Society raised thousands of fallen horses from their graves to serve the dead seeking vengeance. These horses are as strong as they were in life, and much more durable. However, they have one drawback that all Forsaken notice - horses are very stubborn. Even being dead, these horses still try to preserve their powerful spirit, which was inherent in them during life.(

  • Blue skeleton horse.
  • Red skeleton horse.
  • Bay skeleton horse.
  • Black skeleton horse. Appeared in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion.
  • Lilac skeletal war horse.
  • Brown Skeleton Warhorse
  • Green Skeleton Warhorse

Zjolnir - Lizard Tamer. This green-skinned troll with a red hair costs 55.75 in Durotar, in the village of Senjin, and sells raptor mounts. All but trolls need reputation with the Darkspear Trolls at Exalted level.

The unbridled wildness and ferocity of raptors had long fascinated the trolls, and these creatures turned out to live in their new home. Considering the raptor to be the epitome of a true hunter, they chose them as their mount. Once tamed, a raptor remains a fearless and dangerous beast, and only experienced trolls can use their enormous strength for their own purposes. A tamed raptor is also one of the hallmarks of wealth and prestige among trolls; many of them died trying to pacify these unusually dexterous and deadly hunting animals in order to gain honor and respect among their fellow tribesmen. Training takes approximately two years.(

  • Purple lizard.
  • Emerald lizard.
  • Turquoise lizard.
  • Swift blue lizard.
  • Swift orange lizard.
  • Swift olive lizard.

Vinestra - Hawkstrider breeder. This cute blonde with a bucket is located in Woods of Eversong 61.54, and sells Hawkstriders. All except blood elves require reputation with Silvermoon at Exalted level to purchase.

  • Black hawkstrider.
  • Blue hawkstrider.
  • Lilac hawkstrider.
  • Red hawkstrider.
  • Swift pink hawkstrider.
  • Swift purple hawkstrider.
  • Swift green hawkstrider.

Bana Wildmane - Guardian of the Windrunners, Hellfire Peninsula 54.41.
Dame Wildmane - Guardian of the Windrunners, Shadowmoon Valley 29.29.
Tohfo Skyhoof - Guardian of the Windriders, Borean Tundra 42.55.
Mei Franquis - Exotic Mounts, Dalaran 58.42.
You can buy Horde windrunners from any of these four guardians. The higher your reputation with the seller faction, the lower the prices will be.

  • Green Wind Rider.
  • Red windrunner.
  • Blue Wind Rider.
  • A swift yellow windrunner.
  • A swift green windrunner.
  • A swift red windrunner.
  • A swift purple windrunner.

Lelanai - Saber-tooth trainer. This Night Elf with a melodious name lives in Darnassus 38.15 and sells Sabertooth cats. To purchase, everyone except Night Elves needs reputation with Darnassus at the Exalted level. Before the Guardian army captured and trained these cats to become their mounts, wild saber-tooth cats were considered among the most vicious inhabitants of the continent.

While most of these majestic predators still roam the dark shores and forests of the night elves, the best of the species, who have proven their superiority in speed and agility, are now mounts for the worthy. (

  • Spotted Arctic Icepard.
  • Striped dawn saber. Added in update 3.2.
  • Striped saber tooth.
  • Striped Icepard.
  • Swift Mist Saber.
  • Swift Ice Saver.
  • Swift thunder saber.

Millie Featherwhistle - Mechanostrider Trader. This Thumbelina Malvina costs 49.48 in Dun Morogh and sells Mechanostriders. When purchasing, everyone except Dwarves must have Exalted reputation with the Exiles of Gnomeregan. The Dwarves, revolutionaries in the field of technology development, created a truly marvel of indener thought - the Mechanostiders. Each Mechanostrider is specially designed for each rider individually. They were built using modern steam compression, servo-motor dynamics and the hardest duro steel. This gives the rider a reliable and durable means of transportation. Some evil tongues say that the lack of real sensitivity in mechanostriders makes this “animal” completely stupid. However, the dwarves themselves claim that with a skilled rider, the mechanostrider is much more docile than any other trained animal. (

