Key labels on a Lenovo laptop. ASUS laptop keyboard keys. Keyboard key assignments

Key labels on a Lenovo laptop. ASUS laptop keyboard keys. Keyboard key assignments

A computer keyboard is the main device for manually entering information, commands and data. This article discusses the design and layout of a computer keyboard, hot keys, symbols and signs on the keyboard.

Computer keyboard: operating principle

Basic keyboard functions do not require special software. The drivers necessary for its operation are already available in the BIOS ROM. Therefore, the computer responds to commands from the main keyboard keys immediately after turning on.

The operating principle of the keyboard is as follows:

  1. After pressing a key, the keyboard chip generates a scan code.
  2. The scan code enters a port integrated into the motherboard.
  3. The keyboard port reports a fixed-number interrupt to the processor.
  4. Having received a fixed interrupt number, the processor contacts a special interrupt. an area of ​​RAM containing an interrupt vector - a list of data. Each entry in the data list contains the address of the program servicing the interrupt, which matches the entry number.
  5. Having determined the program entry, the processor proceeds to execute it.
  6. The interrupt handler program then directs the processor to the keyboard port, where it finds the scan code. Next, under the control of the processor, the processor determines which character corresponds to this scan code.
  7. The handler sends code to the keyboard buffer, notifying the processor, and then stops working.
  8. The processor moves on to the pending task.
  9. The entered character is stored in the keyboard buffer until it is picked up by the program for which it is intended, for example, the text editor Microsoft Word.

Keyboard composition: key assignments

A standard keyboard has more than 100 keys, divided into functional groups. Below is a photo of a computer keyboard with a description of the key groups.

Alphanumeric keys

Alphanumeric keys are used to enter information and commands typed by letter. Each of the keys can work in different registers and also represent several characters.

Switching case (entering lowercase and uppercase characters) is carried out by holding the Shift key. For hard (permanent) case switching, Caps Lock is used.

If the computer keyboard is used to enter text data, the paragraph is closed by pressing the Enter key. Next, data entry begins on a new line. When the keyboard is used to enter commands, Enter ends the input and begins execution.

Function keys

The function keys are located at the top of the keyboard and consist of 12 buttons F1 – F12. Their functions and properties depend on the running program, and in some cases the operating system.

A common function in many programs is the F1 key, which calls up help, where you can find out the functions of other buttons.

Special keys

Special keys are located next to the alphanumeric group of buttons. Due to the fact that users often resort to using them, they have an increased size. These include:

  1. Shift and Enter discussed earlier.
  2. Alt and Ctrl – used in combination with other keyboard keys to form special commands.
  3. Tab is used for tabulation when typing text.
  4. Win – opens the Start menu.
  5. Esc – refusal to use the started operation.
  6. BACKSPACE – deleting the characters just entered.
  7. Print Screen – prints the current screen or saves a snapshot of it to the clipboard.
  8. Scroll Lock – switches the operating mode in some programs.
  9. Pause/Break – pause/interrupt the current process.

Cursor keys

The cursor keys are located to the right of the alphanumeric pad. Cursor is a screen element indicating the location for entering information. The directional keys move the cursor in the direction of the arrows.

Additional keys:

  1. Page Up/Page Down – move the cursor to page up/down.
  2. Home and End – move the cursor to the beginning or end of the current line.
  3. Insert – traditionally switches the data input mode between insertion and replacement. In different programs, the action of the Insert button may be different.

Additional numeric keypad

The additional numeric keyboard duplicates the actions of the numeric and some other keys of the main input panel. To use it, you must first enable the Num Lock button. Also, the additional keyboard keys can be used to control the cursor.

Keyboard shortcut

When you press a certain key combination, a particular command is executed for the computer.

