Unlimited Internet on Tele2 for 300 rubles. How to connect or disconnect unlimited Internet on Tele2. Roaming: using unlimited Internet when traveling around the country and the world

Unlimited Internet on Tele2 for 300 rubles. How to connect or disconnect unlimited Internet on Tele2. Roaming: using unlimited Internet when traveling around the country and the world

Mobile operator Tele2 is famous for its accessibility. Prices for both communications and Internet from this operator have always been low. At the same time, the quality of communication remains decent, in no way inferior to other mobile giants. And for its subscribers, the provider offers several tariff options related to access to the worldwide network.

Mobile Internet from the Tele2 operator is divided into several connected options with a certain amount of traffic. This operator, like the others, no longer has full unlimited service. When other providers were actively returning to per-megabyte pricing from unlimited tariffs, this one held on almost to the last. In the spring of 2017, everything changed. The “Black” tariff line, which included completely unlimited Internet options, was closed to new connections.

Certain options for accessing the network are limited to a certain number of gigabytes provided. But they work throughout Russia (Crimea and Sevastopol are exceptions), roaming does not apply to it. Once the available traffic is completely consumed, the mobile network connection is turned off, rather than limiting its speed to the minimum. Conditionally free options are provided in the new comprehensive tariff line “My” - traffic is not taken into account when the user visits popular social networks.

The subscription fee for using the services is charged once upon connection, and then after thirty calendar days. There is no connection to a specific date, but if there is not enough money on the card to write off, there will be no connection until the balance is topped up with the required amount. If the provided gigabytes are not enough for the paid period, you can always purchase an additional one-time package.

Internet tariffs

Prices and conditions are relevant for Moscow and the region. Options and conditions may vary slightly in other regions. Tariffs that include gigabyte packages and access to the World Wide Web:

  • My Tele2 (7 r/day).
  • My Conversation (199 rubles per month).
  • My Online (399 RUR/month).
  • My Online + (799 rubles per month).
  • Internet for devices (no subscription fee).

With the “My Tele2” tariff, the subscription fee is debited daily, at 8 rubles per day. On it the user receives 5 GB. At the same time, when working with social services (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook), as well as some instant messengers, traffic is not taken into account. That is, you can stay on your favorite social network as long as you want, but when using other applications that need access, megabytes from the package are consumed. Any unspent amount is carried over to the next month rather than burned out.

With the “My Conversation” tariff you receive 2 GB of network traffic. The transfer of unused megabytes to the next month is valid, but social networks and instant messengers are paid for. This option is more suitable for calls. But “My Online” (10 GB) and “My Online +” (20 GB), on the contrary, are ideal for working from both a smartphone, a tablet and even a modem. Traffic on social networks is not taken into account; unused traffic is carried over to the next month.

The “Internet for Devices” tariff is not included in the “My” line. It does not require a subscription fee; you only pay for the amount of traffic used. In Moscow it is 1.8 rubles per 1 MB. Access is only possible within the home region.

Internet packages

The following tariff options for accessing the World Wide Web from the operator are available for connection:

  • Internet package (299 RUR/month).
  • Internet portfolio (599 RUR/month).
  • Internet suitcase (899 RUR/month).

The “Package” option gives 7 GB of traffic for a period of 30 days. The option can simply be additionally connected to any other tariff, with the exception of those that already offer packages. The function will compete with the “My” line, as well as with the “Modem” tariff. Valid throughout Russia without additional roaming. The conditions for “Portfolio” and “Suitcase” are the same. They differ only in the amount of traffic. For the “Briefcase” it is 15 GB, and for the “Suitcase” it is 30 GB. Prices and traffic amounts may vary by region.

Internet from Tele2 for 4G modems and routers

The mobile operator supports 3G and LTE (4G) coverage networks. This means that on smartphones and tablets with 4G, everything will work on LTE networks (exclusively in coverage areas). The company also has its own routers and modems for 4G that work with provider SIM cards.

