Creating passwords: how to come up with a strong password. How to come up with a correct and reliable password What password is needed to

Creating passwords: how to come up with a strong password. How to come up with a correct and reliable password What password is needed to

The average European is registered on 26 sites and rarely has more than five different passwords for all occasions. 30% of users store passwords on a piece of paper in front of the computer. If one of your accounts is hacked, it is highly likely that scammers will gain access to the rest of your data.

How to come up with a strong password for email


No maiden names (even mother's), school number, pet's name, etc. All this about you can be obtained from social networks in the open.


"ytsuken" or 123456789 are not for you. They can be hacked easily using brute force methods. So, you can experiment on the site to determine which combinations will take how long to select. Of course, you don’t need to enter your real passwords there. The ideal password combines letters, in different registers (like that, yes) and numbers.


Yes, yes, like in a bank. How to come up with a strong password? To avoid forgetting your password, come up with a word that you will constantly use, and a digital combination for it - this is a permanent part of the password. And the variable part will be the name of the site on which you enter it. For example, we chose “RaDuGA1812@” as a permanent part. And to register on, say, Facebook, combine the password into “RaDuGA1812@_Fb”


If you have a bilingual keyboard, you can make things even more challenging. The same word “rainbow” typed in Russian with the English layout turned on will be written as “hfleuf”. This will make things more difficult for password cracking programs. The selection algorithm in some of them is based primarily on a dictionary of existing words.

How to come up with a strong password in Odnoklassniki and more


Put letters first, then numbers. It matters. One password character can contain 10 number options (0−9) and 26 letter options. When a password is searched by character, the program gives the cracker the expected cracking time. On average, it ranges from a few minutes to a day. If there are letters at the beginning of the password, then the expected estimated cracking time is longer. Thus, if your account was not “ordered” personally, but is hacked just for fun, the hacker will most likely prefer to look for easier victims.


What kind of strong password can you come up with? For example, use the base part “RaDuGA1812@” for mail and social networks, let it be the main and permanent one. Oh, some “eHoT442@_” - for online stores where you look once or twice. For online games where account hacking is a constant occurrence, get yourself a third type of password.

A strong password can protect you and your data from the machinations of intruders. On the Internet, any profile requires a “password” to log in. Only you should know it - and no one else. So you will have to try hard to come up with a decent secret combination that is not so easy to recognize. In some cases, you can use one trick, but it still will not be able to completely secure your profile on the Internet. What tips should you use to make your “password” difficult to guess?

Numbers, letters, symbols

The most secure password is a combination that is difficult to remember and guess. Therefore, users always think about what they should use as a “password” for authorization on various services.

The first advice that advanced “users” give is to use a combination of numbers, letters and symbols in their secret combinations. It is also recommended not to create short passwords - it would be better if they were long and difficult to remember. This way you can protect your data.

What specific combination should I use? You'll have to figure this out on your own. However, there are a few more tips to help you create a strong password.


Please note that password entry forms are often case sensitive. In other words, they distinguish between lowercase and uppercase letters. This is a great opportunity to diversify your secret combination.

When coming up with a strong password, try to combine not only numbers with letters and special characters, but also alternate between lowercase and uppercase ones. This approach helps make it more difficult for attackers. The main thing is, don’t forget which letter is in which case.

It is recommended to capitalize the very first letter, and then alternate according to the “every other” principle. This kind of technique will help you avoid getting confused in the password you created. So take this advice into account. Which password is more secure? One that uses a variety of registers when writing. It is possible to do without this feature, but it is not advisable.


They say you shouldn't use dates that are important to you in your passwords. But that's not true. It is enough to slightly diversify the approach to this issue. There is such a technique as “shifters”. It helps you use dates that are important to you in your “password”. At the same time, it will be very difficult to unravel your secrets.

What is this principle based on? At the very beginning of the password you choose, you should write a date. For example, your birthday. And at the end - the same date, but upside down. If 123 is written at the beginning, then 321 is written at the end. As you can see, there is nothing difficult about this. Therefore, this technique is used by many users. It’s easy to remember the general principle of constructing a “secret record”. This means you won’t forget the “password” just like that.

Now it’s worth taking a closer look at strong passwords. Examples of these using “shifters” are what will help you figure out exactly how to create a good combination for authorization in an account on the Internet.

Let's assume that the "body" of our password will be the user's first and last name. Then we print: IvAnIvAnOv. Now you should use the “shifters”. To do this, let's take some date. For example, how often is the user's birthday selected? Let in our case it be May 4, 1988. And we dilute it all with symbolism. The final combination is: 4051988!~IvAnIvAnOv~!8891504. This is the complex password we have. In fact, it is easy for the user to remember, but it is extremely difficult for attackers to guess. In any case, practice shows exactly this situation.


If you can’t come up with a strong password yourself, you’ll have to use one little trick. Just don’t think that it will completely protect you from hacking. There is nothing better than a personally invented “password”.

What kind of reception are we talking about? About using special password generators. They themselves make up “secret combinations” using symbols, letters and numbers. Of course, taking into account the registry. But “shifters” are not used here.

You can download any password generator. Just launch the application and click on the "Generate" button (or something like that). You will receive a combination as a password. It can be supplemented or used in its original form.

Hello, dear readers of my blog!

Today I would like to tell you about how to come up with the right password.

While registering on many sites, I saw that they all had different requirements for access codes. Based on this, I developed the perfect formula for creating a password. It will be different on almost all sites, but at the same time, you will remember it and will not forget it! 🙂

Why is it important to make them different?

Before we start creating a password, I would like to say a few words about the importance of having different passwords.

One password for all web services is certainly convenient, but dangerous. After all, it can be stolen not only by the administrators of the sites on which you are registered, but also by hackers.

Knowing him, it is not difficult to find out personal information or obtain any secret data and documents.

Once you have access to your mailbox, you can change or recover passwords from other resources. Or conduct correspondence on your behalf. Therefore, I recommend that you take this issue seriously. In addition to creating it, I advise you to change it periodically or, if possible, connect an SMS confirmation of login to your account. For example, how this is implemented on VKontakte. Moreover, it's free :)

We come up with a password (for example, for government services)

The list of requirements is suitable for many sites:

  1. It should be a minimum of 8 characters, as I noticed that some sites require this length;
  2. You must use at least one number;
  3. At least one letter is capital;
  4. Use the first 2 letters of the site name in the password (this is necessary so that the password is always different);
  5. Use punctuation. It's not necessary, but if it happens, that's good.

Perfect password

Let's say we need to come up with a password for the website.

Let's choose a punctuation mark, let it be “!”.

Let's take the first 2 letters of the site, make the first letter capital - “Ma”.

5 more characters left. I can recommend using the last 2 digits of your year of birth. Let’s say “90”.

3 characters left. It's up to you to choose. You can enter your full name. Let’s say “baa”.

So, we get the password - !Ma90baa

For, it will be - !Ya90baa

For - !Ra90baa

For - !Vk90baa

For Skype - !Sk90baa

It is not necessary to write in the same order as mine. You can change the symbols in places as you wish, as it is easier for you to remember. For example: Sk90baa!, Skbaa90!, 90Skbaa!, 90baaSk! etc.

You can choose any number of digits in the password, at least 5, it is at your discretion. Or you can add numbers at the end, and 3 letters before them.

Well, that’s all :) Now you will have passwords for all your accounts and will never forget them. 😎