Commonly used keyboard shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc – open the Task Manager.
  • Ctrl + F – search window in the active program.
  • Ctrl + A – selects all content in the open window.
  • Ctrl + C – copy the selected fragment.
  • Ctrl + V – paste from the clipboard.
  • Ctrl + P - prints the current document.
  • Ctrl + Z – cancels the current action.
  • Ctrl + X – cut the selected section of text.
  • Ctrl + Shift + → selecting text by words (starting from the cursor position).
  • Ctrl + Esc - opens/closes the Start menu.
  • Alt + Printscreen – screenshot of the active program window.
  • Alt + F4 – closes the active application.
  • Shift + Delete – permanently delete an object (past the trash can).
  • Shift + F10 – call the context menu of the active object.
  • Win + Pause – system properties.
  • Win + E – launches Explorer.
  • Win + D – minimizes all open windows.
  • Win + F1 – opens Windows Help.
  • Win + F – opens the search window.
  • Win + L – lock the computer.
  • Win + R – open “Run a program”.

Keyboard symbols

Surely, many users have noticed symbols for nicknames on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and other social networks. How to make symbols on the keyboard if there are no explicit keys for this?

You can place characters on the keyboard using Alt codes - additional commands for entering hidden characters. These commands are entered by simply pressing Alt + a decimal number.

You can often come across questions: how to make a heart on the keyboard, an infinity sign or a euro on the keyboard?

  • alt + 3 =
  • Alt+8734 = ∞
  • Alt + 0128 = €

These and other keyboard symbols are presented in the following tables in the form of pictures. The “Alt code” column contains a numeric value, after entering which, in combination with the Alt key, a certain character will be displayed. The symbol column contains the final result.

Please note that if the additional numeric keypad is not enabled - Num Lock is not pressed, then the Alt + number key combination may lead to unexpected results.

For example, if you press Alt + 4 in the browser without Num Lock enabled, the previous page will open.

Punctuation marks on the keyboard

Sometimes users, when trying to put a punctuation mark on the keyboard, do not get exactly what they expected. This is due to the fact that different keyboard layouts imply different use of key combinations.

Below we discuss how to put punctuation marks on the keyboard.

Punctuation marks with Cyrillic alphabet

  • " (quotes) - Shift + 2
  • № (number) - Shift + 3
  • ; (semicolon) - Shift + 4
  • % (percentage) - Shift + 5
  • : (colon) - Shift + 6
  • ? (question mark) - Shift + 7
  • ((open bracket) - Shift + 9
  • – (dash) – button labeled “-”
  • , (comma) - Shift + “period”
  • + (plus) – Shift + button with plus sign “+”
  • . (dot) – button to the right of the letter “U”

Latin punctuation marks

  • ~ (tilde) - Shift + Yo
  • ! (exclamation mark) - Shift + 1
  • @ (dog - used in email address) - Shift + 2
  • # (hash) - Shift + 3
  • $ (dollar) - Shift + 4
  • % (percentage) - Shift + 5
  • ^ - Shift + 6
  • & (ampersand) - Shift + 7
  • * (multiply or asterisk) - Shift + 8
  • ((open bracket) - Shift + 9
  • ) (close bracket) - Shift + 0
  • – (dash) – key on the keyboard labeled “-”
  • + (plus) - Shift and +
  • = (equal) – equal sign button
  • , (comma) – key with the Russian letter “B”
  • . (dot) - key with the Russian letter “Yu”
  • < (левая угловая скобка) - Shift + Б
  • > (right angle bracket) - Shift + Yu
  • ? (question mark) – Shift + button with a question mark (to the right of “Y”)
  • ; (semicolon) – letter “F”
  • : (colon) – Shift + “F”
  • [ (left square bracket) – Russian letter “X”
  • ] (right square bracket) – “Ъ”
  • ( (left curly brace) – Shift + Russian letter “X”
  • ) (right curly brace) – Shift + “Ъ”

Computer keyboard layout

Computer keyboard layout - a scheme for assigning symbols of national alphabets to specific keys. Switching the keyboard layout is done programmatically - one of the functions of the operating system.

