Skype can't sign in to your account. Can't log into Skype with the correct password. Sorry, the registration information you entered was not recognized by Skype

Skype can't sign in to your account. Can't log into Skype with the correct password. Sorry, the registration information you entered was not recognized by Skype

Why can't I log into Skype? The reasons, as well as the options for solving the problem, are very numerous, so anyone who is puzzled by the question “Why can’t I log into Skype?” will have to understand the roots of the problem.

Diagnosis and solution options

  • The most common, but very common problem is this: there is no network, no Internet (no connection). Check its availability this way: just go to one of the sites. If that doesn’t work, see the network connections section (for a computer or laptop) or call your operator.
  • If the Skype service itself is not working properly, you can check its status by going to This official blog will always contain information about the operation of the messenger and problems, if any.
  • When you approach a stage such as the login screen (fields for entering your login and password are displayed there), you no longer need to check for Internet access. Now, carefully checking your nickname and login password, try to log into the program again either through the browser version (or it is also called the online version). If you are logged in, the password is correct and that is not the issue.
  • If there is some complex system error that prevents you from working or communicating normally, resetting the password, that is, changing the password, can help.
  • When you try to log into Skype messenger on a new device, a problem may arise that the required system parameters do not match. So check them out.
  • Delete the file called "shared.xml" or "main.incorrupt" if you haven't already done so.
  • Temporarily disable your antivirus or firewall (Windows Firewall). If you managed to log in after this, the problem is that the antivirus is blocking.

If you can't even see the login screen, the problem may be as follows:

  1. Skype is not installed correctly. To eliminate this option, simply install it again. This problem may occur after an update.
  2. You have already logged in previously, but using a different account. To correct this error, try exiting the program completely by right-clicking on the tray icon and selecting “Exit”.

How to delete a file "shared..." or "main..."

First you need to find it on your hard drive. Press the "Windows" and "R" keys to call the "Run..." command. Enter the following information in the free field: “%appdata%\skype”. After clicking “ok”, the system will find the folder where this interfering file is located. Remove it and try logging in again.

If it is impossible to find a file on disk (including the shared.xml file), you must first enable the visibility of previously hidden objects. To do this, press “Windows” and “R”, like last time, and enter the following text: “control folder”, click “ok”. All that remains is to select the option to show hidden objects (files and folders), which is called “Show hidden files, folders and drives” or “Show hidden files, folders or drives”.

For Mac OS owners, you need to do the following:

  1. Exit Skype (find its icon in the tray, right-click, select “Exit”).
  2. In the menu bar, select “Go”, then “Go to Folder”.
  3. Enter in the navigation line: “/Library/Application Support/Skype”.
  4. Click the "Go" button.
  5. Find the target file “shared.xml” in the directory that opens and delete it.

In the same way, you can try deleting the “main.incorrupt” file. It is located in the “Skype” folder in the program files on drive C (or in another place, if when installing the messenger you yourself did not choose a different option from the automatically proposed one).

Checking system settings for using Skype

To check that your device meets the system and technical requirements, you need to check the following information.

For Windows you must have:

  • processor with a power of at least 1 GHz,
  • at least five hundred 12 MB of RAM and “DirectX” latest version.

For Mac device owners(support for them will officially end in October 2016, but most likely, the use of Skype will be possible before the end of 2017):

  • The OS version must be Mac OS X 10.10 or later, or Mac OS X 10.6 (“Snow Leopard”),
  • Proc. Intel, with a clock frequency of one GHz,
  • As additional equipment (software), you need to have Quick Time installed.

For Linux users:

  • Operating system - Ubuntu 10.04 or later, Debian 6.0 or later, Fedora 16 or later, Open SUSE 12.1 or later.
  • The power of the processor is from 1 GHz.
  • RAM - from two hundred and fifty 6 MB.
  • Add. Software: Qt 4.6, D-Bus 1.0.0, libasound 1.0.18, Pulse Audio 1.0 (better than Pulse Audio 4.0), Blue Z 4.0 (preferably, but not required).

For “Windows Phone” you need to have Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.10, Windows Phone 80, although official support ends in October 2016, with some possible restrictions this program will continue to work on these platforms until the beginning of 2017.

For Android owners (that is, smartphones running on this platform - Android):

  • Operating system Android 4.0.3 or later.
  • Free space on your smartphone - from thirty 2 MB.

The same restrictions will apply here as for the previous example - support for this device ends at the end of 2017 at the latest.