  • Blue Mechanostrider
  • Unpainted Mechanostrider
  • Red Mechanostrider
  • Green Mechanostrider
  • Swift Green Mechanostrider
  • Swift Yellow Mechanostrider
  • Swift White Mechanostrider

Veron Yantarlen - Sheep breeder. This bearded, frost-free dwarf costs 63.50 in Dun Morogh and sells riding rams. All but dwarves must have exalted reputation with Ironforge when purchasing. The mountain sheep of Barak Tor'ol are proud animals with shaggy fur and massive horns, their fearlessness matched only by their dwarf masters. Although these good-natured animals lack ferocity, they make up for it with extraordinary vitality and strength. Their thick hide helps them survive the cold winds of Khaz Modan and the sharp claws of the predators that inhabit the mountains. (

  • Gray ram.
  • White ram.
  • Brown ram.
  • Swift gray ram.
  • Swift white ram.
  • Swift brown ram.

Gregor McVins - Horse breeder. Dustwallow Marshes 65.51.
Merideth Carlson - Horse Breeder. Hillsbrad Foothills 51.55.
Kati Okhotnitsa - Horse breeder. Elwynn Forest 84.65.
Unger Uppert - Horse breeder. Swamp 8.54. — You can only buy the first four mounts.
All these 4 (!!!) people are selling horses. Why does the Alliance need so many horse breeders? Anyway. To purchase, everyone except people needs a reputation with Stormwind at the Exalted level. For many generations there has been a strong bond between the people of Azeroth and their warhorses. But from the time the fall of Lordaeron began, people began to breed only selected varieties. The most famous and dear among them are the majestic Evendales of Elvin Forest, famous for their loyalty and moderate character. These horses are truly huge, but their size pays off in stability and speed.(

  • Bay horse.
  • Bay mare.
  • Piebald horse.
  • Black stallion. Sold only by Unger Uppert - Horse Breeder. Swamp 8.54.
  • Swift white trotter.
  • Swift bay trotter
  • Swift game horse

Torallius the Shepherd - Elekk breeder. This one-eyed artiodactyl sells Elekks. To purchase, everyone except Draenei must have Exalted reputation with the Exodar.

  • Gray Elekk.
  • Lilac Elekk.
  • Brown Elekk.
  • Large blue elekk.
  • Large purple elekk.
  • Big green elekk.

Brunn Heatbeard - Guardian of the Griffins, Shadowmoon Valley 37.56.
Grunda Bronzewing - Mistress of Griffons, Hellfire Peninsula 54,62.
Durgan Thunderbeak - Master of Griffins, Borean Tundra 58,68.
Mei Franquis - Exotic Mounts, Dalaran 57.42.
You can buy Alliance griffins from any of these four sellers. The higher your reputation with the seller faction, the lower the prices will be.

  • Snow-white griffin.
  • Raven griffin.
  • Golden griffin.
  • Swift green griffin.
  • Swift red griffin.
  • Swift blue griffin.
  • Swift lilac griffin.

Animals that can only be purchased from May Franquis. It costs 58.42 in Dalaran. By the way, the higher your reputation with the Kirin Tor, the lower the prices will be. (In addition to these mounts, she sells others. See above.)

  • Reins of the Woolly Mammoth.
  • Armored blue windrider.
  • Reins of the Woolly Mammoth.
  • Reins of the Armored Brown Bear.
  • Armored snow-white griffin.
  • Reins of the Tundra Mammoth for Travelers. It is notable for the fact that it carries with it 2 merchants with arrows, food, etc. You can also get repairs from one of them. If you let the merchants go (after hearing rudeness in response), then you can seat 2 members of your group/raid next to you.

Now let's talk about mounts that are only available to certain classes.

    • Death horse of Acherus. Given for completing the Path to the Valley of Shadows quest. Available only Death Knights.
    • Winged steed of the Black Blade. Sold by Dreadlord Talanor, Eastern Plaguelands 84.49. Available only Death Knights.
    • War horse. Races: Human, Dwarf, Draenei. Learns from trainer Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker. Available only Paladins.
    • Summon a war horse. Races: Blood Elf. Learns from coaches. Available only Paladins.

