Xiaomi mi band 3 when will the new one come out. Fitness bracelet Xiaomi Mi Band: description, instructions, reviews. Software changes

Xiaomi mi band 3 when will the new one come out. Fitness bracelet Xiaomi Mi Band: description, instructions, reviews. Software changes

Xiaomi MiBand is one of the most popular lines of fitness bracelets in our country. Those who use it greatly appreciate the devices in this series for their ergonomics, extremely attractive and strict appearance, and, of course, for an adequate price for the quality. Now the Chinese company is actively working to soon release its third model.

Estimated release date of Xiaomi Mi Band 3

Previously, it was planned that the release date of the device would be March 2018. Such thoughts arose among experts based on the fact that the device was announced in February of this year. Previously, if Xiaomi provided information about the release of a device, the official release took place approximately 2-3 weeks after this announcement.

This is what the Xiaomi Mi Band 3 fitness bracelet should look like

But this time this did not happen. Now, according to insider information, the official release of the device is scheduled for May 2018. Such a long development period is most likely due to the fact that the new version of the famous Xiaomi Mi Band 3 device will be much more functional compared to previous models.

The company's pricing policy suggests that, most likely, the cost of a new device will vary from 3,000 to 35,000 rubles. Such forecasts are due to the fact that the second bracelet cost $25, and the first - $15. Some cyclicality, characteristic of Xiaomi’s pricing, allows us to predict a price level of 30–35 dollars.

Planned technical characteristics of the bracelet

In fact, we can now say that in terms of its functions the model will seriously surpass not only previous versions of itself, but also all its competitors on the market. If you believe information leaked from official sources, the new fitness bracelet will be more like a full-fledged version of a smartwatch.

We can say that in terms of its functions the model will seriously surpass not only previous versions of itself, but also all its competitors on the market
  • The main job of a fitness bracelet is to directly track a person’s activity. In this regard, the device is extremely functional: vigorous activity is counted, calories and sleep phases of a person, heart rate, steps taken and total distance are calculated;
  • the presence of an ordinary, but accurate clock with the functions of an alarm clock and displaying reminders on the screen, setting goals for the day and a stopwatch;
  • The operating life of the built-in and fully charged battery is about 40 days. This is perhaps the best option of all the devices on the market;
  • compatible with all devices running Android OS (starting from version 6.0) and iOS (from version 10);
  • insiders claim that the device will have IP-68 protection against water and dust. This implies almost complete protection even from immersion in water.

What will be conceptually new in this accessory?

Let's look at the most important innovations announced by the company. Perhaps the most interesting thing is the appearance of the NFC wireless module. Its presence, according to mobile technology experts, will allow the bracelet to be used as a means of payment. The functions of contactless non-cash payments are now in great demand in the modern world, and mobile equipment manufacturers pay great attention to this issue. Naturally, to make payments you will need to pair the bracelet with a phone to which a bank card is already linked.

Now it is completely unclear which payment systems will be supported by the device

We can definitely talk about support for our own payment service called Xiaomi Mi Pay (designed specifically for use with the company’s mobile phones, taking into account their functional features). Practice shows that phones of this brand do not experience any problems with making contactless payments.

The second very important addition will be the appearance of a GPS module. It is this module that will help you track your routes when running, cycling or any other physical activity without having your phone with you. The trendsetter in this regard is Apple, and analysts in the field of modern gadgets believe that the Chinese simply cannot ignore the craze for GPS navigation in smart watches and any other devices.

At the very beginning of March, the presence of both modules in the bracelet was actually confirmed. If this really is the case, then the fitness bracelet market will receive a qualitative leap forward thanks to innovations from Xiaomi.

Additionally, the list of features should include the breathing control function, which is currently available in the Apple Watch. Stressful situations often cause changes in breathing rhythm; if there is a sharp decrease or increase in activity, the bracelet will warn you that you need to calm down.

The screen of the new version of the famous tracker is expected to be approximately 1.5" in diameter, made using OLED technology and fully touch-sensitive. These features should seriously increase the functionality of the bracelet and improve ergonomics. The case will most likely be made of stainless steel, as a result of which the device will feel better on the hand and work more correctly under heavy loads due to its tight fit.