If you have an ARMv7 processor, Skype is fully supported for you; if ARMv6 (for example, Samsung Galaxy Ace and HTC Wildfire devices fall into this category), video communication will not be supported.

For iOS device users(use will also be available until the voice communication function is transferred to the cloud, that is, until the beginning of 2017):

  • IOS version - from the eighth and higher,
  • Phone model - Apple Watch, IPhone (4s, 5, 5c, 6, 6 Plus, iPad 2, Air, Air 2, Mini, Mini 2, Mini 4, Pro, Touch (fifth or sixth generation).

If you use a computer or laptop, check your hardware settings. For this:

  1. Press the combination “Windows” + “I”.
  2. In the menu that opens, select “Change computer settings.”
  3. Click on the “Privacy” item.
  4. In the newly appeared window, leave your permission to use the microphone and video camera.

How to access the browser version?

Have you done everything you could, but you still can’t log into Skype or it says, “Couldn’t log in?” Is it still impossible to find out the reason or has the user not installed it yet? Don't despair - there are still options.

To try to temporarily solve the problem or check for errors on your device that are preventing you from logging in, try logging into the online version of this messenger. This is the same as the browser version. To use it you do not need to install any software, as it works directly on the site.

To implement your plan, log in to the specified official browser version using this link: . After successful login (if there is an Internet connection), log in with your username and password.

If you can log in, then the problem is in your device through which you log in (or previously logged in). Reinstall Skype. If you can't even register, .

How do I reset my password?

First, decide how exactly you will need to log into the messenger:

  1. Through a regular login to Skype, by entering an individual unique login in the specially designated fields in the login form.
  2. Through synchronization with Microsoft (performed if the account has the “dog” symbol – “@”).
  3. You want to log in via Facebook using your Facebook login and password.

To change the password for the first or second option, simply find on the login screen an inscription (active link) such as “Forgot your password?”, “Remember your password,” “Remember your password” and then follow the instructions. If an “extraordinary” situation arises when logging in through the social network Facebook, you should try to change the password there, on their website.

Solution for computer or laptop

Another solution to the problem is a method based on requiring login via IE. To get around this, you need to do this:

  1. Go to the Skype folder (usually it is in “Program Files”).
  2. Go to "Properties".
  3. Select the "Shortcut" tab.
  4. A path will appear in the “Target” field, at the end of which there will be “”. Add “/legasylogin” after this.
  5. Save everything you have entered by clicking on “ok”.
  6. Launch Skype from the shortcut.

For Umbuntu OS

Those who are the proud owner of a device running the above operating system can try this:

  1. First, it is advisable to update the OS to the latest version available.
  2. Go to “System Monitor” and open the tab with processes – “Process”.
  3. Find Skype and complete the process (“End Process”).
  4. Open the “Home” folder, press “Ctrl+H” to display hidden folders and files.
  5. Rename your Skype folder (for example, “SkypeOld”) or delete it immediately if you are not afraid of losing data.
  6. Update Skype.
  7. Go to the communication program.

So, to solve the problem of logging into Skype, many solutions have already been invented and tested. Try it too! To do this, it is advisable to know the technical data of your device and the software on it.

To communicate on Skype, you must register an account and use it to log into the program. If an error occurs in the process and you wonder: “Why can’t I log into Skype?”, then we will tell you in detail what to do in such a situation.


Most often, you cannot log in due to problems with the Internet or an incorrectly configured program. First, try deleting all processes through the task manager and running the program again. If this does not help, then try downloading the update completely or manually.

Password recovery

If you can’t log into Skype, but you are sure that you are entering the correct username and password, make sure that the desired authorization method is selected on the screen (Skype, Facebook or Microsoft live).

Deleting temporary files

Sometimes the error appears due to a system failure of the program. Then it may occur even after reinstallation. Procedure:

After this, the program should work normally. If the error still repeats, try logging in on another computer or mobile device or using access via

Nowadays, talking and transferring data via Skype is an everyday activity, an integral part of most Internet users, but like all other programs, this communication tool can sometimes not work correctly, as a result of which many users are faced with the inability to log into Skype. Below we describe the reasons for the frequently asked question: “Why can’t I log into Skype?”, as well as solutions to these problems.

