Download and install the latest version of iTunes. iTunes for dummies: installation and update on PC (Windows) and Mac (OS X), manual and automatic checking for iTunes updates

Download and install the latest version of iTunes. iTunes for dummies: installation and update on PC (Windows) and Mac (OS X), manual and automatic checking for iTunes updates

iTunes- allows you to listen to music, including those transmitted by Internet radio stations, watch videos, convert media files, and burn music CDs and DVDs. Main features: multi-band equalizer, sound visualization, creation of (smart listening lists) encoding without pauses and with overlays, volume level normalization and much more, including a very good sounding player, user-friendly interface and the ability to copy songs to the memory of a portable device (Apple iPod, iPhone , iPad). The program can also be downloaded with a Russian user interface. In addition, iTunes has built-in access to a paid music download service. Online iTunes Store. In order to listen to a musical composition, you need to add it to your library. Download iTunes for free from our website in Russian.

Adding files to your iTunes library.

In order to add music compositions to the library ITunes, you need to open the Menu and select the command to add a file to the library. In the file opening dialog box that appears, select the desired composition and click the open button. To add a folder with songs to the library, go to the menu File select a team Add a folder to your media library. After this, all added files can be found on the tab Music media library section. When adding a file and clips, you need to do similar steps; these files will appear on the movies tab.

Create a playlist.

In order to create a playlist, you need to click the button + create a playlist located at the bottom of the main program window, and enter the name of the list. To add songs from the Library to a new playlist, you need to select the Music tab, select the necessary files and drag them with the mouse onto the names of the new list. To remove unnecessary files from the list, you just need to select them and select the Delete command from the Edit menu or click the Delete button. To add files to the playlist that are not in the libraries, you need to drag the files from Explorer to the list in the iTunes window. Free Russian iTunes 11.1 download Windows x32-64.


To configure the program in Edit menu select item Settings. It consists of several tabs, each of which is responsible for setting individual program parameters:

Using the Basic tab, you can configure the media library source, work with the inserted disc, and the program language.
The Playback tab allows you to configure the sound, video playback settings, as well as the language of the accompaniment and subtitles.
On the Sharing tab, you can specify which sections of your library you want to share.
The Parental Controls tab helps limit program access to certain files (For example, 12+).
Using the Advanced tab, you can configure the location of the program folder, settings for playback windows, and icon display
iTunes and enable/disable keyboard navigation. iTunes download free for Windows 7/8 operating systems.

Download program iTunes available for free from our website.

iTunes is a program necessary for every Apple user. How to download a song, set a ringtone, update an i-device... these and other questions will be answered by a service developed by Apple specifically for interaction between the user’s PC and the Apple gadget. However, before performing certain operations through iTunes, you must first install it on your computer.

In this article we will tell you how to install iTunes on your computer and what to do if the utility refuses to install.

As noted above, iTunes is a utility developed by Apple, which means that you can download it from the official website of the apple giant. And it’s not even possible, but necessary. There is absolutely no point in looking for other often dubious sources for downloading the service if it is available on the official portal and is available completely free of charge in Russian.

Instructions: how to download and install iTunes on your computer:

When the utility is installed, all you have to do is restart and authorize your computer. We'll tell you below how to authorize your computer in iTunes.

How to authorize a computer in iTunes?

Authorizing a computer in the program links your PC and Apple ID - a unique identifier for an Apple device. By specifying your ID through iTunes, you can, for example, listen to tracks purchased from your device in the iTunes Store from your computer, as well as watch movies and manage other content.

Why does iTunes refuse to install?

As you can see, everything is very simple, but sometimes it doesn’t come to authorization, because the program refuses to install or it installs, but does not open and/or does not start. Such situations do not arise often, but they do occur. What to do in such cases?

In most cases, the service does not work because the user downloaded the wrong version of the program. Using the link specified in the above instructions, which leads to the main program download page, the version of iTunes for PC on Windows 7, 8 and newer versions of the platform is downloaded.

However, if your PC has Windows XP or something even more “old-fashioned” installed, then you need to download the program using another special link. At the same time, there are subtleties regarding the “bit” of the system, so before downloading you need to clarify the bitness of your PC - 32 bit or 64 bit.

If you have Windows XP or Vista installed on your computer and it is 32-bit, you need to download iTunes 32 bit from here, but if you have Vista and a 64-bit system, use this link to download iTunes 64 bit.

It is worth noting that the model of the i-device does not determine the version of iTunes; if you have Windows 7, then no matter what gadget you “dock” to your PC - a brand new iPhone 7 or an already aged 4S, this will not affect the performance of the program.

If the utility version is selected correctly for the installed Windows and bit depth, but the program still refuses to start, then make sure of the following:

  • you work with your PC through an administrator account. Remember! In guest mode it is impossible to install any programs!
  • you have downloaded all the latest Windows updates - you can check this fact in Windows Update (you can easily find it through the Start menu).