  • Horse. Races: Human, Dwarf, Draenei. You can learn it from trainers or receive it as a reward for the quest Judgment and Reckoning. In addition to the horse and the Horse Riding (apprentice) skill, the quest gives the Horse achievement. Available only Paladins.
  • Summon a horse. Races: Blood Elf. Can be learned from trainers or received as a reward for the quest True Lords of Light. In addition to the horse and the Horse Riding (apprentice) skill, the quest gives the Horse achievement. Available only Paladins.
  • Summon a Fel Horse. Learns from coaches. Available only Warlocks..
  • Summon the horse of doom. You can learn it from trainers or receive it as a reward for the quest Xorothian Horse of Doom. In addition to the horse and the Horseback Riding (Journeyman) skill, the quest gives the achievement Xorothian Steed of Perdition.

Next on the list are PvP mounts that can be purchased for stamps.

Raider Bork - Chief of Mount Supply. This half-naked warlike orc stands in Orgrimmar, in the Hall of Legends 38.64 and sells mounts for 50,000 honor.

  • Red skeleton war horse.
  • Swift combat hawkstrider.
  • Black fighting wolf.
  • Black combat kodo.
  • Black War Lizard.

Grunda Wolfheart - Supplier of the Frostwolf Clan, Alterac Valley 49.85.
Jekyll Flandring - Supplier of the Frostwolf Clan, Alterac Mountains 62.59.
You can buy a Wolf from any of these sellers for 50,000 Honor.

  • Howl of the Frostwolf.

Coriel - Blade Trader, Nagrand 42.42. Mounts are sold for the Halaa Combat Badge and the Halaa Research Badge. The seller is only available when Halaa is Vash.

Stone Guard Mukar - Quartermaster of the Ice Shackles. Lake of Ice Shackles 51.17. Only available when the fortress is captured by the Horde.

Lieutenant Carter - Chief of Mounted Supply. This cute rider sits on a horse in Stormwind 74.67 and sells mounts for 50,000 honor.

  • Black war horse.
  • Black fighting ram.
  • Black combat mechanostrider.
  • Black fighting tiger.
  • Black War Elekk.

Gaelden Forgehammer - Stormpike Supplier, Alterac Valley 44.18.
Tantaldis Snowblaze - Stormpike Supplier, Alterac Mountains 39.81.
You can buy a Ram from any of these sellers for 50,000 Honor.

  • Stormpike Warsteed.

Aldraan - Blade Trader, Nagrand 42.42. Mounts are sold for the Halaa Combat Badge and the Halaa Research Badge. The seller is only available when Haala Vash.

  • Reins of a black riding talbuk. 70 Halaa Combat Badge, 15 Halaa Research Badge.
  • Reins of the Black War Talbuk. 100 Halaa Combat Badge, 20 Halaa Research Badge.

Knight Dameron - Quartermaster of the Ice Shackles. Lake of Ice Shackles 51.17. Available only when the fortress is captured by the Alliance.

  • Reins of the Black War Mammoth. Purchased for 300 Stone Guardian Shard.

Let's move on to mounts, which can be obtained in various dungeons, through quests, through fishing, etc.

    • A proto-dragon lost in time. Dropped from a rare mob - a time-lost proto-dragon that flies around the Storm Peaks.
    • Dragon of Onyxia. Drops from the Onyxia boss in the Onyxia's Lair dungeon 10/25. Video.

  • Bronze dragon. Drops from Elite Infinity Defiler in the dungeonCleansing of Stratholme (d). The mob is only available if you managed to reach it in less than 25 minutes from the start of the dungeon.
  • Head of Mimiron. Obtained from the boss Yogg-Saron in the Ulduar dungeon (25), when killed without the help of guardians. Is a criterion for achieving I'll be the head!.
  • Invincible. Arthas' horse. With the release of patch 3.2.2 (and, accordingly, with the ability to kill Arthas), it became possible to obtain this mount. It will drop with a 100% drop from Arthas when you kill him in TsLK25 in the heroic version. You can read information about the mount in this article. Good luck to all. The first warlock in the world to receive this mount was Tsukky, from the Paragon guild - they were the first in the world to kill Arts 25ХМ March 27, 2010

Now let's move on to the means of transportation that can be made using professions.