In Windows, you can change the keyboard layout by pressing Alt + Shift or Ctrl + Shift. Typical keyboard layouts are English and Russian.

If necessary, you can change or add a keyboard language in Windows 7 by going to Start – Control Panel – Clock, language and region (sub-item “change keyboard layout or other input methods”).

In the window that opens, select the “Languages ​​and keyboards” tab - “Change keyboard”. Then, in a new window, on the “General” tab, click “Add” and select the required input language. Don't forget to save your changes by clicking OK.

Virtual computer keyboard

The virtual keyboard is a separate program or an add-on included in the software. With its help, letters and symbols are entered from the computer screen using the mouse cursor. Those. During the typing process, the computer keyboard is not involved.

A virtual keyboard is needed, for example, to protect confidential data (login and password). When entering data using a regular keyboard, there is a risk of information being intercepted by malicious spyware. Then, via the Internet, the information is transmitted to the attacker.

You can find and download a virtual keyboard using search engines - it won’t take much of your time. If Kaspersky anti-virus is installed on your PC, you can launch the virtual keyboard through the main program window; it is included in it.

Screen keyboard

On-screen keyboard is a keyboard on the touch screen of a tablet, smartphone, touch monitor, which is pressed with the user’s fingers. Sometimes the on-screen keyboard is called a virtual keyboard.

Also, the on-screen keyboard on your computer is included in the list of Windows accessibility features. If your keyboard does not work, has stopped typing, suddenly turned off, etc., the on-screen keyboard for Windows will come to the rescue.

To launch the on-screen keyboard in Windows 7, go to Start - All Programs - Accessories - then Accessibility - On-Screen Keyboard. It looks like this.

To switch the keyboard layout, use the corresponding buttons on the taskbar (near the date and time, at the bottom left of the monitor screen).

What to do if the keyboard does not work

If your keyboard suddenly stops working, don’t rush to get upset, first find out what caused the breakdown. All the reasons why the keyboard does not work can be divided into hardware and software.

In the first case, if the keyboard hardware is broken, fixing the problem without special skills is very problematic. Sometimes it’s easier to replace it with a new one.

Before you say goodbye to a seemingly faulty keyboard, check the cable with which it is connected to the system unit. It may have come off a little. If everything is fine with the cable, make sure that the breakdown is not caused by a software glitch in the computer. To do this, restart your PC.

If after a reboot the keyboard shows no signs of life, try to wake it up using the solution available in Windows. The sequence of actions is given using Windows 7 as an example; if you have a different version of the Windows operating system, proceed by analogy. The principle is approximately the same, the names of the menu sections may differ slightly.

Go to Start - Control Panel - Hardware and Sound - Device Manager. In the window that opens, if you have problems with your keyboard, it will be marked with a yellow label with an exclamation mark. Select it with the mouse and select Action – Delete from the menu. After uninstallation, close Device Manager.

Return to the Hardware and Sound tab and select Add a Device. After searching for equipment, your keyboard will be found and its drivers will be installed.

If the hardware installation was successful and the keyboard failure was due to a software glitch, the Num Lock key indicator on the keyboard will light up.

If the problem cannot be resolved, the on-screen keyboard may be a temporary solution.

These days, a computer keyboard, like a mouse, is considered a low-value device. However, it plays an important role in working with a computer.

ASUS laptop keyboard keys, today on the blog, for novice users. The laptop keyboard is slightly different from a simple keyboard in that some of its buttons have been added

functions that are typical only for laptop computers.

On all laptops, regardless of the manufacturer, these functions are assigned to the top row F1-F12. Plus there is an additional Fn button, located in the very bottom row, on the left, immediately behind the CTRL key.

This key is (called) a functional key and is used specifically for our case, that is, to activate additional functions of laptops.