A 4G modem from Tele2 costs 2,490 rubles. Works exclusively with the operator's SIM card, locked to it. Maximum data transfer speed up to 100 MB/second. The 4G router is also locked to the operator’s SIM card; up to 10 devices can be connected to it via Wi-Fi. It will cost 3190 rubles. The user chooses the tariff option independently. For routers and modems, it is recommended to install a basic tariff without a subscription fee, and on top of it include a service of 7, 15 or 30 GB per month. You should choose the amount of traffic depending on your needs.

Unlimited Internet connection from Tele2

It has become impossible to connect to completely unlimited Internet from an operator since April 2017. The conditions for tariffs closed to new connections remain unchanged, but it is no longer possible to switch to unlimited network access from this provider. Only options with traffic packages.

To activate a tariff or option, you need an operator SIM card registered to you and active. To work with 4G networks, you should first check whether your card supports them. If not, then at the operator’s office it can be replaced with a new one with the same number. Changing the tariff plan or connecting to the service can be done through the office, using a USSD command or calling the contact center.

In a relatively short period of time, the Tele2 operator has firmly established itself in the main four popular mobile operators in Moscow and Russia.

This happened largely due to the flexible and competitive range of tariffs, the combination of services and prices in which are budget-friendly while maintaining the quality of services.

All tariff plans can be roughly divided into 2 classes:

  • with subscription fee
  • no monthly fee.

Tele2 tariffs without monthly fee

There is one basic tariff with payment as you use services: calls, SMS, Internet traffic - Tariff Classic.

This tariff plan is suitable for people who rarely use cellular communications or make calls and SMS only “on business” in limited quantities. In addition, this is an excellent tariff for pensioners - you can call your parents yourself and they will not spend extra money on communication.

This is the smallest line of tariffs; by default, there are no pre-installed services and options; if necessary, by connecting certain options, you can independently concentrate the tariff plan to suit your individual characteristics.

Tele2 tariffs with subscription payment

Package offers are the most profitable way to get the required volume and quantity of services: minutes, SMS, Internet traffic, without additional costs, for a fixed amount per month. The range of tariff plans with subscription fees in Tele2 is the most diverse, including:

  • My Tele2 - 7₽/day
  • My conversation - 200₽/month
  • My online - 400₽/month
  • My online plus - 700₽/month
  • My unlimited - 500₽/month

The cost of the offered packages varies depending on the number of minutes and traffic in GB. The line will be of interest to both ordinary subscribers and certain classes: executives and managers, students, workers, retirees. Everyone will be able to individually choose a set of service packages for themselves and appreciate the convenience of using Tele2 tariffs.

  • 210
  • Tele2 tariff "My Conversation" in Moscow and the Moscow region

  • Tele2 tariff "My Online" in Moscow and the Moscow region

  • Tele2 tariff "My Unlimited" in Moscow and the Moscow region

  • Tele2 "Premium" tariff in Moscow and the Moscow region

  • Tele2 tariff "My Online Plus" in Moscow and the Moscow region


The most profitable Tele2 tariff plans in 2019

Separately, I would like to dwell on the operator’s offers, which allow you to save as much as possible on mobile communications and get the most from the operator’s services for less money. Essentially, this is a list of the cheapest and most effective tariffs at the same time.

The most inexpensive, but with a large number of restrictions and reservations, is the “Classic” tariff - if you spend at least a month on calls or mostly incoming calls, and the use of SMS and the Internet is generally not required - this is the tariff for you.

The second advantageous tariff can be recognized - “My Conversation”, when paying only 199 rubles per month, it offers subscribers

  • up to 200 minutes to other operators within the home region,
  • unlimited calls within the network throughout Russia
  • 2 GB internet
  • unlimited on social networks.

Distinctive features of new tariffs from Tele2

The main option that gives a significant advantage is unlimited use of social networks and instant messengers.

All tariff plans with a subscription fee, except for My Tele2 and My Conversation, regardless of the size of the traffic limit, allow you to spend hours on social networks, WhatsApp, Viber and Tam Tam. In addition, a number of tariffs support free traffic in the Tele2 TV and Zvooq mobile applications.