In addition, if you have previously installed iTunes, check whether the previous version of the program has left any “tails”, use a professional uninstaller for this, for example, Revo UnInstaller.

If this action does not help, try disabling security programs - antivirus and/or firewall - during installation.

Let's summarize

Well, now you know how to download the iTunes program to your computer and log in to it. In addition, you know what to do if the PC does not install iTunes. If the methods specified in the article to solve the problem did not lead to success, we recommend contacting Apple support - they will definitely help you.

iTunes is a program that must be installed on the computer of any user of an Apple device. However, quite a few Apple owners not only do not know how to use this utility, but are generally “blissfully” unaware of what kind of program it is. In this article we will talk about what iTunes is, what options the utility provides, and we will figure out how to install the program using the iPhone 5S as an example.

iTunes is a program with the widest functionality. Media player, store, converter, media file editor, intermediary between a PC and a smartphone to perform one or another operation... the functionality of the utility can be listed for a long time. However, the main reason why users install the utility is to synchronize the i-device and computer.

iOS, the platform on which mobile “Apples” operate, is closed, which on the one hand is a plus – increased protection from viruses and the security of user data, on the other, there are a lot of minuses, including the inability to directly download a track or video from the network.

If an iPhone user wants to download his favorite song to his smartphone, he must either buy the content in the iTunes Store application, or download the track for free to his computer via the Internet, and then, using iTunes and the above-mentioned synchronization option, transfer it to the Apple. By analogy, movies, clips, ringtones, books, etc. are downloaded to the gadget through the utility.

The second important purpose of the program is the ability to restore an iOS device in the event of a software failure and “pull out” information from the backup copy after restoration.

Well, let’s say, thirdly, iTunes is a multifunctional media player that plays various music and video formats, can convert them, edit them, etc.

How to download and install iTunes?

As you can see, iTunes for the iPhone, and all other Apple mobile devices, is a really necessary thing, so if you still haven’t installed the program, we recommend that you get it urgently.

We decided to tell you how to install the iTunes program on a computer for an iPhone 5S model. However, in fact, the guide we provide also applies to the iPhone 6 and iPhone 4, the first generation iPad and the fifth generation iPod Touch. In short, for any other iOS gadget. The only difference will be the minimum version of the program required for a particular gadget. However, if you decide to install the latest iTunes, the instructions will generally be the same in all cases. Let's look at it:

1 If you want to download the latest version of iTunes on your PC, no matter what iOS device you have, follow this link to a special section of the Apple website and click the “Download” button. In the event that for some reason it is impossible to use the current iTunes on your computer, and you want to install one of the older versions, go to this section of the App Studio project, select your operating system, then the desired version of iTunes and the download will start automatically. Important! The program version must be equal to or older than the minimum required version of iTunes for a specific gadget (for iPhone 5S it is 11.1).
2 When the download of the installation file is completed - and in both cases one file of the .exe extension is downloaded, there will be no archives or strange folders - double-click on it with the left mouse button, the installation will begin.
3 Accept the terms of the user agreement, click next several times in the installer dialog boxes and wait until it completes.

That's all! iTunes is installed - restart the PC and you can start using the program. Frankly speaking, the interface of the utility cannot be called intuitive (which is strange, because the technology of the Apple giant is as intuitive as possible), but over time and with the help of instructions for performing a particular operation, which are countless on the Internet, it will not be difficult to understand iTunes.

Let's summarize

iTunes is the No. 1 program in the arsenal of an Apple user. The program has a wide range of functionality, from playing music and synchronizing content between a PC and an iOS device to restoring information and the functionality of the gadget. You can download the current program for free on the official Apple website, one of the older versions on the App Studio project website, and the utility is installed in literally two clicks!

iTunes is a computer media player for playing and organizing audio and video files, developed by Apple and distributed free of charge for the Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows platforms.

iTunes provides access to the proprietary online store iTunes Store (an online store for the distribution of digital audio, video, gaming media content, mobile applications and books. The store is accessed from the interactive shell of the iTunes browser.), allowing you to make purchases and rent movies.

One of the interesting features of the iTunes media player is the Genius function, which analyzes the user’s media library and suggests songs and movies in the iTunes Store based on his preferences.

iTunes is compatible with all existing iPod, iPhone, iPad and Apple TV models. The media player can be used to stream video files (including HDTV) and create a home collection (providing access to it from various devices included in the “home” network), including both audio and video files, and photos.