Video: device overview

The manufacturer Xiaomi knows how to surprise with innovations and high-quality devices. Without a doubt, the same will happen with the new fitness bracelet. Whatever functions it ultimately has, it will be a quality gadget. The company is more than capable of this and will do everything to please its current users and attract new ones.

Let me make a reservation right away that in this review I will sing ODE my most beloved and irreplaceable electronic assistant fitness bracelet Xiaomi Mi Band 2.

I purchased it on the world-famous website of a Chinese online store from a Russian warehouse, which significantly speeded up the delivery of the goods. As a plus, I also bought 2 bracelets for the summer (I’ll tell you about them later).

I'll start with packaging: A small white box made of thick cardboard with a picture of a bracelet: simple and stylish.

We open it and see that the lid on the inside is upholstered with velvet like velvet. There is also a hole for the capsule. For this I give a huge + manufacturers: convenient and safe for transportation.

Under the capsule there is a rubber braceletblack color(this is the only one included) management instruction manual (long footcloth folded several times) in 2 two languages ​​( Russian is also available) And Charger.

The main “brain” of the device is the capsule. Charges only with a USB adapter (if completely discharged, then 1.5 hours). The photo shows a groove with contacts on one side (we insert the capsules there), and on the other side there is a USB connector (standard). It lasts about 20 days without recharging (depending on the activity of use).

Now let's talk about the purpose of the device, its functions.

Some people consider fitness bracelets just a fashion trend, others consider them a necessity and a useful assistant. I belong to the 2nd category of people. When I purchased it, none of my friends had it, so it would be difficult to say that I bought it under the influence of fashion and the growing popularity of use.

What Xiaomi Mi Band 2 can do?

  1. Determine the time, date, day of the week (after all, this is, first of all, a clock).
  2. Pedometer (counts only steps, not arm or leg movements).
  3. Calories burned per day (I don’t use this function as it is unnecessary, so I turned it off right away).
  4. Mileage traveled.
  5. Pulse (last and for the current second; there are special sensors on the capsule).
  6. Charge percentage. This is all shown on the capsule screen during sequential switching (there is a circle-shaped touch button specifically for this). In addition to the above:
  7. Notifies with strong vibration and notification on the capsule screen about calls, SMS, messages from applications (you won’t be able to miss anything, you’ll always be in touch).
  8. Tracks sleep phases and duration (deep, slow and fast sleep).
  9. Will indicate with vibration and notification when it’s time to get up and move (for the laziest).
  10. Works great underwater (you can easily shower with it).

By the way, you can find out the time by simply waving the hand on which the bracelet is located. It is not necessary to switch the sensor for this.

And the most important thing, To make the fitness bracelet work you need to download the application Mi Fit and connect via Bluetooth. With its help, set the settings you need (weight, height, daily activity goal (when reached, the little assistant will notify you), view your sleep history, heart rate, and much more.

Finally, I’ll tell you a little about replacement straps for Xiaomi Mi Band 2. They are purchased separately and are not included in the kit. The stores offer a wide variety of items: leather, rubber, steel - for every taste.

I didn’t like the wear resistance of the ones I ordered: on one of them the design began to wear off very quickly.

Conclusion: I definitely RECOMMEND the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 fitness bracelet for use. Everyone will find in it what they are looking for at a low cost.

Let's start with the main thing: entry-level fitness bracelets (up to 10 thousand rubles - professional models are much more expensive) are not intended for athletes or active sports fans. All they need to do is motivate you to move more and feel better.

Therefore, bracelets like (1300-1500 rubles) and Honor Band 3 (2000-2500 rubles in Russia or the same 1500 rubles on Ali) are an excellent “entry ticket” to the sport for people who just want to become more active. These bracelets are inexpensive - good sneakers will cost more - but they can do the most important thing: track your lifestyle and motivate you to be active. Moreover, it’s good to motivate.