Activation is performed by simultaneously pressing the combination of buttons Fn+F1-F12 and those that are intended to call other functionality. By the way, if you have the Windows 7 operating system on your laptop, don’t forget to refresh your knowledge by reading the article about the ability to quickly turn off your computer.

ASUS laptop keyboard function keys

I think it’s clear to you why the laptop is from this particular company, because I have a “beech” of this exact brand. And also because after purchasing a computer from this company, I spent a long time running on the Internet to find information on the functionality of its keyboard.

There is no description on this topic in the instruction manuals for these portable computers. Maybe they think that this is not so important, but I have a different opinion, and to be honest, I “miss” the good old days, when, along with consumer electronics, the Tolmud “went” on operation and identifying the most common breakdowns and their causes.

For clarity, I made a picture that clearly shows all the keys that we will talk about.

  • Fn+F1 - Puts the computer into sleep mode and returns to working condition.
  • Fn+F2-Enables/Disables the laptop's wi-fi wireless network adapter.
  • Fn+F5-Decreases monitor brightness.
  • Fn+F6-Increase the brightness of the monitor.
  • Fn+F7-Turn on and turn off the monitor.
  • Fn+F8 - Allows you to switch to an external display, and the display can be turned on on both at the same time or on only one.
  • Fn+F9-Turn off/on the touchpad, touch screen for using a laptop without a mouse.

Other keys for sound control:

  • Fn+F10-Turn off the sound.
  • Fn+F11-Reduce sound.
  • Fn+F12-Increase the sound.

There are also two more important buttons on the keyboard, they are located in the penultimate row, if you count from the bottom. These are also special function keys:

  1. Fn+V - designed to turn on/off the built-in Web camera of a laptop.
  2. Fn+C-Which controls another important function, and “Splendid Video Intelligent Technology” itself.

This technology allows you to improve the image on the laptop screen, depending on specific working conditions.

Thus, we have looked at the “special” function keys of the ASUS laptop keyboard. But in order for all these buttons to work, you need to install the driver package that comes with this and other laptop computers. On this positive note, I want to end this interesting and necessary topic, but I also “have to suggest YOU read” about how to turn off the computer using the keyboard keys. And for those who found this information useful, don’t forget to press the Twitter button when leaving. So that your friends can also gain this knowledge. Bye bye.

    Turning off the computer using keyboard keys

    How to disable the touchpad on an ASUS laptop

    Acer laptop keyboard key assignments

    Laptop operating instructions

    Enter the BIOS of an asus laptop

How to use the keyboard?

A keyboard is a multifunctional device, not just a way to type text. Although few people know that it can completely replace a mouse. So, we will tell you how to use the keyboard.

What can your keyboard do?

In the upper left corner is the Esc key, which is used to cancel a previous action or exit programs. Next to it is a well-ordered row of function keys (from F1 to F12). They allow you to perform certain tasks, for example:

  • F3 is used to activate the search function;
  • F5 in browsers refreshes the page;
  • F11 in browsers switches the page to full screen mode, etc.

Learning to use the keyboard is easy. For example, immediately below these buttons are number keys. Next to them you can also see several symbols (for example, near the number 3 - No. and #). Symbols are obtained by simultaneously pressing modifier keys (Shift, Ctrl and Alt). For example, a question mark is produced by pressing Shift+7.

The central keys of your keyboard are letters, Russian and Latin. The language is switched by pressing Ctrl+Shift or Shift+Alt.

Delete what is printed using the Backspace or Delete buttons. The spacebar is obtained by pressing the longest button at the bottom. To go to the next line or send text to a search engine, press Enter. Caps Lock will only allow you to type in capital letters. Print Screen takes a screenshot that you can paste into a Word or Paint document.

How to use a keyboard instead of a mouse?

If you need to know how to use a keyboard without a mouse, then we hasten to assure you that there is nothing complicated here. In the “Control Panel”, go to “Accessibility”, where you need to check the “Enable pointer control from the keyboard” (this is the “Changes mouse settings” subsection).