Let's look at the mounts that are given for achievements in the game.

Now let's talk about the mounts that can be purchased at the Silver Tournament.

It's not that simple - I ran and bought it. It is necessary to do daily activities, gain reputation, etc. - only after this the sellers begin to sell you goods. Don't forget this.

First, mounts available to both factions.

  • Steed of the Argent Vanguard. Sold by Cavalier Dame Evnika Kapsalis - Crusader Quartermaster, Ice Crown 69.23. Available only Paladins.
  • Warhorse of the Argent Vanguard. Sold by Cavalier Dame Evniki Kapsalis - Crusader Quartermaster, Ice Crown 69.23.
  • Hippogryph of the Argent Vanguard. Can be purchased from any of the Quartermasters.

  • Darkspear Lizard. Purchased from Samamba - Sen'jin Village Quartermaster, Icecrown 76.24.
  • Swift purple lizard. Purchased from Samamba - Sen'jin Village Quartermaster, Icecrown 76.24.
  • Orgrimmar wolf. Purchased from Frek Bloody Axe - Orgrimmar Quartermaster, Icecrown 76.24.
  • Swift purple wolf. Purchased from Frek Bloody Axe - Orgrimmar Quartermaster, Icecrown 76.24.
  • Silvermoon Hawkstrider. Purchased from Trellis Morning Sun - Silvermoon Quartermaster, Icecrown 76.24.
  • Swift red hawkstrider. Purchased from Trellis Morning Sun - Silvermoon Quartermaster, Icecrown 76.24.
  • Warhorse of the Forsaken. Purchased from Elise Killian - Undercity Quartermaster, Icecrown 76.24.
  • White skeletal war horse. Purchased from Elise Killian - Undercity Quartermaster, Icecrown 76.24.
  • Thunder Bluff Kodo. Purchased from Doru Thunderhorn - Thunder Bluff Quartermaster, Icecrown 76.24.
  • Large golden kodo. Purchased from Doru Thunderhorn - Thunder Bluff Quartermaster, Icecrown 76.24.
  • Sun Reaver Hawkstrider. Purchased from Vasarin Red Dawn - Sunreavers Quartermaster Icecrown 76.24. To purchase, you must have reputation with the Sunreavers at Exalted level.
  • Dragonhawk of the Sunreavers. Purchased from Vasarin Red Dawn - Sunreavers Quartermaster Icecrown 76.24. To purchase, you must have reputation with the Sunreavers at Exalted level.
  • Exodar Elekk. Purchased from Irizi - Exodar Quartermaster, Ice Crown 76.19.
  • Big red elekk. Purchased from Irizi - Exodar Quartermaster, Ice Crown 76.19.
  • Stormwind Steed. Purchased from Corporal Arthur Flew - Stormwind Quartermaster, Icecrown 76.19.
  • A swift, mousey horse. Purchased from Corporal Arthur Flew - Stormwind Quartermaster, Icecrown 76.19.
  • Turbostrider. Purchased from Rilly Spindle - Gnomeregan Quartermaster, Icecrown 76.19.
  • Gnomeregan Mechanostrider. Purchased from Rilly Spindle - Gnomeregan Quartermaster, Icecrown 76.19.
  • Darnassus night saber. Purchased from Hands Predatory Grip - Quartermaster of Darnassus, Ice Crown 76.19.
  • Swift moonsword. Purchased from Hands Predatory Grip - Quartermaster of Darnassus, Ice Crown 76.19.
  • Ironforge Ram. Purchased from Derrick Pegobeard - Ironforge Quartermaster, Icecrown 76.19.
  • Swift purple ram. Purchased from Derrick Pegobeard - Ironforge Quartermaster, Icecrown 76.19.
  • Quel'dorei Steed. Purchased from Hiren Singer of Legends - Quartermaster of the Silver UnionIce Crown 76.19. Reputation with the Silver Alliance at Exalted level is required to purchase.
  • Hippogryph of the Silver Union. Purchased from Hiren Singer of Legends - Quartermaster of the Silver UnionIce Crown 76.19. Reputation with the Silver Alliance at Exalted level is required to purchase.