In September 2018, Xiaomi released an updated version of the bracelet - Xiaomi Mi Band 3, with a larger screen and NFC. Outwardly, it is now very similar to Honor Band 3, but there is no point in it now. Why? Because a) NFC does not work in Russia, even in the international version of the bracelet; b), it is very difficult to read the text on it. The fact is that this is a Chinese bracelet designed to display Chinese characters. Thus, they can be displayed across the screen, several hieroglyphs per line. For the Russian language with long words, this arrangement is not suitable. For Russian, horizontal text output as in Honor Band 3 is better suited.

Update from December 29, 2018: at the end of the year, Honor also launched an updated version of the Honor Band 4 bracelet for sale in Russia. Functionally, it differs little from the previous generation bracelet, but it received a beautiful and contrasting Amoled screen, against which all other bracelets look pale. However, the text in it is now positioned vertically and has the same difficulties for perception as in the Xiaomi Mi Band 3. However, I repeat, the screen is simply gorgeous. In our country, they ask for 4,500 rubles for a bracelet, but on Aliexpress you can find it for 2,500 rubles.

Why should you believe me

I have been actively using fitness bracelets since 2014. During this time, I have owned several generations of Jawbone bracelets, Fitbit (both companies are pioneers in this market), Xiaomi Mi band of both generations, Garmin sports trackers, etc. I have written several specialized articles on these devices on such large resources computer resources such as Computerra, Habrahabr and Geektimes. So yes, I understand this issue.

For those starting on Monday

As mentioned above, the main audience for these devices are people who want to move more and feel better. Therefore, the basic functionality of such bracelets is counting steps and tracking sleep quality. A bonus is receiving notifications from your phone. You don’t have to read this long article and watch the video (admittedly, it’s also quite a big one) with a retelling of the text. However, unlike the video, the article is more detailed and is updated more regularly (updating the video is much more difficult, primarily due to Youtube limitations).

But let's talk about the capabilities of bracelets in more detail.


According to WHO recommendations, in order to stay active, you should take at least 10,000 steps. Moreover, 10 thousand is really not enough - something like 5 kilometers or an hour of leisurely walking. When I first started wearing the bracelet, I sincerely believed that I was moving somewhere like this. It turned out that no, and I had to change my habits a little. However, when I slightly exceeded the goal of 12,000 steps per day, I was automatically in the top 20% of active users. This means that the remaining 80% moved less. Therefore, making the wearer move is the main purpose of the bracelet.

That is why the steps are shown on the display of the bracelets in the first place. And it is at 10 thousand that the bracelet begins to actively vibrate, making you rejoice at the goal you have achieved. By the way, this kind of motivation really works - when I started wearing fitness bracelets, I deliberately went out a couple of transport stops earlier in order to “get” the missing couple of thousand steps, or I gladly went to the store, realizing that it would “count” for me.

Another motivation of this kind is the vibration of the bracelet if you sit motionless for more than an hour. This is also very convenient and useful.

Here the bracelet has three tasks:

  1. Track your sleep quality
  2. Wake up in the right phase.
  3. Wake you, and only you, with vibration

A little theory. Human sleep is divided into two phases: deep sleep and light sleep. In the deep, our brain “turns off” and we rest; in the light, we dream. If the deep sleep phase was insufficient during the night, we do not have time to rest properly and feel overwhelmed. And the opposite - if in the morning we wake up to an alarm clock in the light sleep phase, we get up easily. If we are in the deep phase, it is easier to shoot us than to raise us.

A couple of examples: you've probably noticed that you can wake up at 4 am and feel rested and full of energy. And already in the morning, when the alarm clock rings, it’s so hard for you, as if a roller skating rink had rolled over you. Although, you seemed to sleep more. The fact is that at night you woke up in the light sleep phase, and in the morning - in the deep sleep phase.

But let's get back to the points. Sleep phase tracking necessary in order to understand What affects your sleep. For example, you can determine how your actions (late dinner, late activity or a warm bath) affect the quality of your sleep.

Here's a simple example. On the left is my normal sleep schedule (ignore the three phases, we'll talk about them later). On the right - after drinking alcohol on the occasion of a holiday with friends.