Internet tariffs Tele2

Basic tariff offers allow you to do without additional Internet packages, so if you need Internet tariffs, for the most part they are suitable for use in a 3G and 4G LTE modem for a computer and laptop. Minimum tariff - “7 GB” 299 ₽ /month will allow you to meet your needs for surfing and communicating on social networks.

Unused Internet traffic, regardless of the tariff, goes to the next tariff.

Maximum tariff 50 GB - 999 ₽ /month, will allow you to use the Internet both for surfing and watching movies and games, including the popular Word of Tanks, Warcraft World, etc.

For residents of the Moscow region there is an offer from Skylink including unlimited tariff Skylink XL (unlimited) - 1190 rub./month

As a rule, options with GB of traffic are connected to the general “intermediate” tariff “Internet for devices” without a subscription fee.

Archived tariffs, comparison with current ones

Over the past year, the line of tariff offers of the Tele2 operator has undergone significant changes, a number of tariffs ceased to exist altogether, and new options, even despite a slight increase in the price of services, remained profitable and interesting to subscribers.

Until 2017, the following tariff plans existed:

  • Orange 04_2016
  • Very black - 399₽/month
  • Very black 04_2016 - 349₽/month
  • The blackest - 599₽/month
  • Super black - 1199₽/month
  • Black - 199₽/month
  • Black 04_2016 - 149₽/month

Let's try to compare the new tariffs with the old ones and determine how beneficial the updated line is for old subscribers of the Tele2 network.

Tariff nameFree minutesTrafficPrice per month
My TeleUnlimited on Tele6 GB270 rub.
150 minutes2 GB199 rub.
400 minutes10 GB399 rub.
800 minutes15GB499 rub.
Black 200 minutes0.5 GB99 rub.
The most black550 minutes5 GB299 rub.
Super black1100 minutes6 GB499 rub.

A simple way of comparison can be determined that the weakest link in the new line is only the minimum cost, it has increased by 2 times (the black tariff cost only 99 rubles), but the cost of Internet traffic and roaming in Russia was profitably optimized.

Users of the “Black” tariff, on the one hand, may not find a suitable alternative for themselves, on the other hand, some subscribers may be satisfied with the “My Conversation” tariff, which for a small fee of 100 rubles. from above to the old tariff date there are much greater opportunities and advantages.

Tariffs for pensioners and students

These categories of citizens are the least financially protected in the Russian Federation; in choosing a tariff plan, we relied primarily on low cost and a set of suitable offers for a particular class of subscribers.


As a rule, Internet access is not of decisive importance for most; in this case, we offer a choice of tariffs only for calls. The Classic tariff allows you to save significantly in case of rare outgoing calls and mainly using incoming ones - call your parents, they will appreciate it!


Having a small source of income and a huge need for communication and using the Internet for educational purposes, students should pay attention to the “My Conversation” tariff. 2 GB of Internet is more than enough to surf the Internet, and unlimited social networks will allow you to communicate without restrictions for a month per flight for only 199 rubles. In addition, 200 minutes to different operators and unlimited calls on Tele2 will be a definite plus.

If your requests in the Internet limit are much higher, pay attention to the My Online tariff - 12 GB of traffic will allow you to hang up frequently, incl. and on YouTube, but the price is 2 times more expensive.

Tele2 corporate tariffs

In addition to offers for ordinary subscribers, the Tele2 operator has tariff schedules for companies, entrepreneurs and large corporations. If necessary, you can use the favorable offers of the Tele2 operator not only for personal purposes, but also in the office or for your employees.

Tariffs for companies include 5 main offers, excluding services:

  • Sigma - 200₽/month
  • Gamma - 350₽/month
  • Beta - 450₽/month
  • Alpha - 650₽/month
  • Internet for devices - 299₽/month

Despite the type of activity, business tariffs are distinguished by affordable prices; minimum offers start from only 200 rubles, while offering 300 minutes, 300 SMS and 1 GB of traffic for mail and surfing the Internet.