You can type text in a text file or in a browser using the following keys:

  • Ctrl+V to paste;
  • Ctrl+C to copy;
  • Ctrl+X for cutting;
  • Ctrl+Z to undo actions.

In the browser, you can close the current window by pressing Alt+F4, and go through the tabs by pressing Ctrl+Tab. The task manager can be opened by pressing Esc+Ctrl+Shift. In dialog boxes, the mouse click is replaced by pressing Enter. Tab navigates through window parameters. You can uncheck or uncheck a menu by pressing the space bar.

How to use a wireless keyboard?

A wireless keyboard allows you to control your PC from a distance or without annoying wires. To connect to the USB connector of the system unit, insert the receiver (a small device) that comes with the keyboard. Most often, modern accessories do not require driver installation. But if your wireless keyboard comes with a disc, install the driver from it.

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One of the most important devices used for entering information is the computer keyboard, which has its own characteristics. Any PC user needs to know them. Especially for beginners who are just starting to get acquainted with electronics. The PC BIOS contains special software for the keyboard to work. With its help, commands and alphabetic and digital data are stored in the memory of the computer processor.

The keyboard has a layout (Russian YTSUKEN and English QWERTY), similar to the one found on typewriters. Each key has several characters to switch them, change the keyboard case, there are Alt+ Shift and Ctrl + Shift keys. In addition to letters, the device has special keys that allow you to enter commands when pressed in combination. Most often, these are Ctr, Shift, Alt, Delete. They are called service keys and are located close to the letter and number keys, namely to the right and left of them.

In addition to the already mentioned keys that a computer keyboard has, we can talk about the following. Caps Lock - for fixing capital letters, Insert - for replacing and inserting characters, Home and End are designed to move the cursor to the beginning of the line or to its end, and others.

To duplicate the main panel, there are additional number keys to the right of it; to turn them on, use the Num Lock key. The activation of the additional keyboard is indicated by a lit LED at the top. In addition, the computer keyboard allows you to launch the context menu using a special key, which acts in the same way as the right mouse button. Moreover, the context menu will correspond to the program you open. To launch the menu that contains the Start button, there are two Windows buttons on the keyboard. At the top, above the alphanumeric keys, the computer keyboard contains function keys, which allow you to execute commands in combination with other keys.

Having familiarized yourself with the main functions of the keyboard, you can consider its characteristics; they must be taken into account when choosing a device in the store. If you have to work at a computer for a long time, you need to minimize fatigue. Therefore, the keyboard must be ergonomic and easy to use. When assessing the properties of a computer keyboard, one must take into account the size of the keys, the design of the device, its tilt, and the absence of glare.

Among the varieties offered by electronics stores, we can distinguish wired and wireless devices. The latter operate on batteries and have a USB receiver that connects directly to the computer. A radio channel is used to provide wireless communication. Such keyboards are convenient to use not only with desktop computers, but also with laptops. Wireless communication can operate at a distance of up to ten meters. Wireless models are produced, for example, by Genius. For the convenience of entering data onto a tablet or iPad, keyboards are available for connecting to the device using Bluetooth.

Monday, October 10, 2011 18:59 + to quote book

There are keys on a laptop keyboard, or rather designations on the keys, the meaning of which is incomprehensible to a beginner. In this lesson I want to explain the meaning of such notations.

If you look at a laptop keyboard, you will certainly see a key on it "Fn", it is usually located in the lower left corner of the keyboard. Inscription "Fn" usually highlighted in blue or surrounded by a white frame, depending on the laptop model. In addition, if you look closely, you can see the icons on the keyboard are also highlighted in blue or surrounded by a white frame. As you probably already guessed, between the keys with these icons and the key "Fn" there is a connection.

When combined with keys with blue icons or white borders, they force the computer to perform a specific action. On different laptop models, these icons are assigned to different keys, so I will describe the actions in pictures so as not to be tied to a specific key combination.