As you can see, after drinking alcohol, such a thing as “deep sleep” completely disappeared from the chart. Needless to say, my body didn’t feel very well in the morning :)

Now about waking up in the right phase. We have already discussed above why this is important. How it works in practice: as a rule, in the morning the light/deep sleep phases alternate at intervals of 30 minutes. So when we set the alarm for 7:30, the smart alarm clock can wake you up earlier. Essentially, the bracelet monitors when you come out of deep sleep, and if there are less than 20-30 minutes left before waking up, it will wake you up - otherwise you may fall back into deep sleep. If you haven’t gotten out of deep sleep before 7:30, the bracelet will still have to wake you up.

Those. 7:30 is the latest you will be woken up. It is likely that the alarm will go off earlier.

Two more points from personal practice: due to my work, I fly a lot, and it often happens that I have to go to the airport early in the morning. And even if I only slept for 4 hours, waking up at the right time allows me to feel relatively rested. But the colleagues who woke up somehow look more like zombies. Of course, fatigue will set in after a few hours, but this is enough time to get to the airport, go through security, sit on the plane and sleep peacefully in the seat. Colleagues tend to just get their brains going with coffee and then can't sleep on the plane.

And third, about vibration. First, a little quote:

but I play games every day... though, mostly the same one: the stealth mission “How to leave for work in the morning without waking up your wife and children”... and in hardmode: just one attempt, without the ability to save and load

If you have a child in your family and your wife is on maternity leave, then it can be very important to wake up without waking up anyone around you. Thanks to vibration, the bracelet wakes up only you, without disturbing anyone around you. Of course, vibration is also audible, but not as strong as a beep.

Receive notifications from your phone

Since the bracelet is constantly connected to the smartphone via Bluetooth, transmitting activity data to the proprietary application, it is logical to assume that the phone can also transmit data to the bracelet. Therefore, when you receive a call, message or other notification, the fitness bracelet can respond to this with vibration and show the text of the message or the name of the caller on the screen.

Interestingly, this mode not only does not waste the phone’s energy, but also allows you to slightly extend the life of the phone. This is achieved due to the fact that you turn on the phone much less often, receiving the necessary information from your hand.

Let's add a little sport

In the previous section, we looked at the basic functionality of a fitness bracelet, necessary for those who are just starting to engage in activity (it’s hard to call it sports).

If you run, actively cycle, or just exercise to lose weight, you'll need a couple of extra options.

The first of them is measuring your pulse. In fact, the accuracy of such a measurement is very low (it requires completely different trackers and they are placed on the chest, not on the arm). However, even such measurements are enough to understand what load mode your body is in.

Why is it important to monitor your heart rate?. If your goal is to lose weight, you must burn as many calories as possible without getting tired ahead of time. To do this, use a simple formula: (220 – age)*0.6 and (220 – age)*0.8. It is in this range that your heart rate should be so that the body works in the mode of spending reserves, but the muscles do not get too tired. Let's say your age is 30 years old. Therefore, your heart rate range during exercise should be between 114-152 beats per minute. And the bracelet lets you judge whether you've overdone it or pushed your payload limits.

The second option, and one that runners and cyclists need more, is recording your route using the built-in GPS. Here, in general, everything is also clear - the presence of exact coordinates allows you to measure the distance and record more accurate indicators.

Our choice

The most affordable model, which has almost all of the above functionality, is the Xiaomi Mi Band 2 fitness bracelet. At the moment, this is the most common and most affordable model on the market. At a price of about 1200-1500 rubles, there are simply no competitors. ako

The Mi Band 2 doesn't have many disadvantages.

  1. Xiaomi does not have an alarm clock based on sleep phases. More precisely, it was, but the manufacturer removed this function from the proprietary application. Therefore, if you need this function, you will have to install a third-party application.
  2. The number of programs that can send notifications from the phone to the bracelet is limited to 5.
  3. When you call or message you don't you see who they are from and you don’t see the text of the message. You receive a notification only about the fact of a call or notification from the messenger.
  4. Because this pattern is so common, it's harder to maintain your individuality. Since a watch (and a bracelet looks exactly like a watch) is a style item, not everyone (especially girls) is happy with the idea that their bracelet looks exactly like a dozen of the same bracelets from their colleagues and friends.