Mounts that can only be purchased after leveling up your reputation..

Let's start with those that both factions can purchase.

Grella - Chief of Supply for the Sky Guard. When leveling up your reputation to Exalted with the Sha'tari Skyguard, you can buy Void Rays from this orc, which costs 64.66 in the Terokkar Forest. Reputation is boosted by dailies and mob kills.

  • Green Nether Riding Ray.
  • Red Nether Riding Ray.
  • Purple Nether Riding Ray.
  • Silver Nether Riding Ray.
  • Blue Nether Riding Ray.

Dragon Vendor Harlunk, Shadowmoon Valley 65.86. This orc sells Void Dragons. To purchase, you need reputation with Netherwings at the Exalted level. You can read how to get Exalted in the article “Do-It-Yourself Nether Dragon?”

  • Green dragon of the Netherwings.
  • Cobalt Netherwing Dragon.
  • Azure Netherwing Dragon.
  • Purple Netherwing Dragon.
  • Onyx Netherwing Dragon.
  • Purple Netherwing Dragon.
  • Red Dragon. Sold by Sky Rhinestone - Quartermaster of the Dragon Union Dragonblight 59.53. To purchase, you must have reputation with the Draconic Alliance at the Exalted level.
  • Cenarion War Hippogryph. Sold by Fedrien Swiftspear - Cenarion Expedition Supply Chief, Zangarmarsh 79.63. Reputation with Cenarion Expedition at Exalted level is required to purchase. Is a criterion for the Cenarion War Hippogryph achievement.
  • Green proto-dragon. Drops after 7 days from Mysterious Egg. You can purchase one piece at a time from Jean. Lowland Sholozar 54.56. Required reputation: Revered with Oracle.

Nesel's supplier is the Mag'har supply chief. This tanned orc costs 53.36 in Nagrand and sells a bunch of Talbuks, but only after you level up your reputation from Mag'hara to Exalted.

  • White riding talbuk.
  • Cobalt riding talbuk.
  • Red riding talbuk.
  • Silver riding talbuk.
  • White combat talbuk.
  • Cobalt combat talbuk.
  • Red-haired combat talbuk.
  • Silver combat talbuk.
    • Ice mammoth. Purchased from Lillehoff - Quartermaster of the Sons of Hodir, Storm Peaks 66.61. Reputation with the Sons of Hodir at the Revered level is required. Is a criterion for the Ice Mammoth.
    • Large ice mammoth. Purchased from Lillehoff - Quartermaster of the Sons of Hodir, Storm Peaks 66.61. Requires Exalted reputation with the Sons of Hodir. In addition to you, it can transport 2 more members of your group/raid. Is a criterion for the Great Ice Mammoth.

Trader Narasu - Chief of Supply for the Kurenai Tribe. This purple pepper costs 54.75 in Nagrand and sells a bunch of Talbuks, but only after you level up your reputation with Kurenai to Exalted.

  • White riding talbuk.
  • Cobalt riding talbuk.
  • Red riding talbuk.
  • Silver riding talbuk.
  • White combat talbuk.
  • Cobalt combat talbuk.
  • Red-haired combat talbuk.
  • Silver combat talbuk.

Now let's talk about vehicles obtained at various festivals.

Hallow's End.

  • Flimsy magic broom. Drops from a Roughly Wrapped Gift with a fairly high chance. A very slow mount and disappears 14 days after receiving it. Only good for showing off.
  • Magic broom. Dropped from Headless Horseman in the Scarlet Monastery dungeon.
  • Horse of the Headless Horseman. Dropped from Headless Horseman in the Scarlet Monastery dungeon. Capable of both running across the fields and across the skies, its speed depends on your riding skill.

Brew festival.

  • Swift Brewfest Ram. Dropped from the Koren Khudovar boss in the Blackrock Depths dungeon. Is the criterion for Yeast in the morning, reins in the evening. By the way, the achievement was given both for receiving the mount and for learning it. Tobesh achievement could be obtained by 2 people at once. It’s true that we don’t know what will happen next year...
  • Great Brewfest Kodo. Just like the ram.