Skype connection failed

An unsuccessful attempt to log into Skype with a message that a connection cannot be established may be due to the anti-virus program or firewall installed on your computer. Try disabling the antivirus and firewall first. If the problem persists, try the following:

  1. Go to Explorer and in the address bar enter:
    • For Windows 7: "C:\Users\$USER$\AppData\Roaming\Skype\"
    • For Windows XP, “C:\Documents and Settings\$USER$\Application Data” without quotes and with the appropriate username.
    This action will redirect you to the folder containing the message history in the program and similar data, copy the entire contents of the folder to any backup, and then clear all the contents from where you copied the data.
  2. After this action, you need to remove the Skype program from your computer through the control panel. To do this, you need to go to Start, then Control Panel, then select Uninstall programs, find Skype in the list that appears and remove it.
  3. After uninstalling, download the program again from the official website, so the latest version will be installed on your computer, after installing which you will only need to enter your login information. As a result of these actions, everything should work as it should.
  4. To restore copied important data, you will need the SkypeLogView utility.

You are already in Skype on this computer

If, when you try to log into your Skype account, you receive the following message: “You are already logged into Skype on this computer.”

  1. First, launch the task manager and see if the program is hanging in the processes, end the process if it is there and try logging in again.
  2. If the situation repeats after the process has already been completed, try deleting your profile or simply rename the folder containing your data. In order to delete a profile or rename a folder, you need to go to the folder using the method described above and rename or delete your profile folder there.
  3. Try logging into the program again.

Login is not possible due to data transmission error

Often the question “why can’t I log into Skype” is accompanied by the following screenshot:

There are several different solutions to this problem.

  1. Solution 1. Again, using the method described above, look for the Skype folder and in it you will already find a folder with the name of your login in the program. After opening, find the file “main.iscorrupt” in it. Transfer it to your desktop without copying it, and try logging into Skype again. If authorization is successful, the transferred file can be sent to the trash.
  2. Solution 2. First, using the same method, we look for the Skype folder, in which we subsequently rename the folder with the name of your login; you just need to add one absolutely any character to the name or, conversely, delete one character. This way you will save your profile message history. Try logging into Skype. If it works, then everything will work well, but your old correspondence will not be there; they can be restored using the same software utility given above.

Unable to sign in to Skype after update

Problems with logging in sometimes occur after updating the Skype program, and problems after installing extensions and panels can also be attributed to this.
To solve a problem of this nature, one of three methods is used.

In this lesson I will tell you how to quickly launch Skype on your computer. We will learn how to open Skype without the program and talk about how to restore its functionality.

How to quickly launch Skype

First, I’ll tell you about the easiest way to start. This is just for those who don’t have the time or desire to understand.

If everything is entered correctly, a full-fledged Skype will open. Here you can correspond, call, send video messages. This will happen through your account - just like in a regular program. Those you communicate with will not feel the difference.

How to restore the program

I just showed you how to log into Skype if it doesn’t open on your computer. In principle, you can stop there, but many people still find it more convenient to use a regular program. Therefore, next I will show how to restore its operation.

Logging in through the browser is more suitable for temporary use - when you urgently need to open the program, and there is no time to figure out what's what.

Windows 7, 8, 10

Most often, Skype does not open due to the fact that the version of the program on the computer is outdated. This can be solved by updating it.

1 . Open the official website

2. Click “Download Skype” and wait for the file to download.

For Windows 8 and 10, installation occurs through the Application Store (Microsoft Store).

3. Open the resulting file. It is usually located in your Downloads folder.

4 . Install the program.

When finished, a shortcut will appear on the Desktop and Start.

Windows XP

On a computer with Windows XP, Skype does not work at all. It cannot be installed or updated. This is due to the fact that XP is an outdated system and is not supported by developers.

The only option is to use the web version. That is, open Skype in a browser, as I showed in .

But even in this case, the program may not start. Then you need to make a special shortcut and open the application only through it. The method works if you have Google Chrome or Opera.

1 . Right-click on the Desktop → New → Shortcut.

2. Paste the following text if you have Google Chrome:

"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36" https

Or this text if you have Opera:

"C:\Program Files\Opera\launcher.exe" -user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36" https://web

A new icon will appear on your desktop. This is where you need to open the program. Just close the browser window before starting.

If it doesn't open after the update

If you've updated Skype and it still won't launch, the first thing to do is restart your computer. Did not help? Then follow the further instructions until the program works.

These instructions will help restore the operation of the computer version if it does not open at all - it freezes, crashes. If your problems are related to something else, look for an answer.

Solution 1: Delete the folder

1 . We close the program. To do this, right-click on the taskbar and select “Task Manager”.