From left to right: Xiaomi Mi band 2, Honor Band 3 and Honor Band 2 Pro

For twice the price you get:

  1. Slightly nicer design and more information on the display. You can see who the call is from and read the message. Moreover, the text is displayed parallel to the screen.
  2. Having a smart alarm clock right out of the box. Plus, the bracelet tracks three phases of sleep: deep sleep, light sleep and sleep with dreams (there is no particular point in additionally highlighting the third phase, but sometimes it’s interesting).
  3. Official water resistance and recording of activities such as swimming (Xiaomi does not write anything about the water resistance of the Mi Band, but it can easily withstand swimming in both the sea and the pool).
  4. There are no restrictions on the number of applications that can send notifications to the bracelet.
  5. A slightly larger and more informative display.

As you can see, there are not many important advantages, other than a more informative display. Moreover, they are clearly not worth doubling the cost. However, I chose Honor Band 3 for myself because of the smart alarm clock and the lack of restrictions on notifications. For me they are both critical. Well, if you use the link from the beginning of the article, then this bracelet can be ordered from China for the same 1.5 thousand rubles.

Minuses: As practice shows, the Honor Band 3 strap is enough for about six months of work. After 6 months, the rubber band on one of the plastic elements swells and falls off. As a rule, this can no longer be cured and the strap has to be completely changed. New straps cost about 200 rubles, but the very fact of constant replacement is very annoying.

If you additionally need functionality related to a GPS tracker, you can pay another 1000 rubles and buy Honor Band 2 Pro. However, for this money it’s already easier to get one.

Despite the fact that you can record a track using a smartphone, it is more convenient to do it on a bracelet. However, it is worth remembering that GPS eats up the battery in about three hours, while in the mode of constantly monitoring the pulse, the bracelet lasts for a week, and if you watch the pulse only upon request, the battery holds a charge for 2-3 weeks.

An additional bonus to the Honor Band 2 Pro is the “breathing” mode, which allows you to quickly calm down by inhaling and exhaling following commands from the screen.

Xiaomi Mi Band3 and Honor Band4

In September 2018, Xiaomi released an updated version of their Xiaomi Mi Band 3 bracelet. With a larger screen and NFC. However, purchasing this bracelet does not make any sense, since NFC does not work outside of China (although they promised to fix it in the international version), and - most importantly - it is inconvenient to read neither messages nor the name of the caller on such a bracelet. Due to the initial “sharpening” of the screen for hieroglyphs, the words of the Russian language are displayed across the screen in several letters with constant hyphens. Compared to the same Honor Band 3, this looks terribly inconvenient.

Photo from review on MySku.me

The new Honor Band 4 has approximately the same problem. However, instead of a monochrome display, they installed a bright Amoled display. Why did the bracelet look just great? If it weren't for the problem with vertical display of messages (which is my personal nitpick), it would be perfect.

Another disadvantage, or rather a feature of Honor, is that due to the bright screen, its battery life was reduced to two weeks. However, by and large, two or three weeks doesn’t make much of a difference. Personally, I'd rather have a cooler display than an extra week of work.

As for the price, in Russia such a bracelet costs about 4.5 thousand rubles, but in China it can be bought for 2.5 thousand rubles, which makes buying a Xiaomi bracelet even more pointless. By the way, don’t be afraid for the Russian language - after installing the application and connecting to the bracelet, the language will switch itself.

Watch bracelet: Xiaomi Amazfit Bip

If you liked the bracelet from the previous paragraph and are ready to spend 4.5 thousand rubles, then do not rush to order Honor. Perhaps a fitness bracelet in watch format is more suitable for you.

What's the matter: all the bracelets described in the article display the time and are worn instead of watches. However, they still look narrow and do not look like a watch. However, the Xiaomi company (more precisely, the Amazfit company, and Xiaomi only broadcasts its label from above) produces excellent fitness watches.

Essentially, this is the same Mi Band2 or 3 (they even have the same application), only with a square screen. These watches last a little over three weeks. Displays time, weather, number of steps and heart rate. They can display messages and vibrate for incoming calls. Thanks to its square screen, the text fits well on the screen and is clearly visible. Well, what’s especially nice is that the appearance of the screen can be easily changed, and there are literally thousands of such dials.