Love fever.

  • Big love rocket. Drops from the Apothecary Hummel boss in the Shadowfang Fortress dungeon. Studying it is the criterion for achieving the Big Love Rocket. Video.

Let's move on to the mounts that become available after entering a code from loot cards, which can be obtained at events and also purchased for real money on specialized sites

  • Magic rooster. When entering the code from the El Pollo Grande loot card from the TCG Expansion: Fields of Honor deck. Video.
  • Riding turtle. When entering the code from the Saltwater Snapjaw loot card from the TCG Expansion: Heroes of Azeroth deck. Does not have a bonus to movement speed. Video.
  • Big fighting bear. When entering the code from The Red Bearon loot card from the TCG Expansion: Drums of War deck. Video.
  • Void Rocket X-51. When entering the code from the X-51 Nether-Rocket loot card from the TCG Expansion: Servants of the Betrayer deck. Video.
  • X-51 Void X-Key Rocket. When entering the code from the X-51 Nether-Rocket loot card from the TCG Expansion: Servants of the Betrayer deck. Video.

On April 5, Blizzard announced the first mount that can be purchased for real money in their storeBlizzard store . In this regard, a new category is appearing - Mounts for real money in the Blizzard store!

  • Heavenly horse. This astral clone of the Invincible can be purchased from the Blizzard store for 20 Euro. The mount is beautiful, has the ability to change its speed depending on your riding skill up to 310% (if you already have a mount with that speed). The interesting thing is that after purchasing the mount, they send it to all the characters on the account... At level 20, running on such a horse - what is it like, huh? Video

Well, in the end, according to tradition, let's talk about mounts that are no longer possible to obtain

First of all, collecting mounts is encouraged by a dozen different achievements, some even with rewards.
The first achievement is “Stable”, with 10 mounts in the collection. When there are 25 mounts, the “Replenishing the Stable” achievement will be completed. And for 50 mounts they will give not only the achievement (“Cavalry Commander”), but also a magnificent albino dragon, which is especially valuable because everyone knows why they give such a mount.

But, as it turned out in practice, collecting 50 mounts is not so easy.
The technique is as follows.

1) Racial mounts.
First, we buy all possible racial mounts of our faction. They are sold in the starting locations of each race. To do this, you need to have a reputation for exalting the corresponding faction (with the exception of representatives of this race)

For the Horde:
6 orc wolves.
6 kodo tauren
6 undead skeleton horses.
6 lizard trolls.
6 blood elf hawkstriders (creepy chickens)
2 goblin mounts (tricycle and turbocycle) in Ogrimar in the goblin quarter.

For the Alliance:
6 leopard cats from the night elves.
6 Gnomish mechanostriders
6 rams for dwarves.
People have 6 horses.
6 ellecs among the draenei.
2 worgen horses (only after update 4.3.0)

In total, we already have about 32 mounts.
If you are a happy user, then 12 more different turtles become available to you, on which pandarens ride.

2) Flying mounts.
For the Horde: 6 windriders (sold in Ogrimar).
For the Alliance: 6 griffins (sold in Stormwind).

3) Auction.
Our path lies to the auction. If you have enough gold, you can buy several mounts there (it all depends on your server). But among the obligatory purchases is a mechanocycle or an engineering chopper (depending on the faction).

4) Professions.
Some allow you to create mounts, which, unfortunately, can only be used by carriers of this profession. Thus, engineers create 2 types of helicopters, and tailors create 3 types of flying carpets. Alchemists can also create a non-personal sandstone dragon.
In addition, with the help of fishing you can catch a turtle (near Dalaran), and archaeologists can collect a fossil lizard.

5) Dalaran.
In Dalaran, you can buy several mounts from the merchant Mei Franquis (58.42). 3 of them are sold for gold:
armored blue windrider (for the alliance, instead of a windrider, of course, a snow-white griffin)
armored brown bear
tundra mammoth traveler (an excellent thing - it carries with it a merchant and a blacksmith, who can be seated, and 2 friends can be seated in their place).

You can also buy a woolly mammoth for justice points (2175). For this mount they give .