In the “Processes” tab, find Skype in the list and remove the task (end the process).

If there is no such process, close the window and proceed to the next step.

2. Press the Windows keyboard key () and, without releasing it, press the key with the letter R. A window will open, where we paste %appdata% and click “OK”.

3. We delete the Skype folder and try to launch the application.

On a note . All your contacts and messages will remain as they are stored on Microsoft servers. So don't worry - nothing will be deleted!

Solution 2: Uninstall the program

This way you will completely remove the program from your computer. Now we clean the registry in CCleaner: Registry → Search for problems → Fix selected. It is advisable to create a backup copy before doing this.

After that, delete the folder (see) and reinstall Skype (see).

All your contacts and messages are not erased when you uninstall the program, since they are stored on the Internet - on Microsoft servers.

Solution 3: Reset Internet Explorer settings

The Skype program is connected to the Internet Explorer browser. And sometimes it starts to glitch precisely because of him. The solution is to reset your browser settings.

  • Windows 7: Start → Control Panel → set “Large icons” at the top right → Internet Options → Advanced → Reset.
  • Windows 10: right click on Start → Settings → type in the search bar Browser properties→ Advanced → Reset.

Solution 4: Disabling Antivirus and Firewall

Try disabling your antivirus and running the application. If it opens, it means that the antivirus is blocking its operation. To fix this, add Skype to the exceptions.

The same goes for the firewall: turn it off and try to start the program. If it works, then you need to add it to the exceptions.

How to disable the firewall:

  • Windows 7: Start → Control Panel → put “Large icons” at the top right → Windows Firewall → Turn Windows Firewall on or off (left) → disable both.
  • Windows 10: Right-click on Start → Settings → Network and Internet → Windows Firewall → turn off in “Domain Network” and “Private Network”.

Solution 5: Modifying the shortcut

This is a temporary fix. It does not solve the problem, but simply helps to launch the program one-time.

1 . We close the application (see).

2. Place the shortcut on the Desktop: Start → Programs → right-click on Skype → or .

3. Right-click on the shortcut that appears and select “Properties”.

4 . In the “Object” field on the “Shortcut” tab, add a space and the text /legacylogin at the end of the line and click OK.

Now the program can be opened on your computer, but only through this shortcut.

Other reasons why Skype may not work:

  • Viruses
  • Unstable Internet
  • DirectX version below 9.0
  • Processor up to 1 GHz, RAM up to 512 MB
  • Problematic version of the program

For example, a couple of years ago, a new version of the application refused to work on some laptops. Over time, the developers solved the problem, but this happened only after several months.

Other startup problems

The icon on the desktop has disappeared.

Start → Programs → Skype → right-click on the icon → Pin to Start Screen or Send → Desktop - create shortcut.

The program no longer starts automatically when the computer is turned on.

  1. Open the application.
  2. Click on the three dots in the upper left corner of the program (where your username is) and select “Settings”.
  3. General → Start Skype automatically.

How to get an answer to your question from an official representative.

Users of the famous messenger sometimes complain that they were unable to log into Skype network. In order to fix the problem, you need to understand its cause.

First of all, you should check your network connection. This can be done by opening various sites in the browser or launching another application that works with the Internet. If the connection is interrupted, they will not be able to work stably.

If problems with the network are excluded, you need to make sure that there are no interruptions in the provision of services by developers. Such problems are rare and are quickly resolved by the company’s technical specialists. You can learn about large-scale interruptions in Skype on the specialized Heartbeat forum.

If a user is wondering why I can’t log into Skype, then he should check that the login and password he entered are correct. If the problem is logging into your account on the desktop version, you can try logging into your page in web version of the application. To restore data, you will need the email address or mobile phone you used to register in the messenger.

If you can't sign into Skype, you may need to delete the shared.xml file. This operation is performed as follows.

The next time you launch the Skype file, a new version of the file will appear. If your computer does not display extensions in document names, then the name will look like shared. Sometimes the file may be hidden, so you need to set the necessary settings.

There are other reasons why users are unable to sign in to Skype. So, the problem may be a firewall blocking the application. In addition, you should temporarily disable your antivirus program and try again to open your page in the messenger. When working with Skype through a proxy server, the reason may be that the application is unable to connect to it. In such a situation, you will need to manually change the settings.

Often connection problems can be solved installing updates in a programme. They can be downloaded from the developers’ website, where the latest versions of the messenger are freely available.