All Tele2 Moscow tariffs

Tariff selection Show all 7 Results


Your region



  • Internet tariff for Tele2 devices in Moscow and the Moscow region

  • Tariff "My Tele2" in Moscow and the Moscow region


More and more users are choosing the mobile provider Tele2 because they are attracted by convenient tariff plans, new pricing policies and transferring the balance of all services to a new reporting period. All this is achieved by installing new transmitting stations of the new generation of 3 or 4G technology, and all modern mobile devices already have a built-in module capable of operating in new conditions for receiving a high-speed communication line. Therefore, it is important for many to decide on the choice of one or another service package offered by Tele2, and our review will help you make the right choice.

What does the mobile operator offer to its customers, and what Tele2 Internet tariffs are in effect today?

Most tariff plans already include some traffic; the price of the issue lies in the cost of services. Therefore, we will start the review with offers for smartphones, and find out which Tele2 mobile Internet is needed specifically for your needs.

It’s worth mentioning right away that you can only take advantage of the best offers within the provider’s coverage network, but in remote areas there is a possibility of poor or complete absence of signal, so you should first decide on the coverage area.

The mobile operator offers a line of “Black” tariffs for the Internet, which may differ in the amount of allocated traffic.


It will be useful for not very active users who need to make calls and send SMS messages, as well as view correspondence on a social network or email.

It includes:

  • 2 GB of traffic at high speed;
  • Unlimited communication with Tele2 network subscribers;
  • 200 minutes are allocated for voice communication with subscribers of other networks;
  • You can send up to 200 SMS messages for free;
  • The provider allows you to use free traffic in the Tele2 Zvooq application;
  • The cost of the package is 199 rubles/month;
  • Unused minutes, SMS and traffic are transferred to a new reporting period.

More detailed information can be obtained by phone. 630.

To switch to the Internet tariff, dial the combination * 630 * 1 # and send a request using the voice call button.

"Very Black"

  • The cost of the package is 399 rubles;
  • Available for 500 min. for voice communication and 500 SMS;
  • The option will work in all Russian regions without switching to the roaming option.

Balance transfer is available, free traffic in special applications from the provider. You can obtain additional information from the operator by phone. 630.

To activate a new option, dial * 630 * 2 # and send the request using the voice call button.

"The most black"

This offer is currently available only to clients in Moscow and the region, but the operator promises to soon expand its coverage area.

The package includes:

  • Internet traffic 10 GB;
  • 1,000 min allocated. for voice communication and the same number of free SMS;
  • Free communication with network subscribers after the allocated limit is exhausted and unlimited Internet use in the Tele2 TV or Zvooq application;
  • Cost 599 rub./month.
  • The entire balance will be carried forward to the next reporting period.

Help is available by calling 630.

To switch to the tariff, use the command * 630 * 3 # and the voice call button. The option will be activated almost instantly.

"Super Black"

This offer will be relevant for those users who need to organize video conferences or distance learning, so it includes:

  • Traffic per Internet connection – 15 GB;
  • Number of minutes and messages – 2,000 each;
  • Communication with network subscribers is not charged; the option is available in any region of Russia where 3G or 4G lines operate.

All other operator offers are also valid for this option.

To switch to a new line, dial the combination * 630 * 4 # and send a request using the dial button. The operator will enable the option if there are sufficient funds on the balance of the mobile device.

Draw your attention to! You can connect any of the considered provider offers from the network subscriber’s personal account.

Other Internet offers

There is good news for those customers who live in areas where there are no new stations with modern equipment yet. You can simply use an additional connection, either the Internet from Phone service or Opera Mini. The client will be charged a daily fee for use.

"Internet from phone"

The subscriber will have the opportunity to access the World Wide Web from any Internet browser, and pay only for the traffic that was involved.


  • Dial the characters * 155 * 151 # and send a request using the dial button;
  • Use the provider's subscriber's account page in the "Services" section, from there you need to go to settings and enable the "Packages and Discounts" functionality;
  • By contacting the operator at 611, the automatic advisor will tell you the procedure;
  • Contact the operator's sales point.