Alas, despite the similarity with a watch, this is still a fitness bracelet. With all the consequences. However, as practice shows, few people need the functionality of a fitness watch. But battery life is very important.

Therefore, at the moment, in the segment of entry-level smartwatches, there are generally no competitors to the Amazfit Bip. By the way, a little advice: if you are going to buy such a watch for a girl (or you yourself don’t mind the white color), then it is better to buy such a watch in white. The fact is that the features of the screen are such that white dials look prettier on the watch. Because white always remains white, and black light turns into gray when the backlight is on.

Good day, dear Muskovites.
Today's review will focus on Huawei's fitness bracelet - the Honor Band 3 model.
payment screen:

I myself am not new to using wearable electronics. My first acquaintance began with Sony Smartwatch back in 2013. Then I also had watches from Sony of the second () and third model. Last year I also became acquainted with Chinese smart watches.
For all their beauty, they had one major drawback - a weak battery (they had to be charged every day, and sometimes twice). Having made sure that autonomy is primarily important to me, I decided to pay attention to fitness bracelets with their monochrome screens.
So that I don’t get bombarded with “slippers” in the comments because of the incomparably high price of the device, I hasten to inform you at the beginning of the review that there are two versions of the bracelet. The first one is officially sold in Russia at a price of 2990 rubles (on Ali Express the price starts from 2000 rubles ($34)). The second version was developed for the Chinese domestic market and has an additional NFC module. Its cost on Ali starts at $46. It is the second version that I will introduce you to in this review.
The parcel reached me by Azerbaijani Post in just over three weeks in a regular package with a bubble wrap inside.

The Honor Band 3 is available with straps in three colors: black, blue and bright orange.

Packaging and accessories
The bracelet is supplied in a small plastic box with a transparent lid, through which you can see that the bracelet is fixed on a special ledge.

The description of the functions and characteristics of the bracelet on the box is almost entirely in Chinese.

It is also indicated on the packaging that this model has an NFC module.

The box also contains a snap-on charging module, a short micro-USB cable and instructions in Chinese.

Technical characteristics of Honor Band 3

Screen: 0.91 inches, black and white PMOLED 128x32, non-touch
Waterproof: Can be submerged to a depth of 50 meters
Battery: 100 mAh
Operating time: 10 days with constant heart rate tracking, 30 days without it
Full charge time: about 1 hour
Strap material: silicone
Available colors: blue, gray, orange
Connectivity: Bluetooth 4.2
Compatibility: Android, iOS
Functions: step counting, heart rate counting, sleep tracking, calories burned, running, swimming
Notifications: calls, SMS, smart alarm clock
Dimensions: 43x16.5x10.3 mm
Weight: 18 grams.

Huawei Honor Band 3 has a very compact and stylish design. It fits comfortably on your hand, you get used to it almost instantly.

The strap is silicone, quite thin and soft, with a pattern on the outer surface.

There are a lot of adjustment holes, so the strap will fit on any wrist. I especially liked the double latch. A simple rule works here: one fastener is good, but two are more reliable.

The design is monolithic, nothing can be removed or snapped off, which means it won’t get lost.

The manufacturer states that it is impossible to replace the strap on the bracelet and therefore does not sell original replacement straps separately. But once you unscrew a couple of screws, the strap can be easily removed from the main base.

And not original straps on Ali - “a dime a dozen.” There are silicone ones of different colors, leather and metal ones.

On the back of the case there is a heart rate sensor (HR) and contacts for connecting the charging cradle. On the sides of the contacts there are recesses for securing the cradle using “ears”.

The screen is not touchscreen. The only control element is a small round area under the screen itself. By touching it, you can scroll through information on the screen and wake it from sleep mode. In addition, you can set the screen to turn on automatically when you turn your wrist. At first glance, it seems that the screen of the Huawei Honor Band 3 occupies almost the entire front surface of the bracelet, but this is an illusion: most of the surface of the device, covered with transparent plastic, does not contain a screen as such . The length of the sides is approximately 24 × 6 mm). However, unless you look closely, it is impossible to notice. The software interface is made in such a way that the background is always black, so the eye does not see the real boundaries of the screen.