4) Class mounts.
Paladins, Death Knights, and Warlocks are the proud owners of their own mounts, likely summoned from oblivion. They learn to summon them from a regular class skills teacher.

5) Mounts for honor points.
If you have accumulated a fair amount of honor points, and you don’t know where to spend them, you can buy a dozen mounts. Such a mount costs almost as much as good pants - 2000 honor points.

6) Mounts for reputation.
Tol-barad is a ghost wolf.
Uldum (ramkahen) – 2 camels.
Vashir - Seahorse of the Abyss.
Outland (near Shattrath – Sha\'thar Skyguard faction) – 5 very beautiful multi-colored stingrays.
Dragons of the Void (in the location "Shadow Moon Valley") - after leveling up your reputation, you can buy about 8 very beautiful dragons, but each costs 500 gold.

Collecting 50 mounts will give you the achievement "Cavalry Commander" and a beautiful albino dragon as a gift.

If you have enough patience, you can collect 100 mounts and get the achievement of both a red mounted dragonhawk (for a horde) or a blue dragonhawk (for an alliance).

If you collect mounts using the above method, you get about 70 mounts.
Another 30 can be obtained as a reward at tournaments, mounts “drop” from some bosses in instances (the death horse Rivender from Stratholme), and are given for quests (for example,). Also, Blizzard periodically holds various promotions and gives out gifts, which may include a brand new mount. In general, go for it!

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Tired of endless raids and meaningless wanderings around the world of World of Warcraft? So run and collect in-game items! This hobby will keep you busy for a long time and will provide you with a large number of awards, achievements and much, much more. Of course, they will rush to collect everything at once - a little stupid. Therefore, as in the previous article, in which we, you and I will collect specific in-game items, namely mounts.

The world of World of Warcraft is full of various mounts that can perfectly complement your transmog kit or simply look amazing and only emphasize your status. And although many players have already collected quite a large number of mounts, especially at level 90, you can always collect more of them. As a rule, some mounts, in order to obtain them, require you to exalt a specific faction or just luck, which helps a lot when completing raids or dungeons. Although, you can get many mounts alone, if you have the patience, of course.

And the biggest reward for collecting mounts is the discovery of new achievements for collecting - Cavalry Commander, Don’t have 100 rubles, but have 100 horses, Need more saddles, Parade of vehicles.

Putting together your own Vehicle Parade.

  • Racial mounts: You can purchase mounts of any race whose faction you gain exalted status with. While earning reputation with a faction is a rather boring and time-consuming activity, it is still an easy way to get a fairly large number of mounts in one place and get closer to getting the desired achievement. A good way to gain reputation for your faction is to complete quests - just go to the starting zone of your race and complete all the quests in a row. Another way to quickly gain reputation is to collect faction tabards, which, when worn, will reward you with the reputation of your faction.
  • Faction Mounts: While we just talked about collecting racial mounts, there are many mounts that are available from non-player factions that you can get by becoming exalted among those factions. The method of gaining reputation with non-player factions is no different from the method of gaining reputation with a faction of your race.
  • PvP mounts: If you are not a PvP fan, you can skip this item. If PvP is your element, you can try to get these mounts for honor points. But believe me, collecting these five unique mounts will take quite a lot of time. Each of the five mounts costs 2000 honor points and can be purchased from Lieutenant Karter (alliance) or Raider Bork (horde).
  • Argent Tournament Mounts: Time to go back to Icecrown and compete in the Argent Tournament to earn a unique tournament mount, as well as unique mounts for each race.
  • Cloud Serpents: Pandarian Cloud Serpents require a lot of your time, but collecting them may still interest you, and you will also get your own baby Cloud Serpent in the guard, which you can then ride around on. In order to get your Cloud Serpent, after reaching level 90 and obtaining the Wisdom of the Four Winds skill, run to the Jade Forest, where your journey will begin.
  • Nether Mounts: You'll have to do some legwork to get this mount, but it's worth it. Head to Shadowmoon Valley in Outland and get to work immediately.
  • Talbuk Mounts: While getting this mount requires you to earn a long and boring reputation, you will be rewarded with a total of eight mounts, and along the way you can collect two more mounts for PvP with similar models . To do this, head to Nagrand, where Alliance players must achieve exalted status with the Kurinai faction, and Horde players must achieve exalted status with the Mag'hara faction to purchase mounts. The two PvP mounts we mentioned above can be obtained for PvP activity around Halaa and collecting Halaa Battle Marks, which can be found from NPCs around Halaa. The most difficult thing will probably be to find players with whom you could fight near Halaa.