Features of the “Opera Mini Unlimited” functionality

To use the Internet using this method, you should install the application from your device’s store, it is available at the following addresses:

  • For gadgets from Apple - ;
  • For Android OS - ;
  • The version is also available from the official website of the application developer.

Then you should activate the service. This can be done in one of the following ways:

  • From your personal account page of a network subscriber;
  • By sending a request using the symbol combination * 149 * 1 #, and press the dial button;
  • To disable the unlimited Internet function, dial * 149 * 0 # and the dial button.

Connection feature

When the option is first activated, the client will be charged the cost of the service according to your tariff, then payment will be made each time he enters the world space. More detailed information can be obtained from the operator by calling 630.

All traffic received will be free if the user uses only the “Unlimited Opera Mini” software, but if the user downloads large volumes from third-party resources, then tariffs will be charged according to the terms of the service package provided.

Connection for clients in the Moscow and Leningrad region is carried out by the command * 155 * 151 # and the dial button. Moreover, this option will not cost Muscovites anything, but residents of St. Petersburg and nearby regions will have to pay 10 rubles for the first connection.

Upon re-activation, the cost for all subscribers will be 20 rubles.

You can disable it with the command * 155 * 150 #, or from your personal account page.

Internet access via different devices

Opera Mini's unlimited option is also suitable for tablet computers, but the user can choose other functionality. The provider offers the following:

  • Purchase packages with traffic of 7 GB, 15 GB, 30 GB at a price of 299 rubles, 599 rubles. and 899 rubles, for the Moscow region, and the amount will be written off upon first connection and will end at the end of the reporting period. A SIM card with this functionality is suitable for a modem or router that will supply traffic to a home computer or laptop.
  • For residents of St. Petersburg and the region, the tariffs are different - they have access to 5 GB for 250 rubles, 15 for 350, and 30 for 450 rubles per month.

Also, residents of this region can take advantage of an interesting offer from the provider; they are provided with the “Internet Ticket” service, by which they can choose the option of access for 24 hours. 3 or 7 days for 7, 10 or 20 rubles, depending on the chosen service.

Probably every active network user wants to get unlimited Internet on Tele2, but not everyone knows how to connect to it. From this article you will find out whether there is unlimited mobile Internet without traffic and speed limits on Tele2 and how you can use it.

How to connect unlimited Internet on Tele2

Let's get straight to the point and look at all the operator's available offers that will help you stay online and use traffic for all your needs!

Tariff "Unlimited"

Completely unlimited Tele2 Internet in Russia is available on the “Unlimited” tariff. Here are its characteristics:

  • Unlimited calls to Tele2 subscribers
  • 500 minutes for other operators
  • Unlimited Internet
  • 50 SMS
  • Cost: 600 rubles per month.

You can activate the “Unlimited” tariff using the command *630*15#

The photo shows additional services included in this tariff plan:

Also, there are several very interesting options with the possibility of partial unlimited network connection. We present them all here, and you can choose the ones that really interest you.

Unlimited on instant messengers and social networks

Some Tele2 tariffs make it possible to use most social networks. This means that all your communication, for example, in Viber or Odnoklassniki, will not be charged, except for those cases when you follow a link from the messenger to some resource. The same applies to social networks.

When you connect the option, you will have access to the Viber, WhatsApp and TamTam instant messengers, as well as the social networks VKontakte, Facebook and Odnoklassniki.

Here are the favorable tariffs for unlimited Internet for instant messengers and social networks from Tele2:

Opera mini

If you enable this option, then all the traffic you spend will not be charged, regardless of what exactly you are doing - reading the news, watching movies or chatting with friends. At the same time, all other actions outside this browser, such as viewing mail, downloading files or using other mobile applications, will be charged according to the tariff plan or connected options.