The main screen displays the time, Bluetooth connection status, charge level icon, date and day of the week, as well as the number of steps taken per day. By touching the touch area, you can switch the main functions of the bracelet.
Number of steps:





Compatibility and Synchronization
To use all the functions of the device without exception, you need to connect it to your smartphone via the Huawei Wear application. Honor Band 3 works with Android and iOS smartphones, synchronizing using Bluetooth 4.2.

Download the application, find Honor Band 3 among the accessories and connect.

Enter your data:

The application immediately prompted me to update the bracelet's firmware to the latest version.

Recommendation for wearing a bracelet on your hand.

According to reviews from some users, in their application you can additionally choose which hand to wear the bracelet on.
I don't have such a function in my application.
After all this, we get to the main menu of the application. It is available: Bluetooth connection status, bracelet charge (in 10% increments), number of steps, calories burned and distance traveled per day.

Proprietary function from Huawei - sleep monitoring(more on that a little later)

You can also turn on a notification - if you sit without moving for more than an hour, the bracelet vibrates and an animated “person” appears on the screen, inviting you to get up and move.
Present automatic heart rate monitoring function.I did not turn on this function, as it drains the bracelet's battery, but it will be useful for runners.

There is also smart alarm clock.You can select a wake-up time of up to 30 minutes. I will say that a smart alarm clock catches the sleep phase, and if it is not deep, then the clock wakes you up at a time that will be as close as possible to the time on the alarm clock. Set the time - 10,20, 30 minutes, and they will wake you up during this time before the alarm goes off. I've been using it for over a month. The vibration of the bracelet is not strong, but it always woke me up.

Do not disturb function.The display will not light up when you raise your hand, and you cannot receive calls. You can customize the schedule.

Bluetooth Broken Notification- connections with a smartphone.
Manage notifications. Here you can configure which applications you would like to receive notifications from and which not. The number of applications from which you can receive notifications on the bracelet is limited only by the memory of your smartphone!..

After connecting, notifications about incoming calls and SMS begin to arrive on the bracelet, and the call can be rejected directly from the bracelet. It is noteworthy that the gadget’s screen even displays information, for example, from whom the letter came or the call was missed. All notifications are accompanied by vibration.

Activate the screen when you raise your wrist, you can also scroll through the screens by turning your wrist.
Setting up functions. Here you can rearrange the order in which the additional five screens are displayed, or remove some of them altogether.

The Huawei Wear application is fully adapted (translated into Russian), works without glitches and freezes, but for sleep statistics, steps and workouts you need to install another proprietary application from Huawei - Healht (Health).

It presents step statistics (numbers, calories, distance in km). This section stores information by day, week and month, with averages calculated for each period.

The situation is similar with heart rate and sleep - there are convenient and understandable graphs with the necessary information.

There is also a workout mode in the Health app - you can count running, walking, cycling and treadmill. Depending on the type of sports activity, the program’s algorithms will calculate information differently. You can create your own plans, regimens and training goals. The application can develop running training plans to prepare for five- and ten-kilometer competitions, half-marathons and marathons. You set the date of the event, your best result at a given distance, the expected result, the number of training sessions - and you train.

The gadget can be synchronized with third-party services and send the collected data to the Health application (branded from Apple), Google Fit, UP by Jawbone and MyFitnessPal (calorie counter and nutrition diary). The list is small and there are not enough different running apps.

Just for fun, I started a workout - walking - and walked at a calm pace to the store and back. Here is the result displayed in the application.

You can also set the limits and pulse threshold in the application, after which the bracelet will notify you with vibration.

Before the New Year, I was able to test the bracelet in the pool.

In the “swimming” mode, the bracelet on the screen displays the standard time, the time from the start of the workout and the calories burned.

The bracelet passed the test perfectly. It is worth considering that I alternated the pool with visits to the hammam and steam room.

Photo (not mine) of how the bracelet looks on the hand in comparison with Xiaomi Mi Band 2.