Here is a list of such combinations and corresponding actions:

"Fn"+ - call help using a keyboard shortcut.

"Fn"+ - call up energy consumption settings.

"Fn"+ - turn BlueTooth on/off.

"Fn"+ - enable/disable sleep mode.

"Fn"+ - if an external display (monitor or TV) is connected to the laptop, then using this key combination you can switch display modes: to the laptop display, to an external display, or simultaneously to the laptop display and an external display.

"Fn"+ - turns off the laptop monitor to save energy.

"Fn"+ - turn on/off TouchPada (a device on which you move your finger to move the cursor. Replaces the mouse).

I have an interesting story with this key combination. A friend of mine had been using a laptop for over a year and once during a meeting he asked me to help figure out why the Touchpad wasn’t working, i.e. He couldn't work on his laptop without a mouse for a whole year!
Without hesitation, I pressed this key combination - turned on the Touchpad and everything worked. He was very surprised because... I thought that the Touchpad was simply broken :)

"Fn"+ - turn sound on/off.

"Fn"+ - enable/disable numeric keypad mode. Those. If this mode is enabled, then when you press keys that have blue number icons or numbers surrounded by a white frame, the corresponding numbers will be displayed (like on a calculator).
I also have an interesting story with this key combination. One day an acquaintance called me and said that on his laptop one half of the keyboard (left) works fine, but the other half (right) for some reason prints numbers and no matter what he did, he couldn’t fix it. As you already understand, the issue was resolved in 5 seconds - I told him about this key combination, and everything fell into place. How he turned on the mode for working with numbers remains a mystery :)

"Fn"+ - enable/disable screen movement mode. Currently it only works in Excel.

"Fn"+ - number 7 when NumLk mode is on.

"Fn"+ - number 8 when NumLk mode is on.

"Fn"+ - number 9 when NumLk mode is on.

"Fn"+ - “/” symbol when NumLk mode is enabled.

"Fn"+ - number 4 when NumLk mode is on.

"Fn"+ - number 5 when NumLk mode is on.

"Fn"+ - number 6 when NumLk mode is on.

"Fn"+ - “*” symbol when NumLk mode is enabled.

"Fn"+ - number 1 when NumLk mode is on.

"Fn"+ - number 2 when NumLk mode is on.

"Fn"+ - number 3 when NumLk mode is on.

"Fn"+ - “-” symbol when NumLk mode is enabled.

"Fn"+ - number 0 when NumLk mode is on.

"Fn"+ - “+” symbol when NumLk mode is enabled.

"Fn"+ - increase monitor brightness.

"Fn"+ - reduce monitor brightness.

"Fn"+ - increase sound.

"Fn"+ - reduce sound.

"Fn"+ - Home key operation mode.

"Fn"+ - End key operation mode.

"Fn"+ - turn on/off the Wi-Fi network.

"Fn"+ - receiving mail. This mode is assigned using special. software that should come with your laptop.

"Fn"+ - Internet connection. This mode is also assigned using special. software that should come with your laptop.

"Fn"+ - turn on/off the webcam.

"Fn"+ - one track back in Windows Media PlayerE.

"Fn"+ - start playing/pausing in Windows Media PlayerE.

Hello to all blog readers. Tell me, friends, have you ever wondered what great functionality a keyboard contains? Most people do not even suspect that with its help you can perform actions that can facilitate and. Isn’t it sad that application developers sit and spend hours every day writing commands that assign useful functions to key combinations, but only a few use these combinations.

So, it seems to me that the time has come to correct this oversight, so that the work will be easier, and the work of the developers will not be in vain. In this article I will try to explain in detail how to use the keyboard on a laptop. Agree, not everyone knows what, for example, the “pg dn” button is needed for. But there are still a lot of such buttons, and they all carry some useful function. Let’s figure it out together today exactly what functions they contain. For clarity, I have posted below two photographs of keyboards: with and without a number pad. They are most often found in laptop designs.