  • How much does unlimited internet cost on Opera mini Tele2 - 5 rubles per day
  • How to connect - *155*11#
  • How to disable - *155*10#

All modern models of mobile devices have the ability to connect to the global network via 2G, 3G and 4G technologies. But for high-speed and cost-effective access to the network, you need to connect a special traffic package. Most tariff plans of mobile operators already include a package with traffic, however, on tariffs without a monthly fee or if there is a lack of accrued traffic according to the tariff, it is necessary to connect additional Internet options. In this article we will talk about how to connect the Internet to Tele2, what Internet options Tele2 has and what their cost is.

Methods for activating Internet options on Tele2

You can connect mobile Internet to your Tele2 number using several methods:

  1. By typing and sending the USSD code,
  2. By visiting your personal account,
  3. Through the mobile application,
  4. By calling the Call Center,
  5. At the company office.

The most common activation method is to send a USSD code. This method is preferred by many subscribers because it takes less time compared to other methods. Sending a command is free of charge. The fee is charged only for connecting the selected service, if the connection is paid, and for its provision (subscription fee for the service).

Commands for connecting Internet options

Each Internet option has its own connection code. Below we provide a list of options and commands for activating them, as well as viewing the status.

Option "50 GB"

This is the package with the largest amount of traffic in the line of Internet options of Tele2. This package also adds unlimited access to the network at night to the basic traffic. Moreover, the remaining traffic can be transferred to the next month. The cost of the package is 999 rubles/month. Connection: *155*701#. Activity check: *155*70#. Disconnection: *155*700#.

Option "20 GB"

This is the second largest traffic package in the Tele2 line with unlimited Internet at night. There is also the possibility of transferring balances to another month. Cost – 699 RUR/month. Connection: *155*691#. Activity check: *155*69#. Disable: *155*690#.

Option "15 GB"

To this amount of traffic is also added, as in previous options, the ability to use the “Tele2 TV” and “Sound” services for free and without restrictions. The remaining Internet traffic is transferred to another month, but at night the same conditions for using the network apply as during the day (no unlimited). Cost – 499 RUR/month. Connection: *155*671#. Status check: *155*67#. Disconnection: *155*670#.

Option "7 GB"

The smallest amount of traffic without a night limit, but with the ability to use the “Tele2 TV” and “Sound” services in unlimited mode for free and with the ability to transfer the remaining traffic to the next month. Cost – 299 RUR/month. Connection: *155*681#. Status check: *155*68#. Disable: *155*680#.

"A lot of Internet"

The service is connected in addition to the main traffic according to the tariff. Unlimited Internet is provided at a cost of 200 rubles/month. Available for activation only on the “My Online+”, “Superblack”, “My Online 042018”, “Premium” tariff plans. On the latest TP, the subscription fee for the service will be only 100 rubles per month. The service can be activated both on a mobile device and on a tablet, but distributing traffic via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or USB is prohibited. Connection: *155*105*1#. Activity check: *155*105#. Shutdown: *155*105*0#.

Commands for connecting Internet services to save money

"Unlimited Internet in Crimea"

Cost – 300 rubles per day. There is no activation fee. Upon activation of the service, unlimited Internet is provided in the territory of Crimea. The service works on all tariff plans. Connection: *143*51#. Status check: *143*5#. Shutdown: *143*50#.

"Day on the Internet"

Traffic is provided at a cost of 20 rubles/day for one day only. Then, every day, 20 rubles will be debited from the account and new traffic of 300 MB will be added. The initial connection is free. After disconnection, secondary activation will be 50 rubles. The service is not compatible with other Internet options. If this volume is not enough and 300 MB runs out before the end of the day, then the next package will be connected automatically on the same day. In this way, up to five packages per day can be connected. At the end of the fifth package, additional traffic will need to be activated independently. Activation: *155*161#. Check: *155*16#. Deactivation: *155*160#.

"Internet from phone"

For 7 rubles per day you will be provided with a 100 MB package for one day. Primary connection is free, secondary connection – 20 rubles. The conditions for compatibility and accrual of additional packages after the end of the main one are the same as in the previous sentence. Activation: *155*151#. Check: *155*15#. Deactivation: *155*150#.