I don’t dare compare these two bracelets, since I have no experience in owning bracelets from Xaomi. But according to reviews from the owners of both gadgets from the w3bsit3-dns.com forum, they prefer the bracelet from Huawei.
The manufacturer promises up to a month of battery life. But I tested the operation on a single charge under different conditions.
If constant heart rate monitoring (24 hours) is turned on on the bracelet, the bracelet will live on a single charge for 10-14 days.
If I turn off this measurement (while leaving notifications), the gadget lasted 23 days. I think that if I turn it off
Activating the screen when you turn your wrist - it will last a month on one charge.
Perhaps the main quality of Huawei Honor Band 3 is the display of notifications with very long battery life. In addition, you can note heart rate measurement, full moisture protection, a training mode (including in the pool) and a smart alarm clock.
At the end of the review, I would like to warn everyone who wants to buy this gadget for themselves. Don’t make the same mistake as me - don’t buy the version of the bracelet with NFC. Firstly, it is more expensive than the regular version. Secondly, as it turned out, NFC on this bracelet only works in China (and not everywhere - currently supported only in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen).
All the best...
P/S. Judging by the fact that most of the comments are not devoted to discussing the hero of the review, but only about the big difference in price between Huawei Honor Band 3 and Xiaomi Mi Band 2, I hasten to report that it is not that great. If you take the minimum price on AliExpress for these two bracelets - then it will be only 9 bucks. Xiaomi Mi Band 2 (24) and Huawei Honor Band 3 (33) dollars.
Yes, and - Alternative (French alternative, from Latin alternatus - other) - the need to choose one of two or more mutually exclusive possibilities, as well as each of these possibilities.

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If you are interested in news from the world of gadgets and are a fan of the products of the Chinese company Xiaomi, then you have probably heard more than once the news that in April 2017 the company will introduce a new smartphone Mi 6, and along with it will be released a new, improved version of a fitness tracker called Xiaomi Mi Band 3. So, the smartphone has been out for a long time, and you can even read a review of it, but almost nothing has been heard about the new fitness tracker, although the presentation took place a long time ago. But at the beginning of August, Western media again started talking about the imminent release of the accessory - the release date and start of sales is scheduled for September. What is this model, and should we expect its release at all? Let's find out.

Having studied many Western and domestic sources of information about Xiaomi Mi Band 3, we came to the conclusion that the new product will not be radically different from its predecessors, and, most likely, will be called Mi Band 2S, as an improved version of the 2nd model. But what will change? To the delight of many users, the Xiaomi Mi Band 3 bracelet will integrate a real-time heart rate measurement function. The Mi Band 2 model did not have it: the user first had to stop, then firmly attach the bracelet to the wrist, raise his hand to chest level and then press the special button that is responsible for this function. A lot of hassle, especially if you, for example, work out in the gym or run and want to regularly track your heart rate - the new product will allow you to do this without any problems.

What changes will be in the new product?

In addition to the real-time heart rate tracking function, the new product will be equipped with an updated heart rate sensor, which works completely differently from previous models - this will allow you not to stop during exercise in order to measure your pulse.

Unfortunately or fortunately, not a single photo of the new product leaked onto the World Wide Web. Most likely, the smart fitness tracker will remain the same in appearance as the Mi Band 2 - a small display with a button and a stylish rubber wrist strap. There is also no news about the price yet, but we think that immediately after the release of the model, the price of the Mi Band smart bracelet will be significantly higher than for previous gadgets - about $35.

As for the functional and technical characteristics of the bracelet, their manufacturer chose to keep this a secret, thereby fueling interest in the new product. The only known fact is that Mi Band 3 (2S), just like Mi Band 2, will notify the user of incoming SMS messages and calls via vibration. But this function, as you know, was in the very first version of the accessory, so we didn’t learn anything new here. Also standard here will be a clock and a pedometer - which, in fact, are the main functions of the tracker.

In general, we can only guess what new features Xiaomi will equip its new device with. Well, in addition, we advise you to compare different models of bracelets, for example, Honor Band 3 vs Xiaomi Mi Band 2 - the latest news suggests that these are two really worthy competitors. We are sure that everyone will find advantages in them!