Key Features of iTunes

  • Navigation through the multimedia library, letter-by-letter search, presentation of data in the form of a list of songs or albums, grid, Cover Flow.
  • Organizing a media library (multimedia library), creating playlists, smart playlists, folders.
  • Genius is an iTunes Store service that creates playlists and mixes of matching songs and makes recommendations based on songs in your iTunes library.
  • Editing song metadata such as “author”, “composer”, “cover”, etc.
  • Record and import songs from CDs.
  • Plays music, movies, podcasts, multi-band equalizer, visualizer, mini-player mode.
  • Internet radio.
  • Purchasing compositions in the company's online store.
  • Syncs with iPod, iPhone, iPad and Apple TV.
  • Sharing – allows you to open access to the music library and listen to music from other music libraries on the local network using the DAAP protocol

iTunes Features

  • Media library

Users must store their movies, music, clips, etc. in a personal iTunes library, which they can assign independently in the media player settings.

  • Music

By default, iTunes uses music in AAC format, 256 kbps. This is the format in which all songs purchased through the iTunes Store are supplied. However, the built-in encoder can be configured for MP3 as well. In this case, for example, songs from CDs can be saved in MP3, AAC, Apple Lossless, AIFF, WAV formats. Optionally, playback of files in the Ogg Vorbis format is supported; the XiphQT codec can be installed independently by downloading from the official website of the Xiph.Org foundation.

Until December 2008, music purchased from the iTunes Store had a built-in protection mechanism and could not be transcoded to other formats using standard means. But in December 2008, Apple announced the iTunes Plus standard, which removed copy protection and increased the quality of songs. Currently, all 6 million tracks in the iTunes Store have been converted to iTunes Plus format. Users who previously purchased protected songs can convert them to iTunes Plus format for free.

  • Movies

On May 9, 2005, iTunes version 4.8 was introduced, which included video support. Users could copy their movies and clips to their iTunes library.

On October 12, 2005, when iTunes 6 was released, the first videos appeared in the iTunes Store: clips and TV shows. As of September 5, 2007, the iTunes Store features more than 550 TV shows and more than 70 films. Videos purchased through the iTunes Store are typically encoded at 540 kbps in the protected MPEG-4 (H.264) format and have a 128 kbps AAC audio track.

iTunes supports videos in QuickTime, MP4, 3gp and other formats.

  • TV shows

You can buy TV shows and series and watch them on your PC, Mac, Apple TV, iPod, iPhone or iPad.

  • Podcasts

There are audio and video podcasts. Podcasts are distributed both free and with a fee.

  • Radio

You can listen to any of hundreds of online radio stations. This requires a stable Internet connection at a speed of 56 kbps (at least 128 kbps is recommended).

iTunes is the latest version of Apple's free media player for Windows and Mac OS. The iTunes player supports devices such as: iPod, iPad IPhone and Apple TV. The site provides the latest version of iTunes for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows operating systems.

First of all, I would like to note the convenience of this player as a kind of cataloguer and especially highlight its capabilities in organizing a home library of multimedia content. Using the iTunes media library, you can easily find and play any files, as well as create smart and regular playlists, customizable according to a fairly large number of parameters. Moreover, the display mode of multimedia content in the player can be switched in a couple of clicks. You can navigate through the player using hotkeys, but it must be said right away that, unfortunately, they do not work with the Russian keyboard layout, which can, of course, be attributed to minor shortcomings of the player, but which are simply not noticeable against the background of all its obvious advantages .

You can choose to display content as a song list, album list, grid or Cover Flow mode, which visually displays, for example, album covers from your music collection in iTunes using a 3D graphical interface that looks very nice and pleasing to the eye. By the way, Apple has implemented the same Cover Flow mode in its own, only there it is used accordingly to display rather pleasant-looking previews of previously visited sites and so on.

For those who like their entire collection of music and videos to be on the shelves and, in addition to everything, pleasing to the eye, iTunes is perfect. iTunes also has the ability to edit information about music tracks that are in the player’s media library, such as track title, album name, year, you can also add cover art if it doesn’t exist, and other metadata. It is also possible to convert id-3 tags containing the above data from one version to another in a couple of clicks, which may be necessary to correctly display information about the file on different devices.

Also, using iTunes, you can access the branded online iTunes Store to purchase audio, video, games and other digital content. It is worth mentioning such services as Genius, which can create smart playlists based on your preferences, and Ping, which is a music social network for users of this player. There is also the ability to select and listen to Internet radio stations from a huge list of channels, sorted by musical styles and trends, and other features. It’s definitely worth noting that if you don’t need any of the functions, you can easily disable any of them in the program settings, and if necessary, just as easily turn them back on.

Please note that the latest versions of iTunes are not supported by the Windows XP operating system. To download iTunes for Windows XP, click on the appropriate link - 32-bit or 64-bit (version

Download iTunes for Windows for free, without registration.

iTunes is a free multimedia player from Apple for Windows and Mac OS. iTunes supports: iPod, iPad iPhone and Apple TV.

Version: iTunes

Size: 200/262 MB

Operating system: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7

Language: Russian version

Program status: Free

Developer: Apple Inc.

What's new in version: List of changes