"Unlimited Opera Mini"

For 4.50 rubles per day you can use the Opera Mini browser without restrictions. This option is ideal if you read a lot of news through your browser, view various pages, etc. When downloading files or using mobile applications, traffic is paid according to the terms of the established tariff. Activation: *155*11#. Deactivation: *155*10#. The service is not valid in the Crimea and Sevastopol. The function is compatible with all tariff plans.

"Plus navigation"

Unlimited access to the navigator and maps “Yandex.Maps”, “Yandex.Navigator”, “Yandex.Transport” for only 2.50 rubles/day. The first activation is free, subsequent activations are 2.50 rubles. The function is not available in the Crimea and Sevastopol. Connection: *155*531#. Check: *155*53#. Shutdown: *155*530#.

"Plus messengers"

For 2 rubles a day you will get unlimited access to such popular instant messengers as Viber, WhatsApp, TamTam. The function does not work in the territory of Norilsk, Magadan region, Jewish Autonomous Okrug, Kamchatka Territory, and special tariffs apply in Sevastopol and Crimea. Connection: *155*521#. View status: *155*52#. Deactivation: *155*520#.

"My acquaintances"

For 2 rubles/day you will get unlimited access to the dating services “Mamba.ru”, “Teamo.ru”, “Love.mail.ru”, “Fotostrana”. Traffic from Internet packages is not consumed during communication on these resources. The function does not work in the territory of Crimea, Sevastopol, Taimyr Autonomous Okrug. Activation: *155*931#. View connection: *155*93#. Deactivation: *155*930#.

Such Internet services as “Internet Suitcase”, “Internet Portfolio” and “Internet Package” are currently unavailable for transfer due to transfer to the archive.

Commands for connecting additional traffic on Tele2

If the main traffic ends ahead of schedule, then to be able to use the global network, you can activate the following options that are compatible with the main Internet package on the Tele2 tariff:

  1. “5 GB” for 250 rubles for 30 days. Connection: *155*231#. View status: *155*23#. Delete option: *155*230#.
  2. “3 GB” for 150 rubles for 30 days. Connection: *155*181#. View status: *155*18#. Delete: *155*180#.
  3. “500 MB” for 50 rubles for 1 day. Connection: *155*171#. View: *155*17#. Delete: *155*170#.
  4. “100 MB” for 15 rubles for 1 day. Connection: *155*281#. View: *155*28#. Delete: *155*280#.
  5. “More” for 50 rubles (activation cost). Another 500 MB will be added to the main traffic. Once the feature is added, it will be turned on automatically every time your main package is exhausted, and there are still more than two days left until the end of the new billing period. Up to 5 such packages can be activated per day. The remainder of the traffic provided by the “More” service is not transferred. The service does not work in Crimea and Sevastopol. Activation: *155*412*1#. View status: *155*412#. Deactivation: *155*412*0#.

Attention! All prices are indicated for subscribers in Moscow and the Moscow region. To obtain information about prices in other regions of the Russian Federation, use the official Tele2 website or the 611 help desk.

Other ways to connect Internet options on Tele2

You can add various options aimed at adding/extending the Internet not only using USSD combinations, but also by other methods:

  1. In your Personal Account. Go to your personal account through the company's official website. Log in using your phone number and access code (if you don’t have one, you can request the code via SMS). On the main page, select the “Tariffs and Services” section. In the list you will see all activated and non-activated options. Here you can either delete an activated service or add a new one by scrolling the video to the “Enable” position.
  2. In the mobile application "My Tele2". Open the application and go to the “Services” section, select the desired function and install it.
  3. Call the help center at 611. Calls from Tele2 are free. You can listen to information about existing offers using the auto-informer. By pressing the corresponding number, you can add the desired function. If you couldn’t figure it out on your own, then switch to an operator who will help you choose a suitable offer and activate it.
  4. Contact the company office. Take your passport with you as the officer will ask you to verify your identity. Next, the employee will also select a suitable offer and activate it.

You can find out how to turn off the Internet on Tele2 completely or remove unwanted Internet options.