Keyboard with number pad

Keyboard without number pad

Entering text information

Entering numerical information

Any keyboard contains numbers in the top row, but typing numbers from it is not always convenient. It is more common to work with the button layout as on a calculator, so the keyboards have an additional numeric pad.

The first step is to learn how to turn on the digital panel, although it should be said right away that it is not available in all laptop models, but now it is a rarity and, as a rule, is found in almost every laptop computer.

To better understand how to include numbers, we will use two keyboards from different laptops (for clarity), one with a built-in Numpad, and the other without it.

  1. A laptop with a digital pad (see the picture at the beginning of the article). To activate it, click on “Numlock”.
  2. A laptop without a number pad (picture below).

If you don’t have it, then you can use an additional one, although this was provided by laptop manufacturers. When you turn on " Numlk"On a laptop keyboard without a separate number pad, certain symbol keys begin to play its role. You can see this in the next photo.

Red circles show what will be printed on the screen when " Numlk».

On keyboards, the numeric keypad activation mode is usually signaled by an LED indicator. Try pressing the " Numlk" or " Num Lock» Observe which indicator indicates this mode on your keyboard.

Function keys

This section will be entirely devoted to an overview of the main functional buttons that are used on the computer, and we will also talk in detail about the purpose of these keys.

"Scroll lock"

This button is almost never used today, at least for me. When disabled, it does not perform any functions other than changing the position of the cursor, and when enabled, it makes the mouse cursor move the screen itself, for example, it moves the page in the browser without any clicks.


When translated from English, you can understand that the main function of this button is to stop or cancel some action.


It is also at the stage of extinction, since the combination “Ctrl + C” and “Ctrl + V” has long been used instead. You may have already guessed about its function, and if so, its function was to copy and paste files and folders. Most often it is used in conjunction with “Ctrl” and “Shift”. If used together with the first key, the “copy” command will be issued, and if used together with the second, the “paste” command will be initialized.


Now let's talk about the button, which today is a universal solution for all laptops. Its essence lies in the fact that, when combined with different keys, it is capable of turning on and off different hardware parts of the laptop and changing their states. Its functionality is best seen in combinations with f1... f12. Take a closer look at the icons next to the names of these keys; they are highlighted in the same color as the “Fn” button. Using them you can understand what will happen when used together with “Fn”.

Below is a series of functional buttons with icons; they may be different on your laptop. Let's look at their purpose.

Pressing together with the " key Fn":

  • F1 - enable or disable computer sleep mode
  • F2 - enable or disable the WiFi module on the laptop
  • F5 - decrease monitor screen brightness
  • F6 -increase monitor screen brightness
  • F7 - turn off the monitor
  • F8 - switching display modes between the laptop monitor and an external device - a second monitor or projector
  • F9 - disable the touchpad when using a computer mouse
  • F10 - mute sound
  • F11 -decrease sound volume
  • F12 - increase sound volume

"Page up" and "Page down"

Translated from English, “page” means page, and “up, down” means top, bottom. These buttons are used to scroll the visible part of the screen exactly to the height of the application window being viewed in the operating system. But today, the mouse wheel is more often used for this purpose.


This button on the keyboard is presented in the form of a logo, a flag in a circle. Also designated as “win”. Used to activate the start menu, which in turn serves as one of the ways to launch various kinds of programs. Also, in some applications it is used in combination with others in order to activate or launch some additional option or function.

For example, Win+L - blocks the computer. To continue, you must enter the user password.


I think it’s not worth talking a lot about the “del” button, that is, “delete”, since it is immediately clear that it is used to delete various files and folders.

Some keys were omitted, such as "Ctrl", "Alt" and "Tab" due to the fact that they are ordinary keys for combinations and do not perform any important functions themselves. Although “Tab” performs different functions: switching between items in system windows, tabulating in a word processor. But for all the time I’ve been using the computer, I rarely used it, only “Alt” + “Tab” - switching between windows.