Collecting the most beautiful mounts

If you are not chasing numbers and prefer the unique appearance of your mounts, you should go to the search for mounts below. True, you will have to spend quite a lot of time getting them.

  • Red Floating Cloud Disc: This lone mount can be purchased from the Lorewalkers after gaining excellent reputation with that faction. While this is probably the easiest way to get a mount, it can be very useful in large crowds due to its small size.
  • Reins of the Raven Lord: Of course, the reins of this mount are now a little easier to obtain than it was before, this bird remains quite rare due to the low drop rate. To obtain it, defeat Anzu in the Sethekk Halls (Outland) on heroic difficulty and perhaps you will be lucky and become the proud owner of the Reins of the Raven Lord.
  • "in Winter Springs.
  • Reins of the Deathsteed: If you like bony skeletons or just like something "dead", this mount is perfect for your collection. It has an interesting color scheme and is available for both Alliance and Horde players. It can be dropped from Lord Auria Rivendare, which is located in Stratholme.

If you thought that the listed mounts were too few, you can visit a very interesting website where you can choose a mount according to your requirements - Warcraft Mounts (be careful, English).

What rare mounts do you have?

We have prepared a guide to Legion mounts, collecting in one article all the mounts that will be available in the new World of Warcraft expansion. New mounts in the Legionwill definitely please everyone: among them there is a fox, a spider, a rat and even a jellyfish!


  • 10/25/16 – information about mounts of the WOW Legion 7.1 patch has been added. There are no Russian names yet, we will add them a little later. New mounts are marked as .
  • 08/31/17 (new!) – a separate article on mounts has been added patch 7.3: Review of mounts of patch 7.3

Mounts in WoW Legion

With the emergence of new information and the release of patches 7.1 and 7.2, we will update the article - adding more and more mounts, videos and screenshots.

Briefly about the most interesting:

  • An incredible variety of mounts: moose, spiders, foxes, sharks, rats, jellyfish (!), bats.
  • 4 mounts created by professions + mount associated with fishing (shark).
  • A mount that costs 2,000,000 gold.

Class mounts

7.1 Reins of the Illustrious Warwolf (Horde) / Reins of the Illustrious Warhorse (Alliance) - reward for the PvP achievement The Last Hero (complete 3 tasks 20 times).


Video of the fox mount in WoW Legion:

Sorcerer's Manapard - to get the mount you need:

  • Level up your reputation with the Nightfallen to Exalted
  • Complete the quest chain in Suramar 7.1 and get the Uprising achievement.
  • Complete the final quest of Suramar (Fate of the Nightborne).


The same merchant sells a pet stingray.

Darkwater Ray - Sold for 500 Darkmoon Sharptooth Fish from Galissa Sundew on Darkmoon Island.

Cream Hawkstrider - Sold for 10,000 gold from Trinket in Highmountain. This mount and merchant are somehow connected to the Revenge of the Claw faction, which appeared in patch 7.1.

Drop from rarers and bosses

As it turned out later, the world boss is quite difficult to summon. Discussions about this are in the video below, and we will prepare a guide on summoning Kosumot a little later.

Fel Flame Infernal (item: Living Infernal Core) – drop from Guldan in one of the Legion raids. This mount has a small chance of falling on any difficulty except LFR.

Hellfire Infernal (item: Sinister Hellfire Core) - Drops from Guldal on Mythic difficulty.

Another 3 infernals of a different coloring were previously designated as rewards for gladiators, but now the source of their receipt is unknown:

Video of infernal mounts in the Legion:

Midnight - drops with a small chance from Attumen the Stalker in the new Return to Karazhan dungeon.

Blazing Fire Serpent mount drops in the Return to Karazhan dungeon, but the exact source is not yet known. Most likely dropped by the secret boss.