Here's a little reminder. I hope this article was useful to you. If so, then share it with your friends on social networks (buttons below) and subscribe to blog updates. See you in new blog articles.

PS: Interesting facts about the keyboard

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Imagine this situation. You are typing a text on your laptop, you are in a hurry, you are typing for a long time, and you are not looking at the monitor at all. Then suddenly you decided to look at the screen and your jaw begins to feel the force of gravity, and your eye begins to twitch nervously! Was there such a situation? :) In this article we will look at ways to solve many problems that arise when using a laptop keyboard and touchpad.

Setting up hot keys on a laptop

Let's take a closer look at your laptop's keyboard. Some buttons have icons that indicate certain actions. Button Fn activates additional laptop functions in combination with other buttons.

Now let's look at which ones additional functions enabled by keyboard shortcut.

Fn button +

Will put your computer into sleep mode or return it to work mode.

Fn button +

Enables or disables the WI-FI network adapter.

Fn button +

Reduces the brightness on your monitor.

Fn button +

Increases the brightness on your monitor.

Fn button +

Expands the image being viewed to fill the entire screen, or turns on additional screen backlighting.

Fn button +

If you have connected an external display or projector to your laptop, then this key combination will allow you to display the image either on two screens at the same time, or on only one.

Fn button +

Disables or enables the touchpad. In different laptop models, this function is available under different buttons.

Fn button +

Turns off the sound on the computer completely.

Fn button +

Reduces the volume on your laptop.

Fn button +

Makes the sound louder.

Fn button +

Using this combination, you can quickly turn on or off the webcam.

Keep in mind that different laptop manufacturers may have different function buttons, but most laptops have similar buttons.

Setting up a touchpad on a laptop

To begin with, I’ll explain to those in the tank: touchpad(trackpad) is touch pad below the keyboard on your laptop, which is used instead of a mouse. You move your finger over it and control the cursor.

The problem where the cursor moves to another place when accidentally touching the touchpad occurs for more than half of users. Don't waste your nerve cells anymore, let's deal with this problem.

Download a small program for the touchpad TouchpadPal, install it and open the shortcut. Then we simply follow the wizard of working with the program and after that we enjoy the work done.

It works on this principle: when text is entered, it automatically disables the touchpad during accidental touches.

We can also disable the touchpad until the next time you turn on the computer using the program. In order to download the program, follow the link to the developer’s website, select which OS is on your laptop, then go to the very bottom and click on the button to agree to the license terms ( if requested). Then feel free to click on “ Save“, and then continue as usual, complete the installation process.

But there is another way to deal with this trouble. This disabling the touchpad using function buttons. Different laptop models have different hotkey combinations. But if you have a laptop from a company HP, then there should be a power off button above the touchpad itself, so click on it. Try pressing Fn+ a button with a hand drawn touching the touchpad.

But it happens that Keyboard shortcuts don't help to cope with this problem, then check whether you have installed drivers for touchpad. If they are not installed ( then there will be an exclamation mark!), then we need to go to the website of the manufacturer of your laptop and download them. After installing the drivers, try pressing the function buttons again to disable the touchpad. Everything should work out.

If you want to disable the touchpad on the laptop itself, then do it as follows. Go to the menu " Start", next " Control Panel«, « device Manager". Now select the item where it says “ Mouse" In the next window that opens, click on “ Properties" And open the tab “ Device settings" Find the name of our touchpad and click disable his.

Bottom line. Using laptop function buttons is a really convenient thing from laptop manufacturers, which helps save a lot of time switching certain functions. Let's say thank you to the manufacturers for this service. Try to ensure that all programs are “correctly” updated and loaded on your laptop, then you will not have problems with the keyboard or touchpad. And then working with your laptop will only bring benefits and will be very convenient.
